:lol: Empire records. "It makes the customers all crazy-like" Teehee.
And yes Speed is a poo poo head.
In The End
Horatio: *walks in* Hey Calleigh what are you doing in here?
Calleigh: I'm just going over some evidence for Anni to make sure everything's in place.
Horatio: Are you okay? You were pretty quiet on the way back.
Calleigh: *smiles* I'm fine.
Horatio: *tilts head* Are you sure you don't want to talk about anything?
Calleigh: Everything is fine.
Horatio: Okay, but if you need to talk, you know where to find me. *leaves*
Calleigh: Alright.
Delko: *runs in* Calleigh oh thank God you're here!
Calleigh: Where else would I be Eric?
Delko: I think you need to talk to Katie.
Calleigh: Why?
Delko: Well spread some of that...Girl talk stuff around.
Calleigh: Girl talk?
Delko: I tried, but I'm not a girl so I don't think it worked.
Calleigh: What happened?
Delko: She cheated on Speed and she thought he would understand seeing as he was the man whore, but he got all mad and she's crying and stuff and she has a dirty mouth when she's mad.
Calleigh: That's the gist of what happened?
Delko: Basically, yeah.
Calleigh: Well I think she needs to work that out with him on her own. We'd only be a hinderance, and we have no say what happens in their relationship so we shouldn't get involved. Where is Tim anyway?
Delko: He went with Horatio to a scene.
Calleigh: We have a scene?
Delko: Well they have a scene. We're supposed to stay here and do paperwork. Yippee.
Calleigh: They don't need a ballistics expert?
Delko: Nope. The guy fell off a building.
Calleigh: Fell?
Delko: His leg is wrapped around christmas lights.
Calleigh: Well good luck to them. Is everyone else working it?
Delko: Well Missy, Katie, Anni, and Carly are working it.
Calleigh: And we're staying here? That's not fair.
Delko: No one said life was fair.
[Crime scene]
Horatio: *looks up, takes off shades*
Anni: Apparently he 'fell'.
Horatio: 15 storeys?
Anni: That's what the witnesses say.
Carly: Are those...Christmas lights? Wow it's July. That's pretty tacky.
Katie: Maybe he got around to taking them down.
Carly: Then how did the lights get wrapped around his leg?
Katie: I don't know Carly, why don't we go up there and figure it out?
Carly: After you.
[Top of building]
Horatio: Our guys are going to bring him back up here, so let's process the scene.
Speed: *places down kit* I'll start with the balcony.
Katie: I'll grab the lights once our vic gets back up here.
Carly: *whispers* Wow they're in the same room.
Anni: *whispers* Yeah they are...Why are we whispering?
Carly: It makes us sound more devious.
Anni: Why are we trying to sound devious?
Speed: Carly?
Carly: YES SIR?
Speed: ...Can you pass me a swab?
Carly: Of course. *throws swab*
Speed: Thanks. Here's your swab.
Katie: *grabs swab* Thanks.
Anni: *whispers* They're speaking to each other?
Carly: *whispers* It's probably only because they don't want to have Horatio know they're fighting.
Speed: You know, when you whisper, it helps if you don't whisper too loudly because if you're going to do that, just talk.
Carly: Oh...My bad.
Katie: *grabs lights* A few of these lights are broken.
Speed: Yeah that probably happened when the guy was dangling over the edge.
Katie: Well the lights were hanging from up here. Could you give me a boost?
Speed: *frowns* Sure. *grabs Katie's foot*
Katie: *jumps up onto ledge* Well, *clicks on flashlight* the lights were hanging up here for sure. There's small clips where they would have hung.
Speed: Do you see anything else?
Katie: I think I see...Blood.
Speed: Where?
Katie: On one of the clips. And there's some epithelials. *looks down* Okay....No one said it would be high up here.
Speed: Stop being a wimp and swab the blood.
Katie: Yeah well you're not up here and a 5 inch ledge looking over all of Miami. And it's awfully windy up here.
Speed: Just swab the blood.
Katie: *opens swab* Who puts lights up here? You'd have to be crazy. *swabs blood* Okay...Um how do I get down here?
Speed: By getting down here.
Katie: Okay yeah...*grabs onto ledge* I really don't want to fall 30 some storeys.
Speed: You're not going to fall. Stop being a baby.
Katie: Well you try being up here and finding a way back down.
Speed: Just climb down the same way you got up.
Katie: Easier said than done.
Speed: I've got a crime scene to process. I'll see you later.
Katie: NO! Tim!
Speed: *sigh* Okay grab my hand.
Katie: No, you're going to push me over the ledge.
Speed: Fine, stay up there for the rest of your life.
Katie: NO! *grabs Speed's hand, jumps down*
Speed: *looks up* Well we probably know how the guy fell.
Katie: Yeah he might have slipped and grabbed the cord. That's how his blood got on it. He cut his finger on the stucco are you mad at me?
Speed: This isn't the time to be discussing this. We're on a case.
Katie: I know but I was curious.
Speed: Do I look mad?
Katie: Well...You kind of always look mad.
Speed: Right now, I'm objective.
Katie: Why?
Speed: We're on a case. *walks into apartment*
Katie: ...Yeah well you're much more pleasant on cases.
[Inside apartment]
Horatio: There doesn't appear to have been a struggle in here.
Anni: The TV's still on.
Carly: And he has messages on his phone.
Horatio: Bag that answering machine.
Speed: There was blood on the wall where the lights were attached.
Horatio: Good find.
Speed: Well actually Katie found it.
Horatio: Good job Katie.
Katie: Thanks.
Speed: She also whinned like a baby when she couldn't get down off the ledge.
Katie: *frowns*
Horatio: I'm going to go ask the super for his payment records. *leaves*
Katie: *slaps Speed*
Speed: *frowns* Why are you touching me?
Katie: I'm...Not sure. You're not going to hit me back are you?
Speed: No.
Katie: Whew, good because that would hurt and it would be very mean.
Carly: Let's get this stuff back to the lab.
Anni: Yeah, come on guys let's go.
Katie: Fine.
[Carly, Anni leave, Katie walks to door, Speed slams door in front of her]
Katie: *turns around* Um...You closed the door and I'm trying to leave.
Speed: Yeah that was the idea.
Katie: You're not going to rape me are you?
Speed: *stares at Katie*
Katie: Um...Okay can I go?
Speed: *gets hand off of door* Go ahead.
Katie: *leaves*
Speed: *sigh*