CSI: New York Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Nice b&w icons Axelsonfire! ♥

Mine from the Danny challenge as well.


and the 140x140
Orla_Dark, I tried to make a comment in your livejournal, but the site is being mean and wouldn't let me. ): But lovely icons, and I took #44 of the Flack icons. Will credit!

Mariana, thanks so much!! You always make me blush haha. And smile!
Great icons, everyone.

Orla, do you happen to remember the name of the font you used on the Don/Jess one that says "love"?
fatalze, thanks, glad you like them :)
GregNickRyanFan, i don't remember, but i found it in Photoshop, it's "A Charming Font Superexpanded"
Wow, those are so awesome, as always Clytia, I snagged loads of them, of course I'll credit you when I use them. :D Well done. :D
Great work every0ne.Love all the Danny icons they are pretty good:)

Clytia,lovely work.It is really good to see so many Adam icons :D..
Huge post at my LJ

[40] CSI: New York
[25] CSI: Miami
[24] Speed
[24] CSI: Las Vegas
[18] Supernatural
[07] NCIS
[06] Dark Knight
[04] Torchwood/Doctor Who
[04] Home Alone
[03] Star Trek: Voyager
[01] Degrassi: TNG
[01] Other


More here
Those are fab Meg, I'm happy to see lots of Adam. :adore: I snagged a few of them, I'll be sure to credit you when I use them. :D
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