CSI:Miami Road Trip- We've Travelled a Long Way

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AWWW SPEED GROUP HUG! LOL. An yeah for the record I HATED that sub title thinger. lol. Awww..poor Delko never got to say good bye properly...Stupid DOnahue. Anyways great update, update soon please!
omg that last one just cracked me up geni... wow i put on makeup but it is only dark like black and bronze eye shawdow .. i only wear black and i never even wear shorts.. okay i will if they are black but rarely and i only wear a skirt once in a blue moon but it has to be black .... oh ya and i will wear high heals but agian they have to be black ... what can i say .... i lobe black .. well being half goth does that to u ..... heheheh anyway can't wait for ur next updates .... that was such a relaxting thing after i almost punched the manager today. Think i would get fired if i did that .... nah the owner likes me ./...... i am his hardest working teen employee .. teehee
Oh man, I don't even know where to start. That was hilarious! :lol: I also love it when you make fun of the show. Even though I haven't seen most of those episodes (except for the evil one) I still understand it because I have spoiled myself to death...

"All I wanted was to report what I found out about the drugs and here you go with 'oh by the way, I'm marrying your sister. Status on the case'.
Was that seriously how it happened? That is so cold. That is so heartless. That is so season 4. :lol:

anyway, that was great! I think I'm still laughing. I honestly don't know why I said "i think" because I am still laughing :lol:

anyways, please update soon
Thanks guys. :D

Take You To A Place Only Found Through These Winds Of Change


Speed: Why did you all hug me?

Calleigh: We just realized how much of an integral part of the team you are.

Speed: I am?

Horatio: And when you go to sleep at night we will wrap your room in Kevlar.

Delko: And then we'll put barbed wire at the door.

Calleigh: Oh and then we can put bullet proof glass on the windows.

Horatio: The windows are already bullet proof.

Calleigh: Well we can put more.

Speed: I think I'll be fine.

Katie: *sits on Speed's lap* You know what you need?

Speed: ...For you to get off my lap?

Katie: You need police protection. Maybe some bodyguards.

Speed: No I don't. Will you get off my lap?

Katie: Why? I'm not that heavy am I? ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT?! Do I look like a cow?!

Delko: He loves cows.

Katie: *frowns* I can't believe you only care about looks.

Speed: I didn't say anything.

Katie: You didn't have to.

Speed: I do not think you're fat. You're perfect.

Katie: Then why do you want me to get off your lap?

Speed: Because I'm not Santa.

Katie: Fine. *sits on couch*

Speed: Are you mad at me?

Katie: *frowns* No.

Speed: Yes you are.

Katie: No I'm not. *crosses arms*

Speed: You're pouting.

Katie: You think I'm fat.

Speed: No I do not think you're fat.

Katie: Oh yeah? Then what are these rolls!

Speed: Those are your belt loops.

Katie: I'm fat. It looks like we'll just have to get a divorce then. You won't want to be seen with your fat wife.

Speed: That's crazy.

Katie: Oh so now you're calling me crazy! Well I got news for you bub *pokes Speed* THE CRAZIES AREN'T CRAZY!

Speed: I-..*sigh* I'm just going to shut up.

Katie: Good. *pouts*

Speed: .....Are you still mad at me?

Katie: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *sad face*

Katie: ....Awww you're so cute when you're pathetic.

Speed: *smirks* I'm glad my patheticness amuses you.

Delko: I can be pathetic too!

Missy: Yeah we know.

Delko: I-..HEY!

"Well I got news for you bub, THE CRAZIE'S AREN'T CRAZY!"

Haha, heck yes I WIN! lol. And I love the whole wrapping his room around in kevlar idea...ohhh like the bubble boy...only like kevlar boy we can build him a giant bubble made out of kevlar....but then....yeah....anyways update soon please. *runs out saying the crazie's aren't crazy*

All I Want Is An Excuse To Let Loose All The Tension I Got

[Hummerhome, midnight]

[Noise is heard]

Katie: *wakes up* ...Tim? Tim wake up.

