CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

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One question.......Is it Wednesday yet?!?!

That promo looks really good :D And im lookin forward to seeing if its better than the Miami episode where Calleigh was held hostage [Im not saying it was a bad ep ;)] I love Mac drama and I hope we get a little bit of rambo Stella next week :D

I must admit I am looking forward to it as well. I am really looking for some great Flack moments I want a little more from Flack than just standing outside and waiting. The same goes for Stella. Being a Mac fan I am hoping for some interesting Mac drama as well :)

Is Adam listed as being in this ep cause I need an Adam fix?

I'm thinking that the whole thing with Mac being taken hostage is just a smoke-screen or red herring as far as the cliffhanger goes. Or the cliffhanger could possibly be something as cheesy as Danny proposing and us not knowing Lindsay's answer until next season.

OMG NOOOOOOOOO :guffaw:If they did that I would fly over and shoot the damn writers.
If Danny says the L-word or proposes, I'll buy a giant get-well-soon card and mail it to the writers because clearly they would have been ailing in some painful way at the time to have written that. :p

Is Adam listed as being in this ep cause I need an Adam fix?
AJ definitely filmed for the finale, so hopefully he'll be there. :D You can't go by the damn press releases since they list him even when he's not there. *sigh*

Sushie_Shuakhwe said:

You know, we could totally turn that into a Chuck Norris thing here.
That...is awesome. :lol:
I finally saw the promo, it looks OK. The music used reminded me of Black Hawk Down :lol: I'm not so excited about the supposed cliffhanger, if it involves Mac, he'll be fine.

Well, yay for Adam! If I remember correctly, several weeks ago it was said that he will be in the lab with Hawkes? Does that mean that there is Hawkes too? That is too much :lol:

I am praying to God that the DL scenes will be as short and as quick as possible, because they will be there, but if they're short the finale might still be saved. It didn't air yet, but I will venture to say that Snow Day is better :D
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Mac Taylor ejaculates C-4 explosives and uses his manly emissions to eliminate IRA splinter groups.

Some say that if you hold a seashell to your ear you can hear the ocean. If however, you were to hold the shoe of Mac Taylor to your ear, you would hear a thousand years' worth of screaming murderers and psychos.

Mac Taylor is listed on the New York stock exchange.

Mac Taylor does not sleep. He waits.

Mac Taylor doesn't cheat death. He wins fair and square.

And hurray for Adam being in the finale! :D That guy PWNs all.
I think spoilers are playing tricks with us.

At the beginning i thought it could be my lovely Stella who suffers the "emotional turn".
Let's keep it as just a beautiful dream
Now i think it could be Mac who doesn't believe the bank robber and suddenly he changes his mind and wants to prove he is innocent of the murder
The other character suffering an emotional change could be the bank robber for whatever reason

Again' i keep my hope will be Stella (i'm addict of CTV's promos and i loved how she asked "Where is Mac". Meanwhile in the CBS she is Rambo Stella again :D

Debbie :D
What I don’t understand is why does it seem like all the finale of CSI: NY always revolves around Mac? I know Mac is the “hero” of the show, the main character (in a way) but its getting kind of annoying that Mac is the focus of every finale. Now I know in the season 3 finale Danny and Adam had a big part but still Mac’s story line was the bigger story in that episode. The A story while Danny/Adam were the B story. I don’t think for a second if you had Stella, Danny or even Flack having to prove the bank robbers innocence the story would be any less intense or heart pounding.

Another problem with Mac always being the focus you can’t really have a cliff hanger that would involve him and make it something that fans talk about all summer, because they can not kill Mac so if the show ending with a gun to Mac head or even if he were to get shot or injuried in any way we all know he will be fine come September so it doesn’t bring you into the next season like cliff hangers are supposed to. Even though they can’t/wouldn’t kill Danny, Stella or Flack I still think it would be more of a shocking moment and something that would keep you wondering until the season premiere if they were to get shot or injured in some way. I know for me personal at the end of S3 I was wondering all summer about Danny injuries and how they were going to deal with them, obviously they just chose not to deal with them at all, but it was Danny story line that drew me into next season not Mac. And in S2 it was Flack injuries that kept me wondering all summer. Not Mac. I just hope that 1) the cliffhanger is good, and 2) that it involves another character.

