Heh, sunshine is for sure, that and a lovely bedside manner.
LOL, well the whole Lori/Gavin storyline is going to come to an end before the end of this thread. They aren't going to break up or anything, we're just not going to see them because well, everything must come to an end.
Maine, US, Wal-Mart
Anni: *grabs shopping cart*
Delko: You sure Horatio won't find us here?
Anni: Relax, the US is huge.
Delko: Yeah but how many blimps do you know of that are at Wal-Mart?
Anni: Not many but here's to hoping he checks out Florida first. Man, I never thought we'd be fleeing the red-headed wonder.
Katie: Yeah it seems so evil. *looks at watch* We'd better hurry. Wal-Mart's going to close soon.
Anni: This store closes?
Katie: Yeah.
Colton: So what kind of groceries are we looking for?
Colton: No.
Katie: What's wrong with mustard?
Colton: I'm tired of eating it. I don't like it and it's even worse without something to put it on.
Katie: *eye twitches* Bite your tongue.
Colton: Let's get some Hungry Man dinners or something.
Lora: OH! OH! Can we get a bucket of ice cream? Please?
Anni: We only have so much money.
Lora: How much exactly?
Anni: I don't know, it's Stetler's credit card.
Lora: I thought you gave that to the blimp guy.
Anni: Stetler had more than one.
Lora: Why don't you get your own credit card?
Anni: I can't use mine. Speed took it.
Katie: Is that because you kept buying all those baby things with it?
Anni: Yeah which is weird because I never saw them again after I ordered them.
Katie: Okay, let's split up to cover more ground. I'll go with Anni and the rest of you just spin around until we get back.
Colton: Wait, that's not splitting up.
Katie: No kidding.
Colton: At least make it even.
Katie: Fine you can come with us.
Colton: Fine.
Katie: Which means Delko, you'll be with Ryan and Lora. Lilly and Missy, you two are together.
Lilly: What happened to Carly?
Katie: ....I think we left her in England.
Missy: Way to go.
Katie: Off to aisle five! *runs with cart*
Anni: Wait for me!
Aisle five
Katie: ....
Anni: ...
Colton: Ha ha ha. It's the toy section.
Manager: *walks over* I'm the manager.
Katie: Where's the mustard and why isn't it in aisle five?
Manager: Mustard doesn't get its own aisle. You'll find that on aisle fifteen with the rest of the condiments.
Katie: 0_0
Anni: Bad idea.
Colton: You're in for it now.
Manager: *grabs toupee off of floor* YOU'RE INSANE! *runs away*
Katie: *places hands on hips* That's more like it. Now help me to put all the mustard in this aisle.
Anni: Um, you don't think the people at wal-mart will notice?
Katie: Pretend we're buying all of the toys and when you get to aisle fifteen, pretend you don't want the toys anymore and just chuck 'em on the floor.
Anni: You're not allowed to do that.
Katie: I pay taxes. I can do whatever I want.
Anni: You don't pay taxes.
Colton: Yeah you haven't paid taxes in a long time.
Katie: WELL YOU GUYS PAY TAXES! Come on, help me out here.
Colton: Sorry Katie but wal-mart's too big of a company. I don't want to mess around with it. It's like taking Burger King and smashing it into McDonalds. Ain't gonna happen.
Katie: We're not talking about pushing two stores together, we're talking about the integrity of everything that is aisle five. It's where I met the love of my life and if you don't help me, I'm going to stick your head in this mop bucket.
Colton: ....Okay. *runs*
Anni: *crosses arms* I knew it.
Katie: What.
Anni: You still love him.
Katie: OH MY GOD CALL THE COAST GUARD. Of course I do. It's like Clark Kent and Lana Lang..Or...Luthor or...Lang again, anyway we both love each other but we're not gonna say it.
Anni: I thought you were like Ross and Rachel.
Katie: Oh that is sooo 2006.
Anni: *lifts brow* So what does this make me?
Katie: It makes you stupid. Clar-I mean Speed isn't gonna stay with you.
Katie: Pfft, takes one to know one.
Anni: What does that even have to do with anything? And if anything, you're the one who's dating everyone from Lexx Luthor to Jason Teague.
Katie: Mmmmm I love me some Jensen Ackles.
Anni: Katie, focus.
Katie: *blinks* Look, it's one of those things you can't change. You're like the middle man. Or well, middle woman. See, you have the biggest disadvantage.
Anni: You know...This might be very confusing to people who don't watch Smallville or Friends.
Katie: Ah man now you have me thinking about Jensen Ackles....
Anni: *rolls eyes*
Katie: Hehe.
