CSI: New York Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Wow LyzabethSay there really good icons! Do you mind if i snag them and if i use them i'll credit you? :) Really good for a newbie.
Alright, I figured I'd kick-off the display of icons from the Danny icon challenge.
Here were mine:

And my 140x140

And two other variations I didn't enter
Oh and in case anyone was wondering about the tiny text within the streak of light on the 140x140 (that I'm currently wearing as my avvie)--it's actually lyrics from a song.

"Don't you know that you are a shooting star? Don't you know?" from Bad Company's 'Shooting Star' - I was listening to the song when I was making the icon :D

A few people had asked me about it--not around here I don't think, but I figured I'd share anyway.
Oh and in case anyone was wondering about the tiny text within the streak of light on the 140x140 (that I'm currently wearing as my avvie)--it's actually lyrics from a song.

"Don't you know that you are a shooting star? Don't you know?" from Bad Company's 'Shooting Star' - I was listening to the song when I was making the icon :D

A few people had asked me about it--not around here I don't think, but I figured I'd share anyway.
How'd ya get that effect though may I ask?
Super icons everyone! I feel like I haven't posted in ages (a couple of days lol).

Miss_undercover and Steph, I am going to snag the second one from each of your Danny challenge icon posts, if ya don't mind! Will credit, of course.
No of course I don't mind Becka. :D Oh by the way, I absolutely love your AJ icon, it looks great, the style, the colouring, the pic... It all looks great. :D
How'd ya get that effect though may I ask?

I actually happen to use Paint.net for my graphic editing--very basic I know, but it is actually capable of a lot. I used to have Photoshop CS3 but when I last reformatted, I lost the backup and don't have the discs or anything.

For the lighting effects, I just layered the different gradients I chose to use and the colors and such (as well as messed with the layer properties and tweaked the coloring of the main pic). Now as for adding the text--I also did that in a separate layer (I use separate layers for everything--the main pic has it's own layer as well as a copy of it just above in case something gets messed up or I decide later that whatever I've done doesn't look good altogether), chose the text style, color, and what I wanted it to say, then rotated the layer and shrunk the text with the zoom option (since the default smallest option for text is 8) and placed it within the long white streak. It can be a tedious process, getting everything exactly how you want it and making it all look good together, but it is fairly simple and fun.

Though I'm a perfectionist when it comes to detail...so anything I do becomes very time consuming and occasionally frustrating lol

Hope that helps though.
hey guys i just wanted to request if someone could make me a angell icon and a flack icon seperate one.
but i also want one of both of them together.I don't have anything specific just surprise me.:eek:
oh and also 100x100 would be nice but 140x140 would be great.:thumbsup:
hey guys i just wanted to request if someone could make me a angell icon and a flack icon seperate one.
but i also want one of both of them together.I don't have anything specific just surprise me.:eek:
oh and also 100x100 would be nice but 140x140 would be great.:thumbsup:

I can give it a go. No specific pic or anything?
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