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Miami, Street, Day Two
Horatio: You said you liked sushi?
Kaylan: Oh yes. It's my favourite.
Horatio: Fantastic, I know a place.
Kaylan: *trips over curb*
Horatio: Oop. *grabs at Kaylan*
Kaylan: *falls down open sewer drain*
Horatio: *looks into sewer drain*
Restaurant, 11:40am
Horatio: And you said you're a lawyer?
Theresa: Yep, from Washington. I'm just down here on vacation.
Horatio: Well. *smiles* I hope it's turned out to be a good one.
Theresa: *leans closer* Oh yes. *eye twitches*
Horatio: ...Theresa?
Theresa: *falls over onto table*
Waiter: *runs over* What's going on? What happened? *grabs Theresa's hand*
Horatio: *sips soda*
Waiter: Oh boy, I think she's had a heart attack or something. I'll call 9-1-1.
Horatio: *sigh*
Miami Beach, 12:20pm
Horatio: *looks around*
Raye: What a beautiful day.
Horatio: Mhm. *pulls out gun, kicks sand*
Raye: What are you doing?
Horatio: Looking for land mines.
Raye: ...There are land mines on the beach?
Horatio: You'd be surprised how many lame things like that end up happening around here.
Raye: Do you want a smoothie? I could really go for one.
Horatio: You stay here and don't move. I'll be right back with the smoothies. *walks away*
Raye: Okay. *sits on sand*
Sand gives way
Raye: *looks down at sand* AH! QUICKSAND!
Smoothie Hut
Horatio: I'd like two peach smoothies.
Guy: Got a hot date?
Horatio: Oh yes. *smiles* I'm going to find my soul mate.
Guy: Where is she?
Horatio: *looks back* She's right ov-...*looks around* I could have sworn she was still...all I see is a sun hat.
Guy: Maybe she took off.
Horatio: Well at least she didn't die this time.
Miami Crime Lab, A/V Lab
Katie: *typing*
Anni: *walks over, stops* Working a case?
Katie: A cold case.
Anni: ...We don't usually work cold cases.
Katie: I'm going to prove once and for all that Scott funded 9/11.
Anni: *rolls eyes* Katie, Scott didn't fund anything. Put all of this stuff away and go take your meds.
Katie: *lifts cell phone* I took this from a box in his closet last week.
Anni: Why would you do that?
Katie: I was trying to find Lori's bedroom toys for me and Tim.
Anni: *scrunches nose* Okay, get to the cell phone part.
Katie: It has the name 'Bailey' etched on the back. I guess this Bailey girl was living with him a million years ago. So, I ran the old messages through the filter and look what I found. *clicks mouse*
Anni: *looks up at screen*
Message plays
Katie: Tell me if you recognize that voice.
Anni: It's Scott. He sounds a lot younger though.
Katie: Mhm. It's because he 'supposedly' left this message on 9/11. How could he have done that if he was inside? HUH? HUH?
Anni: Because cell phones existed back then too?
Katie: Alright, answer me this. *types*
Anni: *places hands on hips*
Katie: I isolated the background noise. Hear that whistling?
Anni: Yeah, it's wind.
Katie: Exactly. He was in a car.
Anni: No he wasn't.
Katie: Yes he was. It's all windy.
Anni: Um, Katie...he was probably trying to get some reception.
Katie: He left like 8 messages. Sounds like he was pretty desperate for someone to think he was there.
Anni: That's because he WAS there, Katie.
Katie: I'm going to run his voice patterns through a program I bought. It'll determine for sure that there are no stressors. No stressors means he wasn't actually scared.
Anni: Okay, stop. Turn that off.
Katie: Why?
Anni: Because this is idiotic. *presses button*
Screen turns off
Anni: If you want to solve a case, there are plenty to go through here. In reality.
Katie: But I just broke the case wide open.
Anni: No you didn't. *snatches cell phone* You didn't have permission to take this so I'm going to bring it back. You go to the break room and think about what you did. *walks away*
Katie: ...She must be working for the UFOs.
Break Room, 1:20pm
Horatio: *looks down at coffee*
Katie: *walks over, sits*
Horatio: What are you in for?
Katie: Tried to solve 9/11. You?
Horatio: My dates keep dying.
Katie: Bummer.
Horatio: A piano actually fell on one. A PIANO. You tell me that isn't some kind of divine sign.
Katie: Maybe you should start dating guys.
Horatio: Why?
Katie: Women obviously aren't working out for you.
Horatio: I'm not really a fan of ass hair.
Katie: *pats Horatio's back* I have yet to find someone who is.
