csi miami season 8 (Speculation)

I would love for CSI miami to have a storyline like the 333 caller or the miniature killer.Or maybe someone like Paul Milander from Vegas.Those kind of storylines have always me at the edge of my seat.

GNRF,I LOVE your Reid banner!!
I would love for CSI miami to have a storyline like the 333 caller or the miniature killer.Or maybe someone like Paul Milander from Vegas.Those kind of storylines have always me at the edge of my seat.

GNRF,I LOVE your Reid banner!!

I agree with you, that would be really neat. We've only had a few recurring bad guys on Miami who were not involved in some gang/mob type of deal. Clavo (which I believe means nail by the way), Ron, etc. No one like the minature killer though. I hated that storyline. :lol: But, I loved the Paul Milander one and the blue paint killer one. Not 333 though cause at this point, the stalker would get close to and ask out Nat (like Drew/333 Stalker did with Stella) to get at Horatio... though it would at least give Natalia a storyline. :lol:

Thanks [about the banner]. It was made for me by FallenForFlack. :)
^^ I loved the miniature killer story, I thought it was pretty clever & well thought out. I agree they need someone or something to chew on for the whole season aside from the typical bad guys, like maybe some nutcase who randomly drowns people in the ocean & the team can't get enough evidence or enough of a profile to catch the guy.
I also would want it to stump & affect the entire team, not just H or an individual character -- however if they want to attempt in drowning my Natalia then I could go for it 'cause she needs a damn storyline. :D
I didn't understood quite well why Natalie Davis killed her victims but it was quite entertaining to find out the clues each episode.It kept me looking forward to it.MJ has a point in that the whole team needs to be involved so all fans would feel part of it.This would be someone able to piss everyone.It would be a good way to reinforce the forensics part as well .We will all be discussing clues each week.Not that discussing ships isn't entertaining.JK.

GNRF,I am sort of obssesed now with Reid at this point.
^^ I loved the miniature killer story, I thought it was pretty clever & well thought out. I agree they need someone or something to chew on for the whole season aside from the typical bad guys, like maybe some nutcase who randomly drowns people in the ocean & the team can't get enough evidence or enough of a profile to catch the guy.
I also would want it to stump & affect the entire team, not just H or an individual character -- however if they want to attempt in drowning my Natalia then I could go for it 'cause she needs a damn storyline. :D

I agree MJ. I think something happening to Nat would give her a good storyline just as long as she dosen't die. I might stop watching if she does (after I cry an ocean).
^^ I loved the miniature killer story, I thought it was pretty clever & well thought out. I agree they need someone or something to chew on for the whole season aside from the typical bad guys, like maybe some nutcase who randomly drowns people in the ocean & the team can't get enough evidence or enough of a profile to catch the guy.
I also would want it to stump & affect the entire team, not just H or an individual character -- however if they want to attempt in drowning my Natalia then I could go for it 'cause she needs a damn storyline. :D
This type of case would be great for the team to tackle as a whole.It's never been done on Miami,it would take more than 1 episode to solve and would probably involve more old fashioned,hands on forensics.
Having Natalia as an almost victim would be a nice touch.
Actually not so. He get's a good episode or two during the season and that's it. People tend to talk about his episodes a lot.In the last several seasons, the episodes where he is featured more tends to happen toward the end of the season.Even after he was fired,he would appear for a few minutes per episode and not be seen again.Season six was not a good one for him. We actually don't know a lot about his character,no more than Frank after several seasons.He hasn't had so much that he shouldn't have just as much everyone else in season 8.

I couldn't agree more. It is kind of sad that a main character who has been there as long as Ryan, we don't seem to know anything about. And we seem to talk about his eppies a lot because they seem so few and far between.
The entire team needs good storylines for season 8.
Team building and unity really needs to be highlighted.

