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And the answer...
Restaurant, 3pm
Riley: *digs at salad*
Speed: Are you seeing anyone?
Riley: *smirks* I don't date.
Speed: Why not?
Riley: *shrugs* Not really interested.
Speed: Good.
Riley: *lifts eyes*
Speed: Men are nothing but trouble.
Riley: *smiles*
Speed: *winks, places napkin onto table*
Outside restaurant
Donahinkle: *taps on window*
Inside restaurant
Speed: *looks at window*
Outside restaurant
Donahinkle: *makes hand motions* I'm...*makes hand motions forward* Watching you. *pokes self in the eye* OW!
Inside restaurant
Speed: *lifts brow*
Riley: *looks at window* Why is that clown-woman staggering into the busy street?
Speed: Maybe she's having a stroke or something.
Semi trailer is seen zooming past; Donahinkle is seen giving the finger
Riley: What's Katie been up to?
Speed: *looks at Riley* She-
Katie: She's right here. With your stupid child. *sits in booth*
Brook: *takes soda, drinks*
Katie: She just doesn't stop. It's cookie this and 'where's mommy' that, I'm beginning to wish
I was her mother just so I could get her to shut the hell up.
Speed: ...Riley, you remember Brooklyn.
Riley: *smiles* She's so sweet.
Brook: I want food too. *takes Riley's salad*
Speed: *looks at Katie*
Katie: What? Nowhere in my job description did it say Food Machine.
Brook: *munches on leaves*
Speed: Do you remember anything from your days as a mother?
Riley: If she did, maybe I'd still be a Speedle.
Speed/Katie: *look at Riley*
Riley: ...It's a joke.
Katie: *lowers eyes*
Riley: I'm okay with my life, really.
Katie: Maybe I should go.
Riley: No, stay. I'd love to have lunch with both of you.
Katie: I used to be a good mother. I did the lullaby thing and I even learned to knit. *looks at Riley* Your first onesie was something I spent months on before you were born. Tim can attest. I had potential, I really did.
Riley: I'm sure you were a great mother to me, Katie. I know that what happened wasn't your fault and I don't blame you.
Katie: Just tell me one thing. Were your kidnappers nice to you? I mean, did they take care of you?
Riley: ...They took me because they couldn't have children. It wasn't the right thing to do but they were parents. They gave me everything.
Katie: Until your father turned into a murderer and killed your kidnapping bitch mother.
Speed: Katie.
Riley: It's okay. They made some bad decisions and it left me on my own...I'm actually thankful for that. I was able to find you two.
Brook: *picks up glass, drinks*
Riley: *looks at Brook* You guys have a beautiful family.
Speed: You're part of it.
Riley: ...I appreciate that.
Brook: *points* Daddy, who's that?
Speed: That's Riley.
Brook: She's pretty.
Speed: *smirks* Yes, she is.
Riley: *smiles*
Katie: *jumps over to other side of booth* My baby. *hugs Riley*
Riley: *blinks*
Katie: *starts to cry* How come Lori couldn't turn out as well as you?
Speed: *clears throat*
Katie: Oh whatever Tim. You know she's the rotten apple, just accept it.
Riley: *looks around*
Speed: Maybe you're making Riley uncomfortable.
Katie: Nonsense. My babies love hugs.
Riley: *stares at Speed*
Speed: Katie, let her go.
Katie: *lets go* You suck.
Brook: *crawls under table, jumps onto booth*
Riley: *looks at Brook, smiles* Hey.
Brook: Hi. *grabs Riley's hair* I like your hair.
Riley: Yours is very pretty, too. We brunettes are special.
Brook: *eyes widen* We are?
Riley: Yep. We're tough.
Brook: I'm tough. *scrunches face* Oooooh.
Riley: *laughs*
Katie: You want kids someday? Because I think Lori might be up for selling Dominick to the highest bidder.
Riley: Nah, kids aren't really my thing.
Katie: Yeah right. I said the same thing and I ended up having a boat load.
Speed: ...You had 3. That's hardly a boat load.
Katie: Oh wait, maybe I was thinking about you. You've had what, 10? 11?
Speed: *frowns* Not even close.
Katie: *looks at Riley* I know a great guy for you, his name's Tom.
Speed: Tom's already married.
Katie: So? You were married to me and fooled around with Carly, Jess, Calleigh and Anni.
Speed: ...We were divorced when I was with Anni.
Riley: Now I see why Tim has so many kids.
Speed: *looks at Riley*
Riley: *smiles*
Katie: How about Josh? Is he still gay?
Speed: Uh, Josh is her uncle.
Katie: I thought he was only half her uncle.
Speed: He'd only be half her uncle if we actually cut him in half. And either way, I can't believe I'm even entertaining your disgusting ideas.
Katie: How about Eric?
Speed: Eric's too old for her.
Katie: Ryan?
Speed: Ryan's not intelligent enough.
Katie: Stetler?
Speed: *frowns*
Katie: OH!
Speed: Not Scott.
Katie: Damnit. What about women? *looks at Rileys, brows bounce*
Riley: No thanks.
Katie: So men crank your...crank. *scratches head* I know there's a saying in there somewhere. Wheel? Can you crank a wheel? I thought you blew air into wheels. Perfect, men blow your-
Speed: Katie.
Katie: What? I wasn't even being naughty this time. Riley's 33 years old and she has no man in her life. *looks at Riley* Haven't you ever been on a date?
Riley: No.
Katie: Why?
Riley: I focused on my career instead of hitting the dating scene.
Katie: Man, if Scott wasn't already taken...
Riley: Scott's a nice man. But he's not my type.
Katie: What's your type?
Riley: Single guy.
Katie: Perfect. Tom's wife just left him.
Speed: Anni didn't leave him.
Katie: Well she didn't take him with her, did she?
Speed: Some couples need time apart to figure things out. It doesn't mean Tom's single and it doesn't mean Anni isn't coming back so stop pimping him out.
Katie: Why are you always defending Tom? He broke Lori's heart and ruined his own marriage. Not to mention he's stole your kid.
Speed: First of all, Lori's the one that chewed him up and spit him out. Secondly, nobody stole Brook.
Katie: But he did ruin his marriage.
Speed: ...He's young. He'll figure it out.
Katie: He's not that young.
Riley: Um, Brook fell asleep. Should I move her or?
Speed: I'll take her.
Katie: Hey, can I get clothes for free since I gave birth to you?
Riley: No. But you can have a 30% discount.
Katie: You're so cheap.
Speed: Katie, enough.
Katie: What? She's a CEO, she can do whatever she wants. HEY! How much chedder do you have anyway? 'Cause I know Scott's not leaving me anything when he finally kicks it.
Speed: Why would Scott die before you?
Katie: Clearly he has a death wish, in case you hadn't noticed.
Riley: I make enough money to live comfortably.
Katie: Maybe we can come over to your place one of these days. Dinner, maybe? OH! I'll get you a date!
Riley: No, that's really not nec-
Katie: It'll be fun. Tomorrow, 9/8 central?
Speed: *lifts brow*
Katie: ...The guy on TV always says that, I figured I'd give it a shot.