CSI:Miami Road Trip- We've Travelled a Long Way

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AWWWWWWWW! Speed cried. That's o friggin cute. And I have a fever so i'm not thinking clearly right now. But that doctor is an ass. He needs a good butt kicking. lol. And Speed gets 1 phone call? Well remind me never to go to a hospital.
HAHA, oh man, I got stuck tot he floor...remind me to never eat jam again :p
And AWWWWW Speedy is so cute! poor Lori, that therapist is a jerk...I hope Speedy boy puts him in his place.

please update soon
Yes that therapist is a jerk...But he almost means well. :p

Close Your Eyes, Make A Wish

[Hummerhome 1 am one month later]

Katie: Hey girls.

JC: Hey, couldn't sleep?

Katie: Yeah right, me sleep? Pfft.

Carly: My head hurts so much.

JC: Just keep the ice pack on it hun.

Carly: Yeah easier said than done. I can't even feel my head.

Missy: Anyone want some more of the giant cookie?

Katie: Ew, we still have that?

Anni: Yeah and we have alcohol too. Want some?

Katie: Heck yes. *grabs bottle*

Anni: ...You want the whole wine bottle?

Katie: *drinking*

Carly: *blank stare*

JC: ...Oh my.

Missy: Whoa.

Katie: *puts down bottle* There we go! Now this party is getting started.

Anni: You drank all of it.

Katie: *burp* I know.

Carly: Well gee, save some for the rest of us why don't you?

Katie: *sigh* Don't we have more?

Anni: Sure but I'm not sure we should give it to you.

Katie: Then don't give it to me.

JC: Are you feeling okay?

Katie: Fine, why?

JC: You seem a little...High strung.

Katie: Well I just spent two hours by myself in bed doing nothing but staring at the celing and then I could smell cologne on one side of the bed and that was enough. I'm finished. Lock up the door and glue bricks to it. I'm not going back in there.

Anni: ...Why was there cologne in your room? You're a girl.

Katie: *hits head on wall*

JC: He's only been gone a few weeks. What's a few more?

Katie: Hell.

JC: He's getting help.

Katie: He's driving me crazy! Why can't I be the one in the Happy House?

JC: Because you're not crazy dear.

Katie: What if he comes back and he hates me? What if he won't look at me? What if we get divorced AGAIN! What if he fell in love with some crazy person? What if they keep him there forever? What if they pump him full of drugs and he doesn't remember me like last time? TELL ME THAT WON'T HAPPEN!

JC: ...I wouldn't know.

Katie: *sigh* I need more alcohol.

Anni: I think you've had enough.

Katie: What if he's even worse than when he went in there?

Anni: Maybe you should stop worrying about it so much. He's only been gone a month and a couple of weeks. They haven't brainwashed him.

Katie: Maybe you're right.

Anni: Yeah so don't go all alcoholic on us.

Katie: I won't.

[Hospital, next day, 12pm]

Speed: Okay now what piece fits here?

Gus: Uh...The one with the round end.

Speed: Right. See? This puzzle isn't that hard.

Gus: That's what the government would like us to think.

Speed: *pats Gus on the back* Keep at it buddy. *walks over to table* That's impressive.

Lori: It's a self portrait. I got the clay from upstairs in the art room.

Speed: *sits down* It's very good.

Lori: *smiles* I like to work with my hands. Making this is fun.

Speed: Good.

Lori: Have you been to the doctor lately?

Speed: Yeah I've been going every other day.

Lori: Is he helping you?

Speed: Not as much as everyone else here.

Lori: *laughs* The crazy people are helping you become sane?

Speed: *smiles* I guess if you put it like that, yeah.

Lori: Oh I think Molly wants to talk to you.

Speed: *looks over* It seems she does. Excuse me. *walks away*

Lori: *molds clay*

[Across the room]

Speed: *kneels down* What did you need?

Molly: The bugs are everywhere. They won't leave me alone.

Speed: Well what have you tried so far?

Molly: I tried hitting them.

Speed: Did you talk to the doctor?

Molly: I don't like him. He thinks I'm stupid.

