CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

Well, isn't Shelia a bunch of happiness on a stick? I'm glad Bob stood up for himself, he really needed to. And by the way, he's better off with out her...so there, Shelia :p.

LOL...Wow, Lori can barely hold her water... I'm sure she didn't mean to tell Anni that Scott said he was in love with her. Just like I'm sure that the flirting didn't happen in front of Anni * who was curiously okay with it? wtf?* Maybe Anni's confident about her relationship with Tom or maybe she just doesn't care anymore. Either way about it, there's no way Anni's going to sit on this now that she knows about it. Can't wait to see what happens next...

Awesome update!
I think if I were Bob I would invest in a pirate plank for the top of that Building and then Shove Shelia's big ass of the side! what a greedy bitch! how does she think after 6 years she can come back and take what ever the hell she wants just because he has some money now! Yeah I think a walk down the plank seems appropriate in her future!

I can't believe Lori spilled her guts about Scott being in love with Anni! Is it me or does it seem that the more she wants Scott the more she does to get him away from her! Now you know that Anni is gonna run with this information, cause deep down shes in love with him also!

Great Updates Geni!
Thanks for the reviews! :)


Gables Estates, house, backyard, 1pm

Anni: *steps through gate*

Scott: *rakes leaves from pool*

Anni: Thought you had someone for that.

Scott: *looks at Anni*

Anni: *smiles* Hey.

Scott: *stares at Anni*

Anni: *walks over* Tim told me about what happened at work. I just wanted to say I'm sorry and that if you need anything, I'm here for you.

Scott: *nods*

Anni: *steps closer* How are you doing?

Scott: *shrugs* I'm still alive.

Anni: *takes pole from Scott* Have you taken anything?

Scott: No.

Anni: *shakes head* You don't seem right.

Scott: I'll be okay. *sits by pool*

Anni: *tosses pole, sits*

Scott: It's just a lot to...take in.

Anni: How well did you know him?

Scott: I knew enough to know he was a good guy. A kind heart.

Anni: *smirks* Sounds like someone I know.

Scott: *looks at Anni*

Anni: You're here for a reason, Scott. I have to believe that.

Scott: At least one of us is convinced.

Anni: *places hand on Scott's cheek* Y-

Scott: *wraps arms around Anni*

Anni: *blinks*

Scott: *squeezes tighter*

Anni: Oof.

Scott: *lets go* Did I hurt you?

Anni: No.

Scott: *runs hand through Anni's hair* Thanks for stopping by, it means a lot.

Anni: *smiles*

Scott: *leans over, kisses Anni's cheek*

Anni: *lies forehead against Scott*

Scott: *runs fingers along Anni's arm*

Anni: *sits up* We can't do this.

Scott: *looks at Anni*

Anni: We're over, remember?

Scott: I know. I apologize.

Anni: You need to be with Lori.

Scott: *lowers head*

Anni: *wraps arms around Scott* I'll call you later, okay?

Scott: *stares blankly*

Anni: ...Scott...let go of me.

Scott: I can't.

Anni: *pushes Scott* That's too bad, because you have to.

Scott: *stares at Anni*

Anni: What we had was great but I love Tom, not you. *stands* I'm sorry. *turns around, walks away*

Scott: *lowers eyes*

House, 4pm

Lori: *walks in*

Steph: Momma! I'm home but Daddy never picked up Dommy from daycare.

Lori: Why not?

Steph: *shrugs* I dunno, I can't find him.

Lori: *looks around* Scott!

Steph: *climbs into chair*

Lori: *walks over to stairs* Scott!

Steph: Momma, he's not home.

Lori: His car's in the garage, he has to be here somewhere.

Steph: Maybe he's outside.

Lori: *nods* Yeah. Why don't you go get a snack, there are treats in the cupboard.

Steph: YAY! *jumps down, runs*


Lori: Scott! *looks around* Where the hell are you!

Tool shed door sways

Lori: *looks at tool shed* Maybe he needs his ears checked. *walks across lawn*

Tool shed

Lori: *opens door, looks up* Oh my God. *jumps onto book case, pulls knife from back pocket* Scott, you stupid son-of-a-bitch! *slices through rope*

Scott: *falls onto floor*

Lori: *jumps down, grabs Scott's head, unties rope*

Scott: *coughs*

Lori: What the hell were you doing!

Scott: *coughing*

Lori: Why are you doing this!

Scott: *coughs* ...You changed the code to the gun safe.

Lori: *wraps arms around Scott*

Scott: *stares blankly*

Lori: This is the stupidest thing you've ever done! YOUR CHILDREN ARE AT HOME!

Scott: *grabs pruning shears, slices at arm*

Lori: SCOTT, STOP IT! *grabs Scott's hand*

Scott: *shoves Lori*

Lori: *jumps on Scott's back* Give it!

Scott: *places pruning shears against throat*

Lori: NO! *grabs Scott's arm* LET GO!

