CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Back at the Tayor house. Melina was finally begining to feel like herself. Trying to sit up, she felt the dizziness hit her.

"Tttry...nnnot tttoo mmmove." smiled Mac.

Melina smiled.

"As much as I'd like not too. I need to, else I will pee on your couch," she said in a saucy tone.

Finally able to get on her feet, she kissed Mac's cheek as she said...

"Thank you for watching over me. Where did everyone go Mac?"

"Tttoo ttthe ssstore."

"Oh... okay. I'll be right back. Don't run away on me," she giggled.

While she was in the washroom, Stella and MJ returned home. Walking into the den, they seen Mac trying to raise himself into his comfy chair. As MJ went to help, Stella held him back.

Watching as he pulled on the sides of the chair, he stood himself up, walked two steps, turned and sat down. Smiling to himself cause he had done it. Stella said to her grandson...

"I knew he could do it. It won't be long MJ, before he's able to walk again. Hey Mac, were back. Where's Melina?"


"I'll go check on her, and be right back."

While MJ left to check on Melina. Stella walked over to her husband and sat herself on his lap. Wrapping her arms around his thick, powerful neck, she softly traced her tongue over his lips. Feeling his mouth begin to open, as his hands curled into her curls, he brought his tongue to meet hers.

So passionate, neither could get enough of the sensation, the sensual chemistry that was blurring their every thought. Breaking the kiss, Stella laid her head on her husbands chest. Listening to his heart beat in her ear.

"I love you Mac. I love you so much. There are times I wish I could just show you over and over, but I know that's not possible."

Taking his wife's chin into his thumb and finger, he raised her beautiful face to his. Looking into her beautiful eyes, he slurred out...

"I knooow Sssella. I loooove yoou tooo. Yooou dooon't neeed tooo ssshow mee moooore."

"Aww MJ. They have such a beautiful aura over them. Not only can you see it, you can feel it surround the room. Truly amazing, almost blinding.

So much love in their hearts."

Leaning down towards Melina, he whispered...

"Let's hope one day soon. We share half of the love they share."
Turning in MJ's arms, she said...

"I must be way ahead of you Michael Jr. For I already love you. Have always loved you, even as a child."

MJ couldn't believe it. So she was telling the truth when he picked her up at the Hospital, that she loved him. Melina could tell she had stunned him. She knew he wasn't ready to trust her fully yet. But Melina was a very patient young lady. She could wait. Even if it took a million lifetimes, she would wait for the words. For she understood the pain he had gone through.

"It's okay MJ, you don't have to say it back. I don't expect you too, till you're ready. I just wanted you to know, that I do."

"I know Melina. I meant it too. That hopefully one day soon, we can share half their love."

Giving her a sweet, soft kiss. Michelle,Caroline and Tyler, walked in from school.

"Oh come on. Excuse us. Do have any idea, what you are doing to our uncorrupt minds?"

Looking over at their daughter, Stella said...

"Sorry sweethearts. How was cheerleading practice?"

"It was alright. But we're starving, can we have a snack? Then Caroline and I are going out to the movies tonight."

"You are? Who said?"

"Um... I meant. May we go to the movies tonight, mom?"

"I don't see why not. But make sure you do your homework first."

"We will mom. Thanks."

"Michelle... can I come tonight too? Please."

Michelle felt sadden. She knew Tyler was a little young to be hanging with them. But then again, it's not as if they were meeting boys.

"Sure. If nana, papa, and MJ say yes. You can come."

"Thank you Michelle. You are the best aunt ever."

Giggling the girls started their homework.
yeah me too :)

I thought they said Mac could make love without headache trouble. *is confused* Or is it just cause he's still working on his movement so it's kinda hard for now?
Thanks for the reviews

I thought they said Mac could make love without headache trouble. *is confused* Or is it just cause he's still working on his movement so it's kinda hard for now?

He can. I think you just misunderstood what Stella was saying. She was simply telling Mac, that she wished she could show him how much she loves him all the time. It's a sweet sentiment on her part to her husband;). It had nothing to do with making love. He's fine to do that, as long as they avoid the heat:lol:

She had him in his room. She had taken off her coat, being careful not to touch anything. Dancing erotically for him. Watching, smiling, as she seen his soul come to life.

Oh yeah... she had him, right where she wanted him.

