CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

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Planes? Isn't that above the NYPD jurisdiction? Then again it IS Mac we are talking about...nothing is above the Law of Mac! :p

I have absolutely nothing to respond to the Danny/Flack/Lindsay scenario just that I thought it was funny about the redux version you came up with Top41. :lol:
A deadly hostage situation isn't the only drama rocking Mac's crew tonight as things take an emotional turn for two of the team members. (See page 30)

More Drama Llama anyone? :rolleyes: If they're gonna make me watch relationship crap in the season finale they'd better not leave a bunch of unanswered questions and just f*cking settle it one way or the other. :brickwall:

Yes, how awfully familiar it all sounds... It would be nice if it did answer a few questions, but I'd rather they just settled on the case this time. Although, personally, going by the previous spoilerish suggestions about D/L I'm expecting them to be 'happy' or together or something that way inclined by the end of the season. And unless it happens tonight then there is only the finale left. :rolleyes: :lol:

More on 5.03 Turbulence

~ Apparently, Mac was on a flight to Washington to testify, but a United States Air Marshall was murdered on his plane, and changed his plans. The vics gun and ID are missing and he wasn't listed on the manifest.
~ Stella goes to the batting cages.
~ Adam is in this episode.
~ 1CSIMfan, you'll be interested to know there's a character named Rhonda in this episode. :p

Thanks vegaslights! :D Having had a quick glance at the spoiler info myself, it seems that Adam is out in the field again in this one, and he's with Hawkes... Turbulence looks quite interesting to me.
Blah. I don't really have high expectations for the finale this year. I hope they prove me wrong but these little bit of info we got so far are not enough to hold my interest so far.

And don't even get me started on the D/L stuff... if I have to endure another hour of "OMG he/she's in trouble and I have suddenly realized I love him/her" I swear I will kiss this show goodbye.

Color me annoyed.
I'm hoping that just because TVGuide mentioned that there is an emotional turn for two of the team members, it's not all candy and flowers for D/L. I figure it can be a "bad" emotional turn. I can't take much more of the D/L angst. :rolleyes:

When looking at my TVGuide last night I had to keep flipping back to the cute photo of Carmine to erase the possible D/L drama from my mind.
I'm trying to remain optimistic about the DL, but since they've already been emotional in the "bad" way I'd be willing to bet they're gonna be emotional in the "good" way. I think I can speak for everyone - DLers and non DLers alike - that I'm thanking every deity there is that the cliff-hanger isn't DL related. I'm also trying to remain optimistic that what Lenkov said isn't going to be "Is Mac dead or alive?" or "Will Mac survive?" As badly as I think TPTB handle some things on the show I don't want to believe they'd think the audience is so stupid they'd actually be on pins and needles about Mac's fate.

Carmine_lover posted this in the other spoiler thread:

As badly as I think TPTB handle some things on the show I don't want to believe they'd think the audience is so stupid they'd actually be on pins and needles about Mac's fate.

Exactly. I think we might have heard about it if Gary Sinise was about the leave the show....
Maybe things take an "emotional turn" when Danny has to confess that he's pregnant--BUT HE DOESN'T KNOW WHOSE BABY IT IS! :eek: *cue soap opera music and camera close-ups*

Lindsay's 'emotional' because she's shrieking and crying and throwing a tantrum, and Danny is emotional because he's hormonal. Meanwhile, Adam's trying not to look shameful and guilty, Hawkes is hoping he's not the baby-daddy, Angell and Stella are talking in whispers about whether it could logically be one of their's, and Flack is just sitting back, smug and having a little pink-smoky-dream-sequence about how sure he is that he's the baby-daddy because the odds are simply in his favor given the number of...occurences that could have resulted in baby-making.


I so want to see this episode! :lol: It might not be until season seven, though, because that will probably be the point where Danny's given it up for the whole lab. :lol:

ETA: Oh, and yeah, 5.03 sounds good.

Mac Taylor is tired of these motherf*cking killers on his motherf*cking plane!

:lol: :lol: :lol: YES!!!! :D

I have absolutely nothing to respond to the Danny/Flack/Lindsay scenario just that I thought it was funny about the redux version you came up with Top41. :lol:

Thanks. :lol: I just thought it would be funny if we saw them reusing even the dialogue from last season. :lol:
Planes? Isn't that above the NYPD jurisdiction? Then again it IS Mac we are talking about...nothing is above the Law of Mac! :p

:lol: Nothing is above Mac's jurisdiction! It reminds me of all the crazy, mad cases that Horatio works on in Miami, they really shouldn't be any of his business, but there he always is, saving the day... :lol: In 'Turbulence' there is at least one other murder, which doesn't take place on the plane, but is connected to that case, so I guess Mac can have some reason to work on it. And it doesn't look like Mac gets all his own way, and the FAA is mentioned as well.

Also, about 'Turbulence', as vegaslights mentioned, Stella is in the batting cages as the NYPD team are preparing for some sort of baseball game. It looks like Stella is pretty good at baseball which will be interesting, it's certainly not a really a skill I thought she would have. :lol:

As badly as I think TPTB handle some things on the show I don't want to believe they'd think the audience is so stupid they'd actually be on pins and needles about Mac's fate.

Exactly. I think we might have heard about it if Gary Sinise was about the leave the show....

Yep, Gary Sinise isn't going anywhere, so Mac will be fine. Maybe the cliffhanger will still be good though? I want to be optimistic, and whilst the hostage case/bank heist seems fairly interesting, I just don't know that more potential D/L action and a Mac cliffhanger will quite live up to my expectations for season finales. But hopefully I'll still be excited to see what happens next season despite perhaps having a disappointing finish to this one.
As badly as I think TPTB handle some things on the show I don't want to believe they'd think the audience is so stupid they'd actually be on pins and needles about Mac's fate.

Exactly. I think we might have heard about it if Gary Sinise was about the leave the show....

Yep, Gary Sinise isn't going anywhere, so Mac will be fine. Maybe the cliffhanger will still be good though? I want to be optimistic, and whilst the hostage case/bank heist seems fairly interesting, I just don't know that more potential D/L action and a Mac cliffhanger will quite live up to my expectations for season finales. But hopefully I'll still be excited to see what happens next season despite perhaps having a disappointing finish to this one.

I wouldn't worry too much about Season finale's accidents, injuries, sex between two conseting adults, dates with interested ladies, PTSD from hostage sitations or explosions and being squashed by a photocopier will all have been forgotten, healed, ignored or prozaced by the episode 1 of the following season... :rolleyes:

I think that's the problem with those kind of story lines, but then I still watch James Bond (he ain't never gonna die!) so I can't really complain, I think what they need to do is put some disposable in the situation... making it that the team have to save them (or something) because then that might mean that someone might just kick the bucket...

But hey, I'm still looking forward to whatever they throw at me, it will still be entertaining.

Side note: Congrats Elsie on being our new Mod... good luck with keeping Mrs G in line!
I'm going to be optimistic about the finale. I mean, we probably didn't think the drug dealers were going to kill Danny or Mac in the finale last year, but "Snow Day" was still awesome. I have a feeling this year's will be exciting, too. At least, I hope so! :D
I'm going to be optimistic about the finale. I mean, we probably didn't think the drug dealers were going to kill Danny or Mac in the finale last year, but "Snow Day" was still awesome. I have a feeling this year's will be exciting, too. At least, I hope so! :D

I keep going back to "Admissions" and how awesomely surprising the ending was. Hopefully they have something great planned. The season finales haven't disappointed yet, so even though the TV Guide stuff was disappointing/maddening to read I think they're gonna throw us a curve ball somewhere.
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