CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

Oh thank goodness! BOB survived! :D. Seriously, two seconds of aww for Tia is all it took. I'm kinda glad she's gone for real now. No more trifling plots- although this mystery guy is kinda got me apprehensive. And way to go, Geni on keeping me on the edge of my seat!

Awesome update!
Thanks for the review! :)


Hospital, 3 hours later

Scott: *pulls curtain across*

Bob: *lifts head*

Scott: *stares at Bob*

Bob: *stands, hugs Scott*

Scott: *wraps arms around Bob*

Bob: I tried to help her, she looked so scared.

Scott: *hugs tighter*

Bob: ...I wish I could have done more.

Scott: You got everyone out, you did everything you could.

Bob: *lets go* Maybe.

Scott: Where's Jeff?

Bob: He's in Idaho. Missed his flight. I uh...I need to call him, tell him I'm okay.

Scott: Is there anything I can do?

Bob: ...The media's circling outside, I-

Scott: I'll handle it.

Bob: *nods*

Scott: I'm sorry you had to see that.

Bob: I didn't really see anything.

Scott: Right.

Bob: *rubs eyes*

Lori: *runs in, hugs Bob*

Bob: *blinks*

Lori: You poor thing.

Bob: *looks at Lori*

Lori: If you ever need more hugs, you come find me.

Bob: *smirks*

Lori: *kisses Bob's cheek*

Bob: *wraps arm around Lori* Thank you.

Lori: *looks at Scott*

Scott: I guess I have a press conference to set up. *walks away*

Wyoming, motel

Anni: *walks out of room, shuts door*

Car pulls up

Anni: *looks at car*

Tom: *steps out of car, shuts door*

Anni: *lifts brow* Tom?

Tom: *looks at Anni*

Anni: ...What...what are you doing here? How did you find me?

Tom: *walks over, kisses Anni*

Anni: *closes eyes*

Tom: *lies forehead against Anni* I love you.

Anni: ...I...you're...neat.

Tom: *leans back* What?

Anni: *lifts eyes*

Tom: I just drove 2000 miles to find you. I had to talk to seedy bartenders and buy drinks for truckers just to find out your car was the one that passed through 2 days ago. I didn't stop for one prostitute along the way. And all you can say is I'm 'neat'?

Anni: I'm sorry, I just...don't love you right now.

Tom: *stares at Anni*

Anni: *lowers eyes*

Tom: *steps back* I don't understand. How can you stop loving someone?

Anni: It's complicated.

Tom: No it's not. You can't fall out of love.

Anni: You can't?

Tom: No. At least I can't.

Anni: I guess that explains why you can't let Lori go.

Tom: This isn't about her.

Anni: It always is.

Tom: Alright, no matter what I do, it doesn't ever seem to matter. From the beginning of our relationship, you haven't trusted me.

Anni: Do you blame me?

Tom: No. But I at least tried to work out our problems. You ran from me.

Anni: I didn't run from you. I needed space.

Tom: Oh. Did Tayla need space too?

Anni: Think of it like a vacation.

Tom: *shakes head*

Anni: I'm not coming back until you promise not to see Lori again.

Tom: That's bullshit. I'd never expect something like that from you.

Anni: I'm not best friends with my ex-lover.

Tom: Oh you're not. Then what the hell is Speed? WHAT'S SCOTT!

Anni: Don't yell at me.

Tom: You're a hypocrite.

Anni: Is it so wrong to want somebody to be there for me?

Tom: I AM here for you! I WANT to be here for you! Why is it so hard for you to accept love when it's genuine!

Anni: Because it's never genuine. Not with Tim, not with you, not even with Scott. What I'm accepting is the fact that I'll never have real love. I'm always going to be every man's afterthought. I don't know if you know what that's like.

Tom: ...I think I understand that more than you realize.

Anni: Yeah right.

Tom: You're the only woman I've ever been with who slept with me and didn't laugh afterward.

Anni: *crosses arms*

Tom: *takes Anni's hands* You haven't stolen any money from me or...beat me with a rotten fish.

Anni: *lifts brow*

Tom: Long story.

Anni: Hooker?

Tom: Hooker's fisherman father.

Anni: Ouch.

Tom: You couldn't imagine how long it takes to get the smell out.

Anni: *smirks*

Tom: I smell okay right now, right?

