CSI:Miami Road Trip- We've Travelled a Long Way

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H never sleep, like he is in 'Stand By' :lol:
and those one-liner's.. that was good! :)
Keep up a good work! ;)
:lol: havn't replied in a while woops, lol made me laugh a lot, got too many fav bits to pick out but it was all great. :D
:lol: Well I'm glad you had a lot of favorite parts.

Hard For Me

[Interview room]

Katie: *sits* So, Adam Templeton, you're the usher?

Adam: Why did you say my last name?

Katie: I like to make things clear before I begin.

Adam: Clear for me or clear for you? Because I know my last name.

Katie: Do you work at the auditorium?

Adam: No, I just spend all my time there for kicks.

Katie: I'll take that as a yes. *writes*

Carly: *walks in* May I join you?

Katie: Have a seat. So mister Templeton, how long have you worked as an usher?

Adam: A few months.

Katie: We have sources that say you used to be the head pianist.

Adam: Sources? What sources? Kevlar over there?

Katie: Kelvin.

Adam: Yeah whatever he wants to call himself.

Katie: Were you fired for playing a 20 minutes piano solo?

Adam: Yeah it wasn't that long. It was like three minutes, and no I wasn't fired. I quit.

Katie: Why?

Adam: Those guys are a bunch of babies. They think the whole thing is a club, and that you have to be cool to sit with the cool kids. Uh, yeah this isn't highschool. We're all adults.

Katie: Why did you become the usher?

Adam: I wanted that new pianist to see my face everytime he played a note. That guy was such an amateur, and he always looked so stuck up. I just wanted to punch his little face in.

Carly: *smirks*

Katie: Well someone shot him and now he's dead.

Adam: You think I shot him? Even if I had a gun, it would never work.

Katie: And why is that?

Adam: I may be an usher, but I don't clean the joint. Me and cleaning don't mix.

Carly: Don't worry, every man on the planet has a problem with cleaning anyway so don't feel bad.

Katie: What's your shoe size?

Adam: Eleven.

Carly: How old are you?

Adam: ...32 why?

Carly: I was curious, go on.

Adam: ...About what?

Katie: We'll be right back. Sit tight. *grabs Carly*

[Outside interview room]

Katie: What are you doing?

Carly: He's cute.

Katie: He's a suspect.

Carly: Nuh uh, not anymore. His shoe size doesn't match.

Katie: That doesn't mean he wasn't there.

Carly: Yeah right because this guy would sooo jump on a chair to make sure that his feet didn't give him away. Would you lighten up?

Katie: He is not available!

Carly: Why not?

Katie: Because I said so.

Carly: You want him or something?

Katie: *angry sigh* Carly, stop trying to get dates through investigations.

Carly: He's not that bad looking!

Katie: Yes he is!

Adam: *lifts hand* Uh, I can hear you.

Katie: *turns around* Excuse us. *slams door* Carly, behave like a CSI. You're not here to score a date with the suspects.

Carly: So after he leaves can I ask him out?

Katie: ...After he leaves, you can get back to the lab and process evidence. How's that?

Carly: Remind me to tell you not to dress up as Horatio for halloween. You play him perfectly. *leaves*

Katie: *opens door*

Adam: I'm glad to know I look terrible to you.

Katie: *sits* I'm sorry, we're just trying to remain objective as CSIs.

Adam: Remaining objective means not insulting the person sitting in this chair.

Katie: I apologize.

Adam: Am I under arrest?

Katie: No, you're free to go.

Adam: *stands* For the record, I'd never shoot that guy. You can't get anything through murder.

Katie: Duely noted.

Adam: ...So who was that other girl?

Katie: She's just...Crazy.

Adam: What kind of a name is 'Crazy'?

Katie: *laughs* Actually her name is Carly. She's pretty interested in you actually.

Adam: Really.

Katie: Yeah.

Adam: But you think I'm...Ugly.

Katie: I never said you were ugly.

Adam: *smirks* I'll see you around. *leaves*

Carly: *walks up* Hey is he gone?

Katie: *sigh* Can we share him?

Carly: Is a 'Tim Speedle' ringin' any bells?

Katie: ...DANGIT.

Carly: *walks up* Hey is he gone?

Katie: *sigh* Can we share him?

Carly: Is a 'Tim Speedle' ringin' any bells?

Katie: ...DANGIT.

OMG THAT WAS HILARIOUS! Stupid Speed! I mean...uh....i...love you? *looks around* lol. And yeah I kinda went off there. lol. Teehee. I win. Update soon please!
:lol: HAHA...Poor Carly didn't get her date. Aw.

When You Close Your Eyes, Feel Me By Your Side

[Trace lab]

[10 pm]

Paula: Katie?

Katie: *looks up* Yeah?

Paula: You have a visitor.

