Hah yes, Speed for some reason is less of a man whore. Ho-hum.
Lora! You can definitely be the translator. And they wouldn't drop you, lol. And yes, I did in Gavin. Methinks it's time for the OC characters to head into the light (or at least fade into the dark for a bit) except you guys of course.
Anni! *huggles and snuggles* don't worry, RT Anni will be all loonied up before they head out to Russia and the spat will be a footnote in their relationship--it being normal and all.

(That never happens 0_0)
Thanks for the reviews!
I still need to put a soundtrack together. *rubs chin* this entire story reminds me of everything in my playlist..
Miami Lab lounge
Katie: Okay everyone, here's the plan. *slaps paper on table* We decorate the Hummerhome for Christmas this year.
Lora: Ten bucks says it starts a fire at some point.
Katie: No one's going to start any fires.
Lilly: But what if the lights shatter when someone's fighting or if we're crashing into something or sinking or being fired at or-
Katie: Lilly honey? Shut up.
Lilly: Right.
Heather: I think it's a great idea. Besides, it would be nice to decorate instead of destroy.
Katie: Okay so I'll appoint everyone to supplies. OH one other thing. We're doing Secret Santa this year so y'all are going to pull a name out of hat and buy a gift for that person. Which brings me to the first task. A tree.
Lilly: You mean kindling.
Katie: Tree. *scribbles things on paper* Lilly, you and Ryan are going to pick out a tree for the Hummerhome. It can't be taller than 10 feet.
Lilly: Wide?
Katie: ...What kind of screwed up Christmas trees did you buy as a child?
Lora: So what's my job?
Katie: You'll be on electrical with Eric.
Lora: *starts to laugh*
Katie: What.
Lora: Me. And Eric. With electricity.
Katie: *nods* You'll buy the decorations for the tree.
Lora: Good move.
Katie: Heather, you can take the electrical department.
Heather: Any specific color scheme you want to see?
Katie: I'm thinking yellows and reds.
Heather: So...Miami.
Katie: Why not.
Lora: Oh my God.
Katie: What?
Lora: Horatio's hair is going to be SO bright.
Heather: How about blues and yellows.
Katie: Mix it up all you want, as long as it doesn't end up looking like a cheap disco.
Lora: So who decided to put you in charge?
Katie: I'm the senior road tripper.
Lora: Excuse me?
Katie: I was here first. Well, along with Anni and Colton.
Lora: So that gives you some sort of super seniority over us.
Katie: You joined last.
Lora: Heather joined last.
Lilly: Actually I think Lilly joined last.
Katie: Okay it doesn't matter WHO joined last. It's important that I joined FIRST.
Lora: Can we put decorations on the outside?
Katie: I don't know, would it look good?
Lora: You're asking me?
Katie: You suggested it.
Lora: I'm stuck with buying fibre glass balls and garland. Obviously I'm not responsible to handle anything else.
Katie: Was that sarcasm?
Lora: *scratches head* I think it was.
Heather: We need to re-furnish the furniture.
Katie: So we need fabric.
Heather: We need
Lora: Hey can we put a fireplace in?
Lilly: Hun, stop while you're ahead.
Lora: Right.
Katie: I'll take care of the money.
Heather: Yeah I heard you've inherited this mysterious amount of cash.
Katie: Yeah? From who?
Heather: Oh it's just a rumour.
Katie: Well let's get this started. And no one tell Horatio because he'll just pull the plug on the whole thing.
Lora: Oh I'll distract him. *winks*
Katie: ...Please don't ever do that again.
Tree shop
Ryan: Seems kind of stupid to have a tree shop in the middle of Miami.
Lilly: Everyone needs a Christmas.
Ryan: So why are we buying a tree 28 days before Christmas?
Lilly: Because we're trying not to involve Horatio.
Ryan: I don't think a tree will last that long.
Lilly: Um then why are they selling them this early? Think about it.
Ryan: Because these are plastic.
Lilly: Exactly my point. So how do you like that one?
Ryan: It's brown. Who sells a brown tree?
Lilly: Maybe to match the horrendous colors in Miami. Last I checked, brown looks better with salmon and bright orange.
Ryan: It looks dead.
Lilly: I didn't say we were buying it.