Anni: Take a cold shower already.
Katie: Ugh, just help me move the toys.
Gun aisle...It's Wal-Mart people
Ryan: Okay Eric don't move.
Delko: What? Why?
Ryan: You might kill someone.
Delko: I haven't touched anything.
Ryan: Let's keep it that way.
Delko: Ooh look at the pretty knife. *extends hand*
Ryan: NO!
Knife falls off shelf, glass breaks around them
Ryan: ....
Ryan: Um it was your fault. I told you not to move.
Delko: Yeah well learn to control me better.
Ryan: You want a shock collar?
Delko: Can it have spikes on it?
Ryan: *frowns* You aren't supposed to be with me on this.
Delko: Oh.
Ryan: *sigh* Let's go look for a shock collar.
Delko: YAY!
Near front of store
Lora: *hiding behind shopping carts* Okay, here's the plan. You take the greeter's buttons and I'll rip his vest.
Lilly: Aren't you supposed to be with someone else?
Lora: Are you kidding me? We make the best team out of all of them.
Lilly: What are you going to accomplish by taking the greeter's vest?
Lora: Um HELLO. The Wal-Mart vest is like Superman's cape. You take it from a greeter and they're powerless to give out buttons and stickers.
Lilly: So you're going to attack and old man just so he doesn't give out stickers?
Lora: Not just ANY stickers. Happy face stickers. The nerve of it all. *shakes head*
Lilly: You are not tackling a 90 year old man.
Lora: I'm not touching him. *whips out tongs*
Lilly: *frowns*
Bathroom, Miami
Lori: *sigh*
Calleigh: Okay what's the first thing we do?
Lori: Well he's naked so stealing the money from his pockets is going to be impossible.
Speed: *frowns*
Lori: Clear a path and take photos.
Calleigh: Exactly.
Lori: *steps over body*
Calleigh: Massive blood loss. Blunt force trauma could be our cause of death. Alexx'll have to confirm.
Lori: *kneels* The guy's a drug addict.
Calleigh: Based on?
Lori: The track marks on his arms.
Calleigh: Good find. Might indicate a motive.
Lori: *looks at Speed* See? Drug lords might be on the list for my first day afterall.
Speed: *shakes head*
Lori: *clears throat* Anyway, could also be overdose.
Calleigh: Yup.
Lori: *clicks on flashlight* Or not.
Calleigh: What do you have?
Lori: *picks up paper* There's a stamp on this. A purple star.
Calleigh: You recognize it?
Lori: *nods* Yeah.
Calleigh: Gang?
Lori: They're based in Little Havanah. They deal mainly in heroin.
Calleigh: Okay, we'll look into it.
Lori: *stands*
Speed: Lori, outside.
Lori: ...
Speed: Now.
Lori: Alright. *leaves*
Speed: *looks at Calleigh*
Calleigh: *lifts brow*
Speed: *leaves*
Lori: *crosses arms*
Speed: *walks over* You're off the case.
Lori: Wow, two minutes and I'm already in trouble. What, did I not do that right? Was I supposed to print the old guy's ass first?
Speed: You're too close to it.
Lori: Why? Because I was a drug user? You can go ahead and say it.
Speed: ...
Lori: *shrugs* Whatever, I'll go chill in the break room. *walks away*
Speed: *grabs Lori*
Lori: *turns around* What.
Speed: You can drop the attitude anytime.
Lori: The guy's dead, he's not goin' to care about my opinion.
Speed: I do.
Lori: Deal with it.
Speed: *backhands Lori in the face*
Lori: *falls against side of house*
Speed: *glaring*
Lori: *holding face*
Speed: Get back to the lab and stay there.
Lori: ...Yes sir. *pulls out phone, walks away*
Three hours later, driveway of house
Calleigh: *places kit in Hummer* I'll meet you back at the lab.
Speed: Yeah.
Black car pulls up
Calleigh: I'll call you if I get anything. *gets into Hummer*
Calleigh drives off
Gavin: *steps out of car*
Speed: *closes Hummer door*
Gavin: *walks over*
Speed: This is a crime scene.
Gavin: Yeah well in a minute there might be a whole new one.
Speed: *turns around* What are you doing here?
Gavin: My wife has a black eye and I'm the one with the temper problem.
Speed: That's none of your business.
Gavin: You know I got to thinkin' and...See, I thought you were a good guy but you've definitely got issues.
Speed: You finished?
Gavin: No. You touch her again, I will kill you. You got it?
Speed: *stares at Gavin*
Gavin: And I'll make sure no one finds the body.
Speed: *gets into Hummer, drives off*
Gavin: *glares*
Heh, sunshine is for sure, that and a lovely bedside manner.