Katie: Me? I never get visitors...This late at night.

Paula: He says he met you earlier today.

Katie: Send him in.

Paula: Alright. *leaves*

Katie: *looks up* Mister Templeton.

Adam: You can call me Adam.

Katie: Alright, but if you wanted to speak to Carly, she went back to the hotel.

Adam: Actually I came here to speak with you.

Katie: ...Well that..NEVER happens. Go ahead.

Adam: I sort of forgot to give you...All the information this afternoon.

Katie: *crosses arms* Like what?

Adam: I saw the conductor leave after intermission.

Katie: He said he had to go pick up his daughter from a sleepover.

Adam: He didn't leave the auditorium. I saw him go upstairs.

Katie: You wouldn't be telling me this to place the blame off of yourself would you?

Adam: Like you said, my shoe size doesn't match. Plus, I have witnesses that can place me inside the auditorium directing people back to their seats before the murder happened.

Katie: I'll check into it.

Adam: I have to tell you, Brown didn't exactly like Mark. They got into various altercations over the music. Note changes usually. I'd assume he has motive to take him out.

Katie: *nods* That's and impressive vocabulary.

Adam: I'm...A bit of a crime buff.

Katie: So you came all the way down here at 10 o'clock to tell me this?

Adam: I had just remembered a few hours ago.

Katie: You could have come down a few hours ago to give a statement.

Adam: Well...The truth is, I didn't really want to be chased down by that 'Carly' person. I mean, don't get me wrong, she sounds like a lovely person but she's not really my type.

Katie: *laughs* Your type?

Adam: I have issues with drooling women who carry guns. The stronger, more silent ones are a lot less...Overwhelming.

Katie: I'm sure Carly means well, and besides, once you get a bucket for her the drool won't even get on you.

Adam: *smirks*

Katie: *smiles*

Adam: I never caught your name.

Katie: It's Katie.

Adam: Well Katie....Do you have a last name?

Katie: *sigh* Probably.

Adam: *lifts brow*

Katie: It's um...Um...Speedle! That's it. Speedle.

Adam: Well, Katie Speedle, it was good to meet you.

Katie: Likewise.

Adam: I'll leave you to your paperwork. *leaves*

Katie: ...Stupid vows....

"Stupid vows." hahahahaha. And if its ok for Tim to cheat 1...2..3...4...a million times. Why can't I? lol. And awww poor Carly and her drool. lol. Update soon please.
:lol: Because Katie is married. That's why...*looks around*

And poor Carly. *hugs Carly*

Sneaking Into My Room Again


Katie: Okay Carly, Anni, we have to look for that gun.

Anni: What if the killer took it with him?

Katie: Yeah right. This guy wouldn't have been able to carry out a sniper rifle with cops and witnesses everywhere. He would have stored it somewhere.

Anni: Well there aren't many places to hide a gun. This place is bigger than...Miami.

Carly: So if it was bigger than Miami, how did they fit it IN Miami?

Anni: I was exaggerating.

Carly: The layout of this place is all over the map. How are we supposed to find anything? I don't want to get lost.

Katie: I'll ask Adam for a map.

Carly: ...Adam? Since when are you two on a first name basis?

Katie: *turns around* Since he has access to everything here and he knows his way around.

Anni: Makes for a good suspect.

Katie: He's not a suspect.

Carly: Oh he's not is he?

Katie: His shoe size doesn't match, and there are witnesses who can place him in here before the murder.

Anni: I'm going to ask for the keys to everywhere in this place. *leaves*

Carly: So when are you going to ask Adam for the map to this place?

Katie: When I see him this afternoon.

Carly: Why are you seeing him this afternoon?

Katie: We're having lunch.

Carly: ...Lunch? Like a date?

Katie: No, it's not a date. We're just going over the plans for this place over some lunch.

Carly: At a restauraunt in public?

Katie: I suppose.

Carly: Yeah, that's uh, called a date.

Katie: It's not a date.

Carly: You just had to swoop in didn't you?

Katie: I didn't swoop anywhere.

Carly: *places hands on hips* You're going out with a suspect for lunch.

Katie: He is not a suspect.

Carly: That's not what you told me.

Katie: Well that was before he smirked at me.

Carly: ...So you're just going to climb in bed with anyone who smirks at you?

Katie: Well it wasn't just the smirk. He's a nice, charming,...sweet man.

Carly: *frowns*

Katie: What?

Carly: You do realize you're already married right?

Katie: Yes I knew that.

Carly: Does he know?

Katie: No, but see that's the great thing. He doesn't have to know.

Carly: Wow that was so funny I almost crapped my pants.

Katie: Oh come on, it's not like we're going to hop in the sack. It's lunch. Just think of him as a friend. I'm aloud to go out with friends right?

