CSI:Miami Road Trip- We've Travelled a Long Way

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Speed: Well gee I don't really remember that one too well. I was busy DYING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET.

I like that one! Comparing Horatio's bad one-liners? That's classic. If Katie's in charge, can I be second in command? lol :D :D Love the upadates, Geni!
:lol: I kind of miss the good one-liners.



Speed: Okay thank God these have giant cushy seat things because I'm tired.

Calleigh: *lays on Speed's chest* Mmm wake me when we get there.

Delko: *sprawled across three seats* I don't even know why have that many seats. There's only four of us.

Speed: Hey Cal?

Calleigh: Hm?

Speed: I'm not sure my wife would appreciate you laying on my chest.

Calleigh: You're warm.

Speed: That's not the point.

Calleigh: It's not like we're sleeping together.

Speed: Well I'm half asleep, and you have your eyes closed so technically we're sleeping 'together'.

Calleigh: Tim, stop getting technical.

Speed: Did you need a blanket or something?

Calleigh: Why?

Speed: Well you seem cold.

Calleigh: Do you have a blanket.

Speed: Eric's sleeping on it.

Calleigh: Well then it should be warm.

Speed: *grabs blanket*

Delko: *falls off seats* OW!

Speed: *wraps Calleigh* Better?

Calleigh: *smiles* Much.

Delko: Hey no fair. How come you guys get to be cozy warm and I get to sprawl out over three seats?

Calleigh: Because if Horatio hits anything I feel safer with Tim than I do with you.

Delko: Why? I have big strong arms.

Calleigh: But you're not...Really....I don't know.

Speed: Cal, go to sleep before you lose all motor function.

Calleigh: Done and done.


Delko: Hey H are you still awake?

Horatio: No rest for the weary.

Delko: ...Was that english?

Horatio: It means I'm awake.

Delko: Good. *goes back to sleep*

Speed: *Gently moves Calleigh out of the way, gets up*

Horatio: What are you doing back there?

Speed: I'm switching seats so I can make a phone call.

Horatio: We get reception out here?

Speed: We'll see. *dials*


Katie: *picks up phone, yawns* Hello?

Speed: Hey.

Katie: Well hey there stranger. Are you on your way to Brazil?

Speed: Did I wake you up?

Katie: Sort of.

Speed: I'm sorry.

Katie: No, it's okay. What did you call for?

Speed: To talk to you.

Katie: You've only been gone 10 hours and you already want to talk to me?

Speed: Is it a crime that I miss you?

Katie: Haha wow it should be. Is everyone else asleep?

Speed: Well Horatio's not.

Katie: Good because if he was asleep, you'd all be dead.

Speed: Well we don't want that.

Katie: So....Brazil huh? Sounds exciting.

Speed: I hear you have the lab. That's quite a responsability.

Katie: Yeah I don't think I can do it.

Speed: You'll be fine sweeheart.

Katie: Um...Okay what's with that?

Speed: *smiles* Stay safe over there okay?

Katie: Why are you acting wierd?

Speed: Being tired makes me wierd, what can I say?

Katie: So you're not going to cheat on me right?

Speed: No, why would I?

Katie: You're going to be in a different continent.

Speed: The best proof of love is trust. Do you love me?

Katie: Yes.

Speed: Then trust me.

Katie: Okay...I trust you.

Speed: I have to go.

Katie: Alright.

Speed: I'll see you when I get back.

Katie: You promise you'll come back safe?

Speed: I promise.

Katie: Okay.

Speed: Bye. *closes phone*

Horatio: A difficult goodbye?

Speed: *nods* One of the most.

I didn't like the last couple of lines there. Are you up to something? lol.

And aww he called me sweetheart that's so....cute. lol. Update soon please.
'Tis cute, and looks like Missy is second in command. ;)

Gee why would I be up to something? :p

Six-String Serenade

[Miami, 10 pm, next night]


Missy: Geez, we were getting in as fast as we could.

Katie: Well get here faster. I'm in charge so you can either call me Katie or Horatio. I'd prefer the latter but whatever floats your boat.

Anni: Who made you in charge?

Katie: Horatio did.

Anni: So what's our first case?

Katie: Murder in an auditorium off of Biscayne Ave.

Carly: Oh sounds like fun.

Katie: Let's get down there.


Carly: Wow look at all the instruments everywhere.

