CSI: New York Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Althea, these icons are fab, I really love the styles you've used, with the decorative text on the Adam one (which by the way I love). The font on the Flack one and the text on the Smacked one. They are all great, well done. :D
What beau-ti-ful icons! I have one to share as well, but it's a little simpler than the rest:


From the "scenic views" icon challenge that just ended.

EDIT: A couple more I originally made for the "running" challenge that's going on...until I realized I didn't use lyrics from the song we were supposed to use!

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Beautiful icons shazza, zelda49 and by the way your running icons I made the same mistake and didn't use any of the lyrics as well:lol: Oh and clytia and fo_poozle I have snagged some of your icons and will credit when I use them thanks for sharing;)

Here's three of mine of the scenic views challenge...

Fantastic icons everyone!! :D

Clytia - I love yours always, the colouring and cropping on them all looks great, and I really like the styles you have used, snagged some, hope you don't mind, will credit you of course. :D

Zelda - Great batch of icons, I like the text on each, the Central Park one is my fave, but well done on them all. :D

Soph - I love the NYC one, the colouring loooks great, and I like the positioning of the text, well done. :D

Fo_Poozle - As always great batch of icons, I snagged loads of them, I really like the colouring and cropping, and the font you used on them, they all look great, snagged some, will credit of course. :D

Althea - Fab batch of icons, they all look great, but I especially like the style you've used on the last one, it's very effective, but great job on them all. :D
^^ I absolutely LOVE the coloring on your first teaser! And your other icons show that you don't always need text to make a gorgeous icon :) Great job!
Great icons Macayla, I left you a comment on your lj. :D

I love yours too MacsLovlyAngl, they are cute, especially the first one, well done. :D
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