CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

Lol! OMG! What is it with Katie does she have like a built in radar that always tells her that there is food and intelligent conversation around just so she can come along and ask stupid questions and make herself apart or something she shouldn't be!

maybe Speed needs to look inti have her head x-rayed, maybe thats where Lori got that Brain mass from! She need to have it removed so she might start acting like a real human! Wouldn't that scare the hell out of everyone! lol!

Great update Geni!
Katie...is... well...words escape me so I think I'll make nice and just *Sigh* really hard. Riley's the most stable of them all and yet, Katie wants to just deride her. Riley's got a good head on her shoulders, she should really be apprehensive with whatever her mother comes up with.

Awesome update...ps...Donhinkle is ...INSANE!
Thanks for the reviews! :D


Miami Lab, Layout Room, next day, 3pm

Tom: *scratches head, staring at casefile*

Katie: *walks in* Strap on your good clothes, you're coming with me and Tim for dinner tonight.

Tom: No I'm not.

Katie: You got something else to do?

Tom: I'm working late.

Katie: Why?

Tom: Because the job needs to get done. You think criminals take a day off?

Katie: They sleep.

Tom: Yeah well they don't sleep during dinner so I guess you're out of luck. *rubs eyes*

Katie: ...When's the last time you slept?

Tom: *looks at watch* 53 and a half hours.

Katie: Oh. Are you on speed?

Tom: *flips page of casefile*

Katie: Whatcha workin' on?

Tom: A case.

Katie: Involving...

Tom: An irritating soccer mom turned slut who got murdered by an irritated cop.

Katie: Yikes, sounds terrifying.

Tom: *rolls eyes*

Katie: Who's the cop?

Tom: You're going to find out if you stay.

Katie: ...But I'm not a soccer mom. I don't even like soccer.

Tom: *grabs hair* Katie, get out.

Katie: Hey, maybe you just need to get laid.

Tom: *lifts head, shoves box* GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!

People look over

Katie: Geez, people are staring.


Speed: *walks over* What's going on in here?

Tom: *points to Katie* Get her out before I snap her neck in two.

Katie: What did I do wrong?

Tom: *walks around table, shoves table*

Katie: ACK! *runs behind Speed* I thought you were enlightened!


Katie: *hugs Speed's arm*

Tom: *rips pictures from wall, throws them at Katie* GET OUT!

Speed: Katie, leave.

Katie: *runs away*

Speed: *places hands on hips*

Tom: *runs hand through hair, steps back*

Speed: What's your problem?

Tom: Nothing.

Speed: Are you on something?

Tom: No, I'm not on something. Not everyone is on something, sometimes people just get pissed off *leans sideways* BECAUSE OF HER!

Speed: Look at me.

Tom: *looks at Speed*

Speed: This is a place of business. I don't know what's wrong with you and I don't really care. Get it straightened out or don't come in tomorrow if you're going to act like an asswipe in front of the whole lab.

Tom: *stares at Speed*

Speed: Clean this mess up.

Tom: *lowers eyes*

Speed: Now.

Tom: *kneels, picks up papers*

Speed: *crosses arms*

Tom: ...She's not coming back, is she.

Speed: I don't know.

Tom: *rubs eyes* I don't deserve her even if she does.

Speed: *leans against table* We don't deserve people like Anni. She has the biggest heart and it obviously can't fit into her tiny frame because her kindness and love spills all over the place and infects everyone it comes in contact with. I took that for granted and now I'm stuck with Katie.

Tom: *lifts eyes*

Speed: She chose you, Tom. I don't claim to understand why but she saw something in you that made her want to spend the rest of her life with you. Whether or not she made a mistake in that thought process depends on what you do while she's gone.

Tom: *stands*

Speed: You have a lot of fun with Lori, sure. She fufills whatever superficial need you have at the time. But you're holding onto selfishness and cheap thrills over a real partnership. Over real love. Is that worth it?

Tom: *scratches head*

Speed: Do you love her?

Tom: Yes. I do.

Speed: Then what the hell's your problem? You're going to find a lot more Loris out there than Annis. That's the truth.

Tom: I know.

Speed: You two might not always have fun but at the end of the day...at the end of your life...who do you want to be there? Someone who used you for everything you had or someone who loved you?

Tom: You have no idea what Lori and I had.

Speed: I know exactly what you two had. She tells me everything...unfortunately.

Tom: ...Gross.