Speed: Well I know that you're not stupid so don't pay attention to him.

Molly: *smiles*

Speed: You have a beautiful smile Molly, you should do it more often.

Molly: *grins*

Speed: Are the bugs still there?

Molly: *looks around* ...No. NO THEY'RE GONE!

Speed: See? It's easy.

Staff member: Speedle.

Speed: *looks up*

Staff member: You have a visitor.

Speed: Who?

Staff member: Horatio Caine? He flew up here this morning.

Speed: Give me a minute. Hey Molly can you do me a favor?

Molly: Yup.

Speed: Keep smiling.

Molly: You got it.

Speed: Great, thanks. *leaves*

[Psychiatry office]

Speed: *walks in*

Horatio: *turns around* Speed.

Speed: Hey.

Horatio: How are you?

Speed: *frowns* Why are you here?

Horatio: I came to visit and see how you're doing.

Speed: Why don't you ask the doctor?

Horatio: I had a meeting with him this morning.

Speed: Yeah?

Horatio: Mhm. He said you're making progress.

Speed: Well that's big of him.

Horatio: Let's take a walk.

Speed: Sure.


Horatio: He says you've been interacting with the patients. You've been helping them.

Speed: They've been helping me.

Horatio: ...I don't understand.

Speed: It's hard to explain.

Horatio: Well the doctor thinks that in a few weeks you'll be fit to come home.

Speed: *stops walking* Already?

Horatio: Only if you're ready.

Speed: *walks*

Horatio: *follows*

Speed: How's Katie?

Horatio: She's worried about you.

Speed: Why, she thinks I'm going to be some monster crazy person when I get back?

Horatio: You know how she thinks.

Speed: Yeah. Hey I want you to meet someone.

Horatio: Alright.

[Atrium area]

Speed: Lori?

Lori: *looks up*

Speed: This is Horatio Caine. He's one of my friends.

Lori: *smiles, stands* It's good to meet you sir.

Horatio: *smiles* And you as well.

Lori: Would you like to see my self portrait?

Horatio: I would be honored.

Lori: *giggles* Here.

Horatio: And that's you?

Lori: Yup.

Horatio: *nods* It's excellent. You've really captured your eyes.

Lori: Thank you.

Speed: She's very interested in science and art.

Horatio: Is she.

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: Well those are some very interesting hobbies.

Lori: Yes they are. Would you like to see my fish?

Horatio: Uh...Perhaps another time. Speed and I have some things to discuss.

Lori: Speed?

Horatio: It's what I call him.

Lori: *tilts head* His name is Tim.

Speed: It's a nickname.

Lori: Oh. Like a shorter name.

Speed: yeah.

Lori: ....But Tim is shorter than Speed.

Horatio: *smiles* Well be right back in a minute okay?

Lori: *nods*

[Few feet away]

Horatio: She's an interesting girl.

Speed: I thought you should meet her.

Horatio: And why is that?

Speed: She used to live in Miami before her brother brought her here.

Horatio: Why did he bring her up to New York?

Speed: I don't know.

Horatio: ...You want to get back out in the field don't you?

Speed: Gee, how could you guess?

Horatio: In time Speed. Now do you know her brother's name?

Speed: No.

Horatio: Do you know where Lori lived?

Speed: No.

Horatio: ....Do you know anything?

Speed: Nothing we can use.

Horatio: I can't track anyone down unless I get some information.

Speed: Well...I've got access to a lot of the building. If I could get to her casefile, I might be able to tell you something about her abuse case.

Horatio: Alright hold on a minute. Abuse case?

Speed: She's here because she was assaulted back in Miami. Now, apparently her brother took her up to New York and then he never came back.

Horatio: Did they ever catch the guy who did it?

Speed: Probably not. The only one who would have caught him is us.

Horatio: How long ago did this happen?

Speed: A little over a year ago.

Horatio: I'll check into it when I get back to Miami.

Speed: What about everyone else in the Hummerhome?

Horatio: I'm leaving Calleigh in charge over there. You try and get the casefile and I'll check records. Now how are you going to do this without anyone knowing?

