CSI:Miami Road Trip- We've Travelled a Long Way

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:lol: Yeah AND NOW YOU MUST DIE. Oh man..Too much sprite.

My Rising Tied


Missy: Hey Alexx.

Katie: Where's our DB?

Alexx: Right over this way ladies. *lifts sheet*

Katie: Cause of death?

Alexx: Blunt force trauma.

Missy: So he hit his head on the side of the building.

Alexx: I found scratches on his hands too.

Katie: Yeah he grabbed at the lights and scratched his hand on the way down.

Alexx: I cut the lights from around his ankle.

Katie: Do you think he was pushed or that he fell?

Alexx: It's hard to say. There are no bruises on his back, and no other external injuries to suggest there was anyone else there.

Katie: Well this looks like an open and shut case then.

Missy: I'll let Horatio know.


Missy: So do you really think this case is over?

Katie: I don't know, I mean it seems too simple but sometimes it is.

Missy: Oh don't look now but I see that Adam guy.

Katie: *sigh* Oh great. How many times do I have to tel him to not come here?

Missy: Maybe he wants to break up with you.

Katie: That's crazy. We weren't even in a relationshi-HI Adam!

Adam: I've been looking everywhere for you.

Katie: Well SURPRISE! You found me.

Missy: I have to um...Go see Horatio. *leaves*

Adam: How have you been?

Katie: Well..I've been better.

Adam: I just wanted to tell you how I felt about you.

Katie: I've known you for like...Three days. Trust me, you don't feel anything.

Adam: But I think I do. I mean, I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't work because all I think about is you.

Katie: Maybe you just have gas.

[Trace lab]

Delko: *looks up* Hey check it out.

Speed: *looks up* What's he doing here?

Delko: Maybe they're going back to your place.

Speed: Yeah funny.


Adam: We should go out for dinner sometime.

Katie: Well, as much as I would love that, I don't think it would be appropriate.

Adam: Why not?

Katie: Because you're a material witness of mine, and I can't be seen fraternizing with you.

Adam: Well...You saw me last time.

Katie: Yeah and I'm starting to think that was a big mistake.

Adam: *strokes Katie's arm* No one has to know.

Katie: *frowns*

[Trace lab]

Delko: Wow he's pretty friendly with her.

Speed: Good for him. I hope they live happily ever after.

Delko: Well she doesn't look very happy.

Speed: *goes back to paperwork* Good for her.


Katie: I think you should leave.

Adam: I don't want to leave. I want us to be together. *moves closer*

Katie: Seriously, get lost.

Adam: *grabs Katie* I don't want to.

[Trace lab]

Delko: Should we...Do something?

Speed: Why? *looks up*

Delko: Isn't that like...Against the law?

Speed: *frowns*


Katie: Seriously GET AWAY FROM ME!

Adam: *pushes Katie against wall* I'd say make me but you can't.

[Trace lab]

Speed: *stands up*

Delko: ..What are you doing?

Speed: *leaves*

Delko: ...Great.


Speed: HEY!

Adam: *turns around* What do you want?

Speed: *punches Adam in the face*

Adam: *falls down* OW!..Ow ow ow.

Katie: *runs off*

Speed: *grabs Adam* You're under arrest.

Adam: You didn't have to punch me dude.

Speed: Don't call me dude.

Adam: So trying to get with a lady is a crime now?

Speed: No but hurting one is.

Adam: I didn't hurt her. She's just exaggerating.

Delko: *walks out* You want me to take him?

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: *grabs Adam* Let's go.

Adam: Ah man.

[Autopsy room, 10 minutes later]

Speed: *walks in* Katie?

[Sniffing is heard]

Speed: *looks down* I don't think they let CSIs hide under tables.

Katie: Go away.

Speed: *kneels down* Are you okay?

Katie: What do you care?

Speed: Did he hurt you?

Katie: No.

Speed: Come on, I'll take you home.

Katie: I thought you were mad at me.

Speed: I might be mad but I still love you. *grabs Katie's hand* Come on.

Katie: *stands up* But I don't really want to go home.

Speed: It'll be fun. You can clean the sheets.

Katie: *laughs* Yeah don't worry I won't use Tide this time.

Speed: Good.

Katie: Where's Adam?

Speed: He's in a holding cell with a black eye and a very big headache.

Katie: I guess he wasn't that great afterall.

Speed: Well look on the bright side. At least we're not in Africa.