Anni: You smell wonderful.

Tom: *leans closer, kisses Anni's cheek* I love you.

Anni: *wraps arms around Tom*

Tom: ...Can I see my baby now?

Anni: *smiles* Yes you can.

I love that Scott is truly there for Bob. It's so awesome that he was able to empathize with him, and the fact that he showed some true , geniune emotion. I also thought it was cute that Lori came as well. Such a great scene!

Anni and Tom... As much as I want to hold out hope for their little tidy conclusion- I some how don't think this is over. Tom's a bit too attached to Lori- for cripes sake, he didn't say he would stop seeing Lori. I think this is going to come up again, again and again...I think Anni also has a point too...She's not spending every available moment in her ex lover (s) faces *well, she did have a bit of a problem letting Scott go, but I think that's taken care of now*. She knows who her husband is, and she loves him, she just wants him to love her back. GENUINE love...

Awesome update!
Oh this is not over! Tom is not gonna just dump Lori and he shouldn't have to! they are soul mates they will always be together! Its not fair for him to have to quit seeing Lori when Anni will always be around Speed because of Brook! its kinda hard for her to ask him to stop when she can't just tell Speed to get lost! She can'[t hardly avoid Scott either! So you have to trust!

at least Bob didn't get blown to bits with the evil Tia. and what a great friend Scott is. He'll handle what ever Bob needs him to do!

Great Update Geni!
Awww... let's hope Tom and Anni get a happy ending. :D

Does this mean that Tia's finally gone for good? On second thought, I get the feeling she'll never really be gone... :lol:

Thank goodness that Bob's okay! I love him. :D

Also, way to go Scotty for coming back and working on getting his head back on straight. I hope he continues that way. :)

I'm all for Scott and Lori staying together, too. :)

It's good to see Matthew back... hey, since Katie really wants to hook Riley up... :lol:

Fantastic updates! :D
Thanks for the reviews! :D *bounces*


Miami, café, 2 weeks later

Speed: *looks at watch*

Lori: *runs over* I'm not late! I'm not late! *sits, slams purse onto table* Whew. I'm not late.

Speed: Work?

Lori: Had a meeting. *brushes hair from face* How goes the bomb investigation thingie?

Speed: We've hit a dead end with the bomb. Agent Whitfield took the evidence with him back to his HQ.

Lori: Wow. You don't sound like you like the guy.

Speed: There's something...off about him.

Lori: What do you mean?

Speed: I don't know, I can't put my finger on it.

Lori: *takes water, sips straw*

Speed: How's Scott?

Lori: *smiles* He's...Scott.

Speed: *nods*

Lori: I hear you've been spending more time with Riley.

Speed: I have.

Lori: So is she your new favourite?

Speed: Lori, I don't have favourites.

Lori: She was your first born. Out of all 100 kids.

Speed: *smirks*

Lori: *grabs Speed's plate* I still can't believe I have a full-blooded sister. *eats salad leaves*

Speed: You don't consider Brook your sister.

Lori: *shrugs*

Speed: I know you didn't exactly approve of Anni and I marrying.

Lori: Not at first. But I got over it.

Speed: How do you feel about Katie and I living together?

Lori: You guys have a strange relationship. Most of it on Mom's part. I think the only reason she's with you is because she'd have nowhere else to go.

Speed: *nods*

Lori: That's not love, it's desperation.

Speed: It might seem like that from the outside.

Lori: You honestly expect me to believe she loves you? She flirts with every guy she sees.

Speed: Remind you of someone?

Lori: I don't flirt. I mean, maybe if I have to make a sale but that's business.

Speed: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *throws napkin* I'm not a flirt.

Speed: If you say so.

Lori: *leans back in seat* This isn't about me, it's about how crazy Mom is.

Speed: *smirks* Sure it is.

Lori: So you're living together but you aren't 'together'.

Speed: I don't know.

Lori: How can you not know? You claim she loves you.

Speed: It's complicated.

Lori: Alright. *eats salad*

Speed: Where is Scott, anyway?

Lori: He's at home.

Speed: Alone?

Lori: He's not 12.

Speed: You trust him?

Lori: ...Should I?

Speed: No.