Scott: *stands, backs into wall*

Lori: UGH!

Phone falls from Lori's jeans

Lori: *drags Scott onto floor, grabs at phone*

Scott: *slices at throat*

Lori: UGH! *grabs Scott's arm* STOP IT! PLEASE!

Phone slides

Lori: *reaches for phone, hits buttons*

Scott: *rips arm away*

Lori: *pulls Scott back* No!

Phone lights up

Lori: HELP!

Miami Lab

Speed: *walking, switches phone to opposite ear* Lori?

Tom: *walks over* What's going on?

Screaming is heard over phone

Tom: What the hell is that?

Speed: There's something wrong at Lori's place. Send patrol.

Tom: *runs*

Gables Estates, house, backyard

Scott: *stands runs*

Lori: *lifts head, runs*

Inside house

Scott: *runs into kitchen, grabs butcher knife*

Lori: *runs in* Steph go up stairs!

Steph: Why?

Lori: NOW!

Steph: *runs*

Lori: Scott, give me the knife.

Scott: I'm done.

Lori: No you're not. Please don't do this. We all care about you, we need you. I need you. *steps forward*

Scott: *slices at arm*

Lori: *stops* Stop this.

Scott: *slices at cheek*

Lori: We can work this out.

Scott: *shakes head* No. *rips knife across chest*

Lori: Please put the knife down.

Scott: *digs knife into shoulder*

Lori: SCOTT!

Scott: *winces, yanks knife down*

Lori: *runs over*

Scott: *slices wrist*

Blood drips onto floor

Lori: *takes towel from stove, grabs Scott's arm*

Scott: *falls to knees*

Lori: *kneels, wraps Scott's arm*

Scott: Just let me die.

Lori: No. I'm not going to let our kids grow up without a father because you're sad.

Scott: *lies down*

Sirens are heard

Lori: *looks down at floor*

Blood pools

Lori: *rips skirt, covers Scott's arm*

Cops rush in

Lori: *lifts head*

Tom: *runs over* ...Where are the paramedics?

Cop: Outside.

Tom: *looks at Cop* What the hell are you waiting for? Send them in!

5 minutes later

Paramedics rush gurney out the door

Lori: *stands*

Tom: What happened?

Lori: *looks down at clothes* ...*starts to cry*

Tom: *steps closer, wraps arms around Lori*

Lori: *hugs Tom, crying*

OO.... So...SOO many things here...

1) Why couldn't Anni just stay and explain this to him more...or here's a novel idea, not drop the rock on his head especially when he looks as if the world's ending anyway? * eyes Anni* So such a better way to have done that... She's going to feel like Sh*t afterwards, and what's a plus, Scott's never going to believe her again...Anni's awesome, but right now, she's on my Sh*t list.

2) Scott needs to get some help! It's sad that he feels like he should die. Everyone loves him *glares at Anni* even she loves him... I want him to get better! Like PRONTO... Jump the time line if you have to....He needs to get BETTER!

3) Gotta love the response time of Miami Dade. That was a record time, what are they doing, training for NASCAR? If only in the real world...

Geni. You've sufficently scared me- now get Scotty better...okay? He needs to get better:(

Awesome update though!
OooH! This is so not good! I'm not sure Lori is gonna be really happy about Anni's sudden truthfulness with Scott when she realizes that is has caused his major melt down! Good thing Tom & The paramedics got there fast! looks like its gonna be a suicide watch and a trip to the old padded room for Scott this time! you know hes gonna keep on till he succeeds in offing himself! they always do you know!

Where the hell is Dom? Did he really forget him at Daycare or is he A.W.O.L.? Somebody better get him before he takes his own high dive off something!

Great update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews!



Miami Beach, Levine's Fashion, 3 months later

Lori: Come on, Tom. Get out here.

Tom: It looks stupid.

Lori: You'll look fine. Besides, how do you expect to go to the department's charity ball if all you have is a t-shirt and jeans?

Tom: *steps out* I don't like tuxedoes.

Lori: *smiles* Shiny.

Tom: I look like a dork.

Lori: A handsome dork. *steps over, brushes off Tom's shoulders* ...You need a tie.

Tom: I don't need a tie.

Lori: *turns around* You're not leaving here without a tie.

Tom: Lori, I don't wear ties.

Lori: You do now.

Tom: *takes Lori's hand* No ties.

Lori: *looks at Tom* Why do you have to be so stubborn?

Tom: I could say the same about you.

Lori: I'm trying to help you and you're making this difficult.

Tom: It's just a tie.

Lori: Exactly, so wear it.

Tom: Are you okay?

Lori: I'm frustrated. You're not listening to me.

Tom: *tilts head*

Lori: *turns head away*

Tom: *grabs Lori's cheek* Are you medicated or something?

Lori: *pushes Tom's hand* No.

Tom: Coke?

Lori: *picks up can from counter* Energy drink. It helps me focus.

Tom: Oh you're focused alright.