Speed: Anni doesn't, which is good all around. You can trust her.

Tom: Can you trust Katie?

Speed: Not farther than I can throw her...which actually turns out, is pretty far. But you get the idea.

Tom: Then...you chose to stay with someone like Lori.

Speed: No. I chose to stay with Katie. She has her own sub-category.

Tom: You regret being with her.

Speed: ...It's hard to explain. But this isn't about me, it's about you trying to save a good thing.

Tom: It's Katie's body, isn't it. Because under the right circumstance...

Speed: This is your problem, Tom. You only ever have your mind on one thing and guess what, it doesn't last.

Tom: Maybe you don't.

Speed: You want your wife back? Keep it in your pants and grow up. *walks away*

Tom: *stares blankly*


Katie: *crosses arms*

Speed: *walks over*

Katie: Is he coming to dinner?

Speed: I don't think so. Look, if Riley doesn't want a date, she doesn't need one.

Katie: What about that new guy on the night shift?

Speed: Carlos? He's a bit slimy.

Katie: And single.

Speed: You're not bringing Carlos to dinner.

Katie: Why? He looks nice.

Speed: He sweats while he works.

Katie: He's passionate about crime-solving.

Speed: The lab's air-conditioned.

Katie: He gets overheated.

Speed: While doing paperwork.

Katie: Writing's hard. It's why I don't do it.

Speed: What about someone in ballistics?

Katie: Aaron? No.

Speed: Why? He's clean, he does his job and he seems nice.

Katie: Riley doesn't need a guy who's into guns. That just spells over-compensation.

Speed: Maybe we should stay out of it.

Katie: And let Riley marry some goober? I don't think so.

Speed: She's not stupid.

Katie: We can't just show up empty handed.

Speed: Yes we can.

Katie: You're no fun. *walks away*

Now...I think that Tom should get the gist of that. He has a choice to make, and I like how Tim put it to him. Figure out what he wants and make the choice- but make it wisely. The ball's in his court- let's see what he does...

Awesome update!

and this is nothing new...Katie's insane... but we've established this before... :guffaw:
Well I wonder if Tom will listen to Speed's advise about Anni!......Or Maybe ......he will have one for the road with Lori just one last time to get it out of his system! ....Or maybe......Two...three! Who knows! they have something that keeps pulling them back together.

Lol! Katie just can't let things lie! she just constantly has to keep pushing! I would just love to see Speed just grab her up and just give it to her like never before in some crazy place like the bathroom or somewhere just to make her speachless and forget about what ever shes goofin over! maybe thats what she needs! she needs speed to just Take her! lol!

Great update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews. :D


Miami Lab, 10am next day

Speed: *looks under desk*

Calleigh: *walks over* What's goin' on? You lose evidence?

Speed: I'm looking for my phone. I left it here last night by accident and now I can't find it anywhere.

Calleigh: Did you check your pockets?

Speed: *lifts eyes*

Calleigh: *smiles* Just asking.

Speed: Someone must have t-...*picks up telephone, dials*

Calleigh: You're calling your phone?

Speed: It's a hunch.

Inside car, road

Tom: *picks up phone, flips it open* Morning.

Speed: Thomas, get back here right now with my phone.

Tom: Sorry, I can't. You have valuable evidence on it.

Speed: Those messages from Anni were meant for me, not you.

Tom: I need them to find her.

Speed: You think chasing her all over the United States is going to convince her that you love her?

Tom: I'm not going to sit on my ass waiting. Last message put her in South Dakota.

Speed: How would you know?

Tom: She only uses payphones, which happen to be the most ancient tool known to mankind.

Speed: I thought stones and fire were.

Tom: I'm following the stones she's leaving behind.

Speed: You do realize by the time you get there, she'll already be gone.

Tom: I left yesterday, I'm more than halfway there. I'm only two steps behind.

Speed: What exactly will this accomplish? She might not want to see you.

Tom: I figure the outcome will be one of two things. Either she's happy to see me after I profess my undying love for her, or she kicks my ass and I'll be driving back with a black eye. Both of which I'm used to when it comes to women.

Speed: You're paying for my phone bill.

Tom: Yeah right. *flips phone, tosses it into seat*

Miami Lab

Speed: *looks down at phone*

Calleigh: How has Horatio not fired him yet?

Speed: Because he's my responsibility.

Calleigh: Why haven't you fired him?