Speed: The people here are excellent at giving diversions.

Horatio: Are you sure they'll do it.

Speed: Oh definitely. If there's one thing these people hate, it's doctors.

Horatio: Perfect. I'll be back tomorrow so try and get that file.

Speed: I will.

Horatio: If anyone catches you it's over.

Speed: I'm a CSI.

Horatio: Alright enough said, I'll see you later. *leaves*

Speed: *smirks*

Lori: *runs up* Tim! Speed! It's Tim right?

Speed: Yeah.

Lori: Is Horatio gone?

Speed: For now.

Lori: I made him a picture. When he comes back can you give it to him?

Speed: Sure. Uh listen, I need you to do me a favor.

Lori: Okay.

Speed: Alright come on, I'll explain everything to you.

I drank a whole bottle of wine? Whoa. I think i'm one step closer to becoming an alcoholic. lol. Aww Speed's all helpin everybody and and and awwww. That was really cute. I loved that little scene with Molly. That was cute. And Speed's going to get the casefile on Lori! yes! I want to know why her brother just left her there! I really love the lori story...hey that rhymed *Coughs* Anyways update soon please.
Yay someone likes my story! :lol: ...Okay it's obvious if you guys keep comin' back. :p

And I don't know if you guys can be drinking buddies but I'll see what I can do. ;)

Saddle Up

[Hospital, 11 pm]

Speed: Okay now what did we talk about?

Lori: I get Gus riled up and then you break into the office and then I come back and be the lookout.

Speed: Good.

Lori: *grabs Speed* Oh Tim?

Speed: *turns around* Yeah?

Lori: What's a lookout?

Speed: Just make sure he doesn't come up here and if he does tell me and I'll split.

Lori: Split?

Speed: I'll leave.

Lori: Where are you going?

Speed: Lori honey pay attention.

Lori: Sorry.

Speed: If you see him come up the stairs, tell me.

Lori: Okay.

Speed: Great.

Lori: And what happens if you get caught?

Speed: Then it's game over.

Lori: Game over?

Speed: I'll be in big trouble.

Lori: Oh.

Speed: Go talk to Gus okay?

Lori: Okay. *runs off*

Speed: *sigh* Timothy you really are crazy. *walks away*


Lori: Hey Gus.

Gus: Hm?

Lori: You know what I heard?

Gus: What?

Lori: The angels told me the government has control over the building.

Gus: What?

Lori: Yup. They said the government is going to poison us tonight in our sleep.

Gus: I have to stop them.

Lori: The only way to stop them is to make a lot of noise so that the doctor come down here and finds the invisible agents.



Psychiatrist: *walks out of office* What was that?

Speed: Someone's having some trouble downstairs.

Psychiatrist: It's Gus. *sigh* I thought we talked about this. *runs downstairs* Gus! Gus why are you yelling!


Lori: *runs upstairs* I did it.

Speed: That's my girl.

Lori: *smiles*

Speed: Now just stay here and wait for me. I'll be right out. *walks into office*

Lori: *leans over railing* Hey Gus! I heard they're already in the vents!


Psychiatrist: No, no Gus we discussed this.

Gus: *flails* THEY'RE MURDERERS!


Speed: *opens drawers and cabinets* Oh crap. Great, I need a key. Now where would he keep a key? ...Good lord I'm a CSI and I can't even find a stupid k-..Hey there it is. *grabs key*


Psychiatrist: Gus, I'm going upstairs to find you some...Happy medicine.


Psychiatrist: *walks up steps*

Lori: Uh oh. *runs downstairs* HEY! *waves*

Psychiatrist: Excuse me Lori I have to get something from my office.

Lori: What do you need?

Psychiatrist: Just some medicine.

Lori: What kind of medicine?


Speed: Come on you stupid key. *yanks on drawers* COME ON! *sigh* Alright patience Speed, concentration is essential...Oh who am I kidding? *jams key into slot* Now move you piece of sh-


Lori: Well why don't you just let him scream? He'll do it anyway.

Psychiatrist: If I sedate him he'll be quieter. You know how important it is to not disturb everyone else.

