If Only You Could Stay Here Now
[Hummerhome 10pm]
Katie: Okay I'm depressed. Someone entertain me.
JC: Have some alcohol.
Katie: Thank God. *grabs beers*
JC: You're going to drink...All of them?
Katie: You better believe it. *drinks*
JC: Are you sure you should do that?
Katie: Its either this or scream on the top of my lungs and strangle a certain redhead.
JC: Oh don't hurt my H.
Katie: That's why I'm doing this instead.
JC: It won't solve anything.
Katie: It will for the time being.
JC: Why don't you just call him?
Katie: They let you have cell phones in mental facilities?
JC: I don't know, I've never been to one.
Katie: I don't even know where Horatio took him.
JC: I do. *hands over phone*
Katie: I'm not calling. They probably don't allow the outside world to contact patients.
JC: *grabs phone, dials* There happy?
Katie: Did you just dia-Hey, I need to speak to a patient.
Woman: And what is this regarding?
Katie: ...A patient.
Woman: And whom do you with to speak with?
Katie: Tim Speedle.
Woman: He's in a session right now.
Katie: What the heck is a session?
Woman: He's with the psychiatrist.
Katie: Doing what?
Woman: I'm not at liberty to say.
Katie: They're not making babies in there are they?
Woman: It's not
that kind of hospital, and besides our psychiatrist is a man.
Katie: Oh good. Let me speak to my husband.
Woman: Alright what's his name?
Katie: ....*blinks*...Tim Speedle.
Woman: I'm sorry he's in a session right now.
Katie: *sigh* It'll only take a minute.
Woman: How did you get this number?
Katie: A friend. Can I speak to him when he's done his 'session'?
Woman: It might take a while. He's pretty screwed up.
Katie: *frowns* He's not screwed up.
Woman: I think we'll determine that.
Katie: He's fine. He's not even crazy.
Woman: And where did you get your medical degree from?
Katie: ...
Woman: Exactly. Call back a different time.
Katie: NO WAIT! Just put me on hold and when he's done, let me talk to him.
Woman: After he's finished is medication time. He won't have time to talk to you.
Katie: He doesn't need medication.
Woman: We'll determine that.
Katie: Stop saying that.
Woman: Oh I have to go. It's my only bathroom break for five more hours and I shouldn't have eaten that chili. *click*
Katie: ...She hung up on me.
JC: Why?
Katie: I don't know, something about chili.
JC: Are you sure the staff aren't the crazy ones?
Katie: He's in some sort of session.
JC: Like...Psychiatry?
Katie: Yeah.
JC: Well...Maybe he needs it.
[Hospital, psychiatrist's office]
Man: So tell me about yourself.
Speed: *frowns*
Man: ....Okay....Do you have any siblings?
Speed: *frowning*
Man: Do you have a job?
Speed: *frowning*
Man: A family?
Speed: *crosses arms*
Man: ...Okay. I want you to tell me the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear this word. Intimacy.
Speed: Not interested in that with you but thanks for the offer.
Man: How about...Commitment?
Speed: Are you asking what these words mean to test my IQ, or did you have a point?
Man: *scribbling things down* Mhm. Defiant, tempermental...
Speed: Excuse me?
Man: Nothing.
Speed: What are you writing down?
Man: How do you feel about your wife?
Speed: *frowns*
Man: Well, how do you feel?
Speed: I love her.
Man: You don't seem to mean it.
Speed: So what do you want me to do, cry?
Man: Sometimes it helps. How do you feel about cows?
Speed: ...Are you serious?
Man: Extremely.
Speed: ...You just said
cows right?
Man: Yes.
Speed: Like...A moo moo here and a moo moo there?
Man: *scribbles*
Speed: What are you doing?
Man: I'm writing.
Speed: I haven't said anything worth writing.
Man: That's what you think.
Speed: I'm not crazy.
Man: Of course you're not. *writing things down*
Speed: I don't have to be here you know.
Man: No one has to be here. Now, how do you feel about your wife and be truthful.
Speed: Nothing.
Man: You have to feel something or you wouldn't have married her.
Speed: I don't tend to tell a lot of people how I feel.
Man: Well now we're getting somewhere. You have trust issues.
Speed: Fine, you want to know how I feel about her?
Man: Yes.
Speed: I don't feel anything.
Man: How long have you...Not been able to feel anything about her?
Speed: I don't know.
Man: Interesting. Do you have any sort of intimate relationship with her?
Speed: What does that have to do anything?
Man: It's just a question.
Speed: It's none of your business.
Man: Do you have any kids?
Speed: You know what? I'm finished. *gets up*
Man: Did your wife kill them or something?
Speed: *stops walking* What?
Man: Are your children dead?
Speed: ...Yes. *sits*
Man: Did your wife have anything to do with their deaths?
Speed: *nods*
Man: Well, I can see what we'll be working on in the next few weeks. Now, how do you feel about her?
Speed: ...I...Hate her.
Man: You're angry at her.
Speed: *frowns* Yes.
Man: Do you want to hurt her?
Speed: ...Yeah.
Man: So you want to take it out on other women and then you can't bring yourself to do anything because of shame.
Speed: Yeah.
Man: *writing things down* Very interesting. *looks at watch* Well our time is up for today so just head out the door to your left and we'll get you set up in a room.
Speed: Okay.