Katie: *punches Speed*

Speed: *laughs*

I FINALLY cheat and he turns out to be a....guy who pushes girls into walls. lol. "well look on the brightside atleast were not in africa." That is very true. lol. "Maybe its gas" I love how we blame everything on gas. lol. Hilarious. And awwww Timmy punched Adam in the face awwww that was sweet. lol. Update soon please!
wow Speed stop being mean to Katie!

Adam: You can't arrest me for sleeping with you wife!
Everyone: *stops working, looks up*
Speed: We're um...Practicing a play.
Everyone: *goes back to work*

hehehe Monsters Inc.
Put that thing back were it came from or so help so help me :lol:
:lol: :lol: Monster's Inc.

You're Never Alone


Delko: So why are we in the Hummerhome?

Horatio: We're in the Hummerhome because there was so much drama in the lab. It was like a soap opera and I was starting to drown.

Delko: You never learned to swim?

Horatio: ...

Delko: OH OH! Do what I do! Wear those little floatie thingies and stay at arms reach with your mommy.

Horatio: ...My mom's dead.

Delko: Oh...My bad. Your dad?

Horatio: I killed my dad.

Delko: How come you get to get away with murder? That's not fair.

Horatio: Because I'm holy.

Speed: You're not holy.

Horatio: How do you know?

Speed: I...Don't know.

Horatio: HA!

Katie: Pass me a bottle of water.

Speed: No.

Katie: Why not?

Speed: You cheated on me.

Katie: *squints* YOU cheated on me.

Speed: Ah yes but that was BEFORE I knocked in the head.

Katie: How about miss Sandra?

Speed: I didn't do anything with her.

Katie: How do I know that?

Speed: ....Um......AFRICA!

Katie: *lifts brow* Why did you yell Africa?

Speed: I don't know.

Katie: Okay how about we make a deal. You stop sleeping around and I'll stop mentioning Africa.

Speed: Deal...Even though I'm the one that just mentioned it but oh well.

Katie: Yeah well I hope you had fun.

Speed: This would count as you mentioning it.

Katie: Do you always do what Ann Donahue says?

Speed: No. Her plans are stupid and lame.

Katie: So why did you just go along with it?

Speed: I don't know.


Speed: No I didn't.

Katie: Is there like some kind of criminal in that brain of yours?

Speed: Well if there is, he's asleep.

Katie: That's not funny.

Delko: Maybe the Wubba monster took over his body.

Speed: The Wubba monster does not rape my girlfriends.

Delko: Have you asked?

Speed: No because it doesn't exist.

Delko: *crosses legs and fingers and toes. Closes eyes* Find your inner Wubba. Hummmmmmmm. Hummmmmmmm.

Speed: *smacks Delko*

Delko: OW! Hey I found him. He just smacked the back of my head.

Speed: That was me.

Delko: See? I told you so! You're the Wubba monster.

Horatio: No one is the Wubba monster.

Delko: Fine...But I still think Speed's posessed.

Speed: I'm not posessed!


Speed: Why are you yelling 'christo'?

Delko: Demons flinch at the latin name of God.

Speed: Well considering I'm not a demon, you don't have to yell random words.


Speed: *blank stare* ....Oh no...My chest..IT HURTS!

Delko: Really?

Speed: *frowns* No.

Delko: DANGIT.

Speed: I'm not posessed.

Delko: Oh yeah?

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: Then how come you hurt the people you love without guilt?

Speed: I'm a man.

Delko: No you're a demon.

Speed: No I'm not. And for the record, I do feel guilt.

Delko: OUT DEMON! *flails*

Speed: Stop flailing. You'll hurt someone.

Delko: I bet everytime you get shot, the gates of hell open up. All you see is red and fire and brimstone.

Speed: *looks down*

Delko: Whoa am I right?

Speed: No.

Delko: Oh...So what did you see?

Speed: Well I can tell you one thing. Horatio was nowhere to be seen.

Horatio: Well that's because I'm still alive. Duh.

Speed: That's not the point.

Katie: NO! NO! NO!

Speed: What?

Katie: Do not describe what you saw because it's going to upset me.

Speed: Fine.

Katie: ...It was white and not red right?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Thank God...I MEAN...Crud.

Horatio: You're welcome.

Katie: ...It was white and not red right?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Thank God...I MEAN...Crud.

haha. And oh man I thought of Monsters Inc to when I saw that. "Put that thing back were it came from or so help me...put that thing back you guys..." *clears throat* ok i need to STOp watching disney movies. lol. haha oh man I got to stop mentioning Africa...well where's the fun in thaT? lol. And Eric is never going to let go of the fact that he thinks Speed's a demon is he? lol. Update soon please!
lol disney movies are cool my friends and I had a sleepover and we watched a whole bunch of them. I saw Disney movie today, Pirates of the Carribbean 2 its cool. :p

Adam: But I think I do. I mean, I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't work because all I think about is you.
Katie: Maybe you just have gas.

