CSI:MIAMI - The Rebel side- Comedy skits

ooh!!! can't wait!!!! it would be funny to see H say something like "lets vacation in Vegas,*puts on sunnies* Miami-Style" LMFAO!!
lol WOO! H in vegas. i love it! i think someone needs to get drunk and get married in a drive through chapel. yep, i can see it. great update LMH!

"Okay guy's listen up, I just got word from that pansy cakeboy Ecklie, It seems that the gang from NY is on there way over to help us with a new case". :eek:

"I know that Grussomgrizzly, I talked to homebake cookie girl last night". :devil:

"I'll bet you did said Catherine, You male dirty Ho". :p

"Fug you, you just mad cause you don't get to ride the Warrick express anymore". :devil: :lol:

"Dream on Loverloser", I have NastyNicky now", said Cat. :devil: :eek:

At that moment The NY team arrived. :)

"Hey , hey, hey, the NY team is in the place", said Danny. :p :lol:

"Fuggin A said Warrick, give us a hug man". :D

"Stella, the Stella, said Warrick, you look good enough to lick" :devil:

"Dream on luva boy, I heard about you and Calleigh baking it". :eek: :eek:

"Horndog Mac, how goes it"? said Nicky. :p

"how did you fuggin know about that name"? :mad: :eek:

"Stellastien told us, all about your little sexcapade with her". :devil: :D

"Obviously I didn't shove enough of the twinkie down her throat, to shut her up". :lol: :lol:

"Bite me Babe", said Stella. :devil: :lol:

"So what time does the Miami beach bums fly in"? asked Mac. :p

"We have to pick them up in about half an hour", said cat.
"At that moment Ecklie walked in. :mad:

"This isn't a fuggin reunion", did you fill them in on the fuggin case Grissom", said Ecklie. :mad: :mad:

"Of couse Uckie, just relax your pansy pushing ass". :mad:

"Your Mama, said Ecklie. :mad:

"You talkin about my Mama, Ecklie. "Well your Mama, so fat she was floating in the ocean and spain claimed her for then new world. :lol: :lol: :lol:

"Oh yeah Grussom", your Mama, so fat when she bungee jumps, she brings down the bridge too. :lol: :lol:

hahahah*laugh*giggle**hahah :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

"Enough, you fuggin Homo's let's go get the Miami bums", said Mac. :D :devil: :p

As they got to the Airport, "H" and his team were just coming off the plane. :cool: :cool: :p

"Look there is "H", standing to the side, with those fuggin sunnies off his face, how ,much you wanna bet he says something twice"? said Greg. :eek: ;)

"H", yelled Catherine, over here" :D :eek:

"Catherine, how are you "? :cool: :cool:

"Great "H", you"? :eek: :D

"*Here it comes whispered Greg"** :eek: :eek:

"I'm just fine, just fine"? said "H" as he put on his sunnies. :cool: :cool:

Everyone started to laugh, they thought it was hilarious the way he said everything twice. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Calleigh ran over and jumped on Warrick. :eek: :eek: :devil:

"Oh my God, Warrick, is that gift in your pocket for me" *giggle* :devil: :eek:

"Yu know it Cookie girl". :devil:

"Anyone know a good bar"? asked Eric who was dying for a drink. :rolleyes: :p

"In Vegas you Cuban fugger, everything is a bar", said Nick. :devil:

"First we need to check out that case in the desert", said Grissom. :eek: :eek:

"Party pooper, said Calleigh. :( :(

As they all headed out to the desert, they caught up on everything. :D :lol: :D

Once there, they started to process the scene. :)

"Ooohh!! said Sara, Is that,"? "OoohH!!!! It is"! "Hey guy's look whhat I found over here it's a ding-dong",anyone hungry :p :lol:

'Oh my God"!! said Calleigh, why is it blue"? *laughing** :eek: :devil: :p

"Whooaa!!! said Nick". :eek: :eek:

As they were all looking at the ding-dong, a snake was coming towards Stella as she was squating on the ground". :devil:

"Mac not here, said Stella. "Mac, stop that you damn Horndog". *sighing* :devil: :p

As Stella looked down she seen the snake. :eek: :eek: :eek:

*screaming*** , she grabbed it and threw it on "H"s head, which knocked off his sunnies. As she danced around and stepped on them, he threw the snake over his side and it landed on Mac's shoulder as he said , "Fug me, he fell backwards into grissom, who kicked the ding-dong, right into Greggo's mouth. :eek: :eek: :eek:

"Ewwwww!!!! gross, Greggo, got slapped with the ding- dong". :eek: :eek: :p :p

While "H" yelled......... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

"For Christ sakes you fuggin dumb Stellastien, you killed my sunnies, that's $350 bucks, you fuggin Ho". :mad: :mad: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