Anni: Looks like a struggle went on. *places down kit*

Katie: *reads notes* The orchestra was finished playing before the intermission. Once the curtain lifted after intermission, the audience saw blood everywhere, but the only one to end up dead was the pianist, Mark Aurelo.

Carly: No one else saw anything?

Katie: It was loud, it was dark and the only illumination was out here. A few people report having heard a loud bang, like the lid of a piano dropping.

Anni: It makes sense, seeing as the grand piano's lid was dropped.

Alexx: *walks in*

Missy: Are all the guests still here?

Katie: Some ran out after they saw the dead body. Others are in the main area.

Anni: *looks at list* There were 47 musicians up here.

Katie: *nods* 47 suspects.

47 suspects. Ohhhh go me! lol. And i would prefer NOT to be called Horaito. lol. "Get here faster." haha that reminded me of chandler only he said "Get there faster." but same thing. lol. Update soon please.
aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwww KATIE! I want Speed.......he's so cute, but I only want him when he's "tired and wierd" lol. Nah, I'll leave him to you Kaite, you're the only one for him lol.
:lol: Gotta love Chandler AND Speed.

Concerto With A Bullet

[Crime scene]

Katie: What do you have Alexx?

Alexx: Gunshot wound to his neck.

Katie: That explains the massive blood loss.

Alexx: Anyone sitting close to the piano would have gotten blood evidence on them.

Katie: What kind of caliber was used?

Alexx: Looks like a .223

Anni: *walks around* If the bullet came from in here, where would someone in the orchestra keep a gun?

Carly: Especially one of that size.

Anni: Yeah a .223 is a sniper rifle. There is no way a member of the orchestra got one in here un-noticed.

Katie: Maybe we're looking in the wrong direction. *pulls curtain across* Cut the lights would you?

Carly: *turns off lights*

Katie: *clicks on flashlight* Yep, right there.

Anni: What is it?

Katie: Bullet hole through the curtain. *turns around*

Carly: *turns on lights*

Katie: And no one heard anything because either the paino lid masked the sound, or they had a silencer.

Anni: So we can get a trajectory based on the victim, to curtain.

Alexx: Well I can tell you right now, it's a downward trajectory.

Katie: So we have to be looking up. *pulls curtain across* ...I'll be right back.

[Upper level]

Katie: *walks to balcony edge* Hey Anni!

Anni: Yeah!

Katie: I have burn damage and gunshot residue up here! Our shooter was on this balcony!

Anni: I'll come up there with a kit!


Horatio: Everyone wake up, we're almost in Brazil.

Calleigh: *wakes up* I have to pee.

Speed: *opens eyes* Good to know.

Calleigh: *leaves*

Delko: Man she's going to take 10 years in there. And even if she does her hair and makeup, it's going to take longer and she'll look exactly the same as when she went in there.

Speed: She'll look magnificent either way.

Delko: ...Yeah alright Romeo, whatever you say.

Speed: It was a compliment, don't think too much on it.

Delko: As long as you don't call me magnificent, it's all good.

Speed: Don't worry about it.

Awww thanks, Jess. lol.

And I sound all csi ish. Yay. I like bein in charge. lol. So a .223 sniper rifle...hmm...poor guy. lol. And Speed called Calleigh magnificent well that's sweet. lol. Update soon please.


[Interview room]

Katie: *sits down* Mister Brown, you're the conductor right?

Brown: You look a little young to be a detective.

Katie: Well thanks, that's awful kind of you. So you're the conductor.

Brown: Yeah.

Katie: And you were there during intermission?

Brown: No I had to go pick up my daughter from a sleepover. She got sick so I left during intermission.

Katie: So you never saw anyone with a gun?

Brown: In an auditorium? *laughs* The only thing I see there are overweight women wearing sequins, and rich old guys wearing monicles.

Katie: Apparently you're being...Laid off?

Brown: Where did you find that out?

Katie: I'm a CSI.

Brown: Yeah well the city doesn't think enough people attend the orchestra, so they decided they didn't want to pay me to stand there and flail for four and a half hours.

Katie: Do you own a gun?

Brown: No.

Katie: Okay, well you're free to go but don't leave town.

Brown: Where would I go? *leaves*

Katie: *frowns*


Speed: Can we get off this tin can already? I'm going to get bed sores.

Delko: You're pacing around the room. The only thing that's going to get sore is the hummercraft.