Maybe that is what DC meant when he mentioned in an interview that they were going back to the beginning; hopefully anyway.
You know who I've been dying to meet, even if only for one episode? Frank's kids. He's mentioned at least twice that he has kids, yet we know nothing about them--not even their gender or how many there are! Or wait, maybe he said that there were three? I don't remember exactly. We've met Alexx's kids and Yelina's kid and, of course, Horatio's kid, but never Frank's. I think it would be a cool little storyline for Frank.
You know who I've been dying to meet, even if only for one episode? Frank's kids. He's mentioned at least twice that he has kids, yet we know nothing about them--not even their gender or how many there are! Or wait, maybe he said that there were three? I don't remember exactly. We've met Alexx's kids and Yelina's kid and, of course, Horatio's kid, but never Frank's. I think it would be a cool little storyline for Frank.

I could have sworn I heard somewhere he has three daughters...
You know who I've been dying to meet, even if only for one episode? Frank's kids. He's mentioned at least twice that he has kids, yet we know nothing about them--not even their gender or how many there are! Or wait, maybe he said that there were three? I don't remember exactly. We've met Alexx's kids and Yelina's kid and, of course, Horatio's kid, but never Frank's. I think it would be a cool little storyline for Frank.

I could have sworn I heard somewhere he has three daughters...
I checked around a little bit. Looks like he definitely has three kids, but it isn't mentioned what their genders are. I really wish we get to see them! I just want more Frank. Why hasn't he been given a storyline?
More Frank....he's just too great a character to ignore.
Definitely, More Frank. I love his Trippisms and he speaks my TX language. Whoop! Gig'em Aggies! :thumbsup: He definitely needs some character focus. This has not happened since BAIT #2.09

More Natalia.
Yes. She seems to be the only character that can work with "all" CSIs and MDPD staff. She needs some good stories and opportunity to show her strengths.

Ryan, while I love the character to death, he's had a lot in the past seasons. He's had a lot this season, too.

Not even close to E or C. Only two S7 episodes really had some focus on Ryan's character. "And They're Offed" started as a Ryan episode, but basically became a C/E "mushy" episode with all the "horse-see" & candy references. :rolleyes: Only, "Wolfe in Sheep's Clothing" can really be considered a Ryan S7 episode. Definitely, Ryan fans have been "jipped" in the equity episode balance in S6-S7, and Natalia and Frank fans have been "totally jipped".

More humor. Again, Curse of the Coffin as an example.
Better, yet, the S1-S2 Seasons with Speed, Eric, and Calleigh interaction. When I saw "Won't Get Fueled Again", I thought finally after the really poor S6 that maybe TPTB heard the fans complaints. Unfortunately, it was short-lived. The rest of S7 was dark, moody, and soap opera-ish. Just more H headaches dealing with nutty Julia. Calleigh wearing black and acting like dark Ms. Horatio (I miss the ole' Calleigh). Eric just being moody and keeping secrets. And, little team unity or interaction. (The Borg are more unified. :borg: )

More Yelina. I love Sofia Milos and think she's been horrifically underused. Let her come out of retirement as a homicide detective and back into the MDPD fold.
100% Agree. I think she is a fantastic actress and needs to be a regular character again. She not only has a lot of fans in US, but a large International fan base as well. Her character could help to bring back that Miami "International" flavor again to the show. :thumbsup:

Less extra lab guys and bring Valera back.
It was sad when a new lab rat got more screen time in "Dissolved" than Valera in S6 and S7 put together. I like her character and they need to incorporate her into the episodes more, but keep the Brit Lab Rat. He is popular with the Brit Fans.

Eric found and fallout with Calleigh.
As far as the C/E fallout, hopefully, TPTB will either let it last 5 minutes and be done with it or just dedicate one S8 episode to C/E and honestly call it the C/E episode. That way... 50% of the fan base that are not hiphuggies can tune away and watch something else that night. Personnally, I could care less if these two or dating or not. To me the C/E "mushy" stuff and all its focus has not helped the quality of the show, but just divided the fan base and it is disappointing.