LOL, well the whole Lori/Gavin storyline is going to come to an end before the end of this thread. They aren't going to break up or anything, we're just not going to see them because well, everything must come to an end.
Maine, US, Wal-Mart
Anni: *grabs shopping cart*
Delko: You sure Horatio won't find us here?
Anni: Relax, the US is huge.
Delko: Yeah but how many blimps do you know of that are at Wal-Mart?
Anni: Not many but here's to hoping he checks out Florida first. Man, I never thought we'd be fleeing the red-headed wonder.
Katie: Yeah it seems so evil. *looks at watch* We'd better hurry. Wal-Mart's going to close soon.
Anni: This store closes?
Katie: Yeah.
Colton: So what kind of groceries are we looking for?
Colton: No.
Katie: What's wrong with mustard?
Colton: I'm tired of eating it. I don't like it and it's even worse without something to put it on.
Katie: *eye twitches* Bite your tongue.
Colton: Let's get some Hungry Man dinners or something.
Lora: OH! OH! Can we get a bucket of ice cream? Please?
Anni: We only have so much money.
Lora: How much exactly?
Anni: I don't know, it's Stetler's credit card.
Lora: I thought you gave that to the blimp guy.
Anni: Stetler had more than one.
Lora: Why don't you get your own credit card?
Anni: I can't use mine. Speed took it.
Katie: Is that because you kept buying all those baby things with it?
Anni: Yeah which is weird because I never saw them again after I ordered them.
Katie: Okay, let's split up to cover more ground. I'll go with Anni and the rest of you just spin around until we get back.
Colton: Wait, that's not splitting up.
Katie: No kidding.
Colton: At least make it even.
Katie: Fine you can come with us.
Colton: Fine.
Katie: Which means Delko, you'll be with Ryan and Lora. Lilly and Missy, you two are together.
Lilly: What happened to Carly?
Katie: ....I think we left her in England.
Missy: Way to go.
Katie: Off to aisle five! *runs with cart*
Anni: Wait for me!
Aisle five
Katie: ....
Anni: ...
Colton: Ha ha ha. It's the toy section.
Manager: *walks over* I'm the manager.
Katie: Where's the mustard and why isn't it in aisle five?
Manager: Mustard doesn't get its own aisle. You'll find that on aisle fifteen with the rest of the condiments.
Katie: 0_0
Anni: Bad idea.
Colton: You're in for it now.
Manager: *grabs toupee off of floor* YOU'RE INSANE! *runs away*
Katie: *places hands on hips* That's more like it. Now help me to put all the mustard in this aisle.
Anni: Um, you don't think the people at wal-mart will notice?
Katie: Pretend we're buying all of the toys and when you get to aisle fifteen, pretend you don't want the toys anymore and just chuck 'em on the floor.
Anni: You're not allowed to do that.
Katie: I pay taxes. I can do whatever I want.
Anni: You don't pay taxes.
Colton: Yeah you haven't paid taxes in a long time.
Katie: WELL YOU GUYS PAY TAXES! Come on, help me out here.
Colton: Sorry Katie but wal-mart's too big of a company. I don't want to mess around with it. It's like taking Burger King and smashing it into McDonalds. Ain't gonna happen.
Katie: We're not talking about pushing two stores together, we're talking about the integrity of everything that is aisle five. It's where I met the love of my life and if you don't help me, I'm going to stick your head in this mop bucket.
Colton: ....Okay. *runs*
Anni: *crosses arms* I knew it.
Katie: What.
Anni: You still love him.
Katie: OH MY GOD CALL THE COAST GUARD. Of course I do. It's like Clark Kent and Lana Lang..Or...Luthor or...Lang again, anyway we both love each other but we're not gonna say it.
Anni: I thought you were like Ross and Rachel.
Katie: Oh that is sooo 2006.
Anni: *lifts brow* So what does this make me?
Katie: It makes you stupid. Clar-I mean Speed isn't gonna stay with you.
Katie: Pfft, takes one to know one.
Anni: What does that even have to do with anything? And if anything, you're the one who's dating everyone from Lexx Luthor to Jason Teague.
Katie: Mmmmm I love me some Jensen Ackles.
Anni: Katie, focus.
Katie: *blinks* Look, it's one of those things you can't change. You're like the middle man. Or well, middle woman. See, you have the biggest disadvantage.
Anni: You know...This might be very confusing to people who don't watch Smallville or Friends.
Katie: Ah man now you have me thinking about Jensen Ackles....
Anni: *rolls eyes*
Katie: Hehe.
