CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

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Yes this CSI land is a strange one. It has Danny fall for insipid little Mary Sue Montana girls instead of his one true love, Don Flack.
OOOH another sore subject! I'm so blah about the whole D/L thing now! I know we have some horrendous Lindsay episodes on the horizon.
We need more Flack and Danny. They are so in love weith each other. I might send TPTB a couple of fan fics and see if they can work them into the show!!
We need more Flack and Danny. They are so in love with each other.

I know. It's like true love it's amazing.

I am nay for these horrible episodes and foul 'moments' that I just know Lindsay and Danny will have coming up. I think it's just the writers' way of keeping Don and Danny apart for a while longer to keep us interested ;)
I like that idea!! Blah!! Sleigh Out Of Hand is going to kill me!
Danny and Flack will happen though eventually!!
I just watched a lil bit of last nights again. Flack whole hero cop has made me love him even more! Sorry Sammy!!
No need to apologise, just you'll have one hell of a fight on your hands!! :lol:

I think there is other stuff in those epidsodes that will keep you watching.
I mean its a CSI show, they have to focus on the crimes not a past case (in montana) so i wouldn't worry to much it will probably only feature for a total of 10 mins out of the whole show.

And we have some episodes coming up that sounds like they are gonna be good!!

Fingers crossed people :D
I've seen a few of the ones coming up, we can just shut our eyes, put our fingers in our ears and go 'la la la' for the Lindsay bits ;)

Flack is a hottie. He's get it :D
How Impressed am I that my little topic I started is now on 17 pages :D :eek:


CSI Land is a 'Make Believe and Far Fetched' Land. As much as they writers etc want to prove to us they make it as real as possible. It just isn't.

Apparently Mac and Peyton had supposdly been dating a whole year before the start of Season 3 so technically they had been dating through the entire second series :lol: but Peyton hadn't been invented then so it just doesn't fit. But I like her I really do, I think she's ace. But I like all the Brits on the various CSI's. I think Louise Lombard is ace on LV, its just a shame she has to drop her accent :rolleyes: Back to Peyton, if I were in her position I'd be crying aswell, she clearly loves Mac and was seriously gutted.com when he called her Claire and she had to work with him every day she its hard for her. I'd well be blubbin :lol:

If ya think Flacks recovery was quick then there are no words for Eric Delko's recovery in Miami, although I guess I shouldn't really post that in here as its Season 5 and I don't want to ruin it with spoilers for anyone so I won't say anything further :p

We clearly peoples love for Speedle in here impresses me greatly :D :D :D :D :D
June. Thank you very much for making this thread! it's wicked to get to chat to other UK peeps about what's going on! Thanks again.
Yeah CSI land is propbably a scary place to live. I think in the past three years of New York, we've only had 1 birthday. That sucks!

Speedle is great. Sucks he left the way that he did. I watched a episode around christmas time and was like whoa he's hot and my friend was like he dies in an upcoming episode! It killed me.
^^^ Just to join in with MichelleK in thanking June for starting this thread. I don't know about you but I find it nice and cosy in here... :)
*blushes* :eek: aww shucks!! I wasn't fishin' :lol: I'm just impressed at our 18 pages of UK CSINY Love!!!

I saw the episode Speedle died in before I knew who he was :lol: My obsession, and thats what it has turned into now only blossomed when I invested in S1 and S2 dvds last autumn :lol:
June you're very welcome! I love the scene in MIA/NY when Speed and Danny are on the phone together! pure hotness!
Yeah the death toll is huge and their lives are god damn complicated! The hours they work are horrendous and yet they still look hot. Maybe it wouldn't be all that bad of a place to work!
Yeah gotta say thnaks too!
We are a nice lil family! its nice having somewhere to post, as the US are so far ahead.
Thank you June85!!
Made some great friends here too! :D
The British Isles are top notch.

Whislt we are on the subject



For all the English amongst us
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