Lori: Oh I know.

Psychiatrist: So let me pass dear.

Lori: Isn't there another way up? The angels are telling me to stay here and I can't move.

Psychiatrist: Lori you know that lying is a bad thing right?

Lori: Yup.

Psychiatrist: You wouldn't be lying to me now would you?

Lori: Of course not.

Psychiatrist: Alright let's go, I need to get by.


Speed: *goes through files* ...Wow it would have been helpful to know her last name. This is going to take forever. Okay come on, come on...


Psychiatrist: Lori you need to move.

Lori: *screaming*

Psychiatrist: Lori! Quiet!



Speed: *looks up* Oh crap. Oh crap...Oh crap. *looks down* Oh crap. *opens files* Come on how many patients does this guy have? Oh here we go. *opens file*


Psychiatrist: I'm going up Lori and I'm coming back with something to calm you down as well. *pushes past*

Lori: NO!

Psychiatrist: *turns around*

Lori: *hits psychiatrist in the head with puzzle box*

Psychiatrist: *falls down*

Lori: ...Oops.

Speed: *walks out* I got the f-...*looks down* What did you do?

Lori: I had to stop him.

Speed: So you hit him?

Lori: *shrugs* I don't like him.

Speed: Come on, let's go before he wakes up. Good job Gus!

Gus: *looks up* DID I SCARE THEM AWAY?

Speed: Yeah!

Gus: Haha...Gus one, government ZERO.

[Lori's room]

Lori: So what's this file?

Speed: It's your file.

Lori: Why did you take my file?

Speed: I need the information in it. *dials cellphone*

Lori: *gasp* Where did you get one of those?

Speed: Horatio left it here.

Lori: You're not supposed to have those here.

Speed: It's okay. Yeah Horatio, I got the file.


Horatio: Okay I need her last name.

Speed: Phillips.

Horatio: Good. *types*

Speed: Wait...Are you typing?

Horatio: I am familiar with a computer, yes. Okay what does the file say?

Speed: *reads file* Okay uh...There was a case filed back in Miami in 2005. Cocounut Grove address.

Horatio: Okay I'll check for crime scene logs for that area.

Speed: Coconut Grove? You'll be there forever.

Horatio: I've got all night. I'll get back to you.

Speed: Alright.

Horatio: Thank you.


Lori: What did you talk to him about?

Speed: This file.

Lori: Why?

Speed: He's going to find out who hurt you.

Lori: Why?

Speed: To punish him.

Lori: Why would you want to punish him?

Speed: It's against the law to hurt someone.

Lori: Oh.

Speed: *reads file*

Lori: What does it say?

Speed: ...It's says here you have mild Schizophrenia, and dillusions.

Lori: What does that mean?

Speed: It's a bunch of big words that mean you see things.

Lori: I see angels.

Speed: Yeah. Except they've done tests on you and they haven't found anything wrong with you. Apparently you don't show the normal symptoms to Schizophrenia.

Lori: What does that mean?

Speed: It means they just scribbled something down in a book so they could order really expensive medication for nothing.

Lori: There's nothing wrong with me?

Speed: Well you might see angels, but science says you don't.

Lori: But I do.

Speed: I know. It's a little hard to understand.

Lori: Did you find your file?

Speed: I didn't have time.

Lori: Oh. What do you think yours would say?

Speed: Mine? Probably something about how I have intimacy issues and I hate my father.

Lori: So if everything in my file isn't true, does that mean everything they wrote about you isn't true?

Speed: I don't know.

Lori: Well I think you're perfect just the way you are.

Speed: *nods* Good to know.

Lori: So what happens after the doctor wakes up?

Speed: I'll take care of it.

Lori: He'll be mad.

Speed: Don't worry about it.

Lori: When are you leaving?

Speed: Why, you want to kick me out already?

Lori: *giggles* No. I want to find what I'm gonna say so I know how to say goodbye.

Speed: You could just say goodbye.

Lori: I guess it's the simple answer to the hard puzzle huh?

Speed: *smirks*

Lori: It still doesn't make saying goodbye any easier.

