Sonny Sassone has a bald spot! :lol: Erm, yeah. Life certainly hasn't been kind to Sonny lately, has it? 
RSRD was sooo
I am not ashamed to say I actually cried during the scene when Danny was talking to a comatose Louie. Broke my heart, I tell you. Eventhough his brother was unconscious, he didn't want to cry in front of Louie. He went outside to let himself breakdown and thankfully Mac was there to catch him. I hear a Mac/Danny ship calling me to get onboard but I won't get tempted, much 
I think Louie is the older brother. The way he acts, so protective of Danny, and Danny obviously still seeks to get his older brother's approval. I agree that they could've played the Flack/Danny friendship up a bit but this was obviously a Mac/Danny thing carried from last season. Carmine and Gary... excellent acting. Excellent!
RSRD was sooo
I think Louie is the older brother. The way he acts, so protective of Danny, and Danny obviously still seeks to get his older brother's approval. I agree that they could've played the Flack/Danny friendship up a bit but this was obviously a Mac/Danny thing carried from last season. Carmine and Gary... excellent acting. Excellent!