Speed: I have no idea.

Gables Estates, house, 11am

Lori: *picks up toys* Dominick! You're cruisin' for a bruisin'!

Dominick: *runs upstairs*

Lori: *sigh*

Doorbell rings

Lori: *walks over to door, opens it*

Scott: *lifts eyes*

Lori: *stares at Scott*

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *swings door*

Scott: *grabs door*

Lori: You can't come in until you get a haircut.

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: *smirks*

Scott: *walks in, wraps arms around Lori*

Lori: *hugs Scott*

Scott: *twirls Lori*

Lori: *smiles* Am I dreaming?

Scott: Absolutely not.

Lori: *kisses Scott*

Scott: *places Lori on floor*

Lori: *grabs Scott's hair* Seriously, get rid of this hair.

Scott: What did you do to yours?

Lori: You like brunettes. I mean, that's the only reason you fell in love with me, right?

Scott: If I recall, it was a little more than that.

Lori: *grabs Scott's hand, walks away*

Scott: *follows*

Lori: Steph!

Steph: *runs in* ...DADDY! *runs over*

Scott: Hey! *picks up Steph, hugs her*

Steph: *hugs Scott*

Scott: I hope you've been good.

Steph: Yup. *leans back* Are you done tryin' to die now?

Scott: *smirks* I'm going to be around for a long, long time.

Steph: Good.

Scott: Have you seen your brother anywhere?

Steph: He's hiding from Mommy upstairs.

Scott: I see. What do you say we go look for him.

Steph: OKAY! *jumps down, runs upstairs*

Scott: *wraps arms around Lori's waist* I'm comin' back for you.

Lori: What's with the change of heart? Are you sure it's not just the anti-depressants talking? Because the last time I saw you, you wanted to hack yourself into a dozen pieces.

Scott: I've decided to take control over my life in a more positive way.

Lori: Forgive me if I don't take everything you say as gospel.

Scott: *lets go* You don't have to. But I've had a lot of time to think, you know, really think. I mean, I've lost my job, I don't have custody of my kids, I spent 3 months in a psych ward and I'm not exactly in your good graces. Life couldn't get any worse so it may as well get better, right?

Lori: ...Did you go through a vision quest or something?

Scott: Bear with me for a second. If I hadn't had a relationship with Anni, I would have kept pushing all of this under the rug and lying to myself instead of facing the problems. She made me put things into perspective.

Lori: So...falling in love with Anni was a good thing.

Scott: Yes! I'm not perfect and I don't have to be.

Lori: ...Right.

Scott: I know it's hard to understand but I feel more...free. I used to feel like I was locked inside a room where the walls would slowly close in on themselves everytime I tried to move toward the door. So I just stayed still and remained perfect and kept up the status quo so those walls wouldn't crack or move but ultimately, the oxygen was being depleted from the room.

Lori: *stares at Scott*

Scott: I had the choice of either waiting for my own inaction to kill me because I was too afraid to move or to run through the door as the walls broke down.

Lori: ...I don't get it.

Scott: Pretending to be this all-American guy who was successful and perfect and held-together was just a facade. It was doing more harm than good. I was becoming more resentful and angry and disillusioned; it was sucking the life out of me.

Lori: *nods*

Scott: ...Being unfaithful to you is not something I ever pictured myself doing and I'm not proud of it. But it made me wake up and admit to myself that I'm flawed.

Lori: You want me to condone what you did.

Scott: No. I'm just saying...even though it was wrong...maybe it needed to happen. Otherwise I might still be trying to keep up this perfect persona and I would have killed myself.

Lori: ...I think I understand.

Scott: You don't have to forgive me but I want to make things right.

Lori: Time will tell.

Scott: *hugs Lori*

Lori: Oof.

Now this is what I'm talking about! PRODUCTIVE communication! It's lovely! Tom's on his way to face his fate- SCOTT came back home. No promises, but I think that by opening his heart, he's going to do more good than harm. Of course, Lori needs time to make sure, but I think that Scott's back for good- at least I hope:D

I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for Tom and Anni...I think it's going to work out:D * Hey, this is a first for me- being this optimistic...something better happen:guffaw: *

Awesome update!
Lol! Speed is gonna kick his ass when he gets back with that phone! knowing Anni she moved on some reservation with a bunch of Indians and is now living in a Tee-pee and has a crazy Indian name now! lol!