Carly: You just met him yesterday.

Katie: I get friends surprisingly fast.

Carly: What would Tim say?

Katie: Who? OH! No, he wouldn't care.

Carly: I think he would.

Katie: You won't...Tell him will you?

Carly: No, I won't. You're aloud to make your own...VERY BIG mistakes.

Katie: It's not a mistake. I know exactly what I'm doing.

Carly: Have you thought any of this over?

Katie: Yes, look I have to meet him for lunch. I'll be back in a couple of hours.

Carly: I'll be here looking for the murder weapon. Have fun on your date.

Katie: It's not a date. *leaves*

Anni: *walks back* What was that about?

Carly: Nothing. Do you have the keys?

Anni: No, I was running around in circles for the past 10 minutes. *throws keys*

Carly: There's like a million of them.

Anni: Then we'd better get started.


Adam: Hey, you're here.

Katie: Yeah, and so are you.

Adam: *sits* How are you?

Katie: I'm excellent. Oh, do you have the map for the auditorium?

Adam: I printed it off this morning. *passes over map*

Katie: Thanks. Does that place have any...Secret passages, hidden doors, things like that?

Adam: Not that I know of. I mean, I've been around there thousands of times and I've never found any.

Katie: Does mister Brown ever disappear anywhere?

Adam: Yeah I wish.

Katie: *smiles*

Adam: Nah, he usually just stays on stage during performances, which is why I thought it was kind of weird that he left during intermission.

Katie: How did he have a clear shot if the curtain was closed?

Adam: That guy knows the place up and down, side to side. He knows where every musician is at all times. He could have picked each of them out, blindfolded.

Katie: Where would he hide a gun if he had one?

Adam: *opens map* If I were the shooter? My best bet would be to hide it up here.

Katie: The rafters?

Adam: That place collects more dust every year than Texas. No one ever goes up there.

Katie: Are there stairs to get up there?

Adam: Sure.

Katie: Great, I'll tell my people to check it out.

Adam: If you don't mind me saying, you look really young to be a CSI.

Katie: You don't have to be old to be smart.

Adam: True.

Katie: So where are you from?

Adam: I've lived in Miami my whole life. My mom works at a hair salon downtown, and my dad owns the marina near Coconut Grove.

Katie: Wow he must be loaded. I mean,....Sorry.

Adam: No, it's okay.

Katie: Well I tend to blurt random things out all the time.

Adam: That's an interesting quality.

Katie: So...You're a pianist. You must love music.

Adam: After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.

Katie: ...Wow.

Adam: Aldous Huxley is one of my favorite writers.

Katie: He wrote books?

Adam: *laughs*

Katie: Sorry, I'm kind of a dumb blonde sometimes.

Adam: We all have our moments I suppose.

Katie: Did you want to grab desert?

Adam: *lifts brow*

Katie: Say....My place?

That's because I think Horatio did say that at one time. I think it was the episode 'Broken', season 1.

Bernstein: *sigh* 50 witnesses.
Horatio: Hmm 50 suspects
Oh yeah! *smacks forehead* I knew I'd heard it before...

Awww, I didn't get my date...come on, I can't be THAT bad, can I? Oh well *hugs Geni*

*gasp* :eek: Katie! What would Speedy say? But then again, he has cheated on you about a million times, but it's still bad *tsk tsk tsk*
please update soon
Ohhhhh, go me. Looks like me and Carly were about to have a rumble. lol. And I can't help it that I'm a dumb blonde...it just comes naturally to me. lol. That was a great update. "That was so funny I almost crapped my pants." Oh man I tried to keep reading after I read that but I couldn't I had to stop for a minute because i was laughing so hard. lol. Update soon please.
:lol: :lol: I'm sure you're not that bad Carly...Of course I wouldn't know, seeing as I'm not a guy. :p


Slipping Through, Chasing The Dark Away

[3 hours later, Auditorium]

Katie: *runs in* Hey have we found the weapon yet?

Carly: *turns around* You're like...An hour later than you said you'd be.

Katie: I got...stuck in traffic.

Carly: Just you?

Anni: Yeah I was just out there grabbing lunch for everyone. I flew across that causeway like there was no tomorrow.

Katie: I took a detour.

Carly: *mumbles* Into his pants?

Katie: *frowns* I think we should try looking for the gun in the rafters.

Anni: I was just about to check up there.

Katie: Well get going.

Anni: *walks away*

Carly: *crosses arms*

Katie: Oh don't give me that look.

Carly: Did you have fun on your detour?

Katie: That is none of your business.

Carly: You know, I'm pretty sure Horatio doesn't leave work to sleep with material witnesses.

Katie: I'm not Horatio.

Carly: AHA! I knew it.

Katie: Can we just work this case please?

Carly: Sure.

