CSI:Miami Road Trip- We've Travelled a Long Way

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H man can't take him to another friggin hospital. I am a woman I HAVE NEEDS! And why do I keep shouting that? lol. *clears throat* Anyway....

Horatio: Deja vu.

That made me giggle and I don't even know why. I'm just weird I guess.

Speed: Maybe I should just sleep with my brother too and we'll call it YAZTEE.

Hehehe. That cracked me up to no end.

Speed: And what am I supposed to tell my wife? "Sorry I can't sleep with you but oh by the way I'm perfectly fine with raping you"

*coughs* Africa *Coughs* Well...not really because we weren't married in Africa but still. lol. update soon please.
Awwwww poor speedy had a mental breakdown didn't he? And my Little H is only puting him into a crazy hospital for his own good *huggles katie* I am sure once he has some drugs he should be fine lol.... and i still owe u that darn facial lol
Thanks as always for the great reviews. :D



Mac: I understand you have to get back on the road.

Horatio: Unfortunately. When we get back to Miami, we'll be sure to help you out on the rest of the case.

Mac: Thanks.

Horatio: I'll see you later. *leaves*

Mac: You too. *walks away*


Horatio: Alright guys, let's go.

Katie: Um...Where is my husband?

Horatio: Uh...A hospital.

Katie: *narrows eyes*

Horatio: He's getting some professional help.

Katie: FOR WHAT!

Delko: Ow my ear.

Horatio: We'll pick him up in six to eight months.


Horatio: He's going through a hard time.

Katie: No no. A hard time would be getting hit in the head with a two by four in some strange apartment that I'M SORRY IS NOT BEING RE-DECORATED after being raped two years before.

Horatio: ....Do you read our casefiles?

Katie: HECK YES!

Delko: I'm glad he's gone. Then I'll feel smarter.

Calleigh: NEED FOR SPEED UNDERGROUND! *plugs in Xbox* We have to play this.

Delko: Hey you found my game.

Horatio: NO I WANT TO PLAY! *gets up*

Anni: Ah! *grabs wheel* Geez.

Horatio: Sorry about that. *grabs controller* Okay I'm going to make a Hummer.

Delko: I don't think you can.

Horatio: Watch me. *presses buttons*

Delko: Hey that's not fair. I've wanted a Hummer forever.

Horatio: I own this game.

Delko: What?

Horatio: ...Ray Jr. wanted me to spend some time with him.

Katie: Ew don't make it grey. Make it BRIGHT ORANGE!

Horatio: I don't want it to clash with my hair.

Carly: You're not even going to be in it. It's a video game.

Delko: Hey they have black.

Horatio: I guess that will have to do.

Delko: What are you going to use for your user name?

Horatio: H.

Delko: Wow, that's original.

Horatio: Okay here we go.

[5 minutes later]

Delko: ...You're going like five miles an hour.

Carly: Yeah come on put the pedal to the metal.

Horatio: Slow and steady wins the race.

Delko: They're all passing you. Come on just floor it!

Horatio: I will say how fast I'm aloud to go.

Katie: You're a Hummer and you're not using it for evil.

Horatio: I don't want to hit the other cars. This is an expensive vehcile.

Delko: Are you kidding me? The whole point of the game is to race and beat everyone even if you get a few scratches.

Horatio: When you get enough money you can ruin your own vehicles.

JC: OH GIMME! *grabs controler*

Horatio: No! No what are you doing!

JC: I'm making this baby do what it was meant to do.

Horatio: You're running over pedestrians! Stop! That has to be a dozen crime scenes!

Delko: Look at her fly.

JC: Move out of my way you stupid purple car. Who buys a purple car?


JC: How else did you expect me to run him over?

Horatio: *extends hand* My....Hummer.....Oh my God....

JC: AH! Whoops, I hit a building.

Horatio: *crying*

JC: WHOA! Look at me fly over that cliff.

[Explosion is heard]

Everyone: *blinks*

Delko: ...I'd say you ruined that Hummer.

Calleigh: Is it melting?

Horatio: My...Hummer...*passes out*

JC: *puts down controller* There we go. Now the game is being played right.

[Later on...]

JC: Hey what are you poutin' about?

Katie: He gave away my husband.

JC: He didn't give him away. He went willingly.

Katie: Thanks for helping.

JC: Well his dad just died. Maybe he's just taking it really hard.

Katie: *sigh* He didn't even say goodbye.

JC: That's probably because he wouldn't want to go.

Katie: Oh well screw him. If he's going to just leave like that then I hate him.

JC: Sure you do.

Katie: Pfft I could try.

It would be a cold day in H E double hockey sticks before I hate that man. I mean If I don't hate him by know I don't think I ever will. lol. Horatio crying because JC made the Hummer go off a cliff. Oh man. lol.