Lori: It's not like he's smoking crack in the bathroom or something. *gasp* Do you think he's smoking crack in the bathroom? MY bathroom? *stands* I need to get home. *runs*

Speed: *blinks*

Gables Estates, house

Lori: Scott! *runs upstairs*

Master bathroom

Lori: *runs in* SCOTT!

Scott: *steps out of shower* What?

Lori: *sigh* Wow.

Scott: *grabs towel* Everything okay?

Lori: *leans against counter* Mm.

Scott: Lori.

Lori: What?

Scott: You ran in here screaming. What's up?

Lori: You aren't smoking crack.

Scott: *lifts brow* No. I was taking a shower.

Lori: *mumbles* You look great in this lighting.

Scott: What?

Lori: I'm relieved that you're drug-free. *jumps onto counter* What are your plans for today?

Scott: Uh, some housework?

Lori: Define housework.

Scott: The tub's still acting up. I could fix that.

Lori: *smiles* On what planet? Scott, you couldn't figure out how to turn off the subtitles on the television.

Scott: Hey. Those come in handy sometimes.

Lori: *runs hands through Scott's hair* I have a great job for you.

Scott: Oh? What's that?

Lori: I'll bronze your chest and you can stand in the foyer.

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: *places hands on Scott's chest* Maybe we'll leave them as-is.

Scott: I'm sure your parents will love that when they come over for dinner tonight.

Lori: *smile fades* What?

Scott: I called your mother this morning. She wants to have an adult meal, whatever that means.

Lori: ...She knows the word 'adult'?

Scott: I've locked up the alcohol. Of course, I will be using wine while cooking.

Lori: Why do you need to drink?

Scott: *smirks* It's for the marinade.

Lori: What's a marinade?

Scott: *places hands on Lori's cheeks* You're adorable. *steps over to sink, picks up razor*

Lori: *swings legs* Should we have more kids?

Scott: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *scratches head*

Scott: ...It's an interesting proposition. What brought this about?

Lori: *shrugs*

Scott: *looks back at sink, turns on tap* It'd be a huge decision.

Lori: I know.

Scott: You hate being pregnant.

Lori: What about the positives?

Scott: *lifts eyes, stares at Lori*

Lori: Well geez, let's not put them out there at once.

Scott: I don't think it's a good idea.

Lori: Why?

Scott: We have two kids already.

Lori: So?

Scott: *lowers eyes*

Lori: You think we can't handle a third child. You think I can't.

Scott: We should get our lives together before we consider it.

Lori: My life's together.

Scott: I didn't mean to imply th-

Lori: I can't have a child and a career too? Is that only something you big strong men can have? Because you suck at handling both. Not to mention a marriage. *walks away, slams door*

Scott: *sigh*


Lori: *throws plates into sink*

Scott: *walks over, places hands on Lori's shoulders* I'm sorry.

Lori: It's fine, I'm not even mad.

Scott: You seem mad.

Lori: *turns around* I was mad. Now I'm not mad.

Scott: *looks at watch* ...It's only been 10 minutes.

Lori: *frowns*

Scott: *leans over, kisses Lori's cheek*

Lori: *wraps arms around Scott* So no more babies?

Scott: We can talk about it again.

Lori: But later.

Scott: *wraps arms around Lori*

Lori: I hope this adult dinner thing goes well.

I love the time that Speed and Lori are spending together. I like that they are bonding well, and that Speed is being more of a father to her now. I think that she appreciates it more now than ever. It's really awesome:D

LOL...Lori wants a baby. Are we sure she's not trying to fill a void? I think she gets all icky about having kids when she feels empty. I'm sure if she talked to Scott more, she wouldn't feel so empty. But then again, these people don't know how to Communicate well at all. It's a lesson we can all stand to learn though:)

Awesome update!
Thanks for the review! :D


Gables Estates, house, 7pm

Scott: *places plate on table*

Katie: *looks down at plate* What is it?

Scott: Greek lamb.

Katie: ...How do you get Greek lamb in Miami?

Scott: My secret. *sits*

Lori: *walks over* Kids are in bed, finally.

Speed: *pours water* Has anyone heard from Anni?

Lori: Not me.

Scott: Nope.

Katie: She e-mailed me last night.

Speed: How's she doing?

Katie: I think she's in Arizona.

Speed: You think?

Katie: Yeah, she said something about taking Tayla to the Grand Canyon.