Speed: I'm not gone yet.

Lori: *blank stare*

Speed: ....What?

Lori: *kisses Speed on the cheek*

Speed: *blinks*

Lori: *blushes* I'm sorry.

Speed: It's okay.

Lori: *smiles*

Speed: I'm going to go see if our doctor friend woke up yet. *leaves*

Lori: *sigh*

Oh man I can't stop laughing. "Gus one. Government zero" oh man I'm still laughing because of that! lol. And awww Lori is just so gosh darn cute. lol. And when Speed kept saying "Come on come on" over and over again that cracked me up to. lol. Update soon please
Aww, I like Gus. He's hilarious. And Speed is hilarious, and Lori is hilarious and...Okay they're all awesome.

Take The Fall

[Hospital, psychiatry office]

Speed: Yikes.

Psychiatrist: Get back here. *holds ice pack to head*

Speed: *turns around* You look...Angry.

Psychiatrist: One of my file drawers were open. Where's the file?

Speed: Right here. *places down folder*

Psychiatrist: You didn't have authorization to be in here.

Speed: I know.

Psychiatrist: Would you mind explaining your actions?

Speed: Not really.

Psychiatrist: This is Lori's file.

Speed: I know.

Psychiatrist: What did you need her file for?

Speed: Well I need to know all about her before I take advantage of her.

Psychiatrist: What?

Speed: It's a joke. Most people laugh, but I guess that's not your cup of tea huh?

Psychiatrist: You have feelings for her, don't you Tim?

Speed: What do you mean?

Psychiatrist: Come on, we're all men here.

Speed: Are you talking about me or you?

Psychiatrist: We're talking about you.

Speed: I don't want to hurt her.

Psychiatrist: That doesn't mean you don't want to have some fun with her.

Speed: Didn't you just say to my boss that I was almost ready to leave?

Psychiatrist: After the little incident with the file, I'm not sure that's going to happen.

Speed: I took the file because my boss needed it to find the person who hurt her.

Psychiatrist: *clicks off tape recorder*

Speed: What are you doing?

Psychiatrist: If I remember correctly, I have you saying "Well I need to know all about her before I take advantage of her."

Speed: *frowns*

Psychiatrist: Good luck getting out now.

Speed: I didn't mean it.

Psychiatrist: You still said it.

Speed: This is unbelievable.

Psychiatrist: When I play this for the board of directors they're going to lock you up and throw away the key.

Speed: *grabs tape recorder, throws it to the floor* I don't think so.

Psychiatrist: That was a three hundred dollar piece of equipment.

Speed: I'll send you a cheque.

Psychiatrist: Fine, I'll ask Lori how she feels about you.

Speed: *sigh* You know what she's going to say.

Psychiatrist: She's very truthful.

Speed: She also doesn't like you.

Psychiatrist: I'll just give her a little something to make her more cooperative.

Speed: *grabs psychiatrist* If you lay a hand on her, your three hundred dollar piece of equipment is going to be the least of your problems.

Psychiatrist: What are you going to do? Hit me?

Speed: No. I'm finished hurting people. But I'll just take this tape over to our crime lab and have them examine it. I'm sure the audio of you explaining how you're going to illegally keep me in here will really fly with a judge.

Psychiatrist: You need a warrant.

Speed: Plain sight.

Psychiatrist: I'll make her life here a living hell.

Speed: Good luck with that, because she's probably the most upbeat person I've ever met.

Psychiatrist: She's a mental defective. She won't get anywhere in life.

Speed: She's smarter than you, and I think that's a pretty big head start.

Psychiatrist: *frowns* What do you want?

Speed: I want to leave tomorrow. And you're not going to do anything to Lori.

Psychiatrist: And in exchange?

Speed: I'll destroy the tape and leave you a cheque for your precious money.

Psychiatrist: Deal.

Speed: It's been a pleasure doing business with you. *leaves*

Speed: *grabs psychiatrist* If you lay a hand on her, your three hundred dollar piece of equipment is going to be the least of your problems.