Katie: No no. A hard time would be getting hit in the head with a two by four in some strange apartment that I'M SORRY IS NOT BEING RE-DECORATED after being raped two years before.

Horatio: ....Do you read our casefiles?

...That does sounds like something I would do. lol. Update soon please!
k one there are no cliffs in that game and no pedestrians but that was wiked i had lots of fun racing on that game otday for real in my decked out hummer.
I got the 'you do know the difference between fiction and reality? right?' speech from my mother. She's worried that I'll go nuts and you'll have to put me in a mental hospital...and I'll hang out with speed, and tell all the nurses that I'm married to Delko and my best friend is dating Horatio and that we live in this great big vehical called a hummerhome that takes us everywhere and I just realize that we never have to stop for gas and then they inject me with tranquilizers to make me shut up. *takes deep breath* That was exhausting. Delko! I will save you from Josh! and Speed, HOW COULD YOU GIVE HIM TO YOUR BROTHER? although, his brother is pretty cool. JC, he reminds me of MJ! We got to hang with the NY CSIs, and Danny is SO HOT! Danny, Delko and Flack, all in the same room...*passes out* G'job Geni!

If Only You Could Stay Here Now

[Hummerhome 10pm]

Katie: Okay I'm depressed. Someone entertain me.

JC: Have some alcohol.

Katie: Thank God. *grabs beers*

JC: You're going to drink...All of them?

Katie: You better believe it. *drinks*

JC: Are you sure you should do that?

Katie: Its either this or scream on the top of my lungs and strangle a certain redhead.

JC: Oh don't hurt my H.

Katie: That's why I'm doing this instead.

JC: It won't solve anything.

Katie: It will for the time being.

JC: Why don't you just call him?

Katie: They let you have cell phones in mental facilities?

JC: I don't know, I've never been to one.

Katie: I don't even know where Horatio took him.

JC: I do. *hands over phone*

Katie: I'm not calling. They probably don't allow the outside world to contact patients.

JC: *grabs phone, dials* There happy?

Katie: Did you just dia-Hey, I need to speak to a patient.


Woman: And what is this regarding?

Katie: ...A patient.

Woman: And whom do you with to speak with?

Katie: Tim Speedle.

Woman: He's in a session right now.

Katie: What the heck is a session?

Woman: He's with the psychiatrist.

Katie: Doing what?

Woman: I'm not at liberty to say.

Katie: They're not making babies in there are they?

Woman: It's not that kind of hospital, and besides our psychiatrist is a man.

Katie: Oh good. Let me speak to my husband.

Woman: Alright what's his name?

Katie: ....*blinks*...Tim Speedle.

Woman: I'm sorry he's in a session right now.

Katie: *sigh* It'll only take a minute.

Woman: How did you get this number?

Katie: A friend. Can I speak to him when he's done his 'session'?

Woman: It might take a while. He's pretty screwed up.

Katie: *frowns* He's not screwed up.

Woman: I think we'll determine that.

Katie: He's fine. He's not even crazy.

Woman: And where did you get your medical degree from?

Katie: ...

Woman: Exactly. Call back a different time.

Katie: NO WAIT! Just put me on hold and when he's done, let me talk to him.

Woman: After he's finished is medication time. He won't have time to talk to you.

Katie: He doesn't need medication.

Woman: We'll determine that.

Katie: Stop saying that.

Woman: Oh I have to go. It's my only bathroom break for five more hours and I shouldn't have eaten that chili. *click*

Katie: ...She hung up on me.

JC: Why?

Katie: I don't know, something about chili.

JC: Are you sure the staff aren't the crazy ones?

Katie: He's in some sort of session.

JC: Like...Psychiatry?

Katie: Yeah.

JC: Well...Maybe he needs it.

[Hospital, psychiatrist's office]

Man: So tell me about yourself.

Speed: *frowns*

Man: ....Okay....Do you have any siblings?

Speed: *frowning*

Man: Do you have a job?

Speed: *frowning*

Man: A family?

Speed: *crosses arms*

Man: ...Okay. I want you to tell me the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear this word. Intimacy.

Speed: Not interested in that with you but thanks for the offer.

Man: How about...Commitment?

Speed: Are you asking what these words mean to test my IQ, or did you have a point?

Man: *scribbling things down* Mhm. Defiant, tempermental...

Speed: Excuse me?

Man: Nothing.

Speed: What are you writing down?

Man: How do you feel about your wife?

Speed: *frowns*

Man: Well, how do you feel?

Speed: I love her.

Man: You don't seem to mean it.

Speed: So what do you want me to do, cry?

Man: Sometimes it helps. How do you feel about cows?

