Aw, Katie I'm sure there's nothing in the water where you live. :lol: ...I hope.
calleighspeedle, I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter.
I agree, it wasn't good that he kept everything bottled up. Poor guy needed to let everything go.
Never Look Away
Hummerhome, 10 am
Horatio: *picks up map* Who touched my map?
Katie: No one.
Horatio: Why are there marks everywhere?
Carly: *shrugs*
Horatio: Now I don't remember where we were going.
Speed: Maybe you should just wing it.
Horatio: But then we won't have structure or anything.
Delko: *grabs map* Wing it H.
Horatio: ...But I don't have wings.
Calleigh: I'll drive!
Horatio: NO! NO. I drive.
On the road
Carly: *singing* We're on the road again, uh...bla bla bla forgot the words bla bla bla.
Delko: Why do you sing a song you don't know?
Carly: It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Horatio: Okay Speed, you're in charge of the pictures.
Speed: Pictures of what?
Horatio: Stetler and Megan want a photo album.
Speed: For what?
Horatio: A presentation on 'field work'
Delko: This is field work? Man we should do this more often.
Speed: I am not going to take a picture of every blade of grass-
Anni: COW!
Speed: WHERE!
Speed: Get the camera, get the camera.
Katie: *grabs camera*
Speed: ....
Katie: What?
Speed: We passed the cow.
Katie: Aw, I'm sorry.
Speed: *sigh*
Delko: Hey if you wanted, I could make some moo sounds and then you can take a picture of me.
Speed: That's okay Eric I already knew you were a cow.
Delko: ...
Speed: It's a joke. You're supposed to laugh.
Delko: It wasn't funny. It was mean.
Speed: Everything I say to you is mean.
Delko: I know but I've never been called a cow before.
Anni: Hey Eric you have a new teddy?
Delko: YES! I do.
Anni: What's his name?
Delko: Snorkles.
Speed: ....Snorkles.
Delko: Yeah.
Speed: What the hell is that?
Delko: My teddy's name.
Speed: Did you pick the name yourself?
Delko: As a matter of fact I did.
Speed: Well that explains a lot.
Delko: Shut up.
Katie: COW!
Speed: WHERE!
Katie: ...False alarm. It was a fake cow.
Delko: Fake cow?
Katie: It was on a billboard.
Speed: Don't do that.
Horatio: Let's go to Niagra Falls.
Calleigh: Oh I'd like to see the falls.
Colton: Wait, which side are we going on? The Canada side or the US side?
Horatio: Whichever side has more of the falls.
Calleigh: ...I think they both do.
Speed: WUBBA!
Delko: *screams*
Speed: Serves you right.
Delko: ...Dude, not fair. *crosses arms*
Hummerhome serves and a large pop is heard
Horatio: ...Uh oh.
Calleigh: What happened?
Horatio: Flat tire.
Delko: Aren't these tires bullet proof?
Horatio: They are.
Jess: So what happened?
Horatio: No matter what vehicle is on the highway, it manages to get a flat tire somehow. *turns off engine* Looks like we have to fix it.
Jess: As long as my boobs don't get stuck somewhere again, it's all good.
Horatio: Okay someone find the tire iron.
Delko: It's your Hummerhome, you do it.
Horatio: I need help.
Speed: I'll help.
Calleigh: I'll help.
Horatio: Thank you.
Delko: Yeah guys, way to make me look bad.
Horatio: Okay we need to get the tire off the roof.
Calleigh: Tim can do it.
Speed: Calleigh can do it.
Calleigh: Horatio, you can do it.
Horatio: How about this. Speed, get the tire from the roof. Calleigh, hold the tire iron. I'll see if I can flag down some help. *walks away*
Calleigh: Alright Tim, get going.
Speed: Why can't you do it?
Calleigh: I don't want to fall and break my pretty face.
Speed: You think it's pretty?
Calleigh: *slaps Speed* Stop it.
Speed: *rolls up sleeves* Alright I'll go get it.
Calleigh: Why do I feel like we've done this.
Speed: Because we have. Our first trip.
Calleigh: Oh yeah. Well, as long as Eric doesn't think you're trying to kill us all again I guess we're okay.
Speed: *climbs up ladder*
Calleigh: *watches* Watch your step.
Speed: Yeah.
Calleigh: Be careful it might be slippery. OH! Watch for that last step. Don't swing your leg too much. Don't look down or you might fall.
Speed: *looks at Calleigh*
Calleigh: Just trying to help.
Speed: *climbs up onto roof*
Calleigh: You see the tire?
Speed: Yeah. I'll throw it down.
Calleigh: Not onto me I hope.
Speed: Why would I want to ruin your pretty face?
Calleigh: Is that sarcasm?
Speed: Yeah.
Calleigh: Good.
Speed: *grabs tire* ...Great. It's stuck. Just my luck.
Calleigh: Well just try and wiggle it. OH! Pull the sides and then slide it. No wait, just lift it up off the latches. Maybe you can roll it off this way. Can't you climb down with it?
Speed: Calleigh!
Calleigh: Yes?
Speed: I got it under control.
Calleigh: Sorry. I'm just trying to make sure you don't kill yourself.
Speed: *mumbles* God are you my colleague or my wife.
Calleigh: Excuse me?
Speed: Nothing. *looks down at roof*
Calleigh: ...What? What is it?
Speed: You can see into the bathroom from up here
Calleigh: *rolls eyes* Can we get the tire down now?
Speed: Yeah. *grabs tire* It's stuck.
Calleigh: Pull it.
Speed: I am pulling it.
Calleigh: Get down here, I'll do it.
Speed: Fine. Have at it. *climbs down ladder*
Calleigh: *climbs up ladder*
Speed: *shakes head* Just because I couldn't do it, doesn't mean you'll be able to.
Calleigh: Wow you really CAN see into the bathroom from up here. Gross.
Speed: Cal.
Calleigh: Sorry. *grabs tire* Whew it really is stuck on there. *yanking tire* Come on you tire you. *pulling tire* My they sure get these on here tight. *yanks tire, slips* AH! *falls off roof*
Speed: *runs over, catches Calleigh*
Calleigh: *covering eyes* Am I dead?
Speed: No you're not dead.
Calleigh: ...*uncovers eyes* ....You caught me.
Speed: I wasn't going to let you fall to your death.
Calleigh: *smiles* That is the sweetest thing you've ever done for me.
Speed: *puts Calleigh down* You okay?
Calleigh: I'm fine.
Speed: *nods*
Calleigh: *staring at Speed*
Horatio: *walks over* You guys get the tire?
Speed: No. It's stuck up there. Calleigh fell off the roof.
Calleigh: It's true I did.
Horatio: You alright?
Calleigh: I'm fine. Tim caught me.
Horatio: Okay I'll grab Eric. He can take the tire down.
Speed: I'm not catching him if he falls off the roof.
Horatio: *frowns*
Speed: Sorry.