CSI: New York Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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I made some SMACked:)

DragonflyDreamer I'm so inlove with those DF icons you made, especially the animated ones the colouring works so well the boys looks so pretty together and well you've done such a good job with the text. I've snagged most of them :lol: will credit you of course.
Cute Smacked icons MacsLovlyAngl (I'm really sorry, I can't remember your name...). DragonflyDreamer, great Danny/Flack icons, I snagged 5 and 7, going to use 7 on here, will credit you in my blog, well done. :D *I commented on your lj*
My heavens--I spend a couple of days getting ready for my fam to come visit and I return to all kinds of icon goodness. They're all so pretty! The coloring, especially, is just beautiful. Anybody have any coloring tuts they could point out to me? I've been through the ones linked in the tutorials thread, but they don't seem to work for me (this is where my sister would yell "user error!"...and it probably is :lol:).

Thanks for the comments on my icons.:)

I made two more. One of SMacked:) and the second one is of Mac/H/Gris. But I wasn't sure where to post it cause I didn't want to spam by putting it in all three sections.:confused:

Enjoy and feel free to snag;)
Does anyone have any of Danny from the first episode... well, the episode of Miami that introduced the show? Where Danny didn't have facial hair or glasses? Thanks.
The contrast and colouring is very good and I like to see Mac and Stella smilig :)
Nice icons. Especially .07. Could I use it for an other profile???
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