CSI Miami Therapy

Hey dere ppl...im new here

well, i need some help from u guys..
im frm singapore..and i find its quite hard for me to find a CSI MIAMI PC games..so,if u guys haf any idea where i can buy it pls tel me pls...thank you....
Dr. J: *looks over filed paperwork* It says here your brother died, and then your partner. I think-
Ooo don't got there. You'll get hurt.

H: *shifts again" Can I, um, stand? I don't usually sit down for long periods of time.
:rolleyes: Ah Horatio. i love it when you say things like that.

H (pouting): I don't pout! I'm a CSI, we don't pout. *replaces sunnies, sits down, perched at the end of the couch* Now I'm sitting. Happy?
And that!

E: *puts down HURT*
*flinches* Right away when i read that i knew the Doc was gonna say something like 'We'll talk again sometime' or something. :lol:

I wish Speed was still alive, i could SO see him in these sessions! Him being saracstic and rude and...*sobs* I MISS SPEED!! :( *crys*
ooooooo that Alexx one...fab...really good-interested in the secreat (I'm also sooooooo glad someone else has picked up the whole Alexx/Speed closeness thing-not in a shipper way AT ALL) but yeah its brill-looking forward to the Ryan one(even thoough I'm not particualr a fan of his)
Yeah, Alexx is the only one thats cried. Typical. ( :lol: )

I CAN'T wait till one of them lashes out on the Doc. I bet she'll make some comment on Ray, and then H flip out. 10 bucks on Cal pulling out her gun.

CSIMiamiLover, what do you mean 'keep reading'? :p
Writers block? Blank? Whichever. Don't worry, i get it al the time! But then i always dream of what i should type, then i type it! It's happened twice so far. :lol:
That and the fact that my computer kinda quit on me. When I fixed it, I had to go somewhere. So only now can I begin writing. Be back with Ryan soon *promises* :D

OK Here's me fufilling my promise- I didn't want to double post.

Dr. Jennings, in a black suit, sits in with her pen and pad of paper, with the fifth and last CSI therapy session for the first week. He looks figity, anxious, and a bit nervous. He wears dark jeans, a green shirt and a white blazer. Dr. Jennings turns on the recorder.

Dr. Jennings: Hi Ryan! Nice to meet you!

Ryan: Nice to meet you too Dr. Jennings.

Dr. J: Why did you accept the offer of therapy sessions?

R: Well, I've had therapists before, to help me with my OCD, and well, this is free, so it was kind of hard to say no. And, I'm hoping you can help with the team- I kinda want to be a part of it.

Dr. J: So the team hasn't accepted you fully yet.

R: Not even partially. Well, *thinks* Horatio has. Calleigh a little bit. Alexx too, sort of.

Dr. J: So only Eric hasn't.

R: Just the way he acts towards me is enough to make me feel like no one has accepted me. He hates me.

Dr. J: He hates that Speedle's gone. He doesn't hate you, Ryan. Imagine if your best friend was killed, and you weren't even there for him when everyone else was, in a way, and then some new guy waltz's in the very next week and says "I'm part of the team."

R: *frowns* I didn't do anything wrong.

Dr. J: I know you didn't from your point of view. But to some people, it would be taken offensively.

R: But all I want is to work hard and be accepted by them! I'm not trying to impress them- I'm trying to do my job!

Dr. J: And that's all you can do- be a hardworking, humble, kind human being- the rest is up to them. They have to accept you.

R: Yeah, but it's unfair. If I'm a hardworking humble kind human being and they don't accept me...what then?

Dr. J: Go to work. Come home. Be with friends. Have a life. It might not be easy at work, but if you love what you do, do it.

R: *puts head down* Am I allowed to quit?

Dr. J: Of course. But only if it really gets to the point where you're dragging yourself from case to case, miserable. Give them a chance.


Dr. J: Do you want to talk about something else?

R: Like what?

Dr. J: Well, you mentioned you have OCD. Doesn that make your choice of career difficult?

R: *frowns* No.

Dr. J: Does it...restrict you in any wa-

R (interupting): No. It doesn't.

Dr. J: OK Ryan. I'm just trying to establish what we need to work on.

R: I'm only here for the team. I really, now that I think about it, don't want to talk about me, my OCD, or my problems, unless they involve the team.

Dr. J: I understand, Ryan, but to fix a whole we need to fix the individual. Besides, therapy is a place you can just talk about what you're feeling- what's hurting you, what's made you happy...good and bad things. Through talking we'll solve problems you didn't even know you had- it'll make you happier, and then the team- or just Eric, even- will be more likely to accept you because you give off better vibes- you're a happier person!

R: OK. What now? *rolls eyes*

Dr. J: Well our time is running out. What did you do today?

R: *smiles* Delko wouldn't answer his page, so I got called in to a case. He can't even be in the right place and he's hostile to me!

Dr. J: So you get to work Eric's job and he's mean to you. Maybe, Eric has something going on that's hurting him, so instead of thinking low of him, try to comfort him- ask him what's wrong, if you can help out.

R: *frowns* But work and play aren't supposed to mix.

Dr. J: Just try it. Eric may have some things hurting him taht he wants to talk about, and that could bring you closer.

R: *rolls eyes* OK. Whatever.

Dr. J: *checks watch* Our time is up, Ryan. It was nice to meet you. *gets up, shakes hand*

R (blunt): *shakes hand* Yeah. Thanks.

Ryan leaves, Dr. Jennings makes notes, turns the recorder off, and leaves as well.

Next session: Horatio.

Please give feedbcak. Sorry again about the delay. :D
I'll bring back H later.
Dr. J: So the team hasn't accepted you fully yet.