"Shut the hell , "H", about you and your damn sunnies", yelled Greg. "I'm the one that got this damn ding-dong in my mouth". :eek: :(

*giggling* "Oh, God, Greggo, I'm so sorry, but you've got some cream there on your lip". :lol: :p

"Someone help me the fug up", said Mac. :mad:

"Where the hell you going "H", yelled Eric. :mad: :confused:

"To get my fuggin kit, and get out my new sunnies". :mad: :cool:

"Jesus, said Sara, how many pair does he have"? :confused:

"Don't ask Sara, he has to many to count", said Calleigh. :eek: :p

"H" came back with his new sunnies, as he stood sideway's he said..... :cool: :cool: :cool:

"The next one to break my sunnies, will be pushing up daisies", as he slipped them on his eyes and turned away. :mad: :cool: :mad: :cool:

"Okay, yelled Grissom, let's get this fuggin eveidence picked up and bagged". "I need a fuggin drink". :) :p

"Ryan yelled, "I have some apple juice"? :lol: :p

"What the FUG"!!!!! "You god damn pansy, apple juice is for sissy's", what a dick", said Nick. :rolleyes:

"Your Mama Nick, yelled Ryan. :) :lol:

"Oh yeah! your mamma breath smells so bad when she burps her teeth have to duck". :p :lol: :lol:

*giggle*laugh*giggle* :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

"Oh yeah! "Your mama is so fat, she blew a fart and spawned a hurricane, taking with it half the globe", said Ryan. :lol: :lol: :lol:

"What's so funny Warrick, your Mama so fat we went to the drive-in and didn't have to pay because we dressed her as a Chevrolet. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

"Fug you Nick, Yo mama so fat they tie a rope around her shoulders and drag her through a tunnel when they want to clean it. :mad: :lol: :lol: :lol:

"Enough you idiot's, let's get this back to the Lab, so we can go find some trouble", said Grissom. :mad: :p

Once they got everything back to the Lab, they were just about to head out when Ecklie stopped them. :mad:

"Where the hell do you think , you pieces of crap are going"? :mad: :mad:

"Not that it's your fuggin concern, we are going out for a drink", said Greg :p :)

"Hey"!!! said Warrick, do you know why Ecklie ran away from Stetler"? :lol: :D :lol: :D

"No, said the gang "WHY"? :confused: :confused:

Because, He didn''t like the way he was being reared. :eek:

Everyone howled, Christ Warrick that's great"!!! said the gang. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

"Now get the hell out of our way Ecklie, before I stuff the evidence we found up your a$$". :mad: :mad:

As they all left, Ecklie called Stetler. :mad: :eek: :eek:

"Listen Stetler, get your a$$ down here now, we are going to get revenge on those CSI losers". :mad: :mad: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

That's not good but it's so funny lolol

*whaps the RebelNick* I beg to differ, apple juice is good. Though I can only have it in moderation, if I have it with more than one meal a day I get a bellyache :( *also likes orange and grape*
lol H seems like he'd have a pair of SOJ everywhere in case of any situation, a couple in the hummer, in each drawer of his desk in his office, a few in the break room, a couple in each of the labs :lol:
Well, this is the funniest thing I've read in awhile. Love all three teams worked into this. Insanely funny, I don't think I'll be able to watch the three shows the same way again.
Once Stelter arrived he and Ecklie started searching the bars for the CSI's :eek: :eek:

"Where the hell are they"? asked Stetler. :confused:

"How the fug should I know", "God! no wonder I left you Ecklie, you're stupid". :rolleyes:

"Fug you Stetler, you miss me and you know it". said Ecklie :p :p

"Maybe a little, sweet cheeks". *giggling* :lol:

"Look , there they are, over there at that Pizza store", said Ecklie. :eek: :eek:

As Ecklie and Stetler turned and headed over, the CSI's seen them coming. :eek: :eek: :eek:

"Shit"! Now what"? said Grissom. :confused: :confused:

"Over there Gris", that Haunted House", let's go"., said Warrick. :lol: :D :p

"Oh no!!! "I not go in there, forget that said Flack, I hate monsters". :eek: :eek: :eek:

"WHAT THE FUG"!!!!! "Oh my God, said Danny, you're kidding right"? :lol: :lol: :p

"No!! I'm serious Danny, I hate the fuggin monsters they grab at you and everything". :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Everyone was laughing, they couldn't believe Flack was afraid of the Haunted House. :lol: :lol: :lol:

"RUN"!!!!! yelled Greg, here they come". :eek: :eek:

Everyone ran towards the Haunted House and entered. :p

"Holy Shit, said Nick, it's friggin black in here". :eek: :eek:

"Don't be scared Nicky, I got ya", said Cat". :devil: :devil:

"That's not Nicky, you dumb ass it's me Grissom, now give me my fuggin hand back". :mad:

"Oh! sorry Gris". :eek: :eek:

As they were walking in the dark, Sara felt someone grab her leg. :eek: :eek: :eek:

"Ahhhh!!! It's fuggin got me, get it the hell off, get it off". yelled Sara. Panicing, she pulled out her gun and started firing. "BANG<BANG<BANG" :mad: :eek: :mad: :eek: :mad:

"Owww!!!! "Fug sakes Sara, you shot my motha fuggin a$$, AHHH!! get me to a fuggin hospital man", "NOW" yelled Warrick. :mad: :mad: :devil: :mad: :mad:

Running out of the Haunted House, Ecklie and Stetler were just coming in :) :eek:

"CRASH", thay all smacked into each other. :eek: :eek:

"Damn you idiots , get the hell back here, "NOW"? :mad: :mad:

the CSI's were running down the street to the hospital with Mac, "H", Grissom and Nick, carrying Warrick. :eek: :lol: :p

"Help nurse, help nurse, please help, our CSI has been shot in the A$$. :eek: :eek:

Warrick yelled, "Pull it out, pull it out Fug sakes pull it out, it hurts Motha Fugger". :mad: :mad: :mad:

With Warrick, in the room having his bullet removed, Ecklie and Stetler walked in. :eek: :eek:

"Sh*T"!!! "Let's get the hell out of here said "H" :cool:, quick this way", said Sara. :)

"Where the hell you taking us Sara"? asked Stella. :confused: :confused:

"There's another way out, through these doors", come on"! :eek:

As they went through the door, they were in the Hospital kitchen. :eek: :confused: :eek: :confused:

"You must be the extra staff we order, put on these aprons and get out there, and serve the tables, come on now, don't stand there picking your ass, get the hell out there. "MOVE", there is 200 doctors waiting to be served there Ceremonial dinner". :mad: :mad: :mad:

Not knowing what else to do, they put on the aprons and got ready to serve the food. :eek: :confused: :confused:

"Fug sakes", said Nick, I don't know how to serve fuggin food". :confused: :confused: :p

"Sure you do Nicky, It's like being on a farm and these are your piggies, "oink, oink, now go serve your slop boy" :lol: :lol: :p :p

"Fug you Catherine, just because you're in your eliment, you strip-a-serve tramp". :mad: :eek: :eek: :mad:

"I SAID MOOOOVE!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

As they all ran out the door to serve the food, Mac stepped on Greg's foot and caused him to drop the shrimp. :eek: :eek: :eek:

"OOww!!! You dumb a$$ Mac, look at all the shrimp, you idiot, now help me pick it up". :mad: :eek: :mad:

Catherine and Stella were laughing so hard that they didn't see the servers coming through the door. :lol: :lol: :lol: :eek: :eek:

"CRASH, SMASH, dishes, plates, food, glasses, everywhere. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Catherine and Stella, went flying with the waiters, who looked like something out of a horror movie , they had spaghetti, sauce, wine, salad and dressing, all over themselves and the staff". :eek: :eek: :eek: :p :p

Everyone started laughing, God Stella , you like Raggedy Ann", said Sara, " my God, look at you" *giggle**. :lol: :lol: :lol:

"What's going on out here"? yelled the head Cheif, and as he stepped out, he slipped on a Shrimp, and went flying across the floor, landing face first into the Ceremoial cake. :eek: :eek: :eek: :mad:

*giggle, laugh, giggle, laugh,*** :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D

"Get the Fug out of my kitchen , yelled the Chief, look at this fuggin mess, you dumb ass loser girly girls, get out". :mad: :mad: :mad: :eek: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Covered in food the CSI's took off out the hospital kitchen, and Nick ran right into Stetler's arms. :eek: :devil: :devil: :devil:

"Ahh!! yelled Nick, get the Fug off me, you fuggin cakeboy". :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

"Oh my, said Stelter, you're a big one aren't you, "So hot"!! :devil: :devil: :p :p

Nick brought up his knee and kicked Stetler in the nads. :( :eek: :( :eek:

"OUFF""!!! said Stetler as he fell to the ground in pain. :( :p :( :p

"You dumb A$$ said Ecklie, get the hell up and get them". :mad: :mad: :mad:

As the CSI's left the hospital, they ran to the nearest Bar. :lol: :cool: :rolleyes: :p :) :D