Lori: Face it, you can barely get out of bed in the morning either with Anni taking off with Tayla.

Tom: *stares at Lori*

Lori: Found her yet?

Tom: No.

Lori: Maybe it serves you right.

Tom: How is Anni leaving, my fault? If I recall correctly, the letter said she was guilty about sending Scott over the edge, who by the way, didn't exactly come home after they discharged him either.

Lori: He's probably in New York trying to get is job back.

Tom: For a month? He could at least call.

Lori: Maybe he feels guilty too.

Tom: That's not an excuse to abandon your family!

Lori: Are we talking about Scott now or Anni?

Tom: *frowns* Maybe you should be drinking less of those energy things, lest you become an even bigger bitch.

Lori: *slaps Tom in the face*

Tom: *slams fist into Lori's face*

Lori: *falls into clothing rack*

Tom: *rubs knuckles*

Lori: *stands, wipes lip*

Tom: I'm s-

Lori: ARG! *jumps onto Tom*

Tom: AH! *falls behind counter*

Lori: *slapping Tom*

Tom: *grabs Lori's arms*

Lori: *stares at Tom*

Tom: *stares at Lori*

Lori: ...I hate you. And I hate Anni.

Tom: Yeah, well I hate your hair color.

Lori: *stands, jabs stiletto into Tom's chest*

Tom: AH!

Lori: *walks away*

Tom: *rubs chest*

Back room

Lori: *sits*

Tom: *steps in*

Lori: *throws shoe*

Tom: *ducks* ...I'm sorry I said those things to you.

Lori: *crosses arms*

Tom: *walks over, kneels* And you didn't mean what you said either.

Lori: How would you know?

Tom: You're not heartless.

Lori: *looks at Tom*

Tom: We're both upset with what's happened but we shouldn't turn on each other.

Lori: Anni's right about us. We spend too much time with each other.

Tom: I've told her from the beginning...I'm not going to cut you out of my life.

Lori: You don't have to. But we seem almost...addicted to one another.

Tom: *lifts brow*

Lori: Think about it. When you were coming off of heroin, you used me instead. I did the same thing later.

Tom: You're saying we shifted addictions.

Lori: Exactly.

Tom: I don't think that's possible.

Lori: Tom, you panic everytime I leave the state.

Tom: ...Commuting is very dangerous.

Lori: *sigh* You don't get it.

Tom: *stands, sits on box* So you want us to have no contact.

Lori: I didn't say that. I just...I think we can...let go a little more.

Tom: *nods* Okay.

Lori: So you should go.

Tom: Right now? We were supposed to have lunch.

Lori: It's for the best.

Tom: ...I'll call you.

Lori: Don't.

Tom: ...Okay.

Lori: Go, Tom.

Tom: *stands* ...*walks away*

Lori: *closes eyes*

South Dakota, motel, 7pm

Anni: *opens door*

Tayla: *runs in, jumps on bed*

Anni: *rubs neck, looks around*

Car door slams

Anni: *turns around*

Scott: *lifts head*

Anni: *blinks* Scott?

Scott: I heard you loved South Dakota. Thought I'd check it out for myself.

Anni: ...That last time I saw, you, y-

Scott: I was catatonic?

Anni: *runs over, hugs Scott* I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you go crazy.

Scott: *wraps arms around Anni* It wasn't your fault.

Anni: Of course it was. I shouldn't have said those things to you, I should have just told you the truth. You could have died.

Scott: I didn't. Thank God.

Anni: *looks at Scott* ...So you know I was visiting you.

Scott: *nods*

Anni: How long have you been out?

Scott: I was discharged about a week before you left.

Anni: Come inside. *grabs Scott's hand*

Inside motel

Tayla: *munches cookie*

Anni: Go get your PJs on.

Tayla: *jumps off bed, runs into bathroom*

Anni: *sits on bed*

Scott: *sits in chair*

Anni: Why didn't you go home?

Scott: I tried to kill myself in front of my family. I terrified my wife. I can't go back.

Anni: How are you feeling right now?

Scott: *pulls bottle from pocket* I have these...they help. I'm not angry...or sad. I'm not really anything.

Anni: ...Maybe you shouldn't have left.

Scott: They said I was okay.

Anni: And you don't want to hurt yourself.

Scott: No. I never wanted to. I was told to.

Anni: ...Told to by whom?

Scott: *lifts eyes* The voices.

Anni: *stares at Scott*

Scott: I'm kidding.

Anni: *frowns* That's not funny.

Scott: *smiles, tosses pill container*

Anni: *catches bottle*

Scott: It's aspirin.

Anni: I could slap you right now.

Scott: *stands, walks over* You were saying about the truth?

Anni: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *sits*

Anni: ...I um...I...I-

Scott: You love me, you can say it.

Anni: *smirks* I love you.

Scott: *smiles*

Anni: ...I feel like lightening should strike me down.

Scott: I did too at first.