Scott must have caught up with his dead Indian shawman that doesn't speak English and got his advise cause he totally lost my ass ! Lol! Oh well ! Party on!

Great update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews! :adore:


Miami, APL Financial Building, 10am next day

Scott: *steps off elevator*

Music is heard playing; people are seen wearing hawaiian shirts

Scott: *lifts brow*

Bob: *walks over, smiles* Hey Scott!

Scott: What's all this?

Bob: Tropical shirt day. I've got some extras in the back if you want to change. *sips juice from coconut*

Scott: *stares at Bob*

Bob: It improves morale. The market may dip but APL will keep on dancin'. *does a jig*

Girl: *walks past* Looking good, boss!

Bob: *looks back* Thanks!

Scott: *smirks*

Bob: *places hand on Scott's shoulder* What can I do for you? *walks*

Scott: *follows* Well, I'm no longer with LSF.

Bob: You're kidding.

Scott: Nope. Fired.

Bob: Ouch. How'd that happen?

Scott: No one told you.

Bob: Told me what?

Scott: It's a long story. I haven't been to work in 3 months.

Bob: I'm sorry to hear that. Is everything alright?

Scott: It's getting there.

Bob: How are Lori and the kids?

Scott: I've hurt them pretty bad.

Bob: *stops walking* Scott, what happened.

Scott: ...I tried to kill myself.

Bob: *stares at Scott*

Scott: It was a mistake.

Bob: I'll say.

Scott: I went through some professional therapy and did some thinking afterward.

Bob: Scott, you know that if you ever have a problem...call me. Please. Even if it's just to have someone on the other end.

Scott: *nods*

Bob: You've got too many people that care about you to do something like that.

Scott: I know. It was stupid.

Bob: Have you got plans for a job?

Scott: Not really.

Bob: We need to change that.

Scott: I was thinking of taking some more time off to be with my family.

Bob: Well when you're itchin' to get back on the saddle, you come see me. Understand?

Scott: *smirks* Thank you.

Bob: You should come to the party tonight.

Scott: Party?

Bob: Yeah, bring Lori. Jeff and I are having a house-warming party.

Scott: You have a place in Miami?

Bob: *smiles* Our own slice of paradise.

Scott: Things just seem to be getting better and better for you and it's well-deserved.

Bob: I have a great gig going.

Scott: We'll definitely see you tonight.

Bob: Excellent. Miami Shores. I'll text you with the address.

Scott: Sounds good.

Bob: And lighten up. *slaps Scott's cheek* There are no frowns allowed in my house.

Scott: *smiles*

Bob: *walks away*

Highway, just outside Wyoming, 6pm

Anni: *turns key, leans back in seat*

Tayla: Mommy, how come we stop?

Anni: The car's just a little tired, sweetie. We'll be back on the road in no time.

Tayla: *looks out window*

Thunder rolls overhead

Anni: Great. *lies head on steeringwheel*

Smoke billows from engine block

Anni: *grabs cellphone* ...Wonderful. Dead battery.

Tayla: *opens baggie, eats Cheerios*

Anni: *sigh*

Large truck pulls over

Anni: *lifts eyes*

Rain pours

Anni: *looks out window*

Man: *knocks on window*

Anni: *rolls down window*

Man: You havin' engine trouble?

Anni: ...My daughter and I are waiting for a tow truck.

Man: *looks at Tayla*

Tayla: *drinks from juice box*

Man: I could give you a ride to a motel.

Anni: *smiles* We're really okay, thank you.

Man: It's gonna take about 3 hours for a tow truck to get here. My truck has heat.

Anni: We have blankets.

Man: Why don't you come outside, I have a working phone.

Anni: I'm not leaving my daughter. Sorry. Nothing personal.

Man: *opens car door* Let's talk.

Anni: *grabs .45 from under seat* Why don't you go back to your truck and drive away.

Man: *stares at gun*

Anni: Please.

Man: *grabs Anni's arm, drags her from the car*

Anni: AH!

Man: *shoves Anni against car* Give me the gun.

Anni: *points gun a Man* Get back!

Man: *grabs gun*

Anni: *frowns*

Man: *pulls slide back* It's not even loaded. *throws gun, laughs*

Anni: *swings fist*

Man: *grabs Anni's fist* Feisty. *pulls out knife*

Anni: *looks at knife*

Man: Get in the truck or I'll cut up your pretty little girl.

