CSI:Miami - "Road Trip *puts on shades* Number Nine."

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The RT Gang RULES! :D Comic.GOLD! Pelicans remind me of H's fight with the pelicans or were those seagulls...hmmm....*shrugs and laughs*

And Katie shot a cop. *moves on*

I'm not shocked...I'd be shocked if anyone else actually is. LOL
OMGSH!! Cheez-it's!!! And Calleigh was drunk. I wonder were I've heard that before *coughspoilerscough* I can't believe that a cop was shot. That's why you should never have parties with beer and Scrabble.
Ouch! Gavin is just...just...evil! I totally didn't expect that, he was starting to seem like such a nice guy. Wow. Geni, you are amazing!
And why do all our parties end with Katie being arrested and all of us passed out? We really are an amazing group of people. And JC is Jesus! That totaly rocked. JC=Jesus Christ! <3 ^_^ :) ;}
wow, I totally went all emoticon there.
cainesugar said
I think that Geni is playing us!

*Gasp* I would never! :eek:

*shifty eyes*

And Colton, I think it was seagulls. :D My gosh I'm seeing that scene in slow motion again, lol.

carlz31 said
My gosh Geni, your fingers must be falling off.

Who needs fingers when you have toes! ;)

Just out of curiosity, what happened to me and Josh? I might've missed it somewhere or forgot that I read it, but I can't remember...

You didn't miss it. I know I was going to sift the 'Speedles' out a bit (Pfft, yeah that's like saying Horatio Caine is human) so I put Joshie on the backburner. Though I neglected to catapult Lori there. :lol: RT Carly will join the team - I didn't forget you - though I haven't decided whether she'll stay back at the lab or go on the excursion.

But I still don't really like Lori. I mean, one minute she's fine, and the next she's all rogue and emo and angsty and "Oh Em Gee. Columbia!" Yeesh, Gavin may be crazy, but he sure had a point when it comes to Lori.

LOL, you know, I actually really like that some people don't prefer Lori. I think one of the reasons she inflicts many reactions from people (good and bad) is because of her vast imperfections, hypocrisy, unbalanced behaviour, etc. Which is weird to say given that this is a simple fic, but it's great to see varied reactions to a character. :)

Hm, fireballs and porn. Sounds like a good idea. :devil: Something every fic needs, LOL.

*huggles all* Thanks for the awesometastic reviews everyone!

Aaaand it looks like we'll start the mini-golfing in Miami for now.


Sir Golf-A-Lot's Mini Golf Hole

Anni: *turns around* Okay class, I thought a field trip was in order.

Lora: Er, field trip for what?

Anni: Well I'm off today and have some spare time and we never hang out. SO, let's GOLF. *holds up putter*

Colton: I don't want to golf.

Anni: Neither do I but it was the cheapest thing I could think of.

Colton: I don't see the point in hitting a ball with a stick.

Carly: *runs over* AH! *trips* OOF!

Everyone: *looks at Carly*


Anni: *hands over putter* Knock yourself silly.

Carly: Who's on my team! Who's on my team!

Missy: I'll be on your team.


Colton: Whoa, wait, we're on teams now? This isn't fair. I always get picked last.

Carly: Fine, you can be on my team.

Colton: No. I don't want to be on a pity team.

Anni: Okay so the object of the game is to get the little ball in the little hole.

Lora: Hey these balls bounce. *chucks ball*

Ball bounces, hits corner of wall, side of windmill, swings back to white plastic picket fence, slams Colton in the eye

Colton: OW! *falls over*

Lora: Oh my God did I hit your gajongajongs?

Colton: What? No!

JC: *whips ball through hole 1* YES!

Ball rolls backward

JC: Wait...Okay so it's allowed to roll back this way? No one said that in the rule book.

Anni: Gravity.

JC: Who is this 'gravity' and why did he decide to change the rules?

Anni: Carly! Stop pinching the giant clown's nose! *runs* Missy! Get off the mechanical bull!

Fifteen minutes later

Anni: *puts bandaid on head* Okay, let's start this again. How about I go first?

Missy: Be our guest.

Anni: *bends knees* Alrighty...*swings putter, it flies backward*

Colton: OW! *falls over*

Anni: Oh my God are you okay?

Colton: *laying in fetal position* Mhm....

Ten minutes later

Carly: My turn! My turn! *whacks ball*

Everyone: ...

Colton: You missed.

Carly: I'll show you who missed. *slaps Colton in the face*

Colton: OW!