^ That makes me think of Dude, where's your car hehe
"I know your body" haha :lol:

Great updates
*copies Donkey from Shrek* On the road again... :D
:lol: Gas. That explains all life's problems.

Born To Be...


Delko: THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU! *throws water bottles*

Speed: OW! You know, Eric you're supposed to open the bottles first.

Delko: BE SILENT UNCLEAN SPIRIT! *throws garlic*

Speed: Ow! Eric, garlic is for vampires.

Horatio: When did we get garlic?

Delko: I brought it with us. IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER! *splashes water* AND THE SON! *splashes water* AND THE HOLY H-MAN! *splashes water* AMEN! *splashes water*

Speed: You uh...Missed.

Katie: Now I'm soaked.

Speed: *sigh* I'm sorry Katie. *wipes water off of Katie's face*

Katie: *smiles*


Speed: I'm not the devil.

Delko: You're the prince of darkness and I can prove it!

Speed: Oh yeah? How?

Delko: You wear black.

Speed: Yeah a lot of people wear black.

Delko: You have black hair.

Speed: My hair is dark brown.

Delko: You have dark and evil thoughts.

Speed: Eric, for all you know I could be thinking about puppies and kittens.

Delko: Why would the prince of darkness do that?

Speed: Because I'm not the prince of darkness.

Delko: Oh yeah? I'm going to find out what your name means. Then we shall see who is the prince of darkness. *grabs giant book*

Speed: What is that?

Delko: It's a book.

Speed: Yeah I know what a book is. Do you know how to use one of those?

Delko: *flips pages* AHA! Saint Timothy. Patron saint of intestinal disorders and stomach diseases. Your name means 'Honoring God'.

Horatio: I knew it. Everyone honors me.

Speed: Intestinal diseases? That's not very cool.

Delko: AND stomach diseases.

Speed: Oh great. I'm the patron saint of gas.

Delko: Isn't that more of a bowel thing?

Speed: That counts as intestinal.

Delko: You should have been the saint of like..Chest wounds or something.

Speed: Oh yeah because then I would have a reason to get shot over and over again. QUICK KIDS! Come visit saint Timothy and have your chest blown apart!

Katie: *giggles*

Speed: What?

Katie: You said Timothy.

Speed: You know that's technically my name.

Katie: I'm going to start calling you Timothy.

Speed: That's not necessasry.

Katie: Timothy! Timothy! Timothy!

Speed: Do you really think this is the time and place to be screaming that?

Katie: ...Fine I'll go scream it in the bedroom.

Speed: Cute.

Delko: *flips through pages* Hey apparently Delektorsky means 'meat sausage' in Hungarian.

*SNORTS* "Meat sausage" hahahahaha. Oh man now I can't stop laughing. "Fine I'll go scream it in the bedroom." haha Oh man that was hilarious. "And the holy h man." oh my god this whole update was hilarious. And now I can't breathe. Update soon please!

Meaty Sausages



Speed: Yeah you can cut that out anytime.

Katie: But it's fun to annoy you.

Speed: Stop calling me Timothy.

Katie: Well it's better than me screaming 'OH GOD SPEED'.

Speed: I'd rather you not scream anything.

Katie: Although, there were a few times...

Speed: *covers Katie's mouth* She doesn't know what she's talking about.

Anni: Now I'm a little curious about this whole conversation.

Speed: No you're not. Why does every conversation have to turn dirty as soon as we step foot inside the Hummerhome?

Katie: Oh Timothy is this conversation too dirty?

Speed: *blank stare* ....Wow...I just forgot to breathe.

Katie: *winks*

Delko: Is anyone else either really grossed out or very intrigued with this?

Anni: *raises hand*

Horatio: No hanky panky back there.

Speed: Oh I wouldn't dream of it.

Katie: Yes you would.

Speed: What is wrong with you?

Katie: Maybe I have a stomach disease.

Speed: Very funny.

Delko: Who wants a sausage?

Missy: You brought sausages?

Delko: No I just thought I'd ask.

Missy: Good job.

Delko: Oh hey we still have mustard.

Missy: Ew, how old is that?

Delko: About 7 months old.

Missy: What are you doing?

Delko: I'm putting it on some bread.

Missy: How old is that bread?