Kyle to go off to college and Horatio retire.
Totally disagree. Although, the Kyle character first seemed to be like "a deer standing in the headlights", he has improved. There is potential for his character if the writers would get off their duffs and get inventive. It seems like the writers can't have Kyle in an episode without ruining it by inserting the "Wacko Julia". "Dump her character... PLEASE!" Let Kyle go on a fishing trip with H or something different besides him being in trouble or always a suspect, etc. Let him interact with some people his own age and deal with some issues that young people are dealing with this day and age. He could maybe intern a little while attending college to keep him interacting with CSIs in episodes.

Last... If the DC/H-Man was gone from the show, this show would no longer be CSI: Miami and ratings would crash. Love him or not, the H-character and H-story is the glue that keeps this show together. I still love the H character, although I personally did not care for the ending of "To Kill a Predator" too. I, personally, like to think that my H-ero just scared the beer-toting ped to death and maybe caused him to pee in his pants; then arrested him. Actually, the Miami Justice scene with the machete guy has always troubled me even a little bit more (So... Dirty Harry-ish). On DVD, it was stated that DC had a problem with even shooting the young "Urban Hellraiser" in the back in the lab scene, but it was justified since his CSI, Natalia, was about to be killed. Things sure have changed. I think TPTB made a wrong decision in trying to make our beloved Lt. Horatio Caine more and more like a Dark H-Vader. At the end of S7, we started to see a little of the 'ole H again. The 'ole H that was more in tune and caring about the victims and striving for Justice. So, hopefully that trend will continue in S8.
Kyle to go off to college and Horatio retire.
Totally disagree. Although, the Kyle character first seemed to be like "a deer standing in the headlights", he has improved. There is potential for his character if the writers would get off their duffs and get inventive. It seems like the writers can't have Kyle in an episode without ruining it by inserting the "Wacko Julia". "Dump her character... PLEASE!" Let Kyle go on a fishing trip with H or something different besides him being in trouble or always a suspect, etc. Let him interact with some people his own age and deal with some issues that young people are dealing with this day and age. He could maybe intern a little while attending college to keep him interacting with CSIs in episodes.
Agreed. I almost felt that when Kyle was introduced the writers felt like they couldn't have H interaction be with a non-enemy. It's like TPTB needed Horatio to be battling someone--enter Julia. She really was the worst thing they could have done. I do feel as if the writers are giving Kyle a little bit more dimension, though. I wouldn't mind seeing him in scenes without Horatio. I think your idea, H-COOL, is a great one. If the show could create some storylines more youth-related (think foster care or high school shooting type thing), then Kyle could be used to show how the events affect people personally.

Oh and I'd like some Horatio/Kyle seens where H isn't being so distant.
Oh and I'd like some Horatio/Kyle seens where H isn't being so distant.

I agree. Lately Kyle seems to have more of a connection with Ryan than he does with Horatio. While I thoroughly enjoy watching Kyle and Ryan interact and I think that Evan and Jonathan work really well together, I really believe we need to see Horatio and Kyle's relationship develop and grow. If not, what the heck was the sense in bringing Kyle in to begin with?

Again, the writers show strong evidence that they are extremely challenged when it comes to writing for ANY type of one on one (or team) relationship - father and son included. :rolleyes:
Oh and I'd like some Horatio/Kyle seens where H isn't being so distant.

I agree. Lately Kyle seems to have more of a connection with Ryan than he does with Horatio. While I thoroughly enjoy watching Kyle and Ryan interact and I think that Evan and Jonathan work really well together, I really believe we need to see Horatio and Kyle's relationship develop and grow. If not, what the heck was the sense in bringing Kyle in to begin with?

I agree that Horatio seems distant when dealing with Kyle. After everything he has been through, Kyle needs a positive role model.
I think they just popped Kyle in to make H seem... Not H. Like not who we all perceived him to be. Kyle should be directly involved in something... Like involved in a crime scene but he was almost the second or third victim. Also, H and Yelina should FINALLY get together. MOST - FRUSTRATING - COUPLE - EVER!!!!!!!!