Speed: ...Are you serious?

Man: Extremely.

Speed: ...You just said cows right?

Man: Yes.

Speed: Like...A moo moo here and a moo moo there?

Man: *scribbles*

Speed: What are you doing?

Man: I'm writing.

Speed: I haven't said anything worth writing.

Man: That's what you think.

Speed: I'm not crazy.

Man: Of course you're not. *writing things down*

Speed: I don't have to be here you know.

Man: No one has to be here. Now, how do you feel about your wife and be truthful.

Speed: Nothing.

Man: You have to feel something or you wouldn't have married her.

Speed: I don't tend to tell a lot of people how I feel.

Man: Well now we're getting somewhere. You have trust issues.

Speed: Fine, you want to know how I feel about her?

Man: Yes.

Speed: I don't feel anything.

Man: How long have you...Not been able to feel anything about her?

Speed: I don't know.

Man: Interesting. Do you have any sort of intimate relationship with her?

Speed: What does that have to do anything?

Man: It's just a question.

Speed: It's none of your business.

Man: Do you have any kids?

Speed: You know what? I'm finished. *gets up*

Man: Did your wife kill them or something?

Speed: *stops walking* What?

Man: Are your children dead?

Speed: ...Yes. *sits*

Man: Did your wife have anything to do with their deaths?

Speed: *nods*

Man: Well, I can see what we'll be working on in the next few weeks. Now, how do you feel about her?

Speed: ...I...Hate her.

Man: You're angry at her.

Speed: *frowns* Yes.

Man: Do you want to hurt her?

Speed: ...Yeah.

Man: So you want to take it out on other women and then you can't bring yourself to do anything because of shame.

Speed: Yeah.

Man: *writing things down* Very interesting. *looks at watch* Well our time is up for today so just head out the door to your left and we'll get you set up in a room.

Speed: Okay.

Well thank you TImmy boy. I hate..love you to. lol. But awww its so sad...I couldn't control the first 2 times...After Riley yes. But still....lol. And I think that whole thing with the receptionist eating chili and needing a bathroom break was waaaay to much info lol update soon please!
Poor Speedy boy. *hugs Speed* ...What? He needed a hug.

Time Is All I've Got

[Hummerhome 9 am]

Horatio: Okay how are we all this morning? *drinks coffee*

Delko: Tired. You got us up at nine.

Horatio: I get you up at nine every day.

Calleigh: Can we sleep in at least once?

Horatio: If you went to bed earlier we wouldn't have this problem.

Delko: *eating toast* Yeah but I'm not tired at night.

Horatio: Exactly. And that explains why you're tired in the mornings.

Calleigh: ...But everyone's tired in the morning.

Horatio: Go to bed earlier. I'm never tired in the morning. Of course I'm Horatio Caine and I don't get tired.

Delko: Yeah I believe that.

Katie: *walks out* Why are we talking about beds?

Carly: *laying on floor* Because we're tired.

Katie: Carly you have jam in your hair.

Carly: I know. I laid on the jam that Eric dropped on the floor.

Katie: You're going to stick to the floor.

Carly: Good. Then I won't have to get up and I can just sleep here.

[Hospital, New York]

Psychiatrist: Well good morning Tim. How are you feeling this morning?

Speed: Do you always walk into people's rooms and do that?

Psychiatrist: Yes.

Speed: Great.

Psychiatrist: Breakfast will be on the table in the main cafeteria at 9:15.

Speed: That's random.

Psychiatrist: We try not to upset the patients with even numbers. Did you sleep well?

Speed: Yeah just fine. My back hurts, my head feels like it's about to fall off and I was freezing. But other than that, I slept like a prince.

Psychiatrist: *laughs* Well at least you have a sense of humor.

Speed: *gets out of bed* Yeah it's one of my more endearing qualities.

Psychiatrist: So did you get a chance to think about our conversation yesterday?

Speed: Yeah.

Psychiatrist: And?

Speed: And then I fell asleep like most normal human beings.

Psychiatrist: Well in our session this afternoon we'll get to the route causes of your pent up anger.

Speed: I don't have pent up anger. I just don't like morons and criminals.

Psychiatrist: Maybe we can help you learn to tolerate people and see their side of things.

Speed: If I saw eye to eye with every person I talk to, they wouldn't be in jail.

Psychiatrist: Yes, yes I was told you're a criminalist with Miami PD.

Speed: Yeah.

Psychiatrist: It must take a firm heart to deal with the things you see every day.

Speed: Heart? No we don't use our hearts. We use our heads.

Psychiatrist: You've been learning to do that over many years haven't you?

Speed: Learning what?

Psychiatrist: How to keep your emotions from clouding your judgement.

Speed: It helps.