Anni: Scott, you should go home.

Scott: So should you.

Anni: To what? A husband who doesn't give a damn about me? Friends who ridicule me for being a cougar? I need some 'me' time to contemplate things. And maybe Tom will too.

Scott: So you took Tayla?

Anni: More free time for Tom to think. Besides, she's never been on a road trip before. Brook's with Tim.

Scott: *nods*

Anni: *wraps arms around Scott* I'm glad you're alright.

Scott: *kisses Anni's cheek*

Anni: *sigh*

HMMM! Me thinks the cheese is getting a little more binding! I think the stars have started to Aline once again in the universe and the gods are now Smiling! all is looking clearer and the fog is now lifting!

And the dish ran away with the spoon!

Great update Geni!
Wow...the fight was ...crucial. The talk afterwards, something that needed to happen. But do we seriously think that Tom can quit the "addiction" to Lori? It's going to be hard for him, but as Anni said, maybe this time alone will help him focus.

I always said that Anni needed to get away to see if things that needed to be fixed could be fixed. By her getting away, Tom could see, hopefully , that he was taking her for granted and fix his ways. At least she's giving them a fighting chance- she could've just divorced him and moved on, but I think she loves Tom deeply and wants them to work out- but she doesn't want to be the third wheel anymore.

Of course, Scott's appearance sure does make it interesting...

Awesome update!
Thanks for the reviews! Hehe. :)


Gables Estates, house, bedroom, 11:45pm

Lori: *turns out light, lies down*

Thunder rolls

Lori: Ugh, stupid hurricane season. *covers head*

Doorbell rings

Lori: *opens eyes* ...I didn't realize hurricanes could piss me off even more. *sits up, throws blankets*


Lori: *opens door*

Tom: *places hands in pockets* Hey.

Lori: You have 5 seconds to explain to me why you got me out of bed.

Tom: Don't worry, I'm not drunk. Just lonely.

Lori: What did we discuss ealier?

Tom: *lowers head*...She's gone. My kids are gone. I don't have anyone and I can't spend another night alone.

Lori: *stares at Tom*

Tom: *steps forward, places head on Lori's chest*

Lori: *rolls eyes, wraps arm around Tom*

Tom: Can I come in?

Lori: Now that you've gotten my blouse soaked with rain water, I guess.

Upstairs, bedroom

Lori: *pulls off blouse* You can't be doin' this all the time.

Tom: *leans against wall*

Lori: *opens drawer* I'm sure Anni will come back. She doesn't seem like the type to just ditch someone for no reason.

Tom: What if she doesn't come back?

Lori: She can't just take Tayla from you.

Tom: ...I miss them.

Lori: I'm sure you do.

Tom: It's not a very good feeling.

Lori: No. *pulls on blouse* It's not.

Tom: Do you miss Scott?

Lori: Of course I do. I haven't thought about anything else since he was admitted to the nut house.

Tom: ...Where do you want me to sleep?

Lori: Guest house.

Tom: *blinks*

Lori: Is that a problem?

Tom: You're not in the guest house.

Lori: You're not getting in my bed.

Tom: I'm not interested in getting in your pants, I just want to...be near someone.

Lori: Smooth. You can sleep on the couch downstairs.

Tom: *steps closer* No.

Lori: *lifts eyes* My bed is my bed. I've gotten used to sleeping in it alone.

Tom: Must be lonely.

Lori: Don't try that on me.

Tom: I'm just saying.

Lori: *frowns* No touching and you can stay in the room.

Tom: Excellent. *pulls off shirt*

Lori: *blinks*

Tom: *climbs into bed*

Lori: *walks over to bed*

Tom: *lies down*

Lori: *climbs into bed*

Tom: *turns out light*

Lori: You're on my side.

Tom: Yeah, it smells great. What is that, vanilla?

Lori: You sure know how to take over a place. Now my side's going to smell like dudes for the next week.

Tom: *smirks*

Lori: Great, and I had just gotten things cool in here. *pulls off blouse* The last thing I needed was a second body in here.

Tom: Objection noted.

Lori: *stares up at ceiling*


Lori: *rolls over*

Tom: *eyes closed*

Lori: *grabs Tom's nose*

Tom: *opens eyes*

Lori: *smiles*

Tom: I thought we agreed on no touching.

Lori: You can't sleep either?

Tom: *runs fingers through Lori's hair* This is an awful color on you, really.

Lori: It's too dark to see.

Tom: Maybe I just need to be closer. *slides closer*

Lori: *leans back*

Tom: It's alright, this is your house. I'll stay in my corner.

Lori: *grabs Tom's arm* No.

Tom: *lifts eyes*

Lori: *pulls hand away*

Tom: It's much nicer having someone next to you, isn't it.

Lori: I'd rather have Scott.

Tom: I'm sure you would.

Lori: I don't think this is what Anni had in mind when she left you here.

Tom: For all I know, she doesn't care.

