Geni, Let me first start off by saying, Thank you so much for putting the time, effort and well, our insanity into this story. I have truly loved every moment of it, laughed , cried while laughing, spitting up DR Pepper(okay, just a little TMI, I admit), and falling off my seat numerous times. Although it saddens me that this has to end( let's face it, it was the highlight of my day) I applaud you for your achievements in the RL and your brighter horizons. This has truly been a gift in my life, and yes, that sounds really dorkish, but hey, I've had a rough year, and just reading this has managed to put a smile on my face when I thought I couldn't. So, THANKS!
Now.... YOU KILLED TIM????? Why oh why? Why couldn't he just ride off into the sunset with Anni and Jake? I mean...gosh... Tim dies again * throws Lost Son across the room* Kill Anni off too...I beg of you, it just doesn't seem right.
I know what you mean about Miami though. It has definetly taken a slow turn for me. I'm finding that I can't even get in the mood to write a decent fic any more. It's truly sad when good things come to an end.
Thanks again, Geni for keeping us entertained, and I'm looking forward to the last 20 pages being the best ever! Not that this is the last time I get to say this, but Geni, YOU ROCK! :lol:
I do have to put the obligatory