Continuing to seduce, to dance, he swallowed his drink. Followed by another, until the drug starting taking affect.

Feeling alert, but unable to move, he panicked. What the hell was wrong with him? Why couldn't he move. Laughing wildly, she walked over and stood by his lap.

"Do you want to know what happened to me when I was a little girl?
Would you like to know, what my father and brothers did? Listen, as I whisper it too."

Leaning into his ear, but not touching, she told him the story. As he continued to listen, tears formed in his eyes. Haunting tears, tears of shame, of pain, from what had happened to her.

"Aww... don't cry for me. I survived. At least on the inside."

Removing her clothes, he wished he could close his eyes. God what a mess they had made of this poor child, who suffered over the years.

"I know... shh... it's hard when you can't close your eyes, or look away. I know... they made me watch all the time. They crazy glued my eyelids.

Just a little bit, so that they would stay open. Cause they liked me to watch everything. Then when they were done with their torture. They would pull the lids closed. Ripping them from the glue. See? Just look close. You can see the scars."

God all he wanted to do was get the hell out of there. But he was stuck. He couldn't move. He couldn't blink, he could feel nothing but numbness.

Watching as he put on four pair of latex gloves before walking around to the kitchen, looking through the drawers, she found the hammer and nails. Bringing them back into the room, she sat, removed his shoes, his socks.
Then she picked up the hammer, and two nails.

What came next, was excrutiating pain. As he couldn't scream out. All he could do was scream inside. Oh god, the pain was horrible, as she continued to hammer. Watching her as she picked up more nails, and reached for his hands. Then as he heard the pounding of the hammer, he could feel himself vomit, but he couldn't reflex to get it up. Feeling himself choke on his own fluid.

"Oh, no, no. None of that now. Let me help you get that up. There we go, all better. You can't die on me yet. I"m not done. Do you know how many times my father said that to me? No? let me tell you. So many times, that I would still hear it in my sleep. Anyway. There we go. All done. Now you can't kick me, or punch me. Cause you are all nailed down."

As she admired her work, she knew she had one step left. The final step, the step that would stop them from ever coming back to hurt her. Picking up the hammer again, she took aim and....

Breathing deep, she was done. Cleaning up her mess, she put everything into the garbage bag, including the hammer and the nails. Heading out the door, she took one last look. Seeing everything was in place, she took one last look at the body and left.


Eric got the call. Getting dressed he wondered what the hell to expect. Grabbing his keys, he headed out to the crime scene.

"What have we got Don?"

"Male, approximetly 21 years of age."

Looking over Eric sighed. "TOD Sheldon?"

"Between two and three this afternoon. Blunt force trauma to the head. The victim has also been nailed to floor by his feet, and his hands."

"Was the victim alive during all this torture?"

"He was. I'll know more when I get him back. I can tell you this much. I don't think this is what the guy had in mind for getting hammered."

Everyone gave Sheldon the WTF look.

"Just process the scene. Danny start in the kitchen, Adam you can start in here."

Once Sheldon left with the body, the young girl watched from across the street. All the while fixated on one man. Her soon to be next victim...

"Detective Don Flack..."
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Ha! Sick Jess on her butt! :lol: She took care of Teresa after all. :lol:

:lol: at them all looking at Sheldon funny when he said what he said.
Nightmares? No... just keeping it intersting;)

Yes!! Everyone gets it in the story.:lol: Even our sweet Don:lol:

Ha! Sick Jess on her butt! :lol: She took care of Teresa after all
Poor Jess, I think Don will have to find another hero this time,*hint*


Waiting in line at the movie theater, Sharon seen her cousins.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here?"

"We decided to come see a movie. Look at you Sharon. All dressed to kill. Who's this with you?"

"Colin. This is my Aunt Michelle, and my cousins Caroline and Tyler."

"Isn't she a little young to be your Aunt?"

"Not really, said Michelle. It's a long story actually. If you met my parents, you'd understand. They're like... um... very hot blooded."

Colin laughed. He had to admit, he was finding Michelle not only hot, but damn well sexy as an aunt. God it was like a turn on."

"How old are you Michelle?"

"Thirteen. Three years younger then my nieces. Who will be sixteen in two weeks."

Colin thought to himself. She may be a little young, but that still didn't stop him from wanting her.