Delko: ...The same age as the mustard. *throws bread*

Speed: *frowns* Would you mind not throwing moldy bread in my face?

Horatio: What's moldy! WHO'S MOLDY!

Delko: Relax, it's just some bread.

Horatio: Get it out before you contaminate everything!

Delko: *chucks bread out the window*

Everyone: *looks out the window*

Delko: *turns around* ...What?

Speed: *grabs mustard* Don't throw that out the window.

Delko: ..I wasn't. *frowns*

Yes, please don' throw the mustard out the window. Because old or not it still has a nice meaning behind it. lol. And I'm also a little intrigued by that conversation. lol. Update soon please!
BAHAHA, Speedy's possessed again? haha RT#2 yay! and Delektorsky - meat sausage? *snort* I'm not going to be able to look at a sausage again without giggling...ok, that sounded wrong, so I'm just going to be quiet

and I guess it's a good thing that I didn't go out with Adam considering he turned out to be a control freak...

please update soon
We're gonna have to go shopping again aren't we? I mean, if the food is 7 months old, we should probably re-stock! I know what my name means! Since my full name is Marissa, it means 'of the sea' in Latin. Hey. I'm gonna be missing for a couple of weeks, *cries* but don't write me out. I'll try and get on as much as humanly possible! I'll miss you all sooooooo much! bye *waves*
Hey geni i am back sorry it took so long got myself a job and i work like six days a week since i am a supervisor... anyway i am gonna check in everyday now cause ur story relaxes me after a stressful day at work so can i come back from the family reunion now????? PLZ.... *tear* i went to teh stampede .. calgary stampede that is .... off topic anyway ya i am back ...
Luv JC
:lol: You'll be back JC, in no time so don't worry about it. I haven't written you out. :) And I'm glad this place relaxes you after a stressful day of work. :)

I'm sorry to see you go Missy, we'll miss you and we'll be waiting for you to get back. :)

Now, in the meantime...

To Heck With Purple People


Delko: Will you two get a room already?

Speed: Why?

Delko: You're all...Lovey dovey.

Speed: We're sitting together.

Delko: You're holding hands.

Speed: I'm sorry that grosses you out. I can see how human contact could be so disgusting.

Anni: *holding fingers up in the shape of a box*

Carly: What are you doing?

Anni: I'm framing them.

Carly: Why?

Anni: They're such a cute couple. *blinks twice*

Carly: Why did you just blink?

Anni: I took a mental picture.

Speed: You know Katie, we should go out for dinner sometime.

Katie: Like a restaurant?

Speed: No I meant in the middle of crowded street.

Katie: A restaurant it is then.

Speed: You know, we're almost in North Miami. I happen to know a little place.

Katie: *smiles* Really.

Speed: It's kind of hard to get in though.

Katie: You have a membership?

Speed: Something like that. I used to hang out there when I was in the academy.

Katie: Oh so it's like your stomping grounds.

Speed: Essentially.

Katie: So how high profile is this place anyway?

Speed: Too high for Eric, not high enough for H.

Katie: Ah.

Speed: I can get us a small table overlooking the ocean. You should see it during a full moon.

Katie: That's...Pretty romantic, even for you.

Speed: Oh really?

Katie: *moves closer* Yeah really.

Speed: *smiles*

Delko: OKAY! TIME OUT! Too high profile for me? Why?

Horatio: Trust me Eric, you wouldn't be comfortable there. The people who eat there are mature adults with good-paying jobs.

Delko: I'm mature and I have a job.

Horatio: It's a miracle.

Delko: Come on, I got to all the hottest clubs in Miami.

Speed: This isn't a club.

Delko: So why can't I get in?

Speed: You're not the type they let in.

Delko: Type? What are they, racist?

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Horatio: I'm sure we could swing over there tonight.

Delko: Can I come too? You won't even know I'm there.

Horatio: Sorry Eric, you're staying here.

Delko: Why?

Horatio: Because the lovely couple need some time alone without us.

Delko: Ah nuts.

Speed: Thanks H.

Horatio: Not a problem. Tell Estelle to save me a place by the bar.

Speed: Will do.

Delko: That's not fair. Horatio's aloud to go in?

Horatio: They actually let me in.

Katie: So this place is supposed to be a big deal?

Speed: Not that big.

Katie: Do celebrities go there?

Speed: Some, but not many.

Katie: Oh like who?

Speed: We're going on a date, you're not scouting for autographs.

Katie: Yeah I know...Not even one?

Speed: No.

Katie: Dangit.

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