Lori: ...We're thinking the same thing, aren't we.

Tom: Scott found Anni.

Lori: *lowers eyes* ...He never used to be that way. He's changed a lot.

Tom: He's been through the shitter. I wouldn't be sane either.

Lori: *places hand on Tom's cheek* Sweetie, you've always been nuts.

Tom: *smirks*

Lori: *smiles* You know I love you. *kisses Tom's nose* G'night. *rolls over*

Tom: *stares at Lori* ...Love you too.

Lori: *stares at wall*

Miami Lab, Trace Lab, 9am

Speed: *staring through microscope*

Katie: *sits* I'm bored.

Speed: There are some murders you could be solving.

Katie: I miss Anni.

Speed: I miss Cherry Coke.

Katie: Oh hey, remember Vanilla Coke? It tasted like barf in a can.

Speed: Just like most of your morning afters.

Katie: *slaps Speed's arm*

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: She could be dead for all we know.

Speed: She's in South Dakota.

Katie: ...How do you know?

Speed: She calls me.

Katie: That's not fair. I'm supposed to be her best friend.

Speed: I'm the father of her child. I trump you.

Katie: Some father you are. Why are you at work instead of with her?

Speed: To put her through college someday.

Katie: Isn't that Tom's job?

Speed: Tom can worry about Tayla.

Tom: *walks in* What about Tayla?

Katie: Nothing.

Speed: *lifts head* ...Late night?

Tom: Maybe, why?

Speed: You're wearing the same clothes you had on yesterday. And before you say anything, yes I've been there and no, I don't want to know who you were with yesterday.

Katie: I DO!

Tom: I wasn't with anyone. Not technically speaking. I need to get the trace results from my case, do you have it?

Speed: *slides folder over*

Tom: *picks up folder, walks away*

Katie: He's totally sleeping with L-

Speed: *covers ears* I'm not listening.

South Dakota, motel, 10am

Scott: *buttons up shirt* Shower's all yours.

Anni: You don't mind watching Tayla for a few minutes?

Scott: *smiles* Not at all.

Anni: Thanks. *walks into bathroom, shuts door*

Tayla: *staring at television*

Scott: *sits on couch*

Tayla: *digs through cereal*

Scott: Lucky Charms, huh. That was my favourite cereal when I was a kid.

Tayla: *nods*

Scott: Of course like most kids, I'd pick out the marshmellows and eat those instead.

Tayla: *smiles*

Scott: *smirks*

Tayla: I like marshmellows.

Scott: *opens box, grabs cereal*

Tayla: *picks up remote, flips channel*

Levine's Fashion, 1pm

Riley: *folds clothes* Antoine, get the list of buyers from Orlando and fax them to Lori.

Antoine: *walks away*

Speed: *walks in*

Riley: *lifts head, smiles* Hey Tim.

Speed: Hey.

Riley: Need a new wardrobe?

Speed: Actually, I came to see you.

Riley: *smiles* What a pleasant surprise. *walks around counter* You have time for a coffee? Oh, wait, you don't drink coffee. How about a tea?

Speed: *smirks* I'd like that.

Riley: Excellent. I'll meet you across the street in...5 minutes?

Speed: Sounds good.

Ookay...Here's the story, I can understand loneliness and the desire not to be. I can even understand trying to connect with someone to eradicate said loneliness. But I'm struggling to understand why it is Tom won't step back and see the true cause for his problems. Yes, Lori and him are connected, YES *sigh* they can relate to each other more than any other two people on this earth ( or RT earth). But is it so hard to take another perspective? Can he reason why it is that Anni's chosen to leave...Can he see that his relationship with Lori is going to be the proverbial thorn in his side? Can he see that Anni's not going to put up with his double standards anymore?

Sorry, I get a bit flustered with this, because it's common sense to me. Ex lovers shouldn't share an intimate friendship the way these two do. Friends...DISTANT friends yes...but the closeness of them ? It just begs to be revisited...

I should be a bit more leinent of their relationship- but I'm not. I'm biased...so yeah...lol

[Rant over]

Awesome chapter though...and I love that Riley and Tim are going to chat!
Like the Beatles once said Let it Be ! Thats what Lori and Tom need to do is stop fitting what they know is right and just Let it Be!

HMMM! Wonder what Speed and Riley have to talk about! speed rarely visits her unless he wants to find something out or piss her off! This should be interesting!

Great update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews!

Hey Flash, whatchu got against Anni and Tom making it? :p Just throwing it out there, lol.


Miami Lab, hallway

Donahinkle: *steps off elevator, looks around* ...What happened to all my bright colors? Where are the banners proclaiming Horatio Caine's knighthood? *walks, pulls out chart*

Katie: *walking*

Donahinkle: You, unfamiliar woman. Where are my CSIs?

Katie: *blinks* Your CSIs?