Anni: No.

Man: *shoves Anni against car*

Anni: *kicks Man in the groin, shoves fist into his nose*

Man: AH! *staggers back*

Anni: *picks up knife*

Man: *holds nose*


Man: *runs*

Anni: *looks back*

Truck drives off

Anni: *staring down highway*

Rain pours harder

Anni: *gets into car, shuts door*

Tayla: It's rainin', Mommy.

Anni: *sigh* I know. *locks door*

Tayla: What did the man want?

Anni: He just wanted to know if we needed any help.

Tayla: Oh.

Anni: You should get some sleep. Go into the back seat and cover up.

Tayla: *climbs into back seat*

Anni: And you don't leave the car for any reason, okay?

Tayla: *nods*

Anni: *wipes forehead*

well Looks like Bob's having a wonderful time at the office! Maybe this time Scott will be able to enjoy himself!

whoa! Anni not a good place to be with a child! WTF Barney Fife did you forget and leave your one bullet in left front short pocket for that gun you had! You know those things do work better with the bullets in them! lol!

Great update Geni!
I've always loved Bob, he's so buoyant, so full of life. He's definietly the one I would love to have in my corner. I think Bob's going to be the one to come to in a clutch. He's just awesome!

Anni...in the face of danger, she handles hers! It was extremely dangerous, and insane, but she took care of business and then was able to take care of Tayla. She's one tough chick- now let's see if she melts for Tom...

Awesome update!
Thanks for the reviews! :D


Miami Lab, 7:30am, 2 days later

Horatio: *looks down at phone*

Matthew: *steps off elevator* Lieutenant Caine.

Horatio: *lifts head*

Matthew: *extends hand* Matthew Whitfield, we spoke before. I'm with the Central Intelligence Agency.

Horatio: Agent Whitfield, I remember. *grabs Matthew's hand* What brings you back to Miami?

Matthew: Tia Richardson was supposed to stand trial this morning downtown on numerous counts of fraud, extorsion and evading authorities.

Horatio: And let me guess, she somehow slipped through the cracks again.

Matthew: This time she killed a federal agent. And she wasn't alone.

Horatio: How do you mean?

Matthew: I think someone on the inside helped her out. She may have been given the keys to the cuffs beforehand. I need to utilize your lab and find her before she kills someone else.

Horatio: The CIA has their own lab.

Matthew: Yes but what we don't have is time.

Horatio: So you want me to grant your people access to my crime lab.

Matthew: If you'll help us.

Horatio: Has anyone processed the scene?

Matthew: We're waiting on your people.

Horatio: *nods* I'll send my CSIs.

Matthew: Thank you, Lieutenant.


Speed: *kneels, picks up chains*

Natalia: How did she manage to kill the agent?

Speed: Alexx said blunt force trauma's the likely suspect. *points to wall* Cracked cinderblock and blood confirms that.

Natalia: We just need to find out who helped her.

Speed: Horatio's got the transport crew detained right now. *stands*

Natalia: Bullet holes in the walls and windows.

Speed: She stole his service pistol.

Katie: *walks over* Got the video surveillance. Maybe it saw which direction she went.

Speed: Get that over to the Hummer and analyze it right here.

Katie: *nods, walks away*

Speed: Natalia, talk to the security guards. I want to know why she wasn't stopped. We can't rule them out either.

Natalia: On it.


Horatio: Okay gentlemen, line up. Names, please.

Guy: Paul. This is Drew. You really think we'd let that nutjob go? If you ask me, we should have chained her in a box and rolled her into the courtroom.

Horatio: I need to see your keychains.

Paul: *pulls out keychains*

Horatio: Do all of you have a master key for the shackles?

Drew: We're not given the master key to prevent situations like this. Our only job was to transport her.

Horatio: So who has the master key?

Drew: Nobody knows. Like I said, not part of the handling package.

Horatio: *nods* Is it possible to tamper with them?

Paul: If you had a hacksaw, maybe. But it'd take you hours to get through.

Horatio: Okay. Thank you.

Near Hummer

Katie: *looks up, types*

Horatio: *steps over* Find anything?

Katie: Tia was brought right through security.

Horatio: How about the federal agent she killed?

Katie: He placed his things on the belt and walked through. Then she slams his head into the wall, takes his gun and starts shooting at the guards, who duck and cover.

Horatio: Giving her enough time to open the shackles.