Speed: *nods*

Lori: I've never been to the Grand Canyon. But then, I think I've traveled enough.

Speed: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *drinks water*

Katie: We took you to Orlando.

Lori: I was transfered to the juvinile facility there. That's not a vacation.

Katie: *smiles* I was for me.

Speed: Stop that.

Katie: Oops. Hey Scott, when Lori was 16, where were you?

Scott: That's a little vague.

Katie: Well you would have been...21?

Scott: I guess I would have been...finishing up my degree? Columbia University.

Katie: Ooh, Colombia, Columbia. How prophetic.

Lori: I wasn't in Colombia at 16.

Katie: It would have been sweet if you'd met Scott. *sigh* Maybe if you'd gone to New York instead of juvie.

Lori: *rolls eyes*

Scott: I doubt we would have met if I hadn't been in Miami when she was.

Katie: How do you know?

Scott: I was heading in a totally different direction.

Lori: Not that different. If I hadn't gone to rehab, I would have still been managing my own drug cartel.

Scott: *lifts brow* How does that relate us to each other?

Lori: You would have been a CEO, I would have been a CEO.

Scott: So?

Lori: ...We did investing.

Scott: *shakes head*

Lori: *shrugs* You wouldn't have been my type anyway.

Scott: Excuse me?

Lori: I used to date gruff guys with an edge. Not business guys.

Scott: Oh so I'm not dangerous enough.

Lori: Exactly.

Scott: Then why did you go out with me anyway?

Lori: ...We actually got to know one another instead of just jumping in bed. *digs at food* You were nice.

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: *smirks*

Katie: *slaps Speed's arm*

Speed: Ow. What?

Katie: Why can't we have that?

Speed: Maybe it's because you keep slapping me.

Katie: *looks at Lori* Where's the alcohol?

Lori: We agreed on no alcohol.

Katie: Why? That's stupid.

Lori: You wanted to have an adult dinner. No alcohol.

Katie: Why?

Scott: Because it's my house and you don't make the rules.

Katie: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *stares at Katie*

Katie: Do you make the rules for Lori too?

Lori: No. He doesn't.

Katie: Yeah, you say that now. He's in the room.

Lori: I'm not having this conversation with you again. There isn't going to be any alcohol and that's the end of it. You don't need it.

Katie: Oh wow, you know what I need. Who's the mother here?

Lori: Not you.

Speed: Both of you stop it. This is dinner, not a free-for-all. I think we can all get along for the next hour.

Lori: Fine. *leans back in chair*

Katie: We should have invited Riley. She's not a hostile bitch.

Lori: *looks at Katie*

Speed: What did I just say?

Katie: Stop treating me like a child.

Speed: Well you need to stop acting like one.

Katie: Oh so you're on her side too.

Speed: I'm not on anyone's side. I just want to have one meal that doesn't turn into a complete disaster.

Katie: Then we should have had a kid that didn't turn into a complete disaster.

Lori: You really need to st-

Katie: I'm not speaking to you.

Lori: *stares at Katie*

Katie: *looks at Speed* I regret having her. *points to Lori* She was supposed to be the Riley I lost and she turned into a screwup. She's only competing with her now and she knows she'll always be a poor excuse for a daughter.

Speed: We're leaving.

Katie: Riley was taken away and Holly died but oh YES we get to have Lori? That's bullshit. Talk about the short end of the stick. The one time I wished the birth control hadn't failed. *stands, walks away*

Speed: *stares blankly*

Scott: *looks at door*

Lori: *looks down at table*

Speed: I'm sorry.

Scott: Don't apologize for her.

Speed: *stands* I'll...call you guys later. *walks away*

Scott: *places hand on Lori's arm* She's wrong about you.

Lori: No she isn't. *tosses fork onto plate*

Scott: Lori, she's just angry and what she said was inappropriate. You shouldn't take it to heart.

Lori: Why? She's my mother.

Scott: Biologically, yes.

Lori: I'm never going to be good enough for her. I-I try to do well but she constantly beats me down for it.

Scott: *wraps arm around Lori*

Lori: She hates me.

Scott: She doesn't hate you.

Lori: Your parents hate me.

Scott: My father hated you. My mother thinks you're a "sly little vixen".

Lori: I'm tired of trying to impress everyone.

Scott: Why don't we clean this up and go to bed.