Speed: Well this is retarded. We were suppose to land over two hours ago.

Horatio: There's limited visibility, I can't put 'er down until I can see the ground from here.

Speed: Well when you bump into it, you will have found it.

Horatio: I know you're a little claustrophobic, but you need to calm down and stop making everyone else nervous.

Speed: Why would I be making everyone else nervous? I'm just trying to think of how many ways I could die in a metal tube. I feel like frozen yogurt.

Calleigh: What?

Speed: In those gogurt things.

Calleigh: Okay, come sit over here. I'm going to calm you down.

Speed: How?

Calleigh: I'm going to give you a massage.

Speed: Uh...That's okay I'm good.

Calleigh: Get over here. *grabs Speed*

Speed: Ow.

Calleigh: *rubs Speed's back* There, now relax. We're going to land soon.

Speed: *sigh* Okay.

Delko: Unless we crash into the Amazon river or something and get eaten by phirannas.

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: Don't pay attention to him. And for crying out loud, stop being so tense.

Speed: I can't help it.

Calleigh: Well I can.

Speed: ....*clears throat* You know, you're pretty good at that.

Calleigh: See? Now you're relaxed a little more. Isn't that much better?

Speed: I suppose.

Delko: I like this trip. We can spend so much time being sardines.

Speed: Shut up Eric.

"I'm a CSI." And a damn good one! lol. Sorry I felt the need to quote Calleigh. lol.

Delko: Unless we crash into the Amazon river or something and get eaten by phirannas.

hahha, that was hilarious. hahahaha, ok now I can't stop laughing. lol. Update soon please.
That was awesome!! yay! I'm second in command. Alright Katie Horatio Speedle...never mind that. Don't crash Horatio! If you let anything happen to Speed and Delko, Katie and I will kill you!
haha, that chapter comparing H's one-liners was hilarious! :lol: my favourite is probably "They never listen"...they never do *shakes head*

and when Katie said "47 suspects" for some reason in my head it was Horatio's voice...it was such a Horatio thing to say :lol:

please update soon
That's because I think Horatio did say that at one time. I think it was the episode 'Broken', season 1.

Bernstein: *sigh* 50 witnesses.
Horatio: Hmm 50 suspects.


The Most Affected

[Trace lab]

Missy: *walks in* Hey did you get results on the substance on the balcony?

Katie: *looks up* Yeah it's GSR. I also found two sets of footprints. One looks like it was made from a dress shoe, and the second was the same kind but a different brand.

Missy: Anni and Carly are questioning the orchestra members. I'm heading down to autopsy right now.

Katie: Great. Where's JC?

Missy: She had a family reunion back in Canada, but she'll be back soon.

Katie: Alright, well get to work on that DB and I'll go in the layout room and try and narrow down a brand of shoes.

Missy: I'm on it.


Anni: Alright, mister Kelvin, you play the violin?

Kelvin: It's the viola. There's a difference. I wouldn't be caught dead with a violin.

Anni: Interesting choice of words. *looks at notes* Did you know Mark Aurelo?

Kelvin: I know everyone on the orchestra. I didn't know him personally, but that's because the pianist and the violas don't mingle together.

Anni: Explain.

Kelvin: The pianists are what we call the 'advanced' players club. They don't even talk to the string progression. Sometimes they mingle with percussion and cello, but that's maybe if it were a christmas party or s-

Anni: Yeah, okay I get it. You don't speak to Mark.

Kelvin: I didn't even know that was his name. I always called him the piano man.

Anni: So who does speak to him on a regular basis?

Kelvin: The conductor, and that guy who directs everyone in.

Anni: The usher?

Kelvin: Yeah that guy. He used to be a pianist for our group but they let him go when he managed to fit in a 20 minute solo during a show.

Anni: Where is he now?

Kelvin: Probably around here somewhere.

Anni: Thanks.

Kelvin: *leaves*

Carly: *walks up* Get anything interesting?

Anni: Possibly a motive.

Carly: Wow you don't waste any time.

Anni: We need to look for the usher.

Carly: Do you think the usher owns a gun?

Anni: When we find him, let's ask him.


Missy: Hey Alexx.

Alexx: Hey I got your DB ready.

Missy: Excellent, so cause of death?

Alexx: Gunshot wound to the neck. The bullet passed through the cartoid artery, and exited down here at the subclavian artery.

Missy: Ouch.

Alexx: He died instantly.