"Let's go Colin. We're next. See you guys inside."

As they walked away, Michelle realized there was something she just didn't like about Colin. But she couldn't put her finger on it. Sighing deep, she whispered to herself...

"Thanks alot daddy, for giving me your keen senses."

Walking into the movie theater, Michelle decided to sit away from Sharon and Colin. Problem was, everytime Colin would lean into Sharon, making like he was cuddling her, he'd be watching her instead. Michelle now knew he was trouble. But it would be a cold in hell before any one hurt her niece.

Once the movie was over, Colin looked over and noticed Michelle had already left.

"Come on Sharon, let's go."

"What's your hurry Colin. Give me a minute to put on my coat."

Rushing out of the movie theater, Colin seen Michelle, Caroline and Tyler, get into a car.

"Hey Sharon, who's that with your aunt and cousins?"

"Oh... that's MJ. He's here to pick them up. We have a very large family. Mostly girls."

Colin grinned wickedly. Girls... just how many of those girls could he do? It would be interesting to find out. Starting with the one he had in his arms.

"So what now, Colin?"

"How about we go back to my place. We have a beautiful beach side view. I mean it's only 9:45, and you don't have to be home till eleven."

"Sure, sounds great. Let's go."

Walking hand in hand from the theater, he thought to himself...

"One down, several more to go..."

When Michelle got home, she headed upstairs to her room, and shut her door.

"What's the matter with Michelle?"

"I'm not sure nana. She's been like that since we left the movies." said Caroline.

"I'll go talk to her."

Reaching for his wife's hand, he shook his head.

"Iiii'll gggo."

It had been to long since he was able to spend time with his daughter. It was one of the things he valued. He loved that she was always so open and honest with her feelings. Placing his wheelchair on the stairlift, he guided it up the stairs.

Nearing his daughters door, he opened it and wheeled himself to her bed.

Pushing himself up, he slid himself into her bed, and laid back. Reaching for her, he pulled her into his arms. Feeling her daddy's warmth, she snuggled closer to him.

"I've missed this daddy. I've missed you holding me, talking to me, telling me everything will work out and be okay."

Mac teared up, he knew his daughter was missing him. So much alike they were. The bond between them was unbreakable. Caressing her hair, she turned in his arms to face him. Laying her head right up to his, she said...

"Daddy... if you know someone you love may be being used by a guy, do you tell them right away? Or should the person wait?"

Of all the times Mac wished he could talk. Taking his hand, he scribbled in the air, telling his daughter what he needed. Passing him a notepad and pen from her school bag, he did his best to write...

"I think you shuld tell the persn wat is going on. Especilly if they can be hurt. Is this by a boy?"

"Yes daddy. But I'm not sure. When we were at the movies tonight. We seen Sharon with her new boyfriend, Colin. The problem was, he kept giving subtle hints that he liked me. Something about him bothered me, I think my niece may end up getting hurt. I think he may be using her, but like I said, I can't be sure."

Mac wasn't sure what to do himself. It was a very sticky situation. If Michelle told Sharon, and she was wrong. Sharon would be angry with
Michelle. But if Michelle was right, and something happened to Sharon, then Michelle would feel awful guilty. Writing on the paper again, he said...

"It wold be best to tell her wat you feel. She will understand if you explain it to her. She loves you to much not to understand."

"Thanks daddy. I will tell her in the morning. I love you daddy, so much."

Snuggling his daughter right under his neck, he slurred out...

"I lllove yyyou tttoo."
A short time later Stella came into Michelle's room, and found Mac curled up with their daughter protectively in his arms. Kissing his warm lips, then her daughters hair, she covered them both and left the room. It had been to long for Michelle, since she had her father comfort her like this.

Walking into her own room. She ran the shower, stepped in and allowed the spray to wash away her day. She was still feeling the after effects of the bombing. She could still see her son waving goodbye. She wondered in her heart, why she hadn't shared that with her husband yet.

Drying off she slipped into her nightgown, crawled under the sheets and softly cried. Hearing her grandmothers cries. Caroline walked in, pulled back the sheets, and climbed in. Wrapping her arms around her nana, she whispered...

"It's going to be okay nana. I miss my daddy too."