Anni: *runs downstairs* I FOUND IT! I WIN!

Katie: Hand it over.

Anni: *hands over gun* It was in the rafters. I feel special.

Katie: Let's get this to ballistics and then print it after you've tested the bullets.

Anni: Aye aye. *salutes*

Carly: So when do you think the rest of the team is getting back?

Katie: Probably in a couple of days.

Carly: Man I can't wait to see the expression on Speed's face when he finds out you slept with another man.

Katie: He's not going to find out because you're not going to say anything.

Carly: I won't say anything. But he's not stupid either.

Katie: Let's not talk about him.

Carly: Okay but you can't hide from him forever. He knows where you live, and he has a gun.

Katie: He wouldn't shoot me.

Carly: I don't think it's you that you have to worry about. *laughs*

Katie: Carly come on don't say anything.

Carly: I won't but I'm not going to lie.

Katie: Fine...But zip the lip.

KATIE! :eek: *gasp* *shakes head*
Carly: You know, I'm pretty sure Horatio doesn't leave work to sleep with material witnesses.

Katie: I'm not Horatio.

Carly: AHA! I knew it.
HAHA, oh man, this bit had me cracking up :lol:

please update soon
Katie: I took a detour
Carly: *mumbles* Into his pants

oh my god that was hilarious! And HECK YES go me! I win! lol. Update soon please. And awww I can so Speedy shooting that guy..not that that's a good thing but still.
Calleigh: *looks back*

Horatio: He'll be fine.

Calleigh: But I'll still miss him.

If that were an actual episode this is where it'd end. Yes I'm mostly doing this to see my avatar. But anyways, loved the updates! Hope I come back in later chapters.

When I Wait For You..Love Reaches Through


Katie: *walks in* Okay so do you have a match on the bullets?

Anni: Yep, I got a match.

Katie: Do we have an owner?

Anni: Not yet, it's still running.

Adam: *knocks on door* Katie?

Katie: *turns around* Huh? Oh..Hey.

Adam: You have a minute?

Katie: Sure. *looks at Anni* When you know, page me alright?

Anni: Sure.


Katie: You can't just show up here Adam.

Adam: Yeah, I know. I just needed to see you.

Katie: I'm working a case right now, I don't th-

Adam: I can't stop thinking about you.

Katie: Oh...Well that's...Interesting.

Adam: I know it sounds crazy but I can't help it.

Katie: Did you try...Slamming your head into a door? Because that usually works for me.

Adam: Cute.

Katie: I really don't think this is a good time for...TIM! HOLY HELL!

Adam: What? My name's Adam.

Katie: *grabs Adam*

[Layout room]

Adam: What was that all about?

Katie: They're back...No one said they'd be back so soon...

Adam: Who's back?

Katie: The rest of the CSIs. They're back. They're supposed to be in Brazil. Oh God please don't let Tim find me.

Adam: Why?

Katie: This would probably be a bad time to tell you I'm married.

Adam: You're....What?

Katie: I'm kind of married.

Adam: Kind of?

Katie: Well Tim used to cheat on me all the time so I don't think it matters.

Adam: You could have told me something.

Katie: Well...Well...I'm wearing the ring.

Adam: I wasn't really paying attention to your hands.

Katie: ...*smiles* ...NO! NO okay you have to leave.

Adam: Why?

Katie: Because it'll just all get pretty ugly and OH GOD he's coming this way! Pretend you're not here!

Adam: How?

Speed: *walks in* Hey we're back.

Katie: *grinning* HEY HUSBAND! HOW WAS THE TRIP!

Speed: Why are you yelling? And who's this?

Adam: I'm Adam.

Katie: And Adam has to leave.

Adam: Why?

Katie: Because you're actually not supposed to be in here.

Adam: You're the one that brought me in here.

Katie: I'll tell you how the case is going later okay?

Adam: Alright.

Katie: Now shoo!

Adam: Yeah okay I'm going, I have a meeting to get to anyway. *turns around* Bye man.

Speed: Bye.

Adam: *leaves*

Speed: So who's that guy?

Katie: Oh just a witness. I was getting his opinion on some...Things.

Speed: So why do you look like you're about to explode?


Speed: ...Are you okay?

Katie: So did you catch Trevor?

Speed: No he fled so we came back.

Katie: Great. So how was Brazil?

Speed: It was...Humid.

Katie: HAHA! Humid, that's a good one.

Speed: Seriously, are you sick or something?

Katie: No, no I'm fine. Are you sick?

Speed: ...No. I asked you out of general concern for your mental health. I'm perfectly fine.

Katie: HAHA mental health. If you don't have that, then you have nothing dontcha know. *punches Speed*

Speed: *looks down at arm* ....*looks up* I'm going to uh...Go...That way. *leaves*

Katie: *sigh*

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