CSI:NY season 2 comes to the Philippines

I loved the ep last night (Grand Murder..., isn't it?)

I thought it was very fast-paced but still credible (unlike in Summer..., where I had problems with Mac appearing suddenly in that hotel room near the end). Not too much leaping-to-conclusions, I think.

I love Mac's gritty shout at the start, love Hawkes' enthusiasm ("you know they say the holy grail...") and I thought it was downright sweet how he dressed the teddy bear. I love Flack's conversations with the surgeon's "victims" --- I was LOL the whole time. Danny doesn't annoy me anymore and he's not my least-liked character now --- Frankie is :devil:

I was rolling my eyes at Stella's obvious kilig at Frankie (what can I say? I'm gob-SMacKed) but forgave her coz she was so tough when she was arresting that hockey-player guy. And she did check on Mac at the end.

I thought the whole drama with Aiden was handled well if a little forced. I was a lot skeptical when she said she "doesn't trust" herself anymore but I guess they had to rationalize why she had to leave.

I am so gonna catch the replays for this one :D
I'm Smack fan too so I kindda don't this whole Frankie thing too :rolleyes:
But I love Danny in this one so much :lol: "I don't cuddle" Yeah,right! :lol:
I'm a HUGE Dannyfan, but my most favorite moment of that entire ep would have to be when Flack was in the operating room while the patient was being prepped for surgery.

And Hawkes was just yummy. :D
Thailand, Phillipines, Malaysia. Anyone from Singapore in here!!?? Ahaha! I feel like a soar thumb. :lol:

Season 2 of CSI NY just aired here last week. We just got 'Grand Murder at Central Station'. Argh! Still sad that Aiden had to leave.

How's all the Asians doing? :D
CSIsMANIAC.. u missed out Hong Kong!

anyway, really sad that Aiden was fired, also it's so funny to see Hawkes watching JLo's MV!
tala said:
Almost time, CrimeShark! :D Can you believe we were whining six months ago about having to wait till forever to see the second season?

I know! Seems like ages ago when we were complaining about the non-existent new NY season, and now it's here :D

I love 'Grand Murder...' because like someone mentioned, it was fast-paced, and it also had a lot of humour. Flack with his priceless expressions (I love that man), Danny with his don't-give-a-crap attitude, Hawkes with his J.Lo staring moment and even Zack, who reminded me of Greg, only less crazier.

I did feel like the Aiden part was kinda rushed though. I wish they'd showed her packing or something. But I think the writers didn't want to put on any more time on Aiden since Vanessa didn't want to be there anymore.
I don't know, I wasn't particularly fond of the last epi in terms of the crime...
I did find a lot of humor in this one though. The interogation scene with Flack was hilarious. And the Viagra comment had me in stitches.
The Aiden story did feel rushed, but I liked the last scene with her and Mac.
I'm not really into the whole color thing they've brought in this season. It makes it look like an epi of Miami, and that's just bad.
Although I'm all for Smacked, I did find Frankie sorta kinda cute. And I did like that Stella was obviously interested but was not fawning all over him. Just quick glances and cute smiles.
And I seriously am peeved at the wardrobe department. Stella's top was worse than last week's. Too low and too short. Stella didn't wear those things last season.
^ Is that the dude's name? Frankie? I was hoping for a more masculine name like Jake or Mark but nevermind. Frankie will do.

Yes, I missed out Hong Kong. It's okay. We're all Asians! The part where Hawkes ogled at J.Lo was just friggin hilarious man! I was practically laughing my head off! Good one Hawkes! Keep em humour coming!

The episode where Aiden got fired is called 'Grand Murder at Central Station'.
^ Ahaha! Yeah, that quote was just to typical Danny stuff.

Hmmpppff. I'm dreading this Lindsey. How is she like? Yeah, I can't wait for the next episode. Sheesh. This once a week thing is killing me.
By sheer luck, I got to watch the Tuesday one, whoo-hoo!

Loved Flack's interrogation with the one that can't smile, the one that can't stop smiling, and the one who looks like a cat... haha... hilarious! Both cases were cool, and 'I don't cuddle.'? Riiiggghhhtttt....

So what is that 'newbie' joke Danny played on Lindsey? Can't wait til... *sigh* next Sunday... *groan*