R: Not even partially. Well, *thinks* Horatio has.

*crosses arms* And I don't like that. I odn't like how H immediatly accepts you into the group, RIGHT after Speed's death. If i were H, i would test you SO hard, and see if you were worthy of my trust and friendship, and being part of my team.

R: *smiles* Delko wouldn't answer his page, so I got called in to a case. He can't even be in the right place and he's hostile to me!
Damn. :lol:

Next session: Horatio.
Yay!!! Thanks CSIMiami! (What's you name? It's weird for me to say CSIMiami over and over again. :p )
Well, it's on my profile. :D Lilly. Well, Horatio did accept Wolfe! (if you remember) because Wolfe was awesome and H knew it. He missed Sped, of course but he was nice to Ryan. I liked him being nice...but I do agree with you a bit about the acceptance thing. But H is H- I wouldn't change him for a story :D because he rocks so much.
Well I have a school interview but in between that and "No Man's Land" I'll write up H and get it to you. :D
Yeah Lilly, i know that H accepted Wolfe. It's just that he did it so quickly! I don't like that one bit, i would test the newbie harshly, and tell him he can't fill the shoes he's supposed to fill. (An intresting metaphor.. :lol: ) Ah well. But thanks for not changing the story, cuz' Horatio does rock!
Well, personally, me too. But H is H.
Well I can't wait for tonight's ep, and must do something CSIM related. So here's H.

Dr. Jenning sits in her swivel chair with a tan suit and her trusty pen and pad of paper. She turns the recorder on, and faces the first patient of the second week of the CSIs. He wears sunglasses- his own protective mask- and a dark blue shirt and suit. He twidles his fingers like crazy, and keeps checking his watch.

Dr. Jennings: Horatio. you seem anxious to leave. Do you have somewhere to be?

Horatio: Yes. Work. I don't really take days off.

Dr. J: Well then hasn't it been nice to be at home, worry free, with time on your hands to do relaxing things?

H: I've been siting near my phone and pager hoping someone would call me in. It's been the most nerveracking day ever.

Dr. J: You're a real workaholic!

H: Really?

Dr. J: Well, yeah! All you do is work! You need some time to yourself.

H: Yeah. So I can torture myself more by waiting for a call.

Dr. J: Well, you should try getting a massage or something relaxing. Since you can't seem to do it on your own.


Dr. J: *looks through papers* OK. Well last week we discussed your anger-

H (interupting): I'm not angry. I thought I made that clear.

Dr. J: OK Horatio. Whatever you want to call it, we need to fix it. I wanted to talk to you about daily stress, about Tim Speedle, about your family past- I've been looking into you- and your brother.

H (furious): *stands up, rips off sunnies* Look, this is about Speed, my team, and how we need to get ourselves together. This has nothing to do with me, my family, my brother- NOTHING! Why don't you leave it alone?!

Dr. J: *calming voice* Horatio, sweetheart, sit down.

H: *sits down, puts on sunnies, breathes heavily*

Dr. J: See? It's OK. You can talk to me.

H: NO! I don't want to talk to you about Raymond or my parents or anything, frankly.

Dr. J: Horatio, we need to help you. you're so hurt and angry. I know it hurts, and if you just talk to me, trust me, we can get through them, and you can be happy. Isn't that what you want?

H:...*lets head hang, chokes up* Yes. Yes I do.

Dr. J: So will you please just talk to me? I know it hurts, but I'm here for you! You don't have to be afraid to cry of express your feelings with me! And you can wait...it doesn't have to be now.

H: *something close to a smile* I don't cry. But yeah.

Dr. J: And one day, you should be able to go to your team, and have them help you out! They're there for you, Horatio. Maybe not now...but they will be. They do care about you. I promise they do.

H: OK.

Dr. J: OK.

H:...what do we do now?

Dr. J: We talk.

H: I suppose I should start with Speed, because I...I don't think I can talk about my family now.

Dr. J: That's good, Horatio. Tell me what happened.

H: *sigh* Well, we were in the middle of a kidnapping case. We...we went into a jewelry shop. We started talking to the owner...

Dr. J: *looks at watch, realizes time is up*

H: Speed...he was suspicious, and he...drew his gun. And I should've...I should've gotten mine out sooner! It was my fault!

Dr. J; No it wasn't Horatio. *puts hand on Horatio's shoulder* It wasn't your fault.

H: He...Speed raised his gun, and I drew mine...and then these guys came out of nowhere and started shooting...man I should have been faster, I should've been there for him...it was my fault...

Dr. J: No. *hugs Horatio lightly* No, it wasn't.

H: *muffled, hugs back* Oh God, I'm sorry. I should... *clears throat* I should go. Thank you.

Dr. J: Horatio, you made such a huge leap today! Our second session and you're already willing to talk about these painful things that hurt you. I promise...we'll get through them.

H: OK...

Dr. J: You have my number if you need anything...

H: Thanks. Yeah, I um...do.

Dr. J: Next week, 10:00?

H: Yeah. 10 pm. Same time...

Dr. J: Great. See you then.

H: I'm sorry, about...blowing up at you...

Dr. J: *laughs* Don't worry. I had it coming *winks*

H: Ok. Thanks.

Horatio leaves, Dr. Jennings makes notes, turns off recorder and exits as well. She worries about Horatio, but knows he's strong. She notes to discuss Speedle's death more deeply, and Horatio's past. Dr. Jennings leaves.

Next session: Eric.

Well? What'd ya think? Please give me feedback. I'll bring more Eric back tomorrow. :D And Hunter, I had him blow up just for you. :D