Donahinkle: Horatio Caine, Calleigh Duquesne, Eric Delko, Ryan Wolfe...uh...I think there's a Medical Examiner in there but I'm not sure what stage we're at in Mission: Revolving Door.

Katie: I think you want the Psychiatric facility downtown.

Donahinkle: Wait, I DO know you. You're Pam. No no, this isn't correct. You're not supposed to be here. You don't physically exist.

Katie: What?

Donahinkle: Go home. You don't belong. *walks away*

Katie: *blinks*

Layout room

Tom: *picks up tweezers*

Donahinkle: *steps in* Ah, Cardoza. Just the man I wanted to see.

Tom: *lifts eyes* ...Can I help you?

Donahinkle: Where are the ugly ties? Why are you not crying over your wife's death? And where's Calleigh? She's supposed to be grilling you about being mysterious. It's a crime not to air your dirty laundry all over the lab.

Tom: ...I think you have the wrong person.

Donahinkle: *wraps arm around Tom* Here's the thing, Jesse. I like you. I really do. But the fans seem to see you as a threat. Y'see, Delko's not young and hot anymore. Actually, I'm not eve sure if he's still Cuban. But you have to promise me to never ever EVER get along with him.

Tom: *pulls out phone* I'm calling security.

Donahinkle: Wait, does Delko get along with Ryan? Maybe I should tell my peons to put that back into the story. *writing on chart* You wouldn't happen to know where Tim Speedle is...

Tom: He's not here.

Donahinkle: FINALLY. That man is nothing but a good character with a lot of depth. We can't have that here. Nope nope. *scribbling*

Tom: *looks over* What is that?

Donahinkle: Oh, I'm glad you're interested in the writing process. I'm coming up with a storyline that entails Horatio falling in love with Calleigh's long lost brother and then finding out that the brother is really a sister. See, she's an undercover terrorist with ties to the Colombian mafia. It's really intense. She's building a Soviet rocket ship.

Tom: ...That's just a bunch of stick figures on a napkin from Red Lobster.

Donahinkle: It's worked for the past 8 years.

Tom: What show do you write for again?

Donahinkle: CSI:pensacola. It's very popular. You're in it.

Tom: I see.

Donahinkle: I brought you on to inject new blood into the show. It's worked out really well. *smiles* The ratings have never been lower.

Tom: And that's a good thing?

Donahinkle: There are hundreds of shows out there right now wishing they had our numbers and reputation. Why do you think everyone makes fun of us?

Tom: *looks at camera*

Donahinkle: Oh, that's my cameraman Bubar. I found him at the midget circus in Ohio. I'm hoping to put him on the show at some point as Natalia's mute love interest.

Bubar: *salutes*

Tom: *nods slowly*

Donahinkle: Can you tell me where I can find Calleigh? She has all my makeup.

Tom: I think she's in ballistics.

Donahinkle: ...Ball...istics? Is that some kind of restaurant?

Tom: It's one of our departments.

Donahinkle: Why's she there?

Tom: ...She's the ballistics expert.

Donahinkle: Holy crap, you people have expertise? I thought you knew everything. What's your specialty?

Tom: Toxicology.

Donahinkle: Isn't that just Trace?

Tom: Not really.

Donahinkle: *taps chin* Maybe I need to assign my CSIs their own specialties. Horatio can be the underwater recovery expert and Delko can be a tow-druck driver. Of course, with Calleigh's knowledge, she's a full-fledged bomb expert. *looks at Tom* You will be a hostage negotiator. But you have to be a naked one or the fans will complain you wear too many clothes.

Tom: *stares blankly*

Donahinkle: Ryan needs something. OH! He can be the resident seeing-eye dog! *erases chart* Natalia's mute love interest will also be blind.

Tom: Doesn't Natalia need a specialty?

Donahinkle: *lifts head* Who's Natalia?

Tom: The person you just mentioned 2 seconds ago.

Donahinkle: She can have Arts and Crafts or something.

Tom: That's not a department.

Donahinkle: Oh, sorry I got mixed up. That's the Audio/Visual lab. Oops. *slaps self in the forehead* I get so confused when I spend too much time sniffing Horatio's hair. Wait, didn't Speedle have a twin or something?

Tom: Uh, he has a brother.

Donahinkle: *snaps fingers* Right. Maybe he married Pam.

Tom: He's gay.

Donahinkle: ...Has someone been developing characters without my permission? Because that could result in getting a part as Horatio's love interest and we all know what happens to them.

Tom: Does that mean Speed's gay too?

Donahinkle: I don't know, I didn't develop him past not liking coffee.

Tom: *nods*

Donahinkle: You're a pretty cool guy, Cardoza. I'll give you that. But you suck for standing up Natalia.

Tom: I'm married.

Donahinkle: Oh I hear this all the time. You might THINK your wife is still with us, but believe me, she isn't. But it's okay, dead spouses are so common around here, you'll fit right in.

Tom: My wife isn't dead, she just left me for another man.