Psychiatrist: I see. I'm assuming you haven't been in many relationships over the years.

Speed: Not many.

Psychiatrist: And so now that you've fallen in love with someone, it became harder to hide your emotions and it affects you on cases.

Speed: That's not how it works.

Psychiatrist: Then how does it work?

Speed: It doesn't. That's why CSIs tend to not get married. It's more of an occupational hazard.

Psychiatrist: Interesting.

Speed: Are you going to jot that down in your pretty note book too?

Psychiatrist: Maybe. Tell me something, do you ever get angry at suspects?

Speed: My job is to remain objective.

Psychiatrist: And do you?

Speed: Yeah.

Psychiatrist: Interesting. Well breakfast is downstairs so I'll let you get down there.

Speed: I'm not hungry.

Psychiatrist: You have to eat something.

Speed: I don't need to.

Psychiatrist: Alright. There are three meal periods so you can either save your appetite for lunch or dinner.

Speed: I'll keep that in mind.

Psychiatrist: We don't force anyone to do anything here so I hope you will try to be less stubborn in the future.

Speed: Is that one of your therapy techniques?

Psychiatrist: I'm sorry I don't understand.

Speed: Trying to get your patients to conform to your rules and telling them that if they change who they are then life here won't be so hard. And if they don't comply do you shove them full of drugs?

Psychiatrist: You've seen too many movies.

Speed: Fine, maybe I do. Maybe I'm wrong and all you want to do is help people, or maybe you're being played by the people who started this facility.

Psychiatrist: Paranoia is a way of life for you CSIs isn't it?

Speed: I'm just having a conversation.

Psychiatrist: Well we will have plenty of time for that later. For now you can tour our facilities and meet other patients. Although I will have to warn you that some of the patients here prefer to not socialize with new-comers.

Speed: Great.

Psychiatrist: I'll see you in five hours. *leaves*

Woman: *runs up* YOU'RE NEW!

Speed: Uh...Yeah.

Woman: *grabs Speed's hand* I'm Lori.

Speed: Nice to meet you.

Lori: I turn 28 today.

Speed: That's...Good.

Lori: I live in the room next to yours. Oh have you had breakfast yet?

Speed: I'm not hungry.

Lori: What's your name?

Speed: Tim.

Lori: You're new.

Speed: *nods slowly*

Lori: Do you want to see my fish?

Speed: Your..Fish?

Lori: *grabs Speed* Yes! Fish! This way.

[Lori's room]

Lori: These are my fish. The yellow one is named Blue, and the green one's name is Purple.

Speed: Wonderful.

Lori: My brother gave them to me before he went away.

Speed: Where did he go?

Lori: Away.

Speed: I see.

Lori: Would you like to pet the fish?

Speed: No, that's okay.

Lori: You wanna see the rest of the building?

Speed: It beats sitting in my room.

Lori: *giggles* Come on! *runs*

Speed: *sigh* I hate it here.


Lori: That's Bob. He's been here for three months. He likes to play with invisible friends. Oh oh and that's Molly. She's been here for a year. I like her because she has shiney hair.

Speed: And how long have you been here?

Lori: One year and three days. I did math yesterday and found it out.

Speed: Do you like it here?

Lori: ...*frowns* Not at first. Some of the people here I don't talk to. *smiles* But its my home.

Speed: Who brought you here?

Lori: My family. I've been getting help from Doctors. Why are you here?

Speed: I need to get some help for my problem.

Lori: You look fine to me.

Speed: Looks can be deceiving.

Lori: *grinning* You should smile more. It's like a sunshine that fills whole entire room.

Speed: I don't feel like smiling.

Lori: Why not?

Speed: I'm not happy.

Lori: What makes you happy?

Speed: I don't know.

Lori: Rainbows make me happy. I can't stop smiling if there's a rainbow. There's so many colors and it happens after the worst parts of a storm.

Speed: It hasn't rained lately.

Lori: I still remember what they look like. Sometimes memory can paint the prettiest of pictures. So what do you like?

Speed: Me? I like...Puzzles. I like to solve problems.

Lori: We have puzzles here.

Speed: *smirks*

Awww that Lori person got to me and I don't know why. maybe its because of the song I'm listening to. lol. Poor Carly has jam in her hair. Its going to get all notty and gross if she doesn't wash it out. Seriously I need to stop being so OCD. lol. Poor Speed hates it there....I'd hate it to. lol. Update soon please.
oooooh poor speed!
I feel so sad for him. He lost his father and then he goes in a hospital.
He's not a lucky guy...
update soon please
please get Tim out of that hospital now!!!, I think he'll be even more crazy by the time he get's out of there.

He needs his friends around him at a time like this not a bunch of strangers.

great update!
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