Gables Estates, House, 2pm
Lori: Dom! Get your baseball stuff out of the living room!
Dominick: *runs downstairs* Can I go to the park with some friends?
Lori: No. You're supposed to be cleaning your shit off the floor.
Dominick: But I just said I'd go.
Lori: That's too bad. *grabs Dominick's shoulders, turns him around* Move it, soldier.
Dominick: *bends over, grabs bat* Dad would let me go.
Lori: Dad's not here.
Doorbell rings
Dominick: *stands* Can I go after I clean?
Lori: Maybe. That bathroom upstairs had better be bloody spotless.
Dominick: *runs upstairs*
Lori: *walks over to foyer, opens door*
Anni: Hey. Is Scott home?
Lori: He took Steph to get some school supplies. What do you need?
Anni: I just wanted to return this phone. *hands over phone*
Lori: *takes phone*
Anni: Katie stole it from your closet.
Lori: I told him to throw this thing out last year.
Anni: You really shouldn't let your mother into your bedroom. I guess she was looking for toys or something.
Lori: HA. *smiles* She will find none. *looks around* Scottdoesn'tlikethem. *walks away*
Anni: *smirks*
Lori: *throws tea bag into pot*
Anni: How was Dom's camping trip?
Lori: He had fun...I think. At least Dad didn't say he burned anything down.
Anni: That's always a good sign.
Lori: Yeah, oddly enough he's actually listening to me. Remind me to check for subcutaneous bruising.
Anni: Speed doesn't discipline children that way. He strikes fear into their hearts with a glance, not with fists.
Lori: So he leaves the fists for his wives.
Anni: ...I brought this on myself.
Lori: I just hope Dom's left with a lasting impression. Scott doesn't seem to be able to get through to him.
Anni: Maybe they just need some more time together. He does spend a lot more of his free time with Speed.
Lori: That's because he's actually home.
Anni: Scott doesn't work.
Lori: Uh huh, that's what he tells me too.
Anni: He does work?
Lori: APL keeps sending him home.
Anni: So he misses it; can't fault him for wanting to be productive, especially since he's nowhere near retirement.
Lori: He can be productive at home. I've got a million things he can do here.
Anni: Then communicate that to him.
Lori: Yeah, if I can get him to sit down for more than 3 seconds.
Miami, Street, Day Two
Horatio: You said you liked sushi?
Kaylan: Oh yes. It's my favourite.
Horatio: Fantastic, I know a place.
Kaylan: *trips over curb*
Horatio: Oop. *grabs at Kaylan*
Kaylan: *falls down open sewer drain*
Horatio: *looks into sewer drain*
Restaurant, 11:40am
Horatio: And you said you're a lawyer?
Theresa: Yep, from Washington. I'm just down here on vacation.
Horatio: Well. *smiles* I hope it's turned out to be a good one.
Theresa: *leans closer* Oh yes. *eye twitches*
Horatio: ...Theresa?
Theresa: *falls over onto table*
Waiter: *runs over* What's going on? What happened? *grabs Theresa's hand*
Horatio: *sips soda*
Waiter: Oh boy, I think she's had a heart attack or something. I'll call 9-1-1.
Horatio: *sigh*
Miami Beach, 12:20pm
Horatio: *looks around*
Raye: What a beautiful day.
Horatio: Mhm. *pulls out gun, kicks sand*
Raye: What are you doing?
Horatio: Looking for land mines.
Raye: ...There are land mines on the beach?
Horatio: You'd be surprised how many lame things like that end up happening around here.
Raye: Do you want a smoothie? I could really go for one.
Horatio: You stay here and don't move. I'll be right back with the smoothies. *walks away*
Raye: Okay. *sits on sand*
Sand gives way
Raye: *looks down at sand* AH! QUICKSAND!
Smoothie Hut
Horatio: I'd like two peach smoothies.
Guy: Got a hot date?
Horatio: Oh yes. *smiles* I'm going to find my soul mate.
Guy: Where is she?
Horatio: *looks back* She's right ov-...*looks around* I could have sworn she was still...all I see is a sun hat.
Guy: Maybe she took off.
Horatio: Well at least she didn't die this time.
Miami Crime Lab, A/V Lab
Katie: *typing*
Anni: *walks over, stops* Working a case?
Katie: A cold case.
Anni: ...We don't usually work cold cases.
Katie: I'm going to prove once and for all that Scott funded 9/11.
Anni: *rolls eyes* Katie, Scott didn't fund anything. Put all of this stuff away and go take your meds.
Katie: *lifts cell phone* I took this from a box in his closet last week.