Donahinkle: You might think she left you for another man, but that man is a serial killer. But we'll get into that over the next few seasons.

Tom: I don't think Scott is a serial killer.

Donahinkle: Isn't that the guy who opened the gun safe for Catherine after the police chief's daughter went missing? Because I don't think he even had lines.

Tom: It's interesting that you can remember details from so far back, yet your idea of continuity is what you make up on a napkin last minute.

Donahinkle: I thought that's what continuity was.

Tom: It's not.

Donahinkle: Oh well, life's too short for that stuff. Fans don't even notice.

Tom: How much fan mail do you get?

Donahinkle: What's fan mail?

Tom: ...Mail from fans. They come in envelopes.

Donahinkle: OH! I thought that was the network telling me what NOT to do. You know the damned FCC and their regulations. We can't even show blood or...murders anymore. *smiles* But our suspects look damn great in a bikini, you have to admit.

Tom: I don't watch the show.

Donahinkle: *frowns* What do you watch? Don't tell me that damned New York show snatched you because those buggers have been stealing viewers for YEARS! And for what? Just because their city is more fantastical than mine? Come on. The sun never sets here! What other city can say that?

Tom: Maybe their storylines are more engaging.

Donahinkle: Yeah right. You'll never see a unique crime scene there. I mean, my show has EXPLOSIONS and PLANE CRASHES! What do they have?

Tom: PTSD.

Donahinkle: Isn't that some kind of disease in your danger zone? Because I close mine right up with crime scene tape to prevent cross-contamination.

Tom: *blinks*

Donahinkle: Hey, how much money would it take for you to watch my show?

Tom: No amount of money would get me to watch your show.

Donahinkle: *smiles* So you'll do it for free then.

Tom: ...I need to get back to work. *walks away*

Donahinkle: I'll call you when Sweeps rolls around! But the code name is "Normal Episode With Nothing Special In It"!

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:guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: AND :guffaw: ! Brilliance...PURE Brilliance! Omg...Donhinkle has finally lost it! And poor Tom was there to take it all in. Continunity on a napkin...stick figures for plot points...Fan mail telling what not to do! Hilarity at it's best! Absolutely...ABSOLUTELY THE BEST YET! And the weren't even on a RT!

Awesome! So very AWESOME!
Lol! Leave it to the Donahinkle to come in and start trying to change the environment that she thinks exist to her standards! lol! I always crack up when she wants to know where Speed is! lol!

and to answer your question Geni! I just like the Idea of Lori and Tom! They seem to have this Animal passion building between them and they keep trying to avoid it and i feel like its just all gonna snap and they are gonna devour each other! Lol! that all! they have been at it for a while now! Same with Scott and Anni! It just keeps building! I just think they need to switch up for a while!
Thanks for the reviews! :D And the answer...:p :)


Restaurant, 3pm

Riley: *digs at salad*

Speed: Are you seeing anyone?

Riley: *smirks* I don't date.

Speed: Why not?

Riley: *shrugs* Not really interested.

Speed: Good.

Riley: *lifts eyes*

Speed: Men are nothing but trouble.

Riley: *smiles*

Speed: *winks, places napkin onto table*

Outside restaurant

Donahinkle: *taps on window*

Inside restaurant

Speed: *looks at window*

Outside restaurant

Donahinkle: *makes hand motions* I'm...*makes hand motions forward* Watching you. *pokes self in the eye* OW!

Inside restaurant

Speed: *lifts brow*

Riley: *looks at window* Why is that clown-woman staggering into the busy street?

Speed: Maybe she's having a stroke or something.

Semi trailer is seen zooming past; Donahinkle is seen giving the finger

Riley: What's Katie been up to?

Speed: *looks at Riley* She-

Katie: She's right here. With your stupid child. *sits in booth*

Brook: *takes soda, drinks*

Katie: She just doesn't stop. It's cookie this and 'where's mommy' that, I'm beginning to wish I was her mother just so I could get her to shut the hell up.

Speed: ...Riley, you remember Brooklyn.

Riley: *smiles* She's so sweet.

Brook: I want food too. *takes Riley's salad*

Speed: *looks at Katie*

Katie: What? Nowhere in my job description did it say Food Machine.

Brook: *munches on leaves*

Speed: Do you remember anything from your days as a mother?

Riley: If she did, maybe I'd still be a Speedle.

Speed/Katie: *look at Riley*

Riley: ...It's a joke.

Katie: *lowers eyes*

Riley: I'm okay with my life, really.

Katie: Maybe I should go.

Riley: No, stay. I'd love to have lunch with both of you.

Katie: I used to be a good mother. I did the lullaby thing and I even learned to knit. *looks at Riley* Your first onesie was something I spent months on before you were born. Tim can attest. I had potential, I really did.

Riley: I'm sure you were a great mother to me, Katie. I know that what happened wasn't your fault and I don't blame you.

Katie: Just tell me one thing. Were your kidnappers nice to you? I mean, did they take care of you?