Stella wasn't sure how her granddaughter figured out why she was crying. All she knew in that moment, was she needed comfort. Moving herself closer to her granddaughter, Stella allowed her to talk her to sleep.


Sharon had arrived with Colin at his home. Walking inside, she found the house in darkness.

"Where's your parents Colin?"

"They're out for the evening. Come on in, we'll watch some tv before I take you home."

Sitting down in his living room, Colin turned on some music instead.

"May I dance with you Sharon?"

God he was so sweet. Allowing Colin to lead her, she felt his hot hands, caress her hips, sliding across to rest on her bum. While his lips leaned into her neck, as his warm tongue stroked, causing her to shiver in his arms.

Nearing her lips, he whispered...

"Can I kiss you Sharon?"

Too nervous to speak, she wasn't sure what to say. Then she felt his kiss, as he forced her mouth open with his tongue. Breaking out of his arms, she said...

"I think you should take me home Colin. It's getting late."

"Are you sure Sharon? I'd really like us to get to know each other better. I didn't mean to scare you. I just figured you were a little more advanced with dating a College boy. I guess I was mistaken. Forgive me?"

Sharon wasn't sure what to think. She had never gone all the way with Tristan. All they ever did was alot of clothes on clothes. Then he went away before they had a chance to decide if they wanted to make love for the first time. God she was confused. Her body was aching now for more, but her mind kept telling her, "no stop."

"It's okay Colin. I forgive you. Though I think you need to know that Tristan and I never went all the way. We just had alot of caressing, and kissing. I'm sorry if you had the wrong impression."

Wrapping his fingers in her hair he pulled her close.

"I'll tell you what Sharon. Why don't you let me touch you? Then if you decide you want me to stop, I'll stop. I just really need to touch you right now. Cause I'm falling so in love with you."

"You are? I never realized. I've never had any guy tell me they are falling in love with me, not even Tristan."

Colin snickered to himself. God it was like taking candy from a baby. Were all the girls in this family dense? God if they were, he sure was going to be setting the record right quick on the Delko girls. After that... that damn gorgeous Michelle girl was next, followed by that Caroline chick.

"I'll tell you what Sharon. How about I take you home. Then tomorrow night you can come over again, and we can spend another sweet evening with each other."

"Okay. I'd really like that. You are so sweet Colin. Thank you for understanding."

"No thanks needed sweetheart. Like I said... I'm so falling in love with you."

Kissing her passionately, he slid his hand under her, seeing if his words had worked on her. Feeling her tense for all of two seconds, he smiled softly, deepening the kiss. Knowing he should stop was hard. For Sharon had let out a soft cry, as her hips touched his.

Breaking the kiss, knowing he had her right where he wanted her. He took her home.

When Sharon arrived at home, her father was waiting for her.

"What time is it Sharon?"

"I'm sorry daddy. I didn't mean to be an hour late. Honest."

"I know you're sorry. But you know the rules of the house. Curfews are followed to the minutes. Which means 15 minutes before, or 15 minutes after. Not an hour and 10 minutes later. You're grounded tomorrow."

"But dad. I have plans tomorrow night with Colin."

"I'm sorry Sharon. Colin will just have to understand. Goodnight."

Running up the stairs, sharon slammed her door.

"Eric... honey. Don't you think yo...."

"No. I don't. Those rules were put in place for a reason. All our girls will follow them. Please try and understand Mack."

"I do Eric. But you do realize we will have to negotiate with them on their sweet sixteen, right?"

"Have you told them yet, they can have their party?"

"Not yet. Maybe I should do that now. That might cheer Sharon up a little."

"Cheer her up, why? Damn Mack, I'm not being mean. I'm just doing my job as their father. Christ I don't like them out at night. Miami is no place for young girls to be wandering around in. Whether Colin was with her not. It doesn't matter. Rules are rules."

"I know Eric. Please don't yell at me. I understand."

"Good. Cause the last thing I need, is to lose anymore of our children."

Storming into the den, he slammed the door.

Knowing Eric needed time to cool off. She headed upstairs to give the girls their news, and have a long talk with Sharon about rules being followed.
aww fix it! Why'd he say she was wandering around when she wasn't? She was at Colin's place, not wandering lol And didn't Michelle talk to her? Why'd she still go, or haven't they talked yet? 'Cause I don't know if I'd go with him after that. Sharon might be sorry really.
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