Anni: Take a cold shower already.
Katie: Ugh, just help me move the toys.
Gun aisle...It's Wal-Mart people
Ryan: Okay Eric don't move.
Delko: What? Why?
Ryan: You might kill someone.
Delko: I haven't touched anything.
Ryan: Let's keep it that way.
Delko: Ooh look at the pretty knife. *extends hand*
Ryan: NO!
Knife falls off shelf, glass breaks around them
Ryan: ....
Ryan: Um it was your fault. I told you not to move.
Delko: Yeah well learn to control me better.
Ryan: You want a shock collar?
Delko: Can it have spikes on it?
Ryan: *frowns* You aren't supposed to be with me on this.
Delko: Oh.
Ryan: *sigh* Let's go look for a shock collar.
Delko: YAY!
Near front of store
Lora: *hiding behind shopping carts* Okay, here's the plan. You take the greeter's buttons and I'll rip his vest.
Lilly: Aren't you supposed to be with someone else?
Lora: Are you kidding me? We make the best team out of all of them.
Lilly: What are you going to accomplish by taking the greeter's vest?
Lora: Um HELLO. The Wal-Mart vest is like Superman's cape. You take it from a greeter and they're powerless to give out buttons and stickers.
Lilly: So you're going to attack and old man just so he doesn't give out stickers?
Lora: Not just ANY stickers. Happy face stickers. The nerve of it all. *shakes head*
Lilly: You are not tackling a 90 year old man.
Lora: I'm not touching him. *whips out tongs*
Lilly: *frowns*
Bathroom, Miami
Lori: *sigh*
Calleigh: Okay what's the first thing we do?
Lori: Well he's naked so stealing the money from his pockets is going to be impossible.
Speed: *frowns*
Lori: Clear a path and take photos.
Calleigh: Exactly.
Lori: *steps over body*
Calleigh: Massive blood loss. Blunt force trauma could be our cause of death. Alexx'll have to confirm.
Lori: *kneels* The guy's a drug addict.
Calleigh: Based on?
Lori: The track marks on his arms.
Calleigh: Good find. Might indicate a motive.
Lori: *looks at Speed* See? Drug lords might be on the list for my first day afterall.
Speed: *shakes head*
Lori: *clears throat* Anyway, could also be overdose.
Calleigh: Yup.
Lori: *clicks on flashlight* Or not.
Calleigh: What do you have?
Lori: *picks up paper* There's a stamp on this. A purple star.
Calleigh: You recognize it?
Lori: *nods* Yeah.
Calleigh: Gang?
Lori: They're based in Little Havanah. They deal mainly in heroin.
Calleigh: Okay, we'll look into it.
Lori: *stands*
Speed: Lori, outside.
Lori: ...
Speed: Now.
Lori: Alright. *leaves*
Speed: *looks at Calleigh*
Calleigh: *lifts brow*
Speed: *leaves*
Lori: *crosses arms*
Speed: *walks over* You're off the case.
Lori: Wow, two minutes and I'm already in trouble. What, did I not do that right? Was I supposed to print the old guy's ass first?
Speed: You're too close to it.
Lori: Why? Because I was a drug user? You can go ahead and say it.
Speed: ...
Lori: *shrugs* Whatever, I'll go chill in the break room. *walks away*
Speed: *grabs Lori*
Lori: *turns around* What.
Speed: You can drop the attitude anytime.
Lori: The guy's dead, he's not goin' to care about my opinion.
Speed: I do.
Lori: Deal with it.
Speed: *backhands Lori in the face*
Lori: *falls against side of house*
Speed: *glaring*
Lori: *holding face*
Speed: Get back to the lab and stay there.
Lori: ...Yes sir. *pulls out phone, walks away*
Three hours later, driveway of house
Calleigh: *places kit in Hummer* I'll meet you back at the lab.
Speed: Yeah.
Black car pulls up
Calleigh: I'll call you if I get anything. *gets into Hummer*
Calleigh drives off
Gavin: *steps out of car*
Speed: *closes Hummer door*
Gavin: *walks over*
Speed: This is a crime scene.
Gavin: Yeah well in a minute there might be a whole new one.
Speed: *turns around* What are you doing here?
Gavin: My wife has a black eye and I'm the one with the temper problem.
Speed: That's none of your business.
Gavin: You know I got to thinkin' and...See, I thought you were a good guy but you've definitely got issues.
Speed: You finished?
Gavin: No. You touch her again, I will kill you. You got it?
Speed: *stares at Gavin*
Gavin: And I'll make sure no one finds the body.
Speed: *gets into Hummer, drives off*
Gavin: *glares*