Anni: Why would you do that?
Katie: I was trying to find Lori's bedroom toys for me and Tim.
Anni: *scrunches nose* Okay, get to the cell phone part.
Katie: It has the name 'Bailey' etched on the back. I guess this Bailey girl was living with him a million years ago. So, I ran the old messages through the filter and look what I found. *clicks mouse*
Anni: *looks up at screen*
Message plays
Katie: Tell me if you recognize that voice.
Anni: It's Scott. He sounds a lot younger though.
Katie: Mhm. It's because he 'supposedly' left this message on 9/11. How could he have done that if he was inside? HUH? HUH?
Anni: Because cell phones existed back then too?
Katie: Alright, answer me this. *types*
Anni: *places hands on hips*
Katie: I isolated the background noise. Hear that whistling?
Anni: Yeah, it's wind.
Katie: Exactly. He was in a car.
Anni: No he wasn't.
Katie: Yes he was. It's all windy.
Anni: Um, Katie...he was probably trying to get some reception.
Katie: He left like 8 messages. Sounds like he was pretty desperate for someone to think he was there.
Anni: That's because he WAS there, Katie.
Katie: I'm going to run his voice patterns through a program I bought. It'll determine for sure that there are no stressors. No stressors means he wasn't actually scared.
Anni: Okay, stop. Turn that off.
Katie: Why?
Anni: Because this is idiotic. *presses button*
Screen turns off
Anni: If you want to solve a case, there are plenty to go through here. In reality.
Katie: But I just broke the case wide open.
Anni: No you didn't. *snatches cell phone* You didn't have permission to take this so I'm going to bring it back. You go to the break room and think about what you did. *walks away*
Katie: ...She must be working for the UFOs.
Break Room, 1:20pm
Horatio: *looks down at coffee*
Katie: *walks over, sits*
Horatio: What are you in for?
Katie: Tried to solve 9/11. You?
Horatio: My dates keep dying.
Katie: Bummer.
Horatio: A piano actually fell on one. A PIANO. You tell me that isn't some kind of divine sign.
Katie: Maybe you should start dating guys.
Horatio: Why?
Katie: Women obviously aren't working out for you.
Horatio: I'm not really a fan of ass hair.
Katie: *pats Horatio's back* I have yet to find someone who is.
Gables Estates, House, 2pm
Lori: Dom! Get your baseball stuff out of the living room!
Dominick: *runs downstairs* Can I go to the park with some friends?
Lori: No. You're supposed to be cleaning your shit off the floor.
Dominick: But I just said I'd go.
Lori: That's too bad. *grabs Dominick's shoulders, turns him around* Move it, soldier.
Dominick: *bends over, grabs bat* Dad would let me go.
Lori: Dad's not here.
Doorbell rings
Dominick: *stands* Can I go after I clean?
Lori: Maybe. That bathroom upstairs had better be bloody spotless.
Dominick: *runs upstairs*
Lori: *walks over to foyer, opens door*
Anni: Hey. Is Scott home?
Lori: He took Steph to get some school supplies. What do you need?
Anni: I just wanted to return this phone. *hands over phone*
Lori: *takes phone*
Anni: Katie stole it from your closet.
Lori: I told him to throw this thing out last year.
Anni: You really shouldn't let your mother into your bedroom. I guess she was looking for toys or something.
Lori: HA. *smiles* She will find none. *looks around* Scottdoesn'tlikethem. *walks away*
Anni: *smirks*
Lori: *throws tea bag into pot*
Anni: How was Dom's camping trip?
Lori: He had fun...I think. At least Dad didn't say he burned anything down.
Anni: That's always a good sign.
Lori: Yeah, oddly enough he's actually listening to me. Remind me to check for subcutaneous bruising.
Anni: Speed doesn't discipline children that way. He strikes fear into their hearts with a glance, not with fists.
Lori: So he leaves the fists for his wives.
Anni: ...I brought this on myself.
Lori: I just hope Dom's left with a lasting impression. Scott doesn't seem to be able to get through to him.
Anni: Maybe they just need some more time together. He does spend a lot more of his free time with Speed.
Lori: That's because he's actually home.
Anni: Scott doesn't work.
Lori: Uh huh, that's what he tells me too.
Anni: He does work?
Lori: APL keeps sending him home.
Anni: So he misses it; can't fault him for wanting to be productive, especially since he's nowhere near retirement.
Lori: He can be productive at home. I've got a million things he can do here.
Anni: Then communicate that to him.
Lori: Yeah, if I can get him to sit down for more than 3 seconds.