Riley: ...They took me because they couldn't have children. It wasn't the right thing to do but they were parents. They gave me everything.

Katie: Until your father turned into a murderer and killed your kidnapping bitch mother.

Speed: Katie.

Riley: It's okay. They made some bad decisions and it left me on my own...I'm actually thankful for that. I was able to find you two.

Brook: *picks up glass, drinks*

Riley: *looks at Brook* You guys have a beautiful family.

Speed: You're part of it.

Riley: ...I appreciate that.

Brook: *points* Daddy, who's that?

Speed: That's Riley.

Brook: She's pretty.

Speed: *smirks* Yes, she is.

Riley: *smiles*

Katie: *jumps over to other side of booth* My baby. *hugs Riley*

Riley: *blinks*

Katie: *starts to cry* How come Lori couldn't turn out as well as you?

Speed: *clears throat*

Katie: Oh whatever Tim. You know she's the rotten apple, just accept it.

Riley: *looks around*

Speed: Maybe you're making Riley uncomfortable.

Katie: Nonsense. My babies love hugs.

Riley: *stares at Speed*

Speed: Katie, let her go.

Katie: *lets go* You suck.

Brook: *crawls under table, jumps onto booth*

Riley: *looks at Brook, smiles* Hey.

Brook: Hi. *grabs Riley's hair* I like your hair.

Riley: Yours is very pretty, too. We brunettes are special.

Brook: *eyes widen* We are?

Riley: Yep. We're tough.

Brook: I'm tough. *scrunches face* Oooooh.

Riley: *laughs*

Katie: You want kids someday? Because I think Lori might be up for selling Dominick to the highest bidder.

Riley: Nah, kids aren't really my thing.

Katie: Yeah right. I said the same thing and I ended up having a boat load.

Speed: ...You had 3. That's hardly a boat load.

Katie: Oh wait, maybe I was thinking about you. You've had what, 10? 11?

Speed: *frowns* Not even close.

Katie: *looks at Riley* I know a great guy for you, his name's Tom.

Speed: Tom's already married.

Katie: So? You were married to me and fooled around with Carly, Jess, Calleigh and Anni.

Speed: ...We were divorced when I was with Anni.

Riley: Now I see why Tim has so many kids.

Speed: *looks at Riley*

Riley: *smiles*

Katie: How about Josh? Is he still gay?

Speed: Uh, Josh is her uncle.

Katie: I thought he was only half her uncle.

Speed: He'd only be half her uncle if we actually cut him in half. And either way, I can't believe I'm even entertaining your disgusting ideas.

Katie: How about Eric?

Speed: Eric's too old for her.

Katie: Ryan?

Speed: Ryan's not intelligent enough.

Katie: Stetler?

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: OH!

Speed: Not Scott.

Katie: Damnit. What about women? *looks at Rileys, brows bounce*

Riley: No thanks.

Katie: So men crank your...crank. *scratches head* I know there's a saying in there somewhere. Wheel? Can you crank a wheel? I thought you blew air into wheels. Perfect, men blow your-

Speed: Katie.

Katie: What? I wasn't even being naughty this time. Riley's 33 years old and she has no man in her life. *looks at Riley* Haven't you ever been on a date?

Riley: No.

Katie: Why?

Riley: I focused on my career instead of hitting the dating scene.

Katie: Man, if Scott wasn't already taken...

Riley: Scott's a nice man. But he's not my type.

Katie: What's your type?

Riley: Single guy.

Katie: Perfect. Tom's wife just left him.

Speed: Anni didn't leave him.

Katie: Well she didn't take him with her, did she?

Speed: Some couples need time apart to figure things out. It doesn't mean Tom's single and it doesn't mean Anni isn't coming back so stop pimping him out.

Katie: Why are you always defending Tom? He broke Lori's heart and ruined his own marriage. Not to mention he's stole your kid.

Speed: First of all, Lori's the one that chewed him up and spit him out. Secondly, nobody stole Brook.

Katie: But he did ruin his marriage.

Speed: ...He's young. He'll figure it out.

Katie: He's not that young.

Riley: Um, Brook fell asleep. Should I move her or?

Speed: I'll take her.

Katie: Hey, can I get clothes for free since I gave birth to you?

Riley: No. But you can have a 30% discount.

Katie: You're so cheap.

Speed: Katie, enough.

Katie: What? She's a CEO, she can do whatever she wants. HEY! How much chedder do you have anyway? 'Cause I know Scott's not leaving me anything when he finally kicks it.

Speed: Why would Scott die before you?

Katie: Clearly he has a death wish, in case you hadn't noticed.

Riley: I make enough money to live comfortably.

Katie: Maybe we can come over to your place one of these days. Dinner, maybe? OH! I'll get you a date!

Riley: No, that's really not nec-

Katie: It'll be fun. Tomorrow, 9/8 central?

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: ...The guy on TV always says that, I figured I'd give it a shot.