Five minutes later

Lora: Hey Lil, come and check this out, there's teenagers in the giant wind mill doing the nasty.

Lilly: YES! *runs over*

Anni: No no no no. This is not what I had in mind.

Carly: Do they sell hotdogs here?

Anni: NO. They sell putters here. They sell balls here. THEY SELL HAPPINESS HERE!

Carly: Geez..I was just a little hungry.

Bar, Miami, 8pm

Lori: *sigh*

Bartender: Feeling down?

Lori: Pfft, yeah.

Bartender: I been there. I once thought the gas tank of my car was a cigarette ashtray and blew up the entire gas station killing 14 people and a dog.

Lori: *stares at bartender*

Bartender: Anyway, 'nother drink?

Lori: Please.

Bartender: *slides drink over*

Lori: God I hate men.

Bartender: That bad, huh.

Lori: I don't want to talk about it.

Bartender: You sure? I have a psychiatry degree.

Lori: I'm sure you do.

Bartender: Well this is awkward. I'm going to go polish the silver. *looks around* Maybe that's just a figure of speech. *walks away*

Lori: *drinks* ...Ugh. *holds head*

Woman: *walks over* Where'd the bartender go?

Lori: *holding head* Polish silver.

Woman: He ain't goin' to make any money that way. SAM!

Lori: *drops head onto counter*

Sam: *runs over* You rang, Liz?

Liz: Grab the bar keep.

Sam: You grabbed me away from darts for that? I'm up fifty bucks.

Liz: *elbows Lori* Pfft, men.

Lori: *lifts head* I'm sorry but do you always talk to people you don't know?

Liz: Yeah. Oh hey I'm being rude, meet my brother Sam.

Lori: *drops head onto counter*

Sam: She looks wasted.

Lori: I'm not wasted. Please leave me alone.

Liz: That's no way to treat anyone, dear.

Lori: I don't care.

Liz: Are you here alone?

Lori: Yes. And I'd like to keep bein' alone.

Liz: Who goes to bars alone?

Lori: *frowns* Who goes to bars with their brother?

Liz: Touché. But he just got out of Iraq so I thought we'd celebrate.

Lori: What'd he do, get shot?

Liz: Yeah.

Sam: In my defense, I got off a few shots too. And I wasn't in Iraq.

Liz: What? You told me you were in Iraq!

Sam: I said I got shot while someone was on crack.

Liz: I heard Iraq.

Sam: Stop making everyone seem like a hero.

Liz: Well where the hell were you for two years?

Sam: Canada.

Liz: Why would you go there!

Sam: We were born there.

Liz: I could have SWORN you were in Iraq.

Sam: This is what you get when you watch too much CNN.

Lori: Excuse me, can you both either shut the hell up or go somewhere else?

Liz: Maybe you need less to drink, dear.

Lori: I'm not drunk.

Liz: So why is your head on the counter?

Lori: *lifts head* Because I'm tired, I'm angry and I have a headache. I have the right to put my head wherever I damn well please.

Liz: *gasp* Is she on drugs? SAM SHE'S ON DRUGS! Quick! Call the cops!

Sam: She looks like she wants to be left alone, Liz.

Liz: Wait, you live in New York, what were you doing in Canada?

Sam: Mom and dad live there.

Liz: Oh. WAIT if they live there, why are we in Miami! OH MY GOD YOU GOT US LOST!

Lori: For the love of God, STOP YELLING!

Liz: Sam, she's on drugs. *points* Arrest her.

Lori: *looks at Sam*

Sam: *covers eyes* Can we not bring my job down to Miami?

Lori: *glares* You're a cop.


Sam: I haven't been to Iraq!

Liz: Arrest her.

Lori: Oh YES, please arrest me.

Sam: *lifts brow*

Lori: *bangs head on counter* I live in a city of millions and manage to catch the only New York City COP. Always HAS to be a cop.

Liz: She has a problem with authority. Arrest her.


Liz: She's yelling! Arrest her!


Liz: I'm calling the cops. *pulls out cellphone*

Lori: *grabs cellphone, chucks it into window*

Liz: *GASP*

Lori: Leave. Me. Alone.

Liz: Sam!

Sam: Liz, if you don't get outside, I'm locking you out of the hotel room.

Liz: *frowns* Meanie. *leaves*

Sam: Sorry about her.

Lori: I meant you too. Go away.