Speed: *wakes up* What is it?

Katie: I heard a noise.

Speed: Maybe it was your stomach. Go back to bed.

Katie: I'm not hungry.

Speed: *sits up* There are no monsters outside.

Katie: Well that's great, but I heard it inside

Speed: Maybe someone got up to use the bathroom.

[Pots and pans are heard falling]

Katie: *grabs Speed*

Speed: We have pots and pans?

Katie: Tim this is not a time to be making jokes.

Speed: Maybe it's a racoon.

Katie: Oh yeah that's brilliant. How did a racoon get in here?

Speed: Maybe Eric was keeping one in the closet.

Katie: Tim go see what it is.

Speed: *sigh* Fine. *gets out of bed* If it will make you happy.

Katie: TIM!

Speed: What?

Katie: Bring a baseball bat or something.

Speed: I don't have a baseball bat.

Katie: Bring your gun.

Speed: I left it in the dining room.

Katie: Why?

Speed: I didn't want to bring a gun in here.

Katie: Well go see what it is and then shoot it.

Speed: What if it's Eric?

Katie: Shoot him.

Speed: I'm not going to shoot him.

Katie: I'm coming with you.

Speed: I thought you were too scared.

Katie: I didn't say I was scared. *gets out of bed*

Speed: *opens door* Now be quiet.

Katie: I am quiet.

[Dinette area]

Speed: *kneels down* It's a man.

Katie: Yeah I can see that. Who is it?

Speed: Well I smell alcohol so it's probably a homeless guy.

Katie: You know, not every homeless guy drinks.

Speed: Fine, he's a drunk guy.

Katie: So go get him.

Speed: I can't just go tackle a drunk guy in the middle of the night.

Katie: Why not? He's trespassing.

Speed: Maybe he just needed somewhere to crash.

Katie: So he broke in? Come on go get him.

Speed: Why don't you go get him?

Katie: I'm not the one with the badge and combat skills.

Speed: I don't have combat skills.

Katie: How did you become a cop?

Speed: Long story.

Katie: Hey baby I got time. *winks*

Speed: This is not the time to be hitting on me.

Katie: Yeah if I wanted to hit on you I would say other things. Oh quick he's moving!

Speed: I see him, I see him.

Katie: Quick get him.

Speed: Yeah easier said than done princess.

Katie: Just go.

Speed: *stands up* HEY!

Guy: *turns around* Buh?

Speed: What are you doing in here?

Guy: I just *hic* needed somewhere to crash.

Speed: *looks down at Katie*

Katie: What? So you were right, big deal.

Speed: *looks at guy* You can't just break in here man.

Guy: I didn't. The door was open.

Speed: Well go sleep somewhere else.

Guy: What are you gonna do? Hit me?

Speed: I haven't really thought it over.

Guy: Who's that by your foot?

Speed: Oh her? That's nothing.

Katie: Hey. *slaps Speed*

Guy: She's quite a dish. I'd like to tap some of that. *laughs*

Speed: *frowns* HEY. *grabs guy by the ear*

Guy: Ow ow ow ow ow ow Hey man I didn't mean it!

Speed: Out. Now.

Guy: You can't just kick me out!

Speed: *grabs badge, holds it up* Yeah? See this? That means I can do whatever the hell I want.

Guy: You didn't say you were a cop!

Speed: Surprise. Now get out before I arrest your ass.

Guy: Fine, I'm going. *leaves*

Speed: *slams door*

Katie: *stands up* My hero.

Speed: No one's aloud to insult my wife but me.

Katie: Ha ha very funny.

Delko: *walks in* Hey what's going on out here?

Speed: We're just catching criminals.

Delko: Oh sounds fun. He didn't drink the milk did he?

Speed: Nah.

Delko: Great. *opens fridge*

Speed: Okay you, back to bed.

Katie: Oh so you get to order me around now? That's sexy.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: Alright fine, we're not playing that game. I get it. *walks back to room*

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: Yeah keep it up Eric.

Delko: You want to borrow my handcuffs?