Missy: What's his shoe size?

Alexx: 9 and a half.

Missy: Pretty small for a man.

Alexx: Well he might have suffered a vitamin deficiency as a child and as a result, his growth was stunted. Either that or he just has small feet.

Missy: Do you have the bullet that killed him?

Alexx: Carly found it lodged in the piano. She sent it up to ballistics a while ago.

Missy: *cell phone rings* Hold on. *opens phone* Yeah?

Katie: The first set of shoe prints that I found near where the shooter was, is a size 10 and a half. The second set that I found, near the entrance to the balcony are a size 9 and a half.

Missy: Our vic is a 9 and a half.

Katie: So there's a good chance he was up there.

Missy: Maybe he saw the shooter.

Katie: Or the shooter saw him.


Horatio: Okay we've landed.

Speed: Yeah we see that.

Horatio: No need to get snippy. Okay, now where would Trevor go?

Calleigh: Where would you go if you fled?

Horatio: Somewhere indiscreet.

Delko: Somewhere away from the airport.

Speed: Somewhere...Over there.

Calleigh: What?

Speed: He's walking that way. *points*

Calleigh: *slaps Speed* Why didn't you tell us!

Speed: Yeah yell louder Calleigh.

Calleigh: TREVOR! *runs*

Trevor: *turns around* Uh oh.


Trevor: OW..*rubs face*

Calleigh: *kisses Trevor*

Speed/Horatio/Delko: *blank stare*

Calleigh: I'm so glad you're not dead.

Trevor: Gee, me too.

Horatio: You're going to have to come back with us son.

Trevor: Yeah I know.

Horatio: Good, let's go.

Calleigh: Can I speak with him for a minute?

Horatio: ....Alright I have to go to the little boy's room anyway.

Speed: I have to uh...Get change for a dollar.

Delko: I'm good right here.

Speed: Come on. *grabs Delko*

Calleigh: You have no idea how much I missed you.

Trevor: Well I missed you too.

Calleigh: Why didn't you call me or something?

Trevor: It was too dangerous.

Calleigh: I don't care!

Trevor: I knew that the mission was dangerous, and I didn't want you to get hurt.

Calleigh: Well I'm hurt now. I loved you and you left without saying goodbye. And you tried to kill us.

Trevor: *lifts finger* Ah, that is where you are mistaken. I tried to kill Speed.

Calleigh: I'm just glad you're safe.

Trevor: I'll probably have to go back to prison huh?

Calleigh: Well...Not if I can help it.

Trevor: What do you mean?

Calleigh: If you head out that way, you can get away from here before Horatio gets back.

Trevor: You want me to run?

Calleigh: You're not running. You just...Took the wrong way to get to the Hummercraft and now you're lost somewhere in Brazil, never to be found again.

Trevor: You really want me to do that?

Calleigh: We don't have time to think about it. Just go before they get back.

Trevor: Will I ever see you again?

Calleigh: I'm sure we'll bump into each other another day.

Trevor: ...I love you Cal.

Calleigh: I love you too. NOW GET OUT OF HERE!

Trevor: *runs*

Horatio: *walks up* So let's ge....Where did he go?

Calleigh: He ran off. I couldn't catch him. I think he caught a train out of here.

Horatio: Well we should go find him.

Calleigh: Look, he's not hurting anyone here. I think we should just let him go.

Horatio: Should I tell that to the families of the people who were murdered?

Calleigh: He never killed anyone.

Horatio: He still broke the law.

Calleigh: In Miami. But now he's out of our jurisdiction.

Horatio: ...You wanted him to leave didn't you?

Calleigh: I don't want him to rot in jail.

Horatio: Neither do I, but he broke the law.

Calleigh: Just let him go Horatio, just this once.

Horatio: *nods* Okay, for you Calleigh. I'll let him slip through.

Calleigh: Thank you.

Horatio: Let's get back to Miami before Eric finds another strip club.

Calleigh: *looks back*

Horatio: He'll be fine.

Calleigh: But I'll still miss him.

Horatio: Come on Calleigh, let's go.

Calleigh: I'm coming, I'm coming.

"Yeah, ok I get it you don't speak to Mark." That cracked me up for some reason. lol. I dunno why. And aww that was sweet Calleigh let him go. But she didn't really seem to care that trevor tried to kill Speedy boy. And yes let's NOT have Eric find another strip club lol. Update soon please
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