Lori: It's not even dark out. *looks at Scott* You don't sleep. Hey! Let's go out.

Scott: Uh...we can't. The kids are home.

Lori: We can get a babysitter. OH! How about Delko? I made out with him once, he's a really sweet person.

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: ...See this is what my mother was talking about.

Ugh...I take issue with Katie. SERIOUS issue. First of all we have a hissy fit because we can't drink * way to go to tipping off that you're an alkie by the way:wink:*, then we jump stupid because we have a sucky life. Lori's not the root of her problems in the least bit- she may have been a problem, but Katie had her problems way before that. It would do her some good to find her rock bottom. Lori's been doing good, she's flourishing and responsible. Now, I wonder if she's going to fall off her wagon because of Katie. I sure hope not.

Awesome update!
OK I'm gonna say this once more! Bondage Bondage Bondage! speed in lether with whips and chains! ties Katie up everytime she negative toward Lori!

Ok I admit thats just my sick little fantasy! Ok so really I think Speed needs to think about either an intervention on Katie to send her to some kind of therapy! How about electroshock therapy! Frontal lobe lobotomy, Padded cell with straight jacket! when you figure it out please be sure and let us know what and where you send her, but please send her somewhere and fix her ass! Thank you !

great update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews! :D


Gables Estates, house, backyard, 2:00am

Lori: *stumbles across lawn, spills wine* Whoops. *falls over rake* AH!

Scott: *steps outside* Lori?

Lori: *lifts eyes, smiles* Hey Scotty! *swings arms, spills wine* How's a handsome place like you end up in a guy like here!

Scott: *walks over* Are you drunk? *takes Lori's hand*

Lori: *stands, grabs Scott* I'm just having a relaxin' evenin' like all the other rich housewives around these parts. We should really get one of 'em hot tub thangs.

Scott: Sweetie, you need to come inside.

Lori: Why? It's a beautiful night.

Scott: It's a beautiful morning.

Lori: *wraps arms around Scott's neck* You have the cutest little accent. MAWning. HA.

Scott: *smirks*

Lori: You hem it up just for little ol' me.

Scott: If you say so.

Lori: *kisses Scott*

Scott: *turns head away*

Lori: *grabs Scott's collar* I want a baby.

Scott: No, you don't.

Lori: My mother can't hate me if I'm pregnant. It's rude to hate on pregnant ladies.

Scott: *looks at Lori* THAT'S why you want another child?

Lori: *smiles* Let's go make a baby.

Scott: Let's not.

Lori: *smile fades* Why? There's fun stuff involved. You love the fun stuff.

Scott: Everybody loves the fun stuff. That's why there are orphans, abortions and crowded classrooms.

Lori: *snorts*

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *starts to laugh*

Scott: *staring at Lori*

Lori: Oh, you're serious. *pinches Scott's cheeks* You're always so serious.

Scott: *sigh* Lori, we should go inside.

Lori: *smiles* You can be my CEO. *winks*

Scott: *clears throat* Don't you have a flight to Paris in 5 hours?

Lori: *blinks* What's in Paris?

Scott: The fashion show you're supposed to go to.

Lori: I don't wanna do fashion anymore. I'm gonna follow my passion.

Scott: Which is?

Lori: Men. I'm gonna sell men.

Scott: ...You want to be a pimp?

Lori: No, like one of those...those...people who give men to other women in exchange for money.

Scott: That's being a pimp.

Lori: NO. You know that thing that people do before they get married.

Scott: Date?

Lori: YES! *snaps fingers* We are SO meant for each other. I'm gonna start a dating service. OH! You want to be my first client?

Scott: I already have a wife.

Lori: Damn.

Scott: Lori, it's obvious you love fashion. Stick with what you're good at.

Lori: I don't want to go to Paris. Can you come with me?

Scott: I can't. I have to stay here with the kids.

Lori: *starts to cry*

Scott: *lifts brow* What are you crying about?

Lori: *crying* I don't want to go alone.

Scott: Won't Riley be there?

Lori: *sniffs* She doesn't pay attention to me when we go places. She pushes me into the background.

Scott: Why don't you bring a friend?

Lori: *blinks* ...I don't have friends.

Scott: Right.

Lori: *cries harder* Nobody wants to be my friend. *falls onto grass, crying*

Scott: *looks around*

Lori: *crying, stomps feet*

Scott: *kneels* Lori...