Speed: Shut up. *leaves*

[Katie/Speed's room]

Speed: *closes door* ...What are you doing?

Katie: I'm sleeping.

Speed: You're not sleeping.

Katie: How do you know? The lights are off.

Speed: *lays in bed* You're speaking.

Katie: Maybe I talk in my sleep.

Speed: *leans over* You do not talk in your sleep.

Katie: How would you know?

Speed: *leans closer* You're awake right now.

Katie: Heck yes I am right now. You're like 2 milimeters away from my face.

Speed: See? I was right.

Katie: So what are you going to do now?

Speed: I haven't decided.

Katie: Oh really?

Speed: Really.

Katie: Well do something because I'm falling asleep.

Speed: Like what?

Katie: I don't know. I'm going to start snoring.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: Okay then I'm going to fall asLEEP! HOLY CRAP! Okay haha Tim....Okay I'm awake.

Speed: I didn't touch you.

Katie: Yeah not with your lips you didn't.

Speed: You know, I'm feeling kind of tired. *lays back on the bed*

Katie: *sits up* Okay that wasn't fair.

Speed: No one said life was fair.

Katie: You can't just do that and then go to sleep.

Speed: I just did.

Katie: *frowns*

Speed: I take if from your silence that you're either frowning or you've just fallen asleep.

Katie: You play a tricky game mister.

"Tap some of that" This is NOT innocent and I AM NOT Cookie Devind or Ms. Coffee my butt! *Clears throat* Anyways, that was very nice of Speed. What a trickster. "Wanna borrow my hand cuffs" That cracked me up. And sorry I knowi'm not making since but I'm in a bad mood right now. So anyways update soon please.
Aww I'm sorry for your bad mood. *huggles Katie*

Buenos Noche...You Thought I Was Gonna Say Mala Noche


[2 am]

Katie: *sigh* ....Well this is boring. *gets up* I'm going to go visit the ladies.

[Anni/Carly's room]

Katie: Hey guys? Are you up?

Carly: I'm up.

Katie: Why?

Carly: I'm Australian. Right now it would be the afternoon for me so I'm not tired.

Katie: Oh. Is Anni up?

Anni: She is now. You opened the door into my foot.

Katie: Oh, sorry.

Anni: *sits up* So why aren't you asleep?

Katie: I don't know. I couldn't sleep. And Speed's mean.

Anni: What did he do?

Katie: Nothing.

Anni: Oh yeah I can see how that makes him seem like Hitler.

Carly: You guys weren't doing anything were you?

Katie: No.

Carly: Bummer.

Katie: *rolls eyes* Oh yeah a real bummer. *sits on bed* So what are you guys doing?

Anni: Right now I'm organizing coupons.

Katie: For what?

Anni: Delko Time. I found them on the floor.

Carly: Ew he was slipping them under the door? That's gross.

Anni: Hey this one has a picture of a monkey on it.

Carly: Yeah and this one has the picture of a lion on it.

Katie: What was he doing? Making the coupons out of the Animal Crackers box?

Carly: Well this one says 'An adventure in every box' so I'd say so.

Katie: Remind me not to ask Eric about Delko Time.

Carly: That makes two of us.

Anni: Hey this is fun. It's like a sleepover.

Katie: Oh man don't tell that to Eric. He'll be giving us more coupons.

Carly: Well it's not like we're in our underwear having a pillowfight.

Anni: Yeah there aren't enough pillows.

Katie: Man I'm kind of hungry. Who wants cookies?

Carly: We have cookies?

Katie: We could.

Carly: You're going to make cookies at 2 in the morning?

Katie: Why not? It's not like anyone's going to stop us. They're all asleep.

Anni: But I have nightmares when I eat before bed.

Katie: So don't eat any.

Anni: So what's it like with Speed? *grins*

Katie: Wow random question.

Carly: Anni you're sick.

Anni: It's not my fault I'm curious. I mean I've made out with him but that's different.

Katie: *frowns*

Anni: What? It was fun.