Katie: Key was taped onto the service pistol. The dead agent was in on it?

Horatio: It's certainly looking that way.

Katie: Prints on the tape may be able to confirm that. But check this out, she takes his briefcase and runs. It was the only item not to go through the scanner.

Horatio: *stares at screen*

Katie: Looks like it's heavy.

Horatio: It may contain an explosive device.

Katie: *looks at Horatio* Why would she need a bomb...

Horatio: Let's find her before we find out. *walks away*

Miami Lab, layout room

Delko: *clicks mouse*

Speed: *walks over* You lift a print from the tape?

Delko: Yeah, I'm just running it through the system. The weird thing is, the print was on the outside of the tape, not on the inside.

Speed: They still could have been the one who gave her the key and they might know what she's planning to do.

Delko: Did Katie see how she got away?

Speed: There was a blacked out vehicle waiting for her, it sped off. She wasn't able to see a plate.

Computer beeps

Delko: *looks at screen*

Speed: Drew DiMazzo. That's one of the transport agents.

Interrogation room

Horatio: *places picture on table*

Drew: *looks down at picture*

Matthew: *crosses arms*

Horatio: That's your print on the tape which held the master key onto the gun.

Drew: *lifts eyes* That's impossible. I didn't have anything to do with this.

Matthew: What are you getting out of it?

Drew: I'm telling you, I didn't help her. I wouldn't help that bitch for all the riches in the world.

Horatio: Agent Whitfield tells me you were the one who gave your partner the briefcase, which we believe may contain an explosive device.

Drew: Whoa, whoa hold on. He was missing his gear, I just helped him out. That briefcase has paperwork in it, not a bomb.

Horatio: *looks at Matthew*

Matthew: *shakes head*

Horatio: *looks at Drew* I want to know where she's taking it.

Drew: I don't know! You're supposed to be the investigators, right? I'm just a driver.

Horatio: *looks at Cop*

Cop: *grabs Drew*

Drew: What's going on? Where am I going?

Horatio: You're being detained.

Drew/Cop leave

Matthew: You aren't going to press him harder?

Horatio: I don't think he was a part of this.

Matthew: His print was on the tape.

Horatio: The outside of the tape. It could have happened as he was giving the gear to our dead agent.

Matthew: Or he could have fallen for Tia while she was in custody and he's following her blindly.

Horatio: Actually, in this case, I think Ms. Richardson is the pawn.

Matthew: How so?

Horatio: All of the other times she's escaped, her motives were to extort and to fade away into the background quietly so she could continue making a living ripping people off. A bomb implies a message.

Matthew: It's possible all of that time behind bars and anger toward the people who put her there sent her over the edge.

Horatio: Maybe. But my gut says differently.

Matthew: Unfortunately, your gut isn't going to stop her. We're running out of time.

Horatio: I want to see your agents' psychological profiles.

Matthew: What are you looking for?

Horatio: Motive. *walks away*

Matthew: *stares at door*

That blasted TIA! UGh...I'm not usually a promoter of violence and death, but this chick needs a taste of both. Like H, I think Tia's the pawn here, something else is at work...I wonder where she's going with an EXPLOSIVE DEVICE...Whoever the target is, please...let them survive *eyes Scott, Bob and Lori*...

Awesome update!
hu oh! here comes trouble for Scott and Lori again ! somebody better put them in hiding somewhere before Tia finds them! something tells me that bomb is ment for them!

Run and d Hide People! Tia's got a gun!

Great Update Geni
Thanks for the review! :devil:


APL Financial, 48th floor

Bob: *writing*

Woman: *walks in* Sir?

Bob: *lifts head* I need to head to a meeting, can this wait?

Woman: You wanted to know when security picked up a positive match on the new facial recognition program.

Bob: And?

Woman: *places paper on desk* Tia Richardson just entered the building. She's carrying a briefcase.

Bob: *stands, walks around desk*



People look over

Bob: Get out! Get out of the building! NOW!

People stand, start to leave

Woman: Should I pull the fire alarm?

Bob: Not yet. I want cameras on her right now.

Woman: *walks into cucible, grabs computer*

Bob: *steps in*

Woman: *types*

Bob: Where is she?

Woman: She's in the elevator, climbing to this floor.

Bob: I want you to leave. Count 15 seconds and pull the fire alarm.