Ohhhh go Speedy! He sure showed that doctor! "I'll make her life here a living hell" Uh yeah I don't think so. That doctor needs more then a bump to the head. This was...is a really great stroyline Geni. Update soon please.
*sigh* Well this thread is turning into a Speed-centric storyline here. And I don't care. I'm the author. :p :lol:

Whispered A Lullaby

[Hospital, 9 am]

Speed: *knocks on door*

Lori: *opens door* Tim? Why are you wearing a gun and a badge?

Speed: I have to leave.

Lori: Oh...Where are you going?

Speed: Miami.

Lori: Forever?

Speed: I don't know.

Lori: *looks down at floor* ...*snif*

Speed: *swallows*

Lori: ...*starts to cry*

Speed: I'm sorry.

Lori: *hugs Speed* I don't want you to leave.

Speed: You'll be okay.

Lori: I love you.

Speed: *sigh* Jesus.

Horatio: *walks up* Speed, time to go.

Speed: Yeah I know.

Lori: *lets go* Will you ever come back and visit?

Speed: I don't know.

Lori: *wipes eyes* Okay.

Speed: Don't be sad.

Lori: *nods* I know.

Speed: Bye.

Lori: *smiles*

Speed: *leaves*

[Outside, near Hummer]

Horatio: Ready to go home?

Speed: Yeah let's hit it.

Horatio: *gets in Hummer*

Speed: *gets in Hummer*

Horatio: She seems to have grown fond of you.

Speed: I guess I have that effect on people.

Horatio: I took a peak into her casefile.

Speed: You found it?

Horatio: Her brother died three months ago in a house fire.

Speed: He was her only family?

Horatio: It seems that way.

Speed: Did you find anything out about the assault?

Horatio: Evidence collected from the SART kit had 17 alleals in common with her. Her attacker was a relative.

Speed: *frowns* Her brother?

Horatio: That secret died with him.

Speed: *shakes head* No wonder why she's in that place. He took her up there and she knew it was him, and she didn't tell anyone.

Horatio: The case is closed.

Speed: It is for us. Not for her.

Soon, soon my minions. *rubs hands together* ...Ahem, so I'm going to revert slightly back to reality for the moment. :lol:

...*looks at watch* Okay back to the fan fiction reality.

I Still Need You

[Rendez-vous point with Hummerhome-Middle of nowheres ville, 9 pm]

Horatio: Oh...Kay.

Speed: What did they blow up?

Horatio: The roof.

Speed: Hopefully not all of the roof.

Horatio: *stops Hummer* Which one of us should go in first?

Speed: I think we should both go in.

Horatio: I leave them alone for two days and this is what happens.

Speed: Well be glad they didn't take out the entire country with whatever explosives they used.

Horatio: You have a point.


JC: Horatio will be back right? I mean he said he'd be back. He better be back.

Calleigh: He's back.

JC: YAY! *runs outside* AH! *falls* Okay. *gets up* HORATIO!

Horatio: *smiles* I take it you missed me.

JC: *hugs Horatio* Don't ever leave. Ever ever ever.

Horatio: Next time you're comin' with me.

JC: Oooh I like the sound of that.

Speed: Is Katie inside?

JC: The last time I checked.

Speed: Is she still alive?

JC: The last time I checked.

Speed: When was the last time you checked?

JC: Five minutes ago.

Speed: Thank you. *walks away*

Horatio: So how did things go while I was gone?

JC: We blew up some stuff but that's okay because we fixed everything.

Horatio: Except the roof.

JC: *scratches head* Yeah we're still working on that.

[Inside Hummerhome]

Speed: *walks in*

Katie: *runs over* YOU! *hugs Speed*

Speed: Yeah, me.

Katie: *sigh* I'm never going to let you go.

Speed: *closes eyes* I missed you.

Katie: Really.

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Wow, I feel kind of special now.

Speed: *clears throat* Good.

Katie: Are you crying?

Speed: *hugs tighter* I love you.

Katie: ...Tim Speedle cries? NO WAY.

Speed: Laugh it up.

Katie: *lets go* So how was your stay at the Happy House?