Ryan: How much money did Katie give you?
Lilly: 20 dollars.
Ryan: Oh so it'll be like a poor man's Christmas.
Lilly: *rolls eyes* Cute.
Ryan: *smiles*
Lilly: How about that one?
Ryan: It's a little tall.
Lilly: It can't be taller than you.
Ryan: I feel short beside it.
Lilly: So over-compensate by growing bigger muscles.
Ryan: Now who's being cute.
Lilly: *laughs*
Man: *walks over* Can I help you two?
Lilly: Yes. We're looking for a tree.
Man: Well you've come to the right place. We sell trees here. What kind are you lookin' for?
Lilly: Something big.
Ryan: But not too big.
Lilly: And green.
Ryan: But not too green.
Lilly: Something living-looking.
Ryan: But not actually alive.
Lilly: It has to have big branches.
Ryan: But not too big.
Lilly: And a good strong base.
Ryan: Not too strong though.
Lilly: And fairly light.
Ryan: But not too light or it'll fall over.
Lilly: Wait do you have those little trees that when you clap or move they wake up and start dancing?
Man: ...
Lilly: *runs over to tree* OH I LIKE THIS ONE!
Man: You've got a swell wife over there.
Ryan: What? *laughs* No, no. She's not my wife. We're just...Uh actually I don't know what we are.
Man: Mhm. That's when they getcha. *walks away*
Ryan: *confused face*
Lilly: *runs over* I want that one.
Ryan: It looks gangly.
Lilly: And it needs a home.
Ryan: I think Katie wanted something that looked...Less like it belonged to a homeless person.
Lilly: It's green, it's tall but not too tall and it has nice long branches. What more could we ask for?
Ryan: I just don't think it looks very good.
Lilly: *frowns* It looks fine.
Ryan: There isn't even a tip at the top.
Lilly: So it won't scratch the ceiling.
Ryan: Fine, get the tree.
Lilly: Are you mad at me?
Ryan: No.
Lilly: Well I'm mad at you. *walks away*
Ryan: I...*sigh* Fine.
Man: *leans over* Told ya.
Ryan: *frowns*
Anni: *washing dishes*
Knock on door is heard
Anni: Come in unless you're a burglar.
Lori: *opens door* Is the fighting finished?
Anni: You shouldn't be here.
Lori: *walks in* Well I wanted to return this. *hands over crock pot* It looked kind of lonely on my counter top.
Anni: Great, thanks. Now leave.
Lori: You here alone?
Anni: Why, you want to rob me for drug money?
Lori: I thought we were cool with each other.
Anni: That was before you ruined your life.
Lori: I don't regret it.
Anni: You should. *throws crock pot into sink, turns on water*
Lori: *places envelope on counter*
Anni: What's that?
Lori: A cheque.
Anni: I don't want it. For all I know it's stolen.
Lori: It's not.
Anni: So where'd you get it?
Lori: I sold my bike. There's 20 000 there.
Anni: Look, I'm sure you feel very proud of yourself but you're only really doing this because you have to stick your fingers into everything.
Lori: *lifts brow* You're family.
Anni: *stares at Lori*
Lori: I didn't know he was stealing. It's the least I can do.
Anni: *scoffs* It's not like it mattered to you where the money was coming from, Lori.
Lori: A few months ago I would have agreed with you. *shakes head* I must have put you guys through hell.
Anni: That's putting it mildly.
Lori: I understand if you hate me. I'm not exactly my biggest fan either.
Anni: I don't hate you, I just don't trust you.
Lori: *smirks*
Anni: No offence.
Lori: *smiles* None taken.
Anni: I heard about what happened by the way. That has to suck.
Lori: *shrugs* That's life.
Anni: I thought you'd be more upset than that.
Lori: I was. I was probably more angry than anything--angry at him, and myself for not doing enough. Y'know, at treatment I was told that there's a higher power working in mysterious ways. I didn't really believe that, it was all a kind of joke to me, I even laughed at it. But Gavin pulled me out of the gutter and showed me what I was missing, - whatever his motive may have been - when no one else could even if they tried. I can't be angry at him for that.
Anni: *nods slowly* Never figured you to be very religious.
Lori: I'm not. *walks to door* I'll see you around. *leaves*
Anni: Bye.