Katie: I'm sure it was.

Anni: It's not my fault he knows how to use his tongue.

Katie: WHAT?!

Carly: Whoa everyone asleep, inside voices.

Katie: *crosses arms*

Anni: What he doesn't do that with you?

Katie: *glares*

Anni: Hey we're bonding. This is fun.

Carly: I've never made out with Tim. When's it going to be my turn?

Katie: Gee thanks for the support Carly.

Carly: No problem.

Anni: So how about those cookies? ha...haha.

Katie: *squints* I don't think you deserve cookies.

Anni: Hey he came onto me. I'm the one that had to stop him.

Katie: Wow way to make the situation better.

Anni: Oh come off it, he was probably thinking about you the entire time.

Katie: ...Why are we having this conversation again?

Anni: Because it's girl talk.

Katie: I never knew girl talk could be so random.

Carly: OH HEY you know what we should do? We should scare Speed.

Anni: Ooooh I like that idea. How?

Carly: Let's poke him with a giant stick.

Katie: We are not going to poke him with a giant stick. We don't even have a giant stick.

Anni: Fine, we'll tape a bunch of spatulas together.

Carly: Let's write 'redrum' on the door in big red letters.

Katie: You guys are worse than Eric.

Carly: Eric isn't smart enough to think of a plan before executing it.

[Knocking on door is heard]

Carly: ...Is it the Wubba monster?

Katie: Maybe it's Eric.

Anni: *opens door* Oh hey Speed.

Speed: Where's Katie?

Katie: I'm right here.

Speed: What are you doing?

Katie: We're having girl talk. I didn't know you could use your tongue.

Speed: *looks at Anni*

Anni: We were playing truth or dare and I picked truth.

Speed: Katie get back to bed.

Katie: Why?

Speed: They're filling your head with evil.

Katie: How did you even wake up?

Speed: I'm a light sleeper.

Katie: Well I'm not going. I like it here. We're bonding.

Speed: You're not bonding. You're talking about me.

Anni: She hasn't said anything bad yet.

Carly: Well Anni mentioned the whole tongue thing.

Speed: *frowns* Anni can I speak to you for a second?

Anni: Go ahead.

Speed: In private.

Anni: Oooh in private.

Carly: *laughs*

Katie: *laughs*

[Outside of room]

Speed: What are you doing?

Anni: We're having girl talk. It's confidential.

Speed: You're not supposed to tell them things about us.

Anni: There was barely an us so don't worry about it.

Speed: I'd appreciate it if you could keep me out of your conversations.

Anni: Well if we did that it wouldn't be girl talk.

Speed: *frowns*

Anni: Look, it's not like we're giving details. We were going to make cookies.

Speed: And do what with them? Sell them?

Anni: Eat them.

Speed: You're having a sleepover?

Anni: It's not a sleepover. It's a bondover.

Speed: A bondover.

Anni: We're bonding.

Speed: Are you the ring leader of this?

Anni: Maybe. Who's asking?

Speed: ...I am.

Anni: Then maybe.

Speed: Stop filling my wife's head with nonsense.

Anni: Hmm..You know the last time I checked, she didn't belong to you. She has a mind of her own.

Speed: Uh she won't when you're finished with her. You've got your own cult running in there. The next time I go in there, all your names will be Jane and you'll be selling pudding on the street.

Anni: There's only three of us. It's not much of a cult.

Speed: That's not the point.

Anni: Just go back to bed and stop worrying about it.

Speed: Don't tell me what to do.

Anni: Or what? You'll cuff me?

Speed: ...Fine I'm leaving. *leaves*

Anni: *walks back in room* I got rid of him.

Katie: What did he say?

Anni: Something about all of our names being Jane.

Carly: My name's Carly.

hahaha I sooo thought you were going to say Mala Noche...or as my dad likes to call them The mala Whocha lol. Anyways....Speed...Anni...tongue...whoa there. lol. And cookies? Those sound awesome right about now! lol. And us in a cult....hahaha. update soon please. Oh and thanks for the hug.
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