CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

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Excellent episode once again. Loved the storyline and those Suicide girls we really strange. Do they really exsist as the end credits said they played themselves.

Danny was great as usual. The bike grabbing things was exciting although I did expect him to get a little injured. It was lovely to see the way he reacted to the mum slapping him. A true professional.

My only criticism is that Eddie doesn't get enough screen time as Flack. The odd shot here and there. Compere it to the cops in CSI and Miami he hardly gets any screen time at all.

Looking forward to next week.
Yeah the Suicide Girls exist, I think there is something on You Tube about them.

Yeah Eddie doesn't get enough screen time, a seriously under used actor the same with Hill Harper aswell, it winds me up big time that TPTB have amazing actors under their nose. My main gripe about that being the ever so wonderful being in my avatar who up'd and left coz of it
ah ha! oedipus hex! the only season 3 ep I have managed to watch...(or caved to, michellek :p):lol: Great Episode! loved when Danny had the mask on and he turned and smiled! so cute and sincere! :D
pixies, I'm very proud of you in only caving in to this one!! Hehe!!
I'm so scared that the Suicide Girls girls esist. My word!! They were slightly scary. The heels that they wore were crazy!
I agree on the whole Eddie not getting enough screen time. He does light up the creen when he's on and I can't help chuckling at his dry humour and witty comments!!
I really enjoyed Saturday's episode. Thought Danny looked rather fine. Can't wait for the next one :)
I said this in the other season 3 thread (before I realised there was a UK thread).

The last shot of Danny at the end of OH...that poor guy looked so sexually frustrated.
I enjoyed it too and I agree about the motorcycle scene :eek:

But my oh my Danny looked mighty fine all the way through - just love that blue shirt on him :devil:

Just one small gripe; the tattoo thing. She was meant to have had it done that morning yes? Well I've had several tattoos and I can tell you they don't look that pretty when you've just had them done... :rolleyes:
I liked Saturday's episode. The Suicide Girls were a little freaky, and Nixon Suicide would have scared the hell out of me!

Danny was the highlight of the episode, I thought it was a really good one for him. His initial reactions towards Lindsay was interesting, almost as though he was still hurt from her previous rejection, at the same time he knows he should have gone out with the Suicide girl, it would've been interesting and fun for him! He looked very pleased with himself when he bashed the fake head filled with blood, looked like he was having a great time. Jumping on that motorbike was good too. Go Danny, that must have hurt? :lol:

I actually thought Lindsay was pretty good too, very cryptic if I wasn't reading the spoilers. But her dealing with the mother at the end I found both sad and touching.

I think I must have been intrigued by the main case, because I don't remember thinking that much about the basketball player murder, other than finding the 'montage' of the night to music to be slightly out of place. But I fear I simply wasn't concentrating enough and should probably rewatch the episode. Also, not enough Flack. ;)
Yeah I found the basketball case a little hard to keep concentrating on. Lindsay did surprise me when she went in to comfort the mother at the end,. Still flinch everytime I see the mother slap Danny around the face.
It did make me laugh when he was hitting the head with the shoe. It looks like something made him laugh cos look how much he is smiling after he makes the comment about looking like something from the movie Saw.
He did look genuinely devastated and like he'd made the wrong choice in turning down Nixon Suicide.
He seems to suit that colour. I have to agree with everyone else though. I did like the part when he was slamming the heel into the head. His facial expression was hilarious. :)
...and pretty unrealistic.
come on, what man turns down a date with a girl in a micro skirt for someone who "can't be with you uh..."
i don't know where we're going but we're heading on the wrong direction here!!!
Hehe. I totally agree with you on that one!! Nixon Suicide seemed awesome! She would have totally rokced Danny's world and shown him a thing or two for sure! He regretted it as soon as he said it!
That was a good episode on Saturday. I'm really hooked to see what exactly is going on with Lindsay, it seems so cryptic at the moment, they keep throwing little bits in to keep us guessing. I think that Anna did some pretty good acting in this episode, she was pretty good in the end scene with the Mother. She also looked really gorgeous.

I liked it when Danny was asking her how she was, he still cares about her and is cocerned for her even though she's rejected him. Hopefully they'll be able to wrap up this storyline with Lindsay's dark secret and then possibly then start to explore a romance storyline.

Mac and Stella's case seemed a bit difficult to follow, like others here have said. I think that overall the cases weren't anything too special this week they weren't boring either, just seemed pretty average.
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