Sam: Alright. I'm sorry we bothered you, miss. *leaves*

Lori: *holding head*

Bartender: *walks over* What was all the noise?

Lori: Ugh.

Bartender: ...You okay?

Lori: Mhm, I'll be...Fine.

Bartender: You look pale.

Lori: *stands* Maybe I just need...To go home.

Bartender: *runs around counter* Did you drive yourself?

Lori: Yeah. *leans against door*

Bartender: You don't look like you're in any condition to drive.

Lori: *looks at bartender* I am fine.

Bartender: I'll call you a cab.

Lori: *walks out door*

Bartender: Whoa, wait! *runs*

Lori: *holding onto building*

Bartender: You need an ambulance?

Lori: *slides down building* Ugh. *holding head*

Bartender: HELP! SOMEONE CALL 9-1-1! Wait, that's the number, right?

Liz: *runs over* Is she okay?

Bartender: I don't think so.

Sam: *walks over*

Bartender: You guys got a cell phone?

Liz: I used to have one until she broke it.

Sam: *pulls out phone*

Bartender: Miss? Miss! Hello!

Liz: My yelling didn't kill her, did it?

Bartender: What?

Liz: One time I broke a mirror because I was singing opera in the bathroom. I thought maybe the same thing broke her head.

Bartender: You were singing opera in the bar?

Liz: No.

Sam: *closes phone* EMS is on the way. *kneels* Anyone know her name?

Liz: Scary lady.

Sam: *looks up*

Liz: Hey if you ask me, that should be her name.

Sam: *opens wallet* Her name's Lori.

Liz: Just as well.

Sam: Lori? Lori look at me.

Lori: *blinks*

Sam: You're going to go to the hospital, okay?

Lori: *shakes head* No...

Sam: Yes.

Lori: *sits up* I'm f-fine.

Sam: You're not fine and you're going to stay right here, understand?

Lori: *pushes Sam* No.

Sam: *grabs Lori* You don't have a choice.

Ambulance arrives

Bartender: She didn't overdose on alcohol, right? I mean because that would be REALLY bad for business.

Sam: *looks at bartender*

Bartender: Or...Well, IT COULD.

Hospital, 1 am

Doctor: *walks in* Well, looks like the worst is over for now.

Lori: *frowns* Good, I'm leaving.

Doctor: Whoa, whoa no you aren't. You just had a seizure.

Lori: What? No, it was a headache.

Doctor: No, no it wasn't. *looks at chart* In laymens terms, it was basically a 'silent seizure'. They're pretty uncommon but it does happen in people with degenerative brain conditions.

Lori: Are you looking at the wrong chart?

Doctor: I'm afraid not. Are you currently a drug user?

Lori: No.

Doctor: Were you previously?

Lori: *sigh* Yes.

Doctor: For how long?

Lori: Ten years.

Doctor: ..Yeesh.

Lori: *lifts brows*

Doctor: I mean, that's not good. So *coughs* What kind of drugs?

Lori: That might take a while.

Doctor: ...Yeesh.

Lori: *frowns*

Doctor: Well, I mean...Yeesh.

Sam: *walks in* Is she okay?

Doctor: Woo, saved by the bell. *turns around* For the time being.

Sam: *walks over*

Lori: Get out.

Sam: I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

Lori: I am fine. Get out.

Sam: A thank you would have been nice.

Lori: Thank you. Get out.

Doctor: *looks at watch* Well look at the time, I probably have an LP to perform somewhere. *leaves*

Sam: You're lucky someone was there, because obviously you wouldn't have gotten help.

Lori: You don't know me.

Sam: I know you're stubborn, irritable and rude.

Lori: I also don't want a cop in my room. Leave. Now.

Sam: Why, you have something to hide?

Lori: No. So I guess you're going to hit up some rookie for a file about me.

Sam: It's none of my business.

Lori: *laughs* Right. Well, you're not the first person who's lied right to my face. And by the way, don't think I'm going to believe this 'I just wanted to check on you' crap because you're like every other guy out there. You're just looking for some ass. Or you're looking to manipulate someone into getting what you want.

Sam: Do you have someone to come pick you up?

Lori: *frowns* I'll call a cab.

Sam: Good. *leaves, slams door*

Lori: *flinches*

Mini-golf place, 1:30 am

Firetrucks pull away

Anni: ...

Lora: Cool, so what are we going to destroy next?

Lilly: It probably wasn't the best idea to stick a bunch of matches inside the balloons that were on the 18th hole.

