"How the hell we gonna get outta here"? asked Warrick. "We have no fuggin car".
Just at that second Greg pulled up with his Papa's pick up.
"Come on guy's let's go", said Greg. :lol:
Everyone hopped into the truck, as Greg sped away.
"Where the hell to guy's"? asked Greg.
"Anywhere but here", said Mac and "H" together.
Just as they thought they had gotten far enough away, Ecklie and Stetler were right behind them.
"Shit", said Warrick, "here come's the fuggin pansy patrol, hit it Grego"

"Hit what Warrick,the truck is older then your Mama", said Greg.
"What"! you not makin fun of my mama, are you Greg"?
At that moment Ecklie smacked into the truck.
"Yee haw", yelled Catherine this is like being in the Dukes of Hazzard and being chased by Rosco.P.Cotrain and Enis". :lol: :lol:
"Oh yeah! said Calleigh, I'm Daisy, and Warrick can be my man ,and Eric can be Cooter, and Grissom is the oldest so he can be Uncle Jessie, Ryan and Flack can be BO and Luke Duke". :lol: :lol:
"Fug you Calleigh, you short ass country bumpkin". "I didn't hear you complaining about "H"s age last week".
"Ooooh!! said everyone.


""H" and Calleigh, humping in a tree, just the Gorilla's and the Monkey's, teased Grissom.
"Fug you Grussom". "At least my Mama isn't fat and ugly".
"WHAT", your Mama, so fat she broke her leg and gravy fell out. said Grissom.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
"Oh yeah! said calleigh, Yo mama so poor she waves around a popsicle stick and calls it air conditioning. :lol: :lol:
"Fug you Calleigh", and you Sara with your laughing, you sad excuse poster girl for Bones -R- Us stores.
"Back of Ecklie you dog humping motha fugger", yelled Grego.
At that moment a huge truck was coming down the road,
"Holy Mother of God"! said Mac, "Swerve Greg, swerve".
As they swerved and missed the truck, Ecklie and Stetler, didn't have enough time and had no choice but to move off the road and down back into the swamp.

:lol: :lol:
As the CSI's started laughing, they missed the turn off and down they went into the swamp a few feet from Ecklie and Stetler.
"Nice work Grego, said Warrick.
"Fug you Warrick", you worthless excuse of a CSI.
From down the swamp they could here Ecklie calling, "Get the hell over here and help us out, you worthless bunch of .......
Knowing they had no choice, they walked over and helped the two pansy's out of the swamp. :lol: :lol:
"Now that we're all stuck out here together, does anyone have any matches"? asked Nick.
"Fug You Nick", your a Boy Scout make us a fire", said Warrick.
"Auh come on, Why not get "H" to make it , he;s the dinasaur of the group".
"Listen you mother as fuggin excuse for a bulls ass, your Grissom is the dinasaur, one more word about my age and you'll be pushing up fuggin daisy's". Understand, as he put on his sunnies he said it again, "Understand".
"Why the hell does he say everything twice asked Greg and why wear shades at night"?
"DON'T ASK"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yelled everyone.
"well son, I'll tell you only once so listen, so listen", "IT's INCASE YOU DON'T HEAR ME THE FIRST TIME". yelled "H", now back off, young'en before I shove my $350 dollar sunnies up you ass".