Lori: *hugs Scott*

Scott: *wraps arm around Lori, picks up Lori*

Upstairs, bedroom

Lori: *staggers inside* My mother's right, I am a bitch. It's why I don't have friends.

Scott: *shuts door*

Lori: *twirls around, staggers backwards* My first friend was Tom and I can't have him anymore. *grabs onto bed* He texted me.

Scott: What did he say?

Lori: *crawls across bed, picks up phone* Lemme find it.

Scott: *walks over, sits on bed*

Lori: *stares at screen*...*pulls phone closer* ...Can't see you anymore. We can't be friends. Anni's my life.

Scott: Sounds serious.

Lori: *swings feet* Yup. My only friend can't be ma friend anymore.

Scott: You can always make new friends. Maybe some of your co-workers?

Lori: They don't like me.

Scott: How do you know that?

Lori: They talk about me. I heard 'em in the back, they called me a hooker and a whore and one of 'em said I had diseases. They were giggling.

Scott: I see.

Lori: I just...wanna do a good job, y'know? I wanna be one of those normal people you see in offices and at the park with their kids. But I can't.

Scott: Why?

Lori: *lowers head, fiddles with phone* I'm always going to be a jungle slut.

Scott: *places hand on Lori's back*

Lori: ...It must be nice to have Bobby. He's a really good friend. I like Bobby.

Scott: *smirks*

Lori: I wish I had a Bobby.

Scott: He's a good guy.

Lori: *sniffs* ...*starts to cry*

Scott: *sigh*

Lori: *burries head into pillow*

Scott: *lies down*

Lori: *crying*

Scott: I love you, Lori. *leans over, kisses Lori's cheek*

What a vulnerable moment for Lori. Her world is crashing around her-her mother hates her, her best friend can't be best friends with her anymore, and her co works are all asses. Lori's great, she's come a long...LONG way and is strong. She doesn't deserve the treatment from her co workers, and for damn sure, she doesn't deserve it from her mother ( who by the way , needs to have her face planted at the earliest convienece). At least Lori has Scott! Scott's going to be there and be strong for her...I just know it!

Awesome chapter!
Poor Lori! She has now been reduced to the dreaded Crying drunk, and as usual Scott will be there picking up the pieces and trying to put Humpty together again! I'm kinda afraid to see what new friends Lori will be making now that Tom is out of her life! This is a very scary thought!

Great update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews. :)


Paris, nightclub, 9pm next day

Didi: Okay girls! Shots all around!

Claire: Lori! Get over here, girl!

Lori: I really need to get back to the hotel.

Claire: *grabs Lori's arm* What are you talking about? You're in Paris. *drags Lori to table* Riley wants you to mingle more.

Didi: Yeah, you're used to crowded places with sweaty people.

Claire: *snorts*

Didi: Sit.

Lori: *sits in booth*

Didi: Hey Amanda! You got the stuff?

Amanda: *runs over* Some of the models gave it to me. *sits* Have at it, ladies.

Lori: *looks at table* Are those drugs?

Amanda: They're not drugs, it's coke. *hands over straw* Do a line.

Lori: No thank you.

Claire: Come on Lori, you don't even have to sleep with us to get it.

Didi: *laughs*

Claire: *high-fives Didi*

Amanda: *snorts coke*

Lori: Does Riley know you do this?

Claire: Ugh, are you going to be a prude about this all night?

Lori: This is wrong.

Didi: It's fun. We're in Paris, it doesn't count.

Amanda: *wipes nose* I need a drink. *grabs shot*

Claire: Have a drink, Lori. It'll loosen you up.

Lori: I'm not thirsty.

Claire: *laughs* You're so weird.

Lori: *pulls out phone*

Amanda: *grabs phone* No texting at the table.

Didi: *leans over to Claire* You got anything to loosen her up?

Claire: *opens purse, take out pills* This guy gave them to me when we got here.

Didi: What are they?

Claire: Hell if I know. But I only paid 10 bucks.

Didi: *takes pills*

Amanda: Hey Lori, I heard you had kids.

Lori: Yeah.

Amanda: Are they like, fatherless?

Lori: *frowns* No.

Amanda: So you know who the baby-daddy is.

Lori: Yeah. My husband.

