Another thing to remember is that what we chat about here or in Shipper Central is not what we expect to see
on the show. Talking about the possibility of them developing a relationship is not the same as saying that what happened in "Right Next Door" was them actually trying to start one. There's canon and then there's us extrapolating on that for discussion/speculation purposes.
I've been writing about Danny hooking up with Flack for ages, does someone want to send a thinly-veiled insult my way that clearly 'some people' can't separate fact from fiction about what is or isn't on the show/believable/common/normal/blah blah blah?
I think the sniping back and forth about Rikki needs to stop. It happened. And yes, for 'some people', it wasn't disgusting or the worst thing that could ever happen to the show.
Lindsay and Rikki fighting over Danny a la two idiot women biting and scratching over some loser guy on Jerry Springer--now
that would be a definite jump the shark moment.
Getting back to spoiler discussion:
Orison said in the spoilers-only thread that it seems like the finale might be 'To be continued'. So, I wonder what that means for the episode itself. Maybe the double cliffhanger is 1) whodunnit (like who really killed someone, isn't the hostage thing in the bank about proving someone
didn't kill someone? *can't remember*) and 2) maybe there's a gunshot or something like that, something to imply that a person might be in danger.
Honestly, if one of the cliffhangers involves Danny and Lindsay's twu wub, I'll be disappointed.