Anni: *eye twitches*



The next updates will be in the UK!
Hee, mini golf rules! But I spose thats the first time someone has set something on fire. Only the RT gang. Yay! I'm back! Geez, I didn't think there was a plce in America that didn't sell hotdogs :lol: But apparently, I found it. Normally, reading that would make me really hungry, but I'm eating as I'm trying to review, so my typing is very awkward.

Aw, poor Colton. Being picked last... That's not fun :( Although I did pick you. What, I'm not good enough for you now? :p

Ah Lori. So very complex. So very...odd. But it is just so very Speedle-like to drown sorrows in alcohol. She obviously takes after Timmy though, because she was drunk and there was a cop and not once did she say "STOP BEING GAY!", so obviously not a fun/murderous drunk like Katie. But what's wrong with her? I agree with the doctor. Yeesh.

please update soon! UK huh? Never been there. Neither has virtual me, I don't think. This should be interesting...and educational.
So, yeah. What Do we destroy next? OR wait, I wasn't there so, what are THEY going to destroy next?

Lori, *gasp* wow. What's going to happen next to her?

Great update, can't wait to see some more...

Let's go again, Let's go again! <3
Educational? Uh oh. *runs to Google*


Yes, the RT gang setting something on fire is quite new, except the time where they burned Sniffles because he was rotting away in the Hummerhome. :D

*huggles Colton* He also got beat up quite a bit in that update, lol.

*goes again goes again*

Thanks for the reviews!


Hummercraft, Atlantic Ocean

Katie: So um, why was I taken out of the holding cell?

Horatio: We went over the evidence and determined that the cause of death wasn't from the gunshot. It was from an aneurism.

Katie: WHAT?

Horatio: Yep. It's unfortunate that he died the exact time you presumable shot him.

Katie: I don't remember shooting him.

Colton: You don't remember much of anything, do you?

Anni: Why wasn't I there for the party?

Calleigh: It wasn't that much fun.

Lilly: Chugging was fun though. But next time I'd rather do it with chocolate milk.

Lora: Wimp.

Lilly: Hey some people want to keep their brain cells. I mean, look what happened to Katie!

Katie: Hey Katie is perfectly fine.

Speed: You shot a cop.

Katie: Yes but it doesn't count because I don't remember it.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Colton: *holds ice pack on face* So what are we doing when we get to the UK?

Missy: I have it all planned out.

JC: You never plan anything.

Missy: I'm stepping up to the plate. Anyway. *opens brochure* I was thinking about a real road trip and what better place to stop by than a haunted castle?

Colton: Um e-exuse me, did you just say haunted?

Missy: Yeah.

Colton: You have got to be kidding me.

Missy: No.

Colton: We are not staying somewhere haunted.

Ryan: I think it'll be fun.

Lilly: SEE? Ryan thinks it'll be fun.

Delko: I think it'll be fun too.

Speed: Eric, you think sticking pennies up your nose is fun.

Delko: I wanted to see if I could widen my nostrils.

Horatio: So where is this castle?

Missy: *reading brochure* It's called Corfe Castle. It's in Wareham Dorset. Apparently there's a headless white lady and people have heard children sobbing.

Delko: Nope, sorry. Not going in.

JC: You just said it would be fun.

Delko: Um did you hear her? Headless white lady. Sobbing children. It spells disaster.

Speed: Eric, there are no such thing as ghosts.

Delko: You're Catholic.

Speed: So are you. What does that have to do with anything?

Delko: You're supposed to believe in ghosts.

Speed: No I'm not.

Delko: Fine. Be that way.

Colton: You sure this castle isn't somewhere like North Yorkwellingtonshire or something?

Carly: I don't think that exists.

Colton: Well they always have crazy names like that in England. And words like "Cherrio mate!"

Carly: *frowns*

Colton: Oh. Also Australian thing, sorry.

Carly: Apology accepted.

Colton: Look how many British people we have in here. The Canadians and the Aussie.

Carly/JC/Missy: *frown*

Colton: What did I say?


Colton: There's a Canadian province called British Columbia and there's a state called Victoria.

Everyone: ....

Colton: I will take this moment to say a collective 'touche' on your parts. Besides, you both have the Queen on your money.

Carly: You know what bub? You can take your crap and stick it. I'm not British.

Colton: I'm going to tell them that you hate them.

Carly: I don't hate them, I'm just not part of them.