Amanda: No way! I didn't know you were married. That's so sweet. *smiles* You fell in love with your pimp.

Claire: *laughs*

Didi: *slides drink over* We're just messing with you. Have a drink on us.

Lori: I don't accept drinks.

Didi: That's dumb. We're trying to be your friend here. That's like, an insult.

Lori: Nothing personal.

Claire: Did you get like, hurt or something from a drink?

Amanda: *giggles*

Lori: I really need to get going. *stands*

Amanda: Chug! *grabs Lori* Chug! Chug!

Didi: *grabs glass* Bottoms up!

Lori: *frowns* NO. *shoves Amanda*

Claire: *holds Lori onto booth*

Didi: *pours alcohol onto Lori*

Lori: *kicks Didi*

Didi: OW! HEY!

Lori: *sits up* What the hell is your problem!

Did: We were just trying to help you!

Amanda: Yeah, you really need to relax.

Lori: The only reason I'm here is because I was encouraged to get to know you girls but I don't want to be a part of something illegal or stupid.

Amanda: We're not doing anything illegal. This is just fun.

Lori: Fun. You think coke is fun.

Amanda: Yeah.

Lori: The fact that this is normal for you people, scares me. *grabs napkin, wipes cheek* Don't think I'm not going to tell Riley about this.

Claire: Come on, Lori. We're just partying. Everybody does it.

Didi: Yeah, even Riley.

Lori: Riley snorts coke.

Didi: Lori, it's not a big deal.

Lori: Enjoy the party. *walks away*

Amanda: For a whore, you're a real tight-ass!

Hotel, lobby

Riley: *grabs pen*

Lori: *walks over*

Riley: *looks at Lori* What happened to you?

Lori: Your employees happened. Did you know that they do drugs?

Riley: *stares at Lori*

Lori: You knew.

Riley: *shrugs*

Lori: Do you do it?

Riley: No.

Lori: ...Am I the only one who seems to have a problem with this?

Riley: I'll talk to them.

Lori: And then what?

Riley: Lor, I can't control what people do on their off time. As long as they aren't doing it at work, it's not really any of my business.

Lori: I disagree.

Riley: Well unfortunately, you don't run the company.

Lori: If you don't do something about it, really do something about it, I can't work for you. I have my own health to worry about.

Riley: *nods*

Lori: ...And?

Riley: And I'm going to talk to them.

Lori: *shakes head*

Riley: I promise you, I will take care of it.

Lori: You're as bad as Dad. He doesn't want to ever deal with anything. He doesn't want to rock the boat.

Riley: Maybe your problem is that you always have to. There are some things you should just let alone.

Lori: Why? Because it'll make someone uncomfortable? I don't really care.

Riley: You should. You don't make friends in this business by overturning every rock and pissing people off. This is a cut-throat profession.

Lori: So that means I should just sit back and shut up.

Riley: It means you don't have to make a mountain out of an ant hill.

Lori: *stares at Riley*

Riley: *walks away*

Lori: *angry sigh*

Hotel room, midnight

Lori: *staring at television*

Knock on door is heard

Lori: *stands, walks over to door* ...Ugh. *opens door*

Claire: Hey. I just wanted to apologize about earlier.

Lori: Thanks.

Claire: *steps in* We were just tryin' to have fun, that's all. We thought you'd be cool about it.

Lori: *turns around* Why?

Claire: You seem like someone who's partied a lot.

Lori: I have. But it's not everything it seems like.

Claire: ...When did you realize you had a problem?

Lori: I knew for a long time, I just didn't care.

Claire: *nods*

Lori: Do you think you have a problem?

Claire: Maybe.

Lori: There's a lot of help out there.

Claire: Yeah. But not for you.

Didi & Amanda run in

Lori: *looks at women*

Didi: *tackles Lori*

Amanda: *rips Lori's clothes*

Didi: *laughing*

Claire: *pulls out camera*

Lori: *kicks* Let me go!

Claire: *snaps photos*

Amanda: *stands*

Didi: *stands* Candid camera!

Claire: *snaps photos*

Lori: *grabs blanket, covers self* What are you doing!

Didi: You didn't think we were finished with you.

Lori: Are you guys 13? Give me the camera!

Claire: *runs*

Didi/Amanda: *run*

Lori: *stares blankly*

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