Thanks guys.
Take You To A Place Only Found Through These Winds Of Change
Speed: Why did you all hug me?
Calleigh: We just realized how much of an integral part of the team you are.
Speed: I am?
Horatio: And when you go to sleep at night we will wrap your room in Kevlar.
Delko: And then we'll put barbed wire at the door.
Calleigh: Oh and then we can put bullet proof glass on the windows.
Horatio: The windows are already bullet proof.
Calleigh: Well we can put more.
Speed: I think I'll be fine.
Katie: *sits on Speed's lap* You know what you need?
Speed: ...For you to get off my lap?
Katie: You need police protection. Maybe some bodyguards.
Speed: No I don't. Will you get off my lap?
Katie: Why? I'm not that heavy am I? ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT?! Do I look like a cow?!
Delko: He loves cows.
Katie: *frowns* I can't believe you only care about looks.
Speed: I didn't say anything.
Katie: You didn't have to.
Speed: I do not think you're fat. You're perfect.
Katie: Then why do you want me to get off your lap?
Speed: Because I'm not Santa.
Katie: Fine. *sits on couch*
Speed: Are you mad at me?
Katie: *frowns* No.
Speed: Yes you are.
Katie: No I'm not. *crosses arms*
Speed: You're pouting.
Katie: You think I'm fat.
Speed: No I do not think you're fat.
Katie: Oh yeah? Then what are these rolls!
Speed: Those are your belt loops.
Katie: I'm fat. It looks like we'll just have to get a divorce then. You won't want to be seen with your fat wife.
Speed: That's crazy.
Katie: Oh so now you're calling me crazy! Well I got news for you bub *pokes Speed* THE CRAZIES AREN'T CRAZY!
Speed: I-..*sigh* I'm just going to shut up.
Katie: Good. *pouts*
Speed: .....Are you still mad at me?
Katie: *looks at Speed*
Speed: *sad face*
Katie: ....Awww you're so cute when you're pathetic.
Speed: *smirks* I'm glad my patheticness amuses you.
Delko: I can be pathetic too!
Missy: Yeah we know.
Delko: I-..HEY!