CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

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I think he looks like danny!! It might just have a "funny" face because he's trying to hold on if you know what i mean?

I think they might have used a stunt double to film the actual jump.

But if it is a stunt double holding on to the rail then it was a big mistake by the director, but would he have made that error???
I'm not sure. I mean if the stunt could have been done by Carmine he probably would have done it, but if there was a risk and Carmine didn't feel comfortable doing it, a stunt double and a dodgy scene would have been an easy result.
Where abouts in Staffordshire are you from - if you don't mind me asking? It's so strange we seem to be from the same county?
oh no i just remembered i am going to meet my aunty/godmother this weekend!! i'm going to miss CSI:NY!

that RECORD button is definatly going to be pressed!!
I thought HOTD was a brilliant episode, I had seen it before but I'd fogotten alot of it so it kept me goin all the way through even though I knew Shane Casey was the culprit. Definately the best episode so far.

Oedipus Hex or whatever its called is next, I know absolutely nothing about this episode so I'm looking forward to it :D
hi guys, sorry if im being a bit dumb here, but i gotta ask a question. I know some of you have seen episodes of NY on you tube, but how? everytime i look on there the only thing i get is these 30 second clips, now am i being a total dur brain? or am i doing something wrong? i know i said i wasnt gonna read spoilers etc but it cant hurt to have a little peek can it.
I think OH is about the murder of a young girl who was in a group called the Suicide Girls.

T :)hat is as much as I know
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