Woman: Yes sir. *walks away*

Bob: *looks at elevator*

Elevator doors open

Bob: *stands straight*

Tia: *walks in*

Bob: Ms. Richardson. You should have called ahead, I would have thrown a party.

Tia: *looks around*

Bob: What's in the briefcase?

Tia: A bomb.

Bob: *nods*

Tia: ...I can't turn it off.

Bob: Isn't that a good thing?

Tia: *lifts wrist*

Cuffs are seen attached to briefcase

Tia: I was told it was money. He said I had to chain it to my wrist so I wouldn't lose it or give it to someone else. But the thing started beeping.

Bob: ...This wasn't your idea.

Tia: He said he'd take it when I got here but he's not here. I can't find him.

Fire alarm goes off

Bob: Who told you to do this?

Tia: Get this thing off of me. Please.

Bob: How long's it been beeping?

Tia: 30 minutes.

Bob: *looks at briefcase*

Tia: Cut my hand off, do what you gotta do but I don't want to blow up. I don't want to die. He set me up.

Bob: *looks around* There's a knife in the kitchen, maybe I can cut the cuffs.

Tia: Hurry.

Bob: *runs backwards* Sit down, try to calm down.

Tia: I can't calm down! I have a b-

Bomb explodes; debris flies

Miami Lab, breakroom

Speed: *runs out* H!

Horatio: *looks over*

Speed: You have to see this.

Horatio: *walks over, looks at television*

Speed: It's APL.

Horatio: We were too late.

Matthew: *walks over, staring down at phone* I was just informed that the bomb was detonated.

Horatio: APL Financial. You used to work there.

Matthew: *looks at screen* ...That's one hell of a mess.

Speed: People already started evacuating before it went off so she was detected. Fire rescue's on the way.

Horatio: Once it's determined the building's safe, I want to collect every piece of that bomb. The fragments should have been contained.

Speed: *nods*

Horatio: *looks at Matthew* Did you get me the psychological profiles?

Matthew: CSIs Duquesne and Delko are reviewing them right now.

Horatio: Speed, get down to the crime scene. She was driving a vehicle, I want it processed.

Speed: Sure thing. *walks away*

Horatio: Any thoughts come to mind as to who might have done this?

Matthew: If we're talking motive, Tia had the strongest one. APL's the number one company with a lot of money to squeeze out and she didn't get her way, instead she ended up with a jail sentence. It's the only company she hasn't been able to effectively ruin.

Horatio: *shakes head* Something stinks about this.

Matthew: *looks at Horatio*

Horatio: I'm going to find out what it is. *walks away*

APL Financial, 48th floor

Bob: *opens eyes, coughs* ...*pushes desk over* Tia! *climbs over collapsed wall*

Lights are seen swaying, windows are all broken

Bob: *wipes forehead, looks down at hand* ...*looks down at floor*

Body parts are seen scattered

Bob: *stares at floor*


Speed: *opens truck door*

Horatio: *steps over*

Speed: *lifts eyes*

Horatio: Who does the truck belong to?

Speed: Plates come back to the CIA. The whole idea is for it not to be traceable to one agent. *picks up cellphone* Disposable cellphone.

Horatio: So she was receiving orders.

Speed: The only question is from whom. The incoming calls are blocked.

Horatio: Process the truck for DNA and prints. If he slipped up, we can catch him. Otherwise the bomb seems to be our only lead.

Speed: ...You have someone in mind, don't you.

Horatio: I do.

Speed: Someone from the psych profiles?

Horatio: I'll be waiting on the building clearance. Page me with what you find. *walks away*

Speed: *nods*

Street, 40 minutes later

Bob: *walks out of building, holding head*

Speed: *looks over*

Bob: *sits on ground*

Speed: *runs over* Robert Bennett?

Bob: *lifts head*

Speed: Tim Speedle.

Bob: You're Lori's father.

Speed: Do you need an ambulance?

Bob: No, the blood's not mine.

Speed: *sits* What happened?

Bob: Tia Richardson. She had a bomb chained to her arm, she was forced to do this.

Speed: By whom?

Bob: She didn't say. But she thought the briefcase had money in it until it started beeping and some man told her over the phone to meet him here.

Speed: Did the guy show?

Bob: She couldn't find him.

Speed: We're going to find out who did this.

Bob: *stands* I need to make sure my employees are okay.

Speed: *stands* Right now, you need to worry about yourself. You should go to the hospital to get checked out.

Bob: *nods*

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