~CSI: Miami's Ultimate Episode!~


Colonial Fleet Librarian
Premium Member
Last November, Thumpy posted a series of polls to establish our favourite episode from the first 3 seasons. 'Big Brother' won then. We thought it would be fun and interesting to do it again, but this time, we can include the episodes from Season 4.

We'll use the same guidelines as before. We'll make a poll pitting episodes from the four seasons of CSI: Miami against each other. We can all vote and discuss our favorites for a couple or three days, and then after that time period has passed we'll have a new set of polls. Example: the first group up for voting will be the season premieres of the four seasons, the second group will be the 2nd episodes from the four seasons, etc....then once we work our way through all the episodes, we'll then have a new set of polls featuring the winners until we get it narrowed down to one episode.

We'll set these up in groups of two at a time. This way, we can make this last during the summer hiatus, when some of us will be suffereing withdrawal symptoms from the show!

In the first phase, you can choose your two favourites out of four. Any questions, just ask. :)

Here's poll #1:
I chose for the first four options, 'Blood Brothers' and 'Lost Son'. I just didn't like 'From The Grave' and it was hard choosing between 'Blood Brothers' and 'Golden Parachute'. But since I like season 2 more, I picked 'Blood Brothers'.

Out of the second options, I picked, 'Pro-Per' because it was just an all-around good episode. It had humor, forensics, and it didn't deviate too much from the season 2 premises. It was one of the better season 3 episodes.

I picked Dead Zone, because the episode had sugar and spice, and everything nice. It was a great Miami episode. It helps that this one was actually filmed IN Miami.
For the first episodes, I chose 'Golden Parachute' and 'Blood Brothers'. This was a fairly easy choice for me, as I'm in denial about Lost Son, and I'm just not a big fan of sesaon four. 'From the Grave' just didn't do much for me.

For the second episodes, I chose 'Dead Zone' and 'Pro Per'. This was much harder to decide on. DZ and LF were both alright. I though Pro Per was a good episode, but I absolutely hate that there's no mention of Speed what-so-ever. I really don't remember Blood in the Water at all, except for the girl jumping off the boat, so I really couldln't vote for it.
I didn't like the non-mentioning of Speed either. But I did however like the episode Pro-Per anyway.
Argh we are going to get frustrated again when our favourite eppies are against each other :rolleyes:

As for this poll, I had 'Blood Brothers', great eppy, I like the H/Y dynamic and some really nice sensitive scenes between the two. Plus Clavo Cruz made a great baddie and the case was good to see them having trouble convicting them!!

I went for 'Losing Face', it's a great episode for Horatio it gives a real sense as to what drives him and some of his real backstory.
I chose for the first four options"Blood Brothers" mainly cause of the end where they're in the water and H looks around at them like "guess who". That was so funny. I also picked "Lost Son" This was my first time watching S1-S3(had bought dvd's)butwas saddened by Speeds death.

The second four "Losing Face" cause we saw something of Horatios past before CSI and the Blood in the Water.
For the first episodes I chose Blood Brothers and Lost Son. With Blood Brothers being my favorite. Blood Brothers was the beginning of the best season of Miami.

For the second episodes I chose Losing Face and Dead Zone. I really liked Losing Face. We got to see into Horatio and of course, Speedle and his "Top 10 ways to get your head blown off".
I went with 'Blood Brothers' and 'Lost Son' for the first poll, and 'Dead Zone' and 'Pro Per' for the second poll.

I chose those because they are all very strong, well written, and well acted episodes with 'Lost Son' standing out amongst those four. Even though I cannot watch that episode, it was very well done in my opinion, even if I don't like what happened in the actual episode. :(
I chose BB and LS too. GP was great, but I don't know... it was still time they were trying too hard. BB still makes me laugh when I see H wearing green... but it was also an episode where they introduced Stetler :devil:

for 2nd eppys, I chose LF and PP. Losing Face is one of my all time favourite episodes. It's just great. Pro Per... I liked it more than two other options. :p
I choose for "Blood Brothers and "Lost Son" becouse they were the best episode and becouse Speelde was in them :)

And the oder one I choose "Dead Zone" and "Blood in the Water" I liked them, becouse they great episodes, but Pro Per...they didn't mention Speedle so I don't voted.
I know I mention Speedle a lot but I miss him so much...
I chose Blood Brothers and Lost Son. The next one I had difficulty choosing between Dead Zone and Pro Per. In the end I voted Losing Face and Dead Zone.
Alrighty...time for the next set of polls. :D

Our winners from the first round were:

#201 Blood Brothers
#301 Lost Son

#202 Dead Zone
#302 Pro Per

Up next we will be voting on the 3rd and 4th episodes from each season. Again, you may choose two episodes in each poll.
The winners from the second round were:

#203 Hard Time
#303 Under The Influence

#204 Death Grip
#304 Murder In A Flash

Onto the third round, which will be the 5th and 6th episodes from each season....
I picked The Best Defence and Three-Way. One reason is that I didn't like the two other options and The Best Defence wasn't that bad... the guy was creepy tho.
Three-Way was different, and not to H-centred episode.

2nd one was bit hard to choose... I went with HA and HN. Broken was so great episode too and now I regret I didn't pick that. It was Stuart Otis. Man he is the best bad guy out there.
HA it was again bit different episode, there is some great lines between characters and uh, some nice H/Y there :lol:
Hell Night was interesting because of Ray jr. thing and the fact that Ryan was stepping it.
Went for 'Best Defence' and 'Legal'

Best defence was a great story and it was great when they nailed the lawyer..and purely physical H was amazing
*looks dreamily at banner* Some good stuff with Cal and her dad too

I liked legal, there were some cool lines :)
A: "Cam you believe this bathroom nicer than my house!"
Good complex story too, started one way and ended another!

Next episodes really tough, in the end I went 'Broken' and 'Hell Night'
Broken was a tough subject matter but Otis is one of the best baddies we have had, (and my ship gives me this eppy too but no more on that!)
HA and HN were so close it was untrue, but I loved the story for H and Ray Jr in the end so it had to be HN :)