CSI: Miami Season 5 Wishlist

speed_cochrane said:
(What happened to the geriatric dudes who digged the weather?)
Hehehe! This just cracked me up!

Now, it's my turn. Season 4 drove me insane!! Most of this has been said already, but...

-Get back to the science. Isn't that what the CSI's are (supposed to be) all about?
-I want Tyler back!!!!!!!
-No more Snake Lady
-Less Cooper (Sorry, I just don't like the guy)
-Find out that there was an actual mole, not just her saying 'only good things'
-NO SOAP BUBBLES!!!!!!!!!!! ARG!!!!!! This is NOT a soap opera!!!!!!
-Is Madison okay? What's going on with the lukemia? How's Suzie holding up with all of this? Why didn't we see them for an Entire Season?? H wouldn't just abandon them.
-No matching outfits
-I hate the new labs (not really a 'wish', but unless the building blows up or something, there's not much they can do about it)
-Make H a real person again
-No more split screens or obnoxious subtitles when we can understand perfectly well what they're saying
-Give them realistic technology. They can't possibly afford everything they use (see CSI LV... Griss is constantly saying they can't afford things)
-Make them a real team again. I want them to interact with each other the way they used to.
-Rex Linn in the main credits (come on, the guy deserves it)
-back off on the charcter development. A little bit is nice, but this was waaaaaay to much.
-I agree that Stuart Otis was by far the best bad guy. If they don't want to bring him back (he has already gotten out once), then make some bad guys more like him (not just like him, that's just creepy)
-Characters dealing with Speeds death, visiting his grave, or just mentioning him in some capacity other than how he screwed up his cases (a bit late, maybe, but beter than never)
-It would be nice to see Yelina come back. I'd really like to see Ray Sr. turn himself in.
-I want Speed back. I know that RC wouldn't ever want to come back full time, but even if he showed up once, explained that he was undercover, and had to dissapear again. Of course then he'd have to pop up every once in a while. That'd be good.....

That's all for now. I'm sure there was something else...
my wish list is mostly covered with the previous posts.
i just have to add:
- no more office romances. :rolleyes:

and i have to repeat one of Thumpy's points and i extend it:
- more t-shirts for ryan, no sweater vests! :lol:
first this isnt part of season 5 but someone related. on the csi miami blogs on cbs's website maybe from time to time a post from one of the cast.

more calliegh scenes.

now i know i am going to get a big back fire from this but i cant help it

some more natalia.
Actually... no... not ALL want him back. I mean, he was great character, but he is dead and gone and I'm totally happy with today's cast and characters. Except Natalia.
The Horatio from season 1 & 2, not to much drama and a little more normal. But not to much normal though.

Either one perfect woman his own age for H which he stays with for the rest of his life.. or none at all.

No more H/NY things. It doesn't add up things what he said in prev seasons.

Bring Speedle (or his grave, memories, flashbacks etc)!, Tyler, Yelina, Ray Sr. (Dean Winters jum) & Ray Jr. back.

Boa Vista's husband gets released and she moves away together with her TOO High-Tech Lab with to much color. And bring Valera more up front! No more cooper!

A little less personal for H and Eric a little more for Calleigh, and make her human again too! and Ryan was perfect this season just his eye trouble.

The investigative Stetler... The way he was before Eric got investigated.

A little more normal storylines inbetween rich and famous/glamoures storylines. Like ashes to ashes, broken, etc.

No more split screens. Instead of that the original extra movies that explains some stuff how it really goes. Like a bullet travelling trhough a body and stuff...

More Ryan with his sleeveles swaeters or howecer they may be called in english :p

More Lab shots with the main characters... Especially Horatio... I don't think he did something in the lab himself this season.

Either short interrogations or interresting ones...!

More endings with nice music! I thought it was going to be okay after 4.1 and 4.2 but after that I really missed them. They are all over s1, 2 & 3 though. I loved those ending scenes!

More Frank with his nice one liners! I love that dude! And put him in the damn credits.

As said before I would love Steward Otis back too! That would be so damn great!

More normal interaction between characters like a short comment on a happened event. More cool quotes from all of them especially H

A little follow up on Franks mariage, Susan+Madison.

As mentioned above. A blog post on the cbs site from one of the (main-)characters.

H without his matching jacket just his blouse. It is damn hot in "Miami" act like it :cool:
i go with zippy here :p

- Bring back Yelina !!!

- Bring back the humor and clever dialogs from S1 & S2.

- No more soapy love drama.

- Bring the REAL Horatio back.

- Leave H alone.

- More Frank and Stetler.
*whispers* I still want Speedle back. Even if he's dead, I don't care. (And it's probably never going to happen. I'm living in reality today. It's fun. I've never tried if before)

I'd actually like to see some more development on Boa Vista. She could be a potentially great character.
-Horatio...not this S4 thing with read hair...we want our Horatio back!
-get rid of that snake NOW! After whats happened how can Horatio have her in the lab?
-Someone get a hose and rinse the soap bubbles off.
-You knwo being a great fan of 24 split screans are good. BUT NOT IN MIAMI THEY WORK IN 24 NOT MIAMI! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHERE DID YOU DIRECTORS GO TO SCHOOL?
-Wheres Stettie? Where is he? Wheres our Horatio and Stettie love?
-More of Maddie...yes the wee kiddie has cancer a season and a half later what happened? Where is she?
-Wheres the blood?
-Wheres the ral crime people?
-Why are there only rich and pretty girls on Miami? Wheres the dark side of miami?
Well if you think about it, Horatio's hair was more blonde in season 4 so technically it's not the same man. HA! I found a loophole. :p

I agree Sammie, there isn't anything gross anymore. I remember 'Forced Entry' in season 1, where there was a pile of decomposing bodies. What happened to those kinds of cases?
zippy said:
I'd like to know what happened to Madison now.
Did Madison and Suzie get mentioned in S4? Were behind here in the UK. If not then I would like to know what the hell happend to them. :eek:
-No more weird storylines
-I want Horatio to do actual work!!! I mean, I thought he was a CSI, not a detective like Frank.
-Happy Calleigh
-More humor, like jokes and sarcasm. There was only a tiny bit of that during season 4.
-I want Yelina Back
-I want to see more of Stetler
Tinkerbell said:
zippy said:
I'd like to know what happened to Madison now.
Did Madison and Suzie get mentioned in S4? Were behind here in the UK. If not then I would like to know what the hell happend to them. :eek:
I don't think so Tink. That's why I'd like to know. Ray Jr was supposed to help Madison but then he left. We're not sure what happened after that. I hope they don't just drop the whole Suzie/Madison storyline like that.