A short time later after the laughter died down, they recieved another call from the Crime Lab, concerning someone found murdered in a swimming pool filled with honey.
"Let's go you guys, we got another crime scene, over at the Las Vegas Motel", said Grissom. :devil:
"Oh christ"! said Nick, that place is a fuggin dive".
"You'd know Nicky, as you took your last date there", laughed Warrick.
"Fug you Warrick, more like your mamma, I took there".
everyone laughed for they knew some yomama jokes were about to come. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh really Nick", "Well, Yo mama so fat, whenever she goes to the beach the tide comes in! :lol: :lol: :lol:
*laugh, giggle* laugh* :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
"Oh really Warrick, well , Your mama so fat , when she sits on my face I can't hear the stereo". :lol: :lol:
"Ewwww!!! yelled everyone, ewwww"!!!!!
"That's fuggin gross Nicky", said Catherine.
Once they arrived at the Crime Scene, Grissom tasted the honey from the pool with his finger.
"Auh!!! Come on Griss, said Warrick, that's gross".
"Hey Cat", yelled Horatio, bring back memories of Miami"? :devil: :devil: :devil:
"Meoowww!!! said Cat, how could I ever forget".
"What the hell does that mean", asked Calleigh with jealousy. "You little Ho, ho"?
"It means I did your man, and he was delish", purrred Catherine. :devil:
"That's it you frosted Bimbo",. And Calleigh pushed Catherine as they both went into the pool of honey.
"Wow"!!! yelled Ryan, Eric, Warrick, Greg, Mac, Horatio, Flack, Danny and Grissom"
"Christ"!!! we got a pool full honey goodness" , said Nick. :devil: :devil:
As Horatio reached his hand down to Calleigh, she said....
"Don't touch me, you dirty rotten two timing looser", said Calleigh, as she threw a hand full of honey on his sunnies.
"My Sunnies, for Christ sakes you dumb blonde, you owe me $250 dollars.
"Oh shut the hell up, Flack, Danny, help us out of this honey please, said Calleigh.
"Come on you idiot's help with this body, so we can get out of here and have a drink".
Just as they were pulling the body from the Honey pool, Stetler and Ecklie showed up.
"What the hell are you CSI loser's up to now"? asked Stetler as he walked up to "H" and took his finger tasting the Honey.
"Get your Freakin hands away from me, you sick preverted Cakeboy". :lol:
"Hey, yelled Ecklie". "Did I tell you to open wide Stetler"? "Keep it shut till I tell you otherwise", said Ecklie. And as for you "H"man, get the hell away from my woman".
"I've had enough of this , I'm, going back to Miami, said "H".
Eric and Ryan, were talking about something as they moved towards Stetler and Ecklie and pushed them both into the pool.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
"What the fug, yelled Ecklie, I'm allergic to honey".
Everyone started to laugh, as Ecklie's allergy must have been very severe, because he had giant blobs all over and was already looking like Polka roo, from Polka-a-dot door. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
"Let's get this body loaded , laughed Grissom hysterically. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Once they were all on their way, Stetler, helped a spotted Ecklie out of the pool.