I have to say I first thought since the case is about a bank robbery that the cliff hanger would be something that was completely unrelated to the case, something that maybe would kick off the story line of season 5 episode 1 and I have to say I hope I am right.
In all fairness, the Mac cliffhanger could most likely be something other than his life being in danger or his life hanging in the balance. It's just that the way the TV Guide blurb made it sound like that's what it could be. Hopefully Mr. Lenkov was being purposely misleading, because I would think TPTB would realize that people aren't going to seriously believe Mac's life would be in danger.

As for the Drama Llama, well, if it's something over the top like Danny declaring his love for his Montana, then they might as well stick a fork in the Danny character because he's not just done he's over done. I'm thinking it will be less dramatic than that, though. TPTB seem content to just screw with Danny's character without totally destroying it.
Maybe the cliffhanger has to do with Mac re-thinking his career. With Reed being hurt and all the political backlash he's been feeling from the higher-ups, maybe the hostage situation goes wrong in the bank so Mac decides it's time for him to step down. He obviously wouldn't leave the lab all together, but maybe he gives up being the head. Just a thought.
Or maybe Mac gets disciplined/demoted for going into the bank without authorization. Jordan has already threatened his career(in response to the lack of progress in the cabbie kiler case)so maybe, on the mayor's orders, she follows through. Maybe Quinn steps into Mac's position.
Or maybe Mac gets disciplined/demoted for going into the bank without authorization. Jordan has already threatened his career(in response to the lack of progress in the cabbie kiler case)so maybe, on the mayor's orders, she follows through. Maybe Quinn steps into Mac's position.
That might be a very interesting story line -- if it were done well without it being overly dramatized and if didn't overtake the show. Because, while I do like the character involvement on this show and not following protocol or orders should have consequences, ultimately I want good cases and good team work as the basis for all the episodes.

Also, would a story line like this be too reminiscent of the Las Vegas story where the team was split up??
Maybe the cliffhanger has to do with Mac re-thinking his career. With Reed being hurt and all the political backlash he's been feeling from the higher-ups, maybe the hostage situation goes wrong in the bank so Mac decides it's time for him to step down. He obviously wouldn't leave the lab all together, but maybe he gives up being the head. Just a thought.

Or maybe Mac gets disciplined/demoted for going into the bank without authorization. Jordan has already threatened his career(in response to the lack of progress in the cabbie kiler case)so maybe, on the mayor's orders, she follows through. Maybe Quinn steps into Mac's position.

They are all good ideas :D but for me it would be a disaster if this would happen next wednesday. :eek:
I really hope that the writers won't be that cruel. ;)

Also, would a story line like this be too reminiscent of the Las Vegas story where the team was split up??

I do not wanna see this in NY, that team is absolutelly different from Vegas, don't think they could handle this situation. :wtf:
This hostage plot sounds familiar. Oh! I know, didn't Calligh (sp?) on CSI Miami get kidnapped and forced to clean a crime scene and prove they didn't kill the vic for the bad guys?:confused::confused::confused:

Have the writers been reduced to stealing plot lines from other shows?:wtf:

And I thought that one of the cardinal rules of hostage negotiations is that you never ever swap one hostage for another? Right up there with, you never put the wife/mother/priest/etc of the bad guy on the phone, because it may be that person that they are just waiting for to start the shooting spree.


I remember that when I lived in Chicago, lo these many years ago, I read an interview with one of the hostage negotiation team. He said they they would throw in a pink princess phone for the bad guy to talk to the negotiators on. Apparently, it is really hard to feel all tough and macho when chatting on a pink princess telephone :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: Now that is a mental image which sticks in your brain!
But the bank robber wants Mac, or one of the CSI, to come in and prove he didn't kill the bank teller. it wasn't the hostage negotiator that told Mac to go in. Even if they tell Mac it's a bad idea we all know Mac will give this speech about him being able to save innocent lives and with him in there maybe he could talk the robber down blah blah blah
I was worried by a spoiler from one of the Yahoo NY groups about time of death being called on him...but they still haven't gotten back with a source and I've heard it nowhere else. Makes me suspicious. A shot would be one thing but not a TOD kind of thing.
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