Speed: *smiles*

Katie: Uh oh...What did they do to you?

Speed: *kisses Katie*

Katie: *wide-eyed*

Delko: You know, if we had some water spraying everywhere and fireworks going off, this would be kind of hot.

Anni: Oh Eric.

Delko: Well it's true.

Anni: You ruin every Kodak moment, did you know that?

Delko: This isn't a Kodak moment.

Anni: It was until you stomped all over it.

Delko: Fine. I'm Eric Delko. The stomper of all Kodak moments.

Anni: I'll make some t-shirts and we'll sell the idea over Ebay.

Delko: Deal.

Katie: Wow what was that about?

Speed: I love you.

Katie: Yeah you've said that.

Horatio: *walks in* Okay everyone in bed.

Speed: Okay. *grabs Katie*

Katie: Whoa hold on there cowboy. You're goin' pretty fast there.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: Not that I'm complaining.

Speed: I'm tired.

Katie: Well...So am I!

Speed: Nice try.

Katie: Oh it was. It really really was.

[Speed/Katie leave]

Delko: I'm not going to need earplugs am I?

Anni: Just shove our new patented shirts in your ears.

Delko: Good idea.

Horatio: Everyone else in bed.

Calleigh: Why?

Horatio: I just spent 12 hours in a Hummer.

JC: You're in a Hummer now.

Horatio: But this one has beds and it's warm.

JC: Hummers are warm.

Horatio: Well I like this one better.

[Speed/Katie's room, midnight]

Katie: Are you awake?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: ...*rolls over* What was it like over there?

Speed: What do you mean?

Katie: At that looney bin.

Speed: It was...Kind of like camp.

Katie: Camp?

Speed: Well everyone had their own rooms, there were activities during the day, three meal periods and the only difference was medication time.

Katie: Activities during the day? Like...Pin the tail on the donkey or try and see which shape goes into which hole?

Speed: It's not like that.

Katie: Did you make any friends?

Speed: I wouldn't call them friends.

Katie: ...*lifts Speed's shirt* Did they make you do laps too?

Speed: What?

Katie: Your abs.

Speed: What about them?

Katie: They exist.

Speed: *pulls shirt down* Funny.

Katie: *lays head on Speed's chest* I'm glad you're home.

Speed: Me too.

Katie: So tell me about some of the horror stories. Were there any mass murderers in there?

Speed: I didn't ask.

Katie: Dang.

Speed: I wasn't sure you'd want to see me when I got back. I thought maybe you were mad at me when I left.

Katie: Wow...Okay we must have like one mind or something because I thought the same thing about you. Except my theory involved more brain washing.

Speed: I'm sure it did.

Katie: *sigh*

Speed: Comfortable?

Katie: Very. Unless you can't breathe, then I'll get off your chest.

Speed: I'm fine.

Katie: Good.

Speed: I want a family.

Katie: ...*lifts head* ....Say again?

Speed: ...

Katie: *laughs* Okay you can't just say that and not explain...Okay family as in children?

Speed: ...Yes that would help.

Katie: You're actually saying this right?

Speed: No I'm the other Tim Speedle. Just give me a minute to grab your real husband. He must be out in the Hummer where I left him.

Katie: *laughs* Alright fine but if this kid dies, it's your fault.

Speed: Unless we have twins.

Katie: *coughs* Whoa okay I think I just choked on my own spit.

Speed: That's good to know.

Katie: You're...Serious right?

Speed: Yes I'm serious.

Katie: Really?

Speed: *sigh*

Katie: Okay I'll stop being so...So...Me.

Speed: Why?

Katie: ...Seriously what did they do to you in there?

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: ...Okay if you tickle me I'm going to murder you.

Speed: But you love it.

Katie: No..No I d-ON'T! TIM! STOP!

Speed: I can't hear you!

Katie: *giggling* NO COME ON! TIM! AHHH!

Speed: If you scream, it'll only get worse!


OOOOOH poor lori she's gonna be alone now. Gus crack me up!! be carefull about the governement they will hear you lol.
that was a really great update. keep going lke that ;)
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