Calleigh: Why does this always turn into a race thing?

Delko: Hey can we carry around cameras in the castle and ghost hunt? We can be like...Like...

Speed: Ghost hunters.

Delko: YEAH! Okay I call being the cry baby blonde!

Katie: Whatever turns your pages.

Horatio: What if the ghost doesn't like my red hair?

Missy: Dye it something else.


Horatio: She has a point.

Lora: You can't dye his hair! That's like telling an elephant it can't fart in the zookeeper's face.

Missy: *stares at Lora*

Lora: Come on don't tell me you haven't seen that. Anyone? Seriously?

Katie: *munching on Cheez-its* I heard elephants have the biggest ass in the world.

Lora: Oh totally. If one ever sat on you, it would be like eighty people.

Speed: ...Or one elephant.

Lilly: Hey are there any zoos in England? I kind of want to go see an elephant.

Horatio: I'm sure we can stop by a few.

Delko: Can we ride an elephant?

Horatio: ...I don't think that would be a good idea.

Carly: OH! We can go to Africa and ride the wild elephants!

Katie: We're not going to Africa. Evil country.

Carly: It's...A continent.


Lora: Why, what's so bad about Africa?

Everyone: ...

Lora: What did I say?

Katie: *points to Speed* HE.

Speed: Actually it's 'him'.

Katie: Don't correct my grammar.

Speed: Then don't speak.


Horatio: Speed, stop bothering Katie.

Speed: *frowns*

Lora: What did Speed do in Africa?

Delko: Haha, what DIDN'T he do in Africa?

Speed: *throws shoe*

Delko: OW! *rubs face* How does he always manage to get it in the face?

Anni: So ghosts can't like...Attack people, right?

Missy: I heard they can grab your insides from you and twist them around.

JC: I heard they can push you down the stairs.

Anni: *latches onto Speed* Please protect me.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Delko: Oh my God what if Wubba shows up?

Carly: Eric, Wubba was never a ghost.

Lilly: I'm confused, why are we referring to it as a person?

Delko: Because I'm not quite sure what it was.

Lora: Wasn't it like some kind of muppet?

Delko: *gasp* NO.

Lora: Geez, sorry.

Horatio: ...We're not going to be separated in the castle, right?

Lora: Horatio...You're supposed to be the one giving US confidence.

Horatio: I'm sorry but if I can't see the culprit, it makes things a lot scarier. Plus you can't shoot something invisible.

Missy: We're not going there to hurt ghosts. We're going there to stay in a historical site. It's supposed to be an adventure.

Katie: I can bring Cheez-its, right?

Missy: Of course.

Katie: I'm set.

Delko: Are there bathrooms there?

Missy: They didn't have plumbing in the 12th century.

Delko: Then we have a problem.

Miami, PD

Yelina: *places down phone*

Lori: *knocks on doorframe*

Yelina: *turns around, smiles* Hey.

Lori: Hi. I was wonderin' if you could do me a favor.

Yelina: Sure.

Lori: Um...I was sort of...Rescued last night by someone and I didn't even get his last name. I was kind of a jerk to him so I wanted to apologize.

Yelina: Do you have a first name?

Lori: Sam.

Yelina: Okay, any other information about him?

Lori: He works for New York City. He's a cop.

Yelina: Shouldn't be hard to find him in the system. I'll make a few calls and give you the heads up when I find him.

Lori: Thanks. *leaves*

Yelina: *smiles*



Anni: I'll trade you a bottle of mustard.

Katie: NO! I want the chips.

Anni: *gasp* You don't want mustard?

Katie: *gasp* ...I didn't say it.

Anni: You did.

Katie: Did not.

Anni: *shakes head* Boy, you sure have changed.


Anni: I don't have any.

Katie: What?

Anni: I just said it so you'd go away.

Katie: Um, I will not go away.

Delko: Katie?

Katie: Yeah.

Delko: Can you get off my lap?

Katie: *looks down* Oops. Sorry, I wanted the Cheez-its back.

Delko: You weigh a tonne.

Katie: *glares*

Delko: A tonne of beauty!

Katie: *slaps Eric*

Delko: OW!

Anni: *runs behind seat*

Katie: *jumps, runs*

Anni: *jumps over seat*

Katie: Give them back!

Anni: You're fat enough, let someone else chubb up for a while.

Katie: *jumps*

Anni: AH! *runs behind seat*

Katie: *lunges*

Speed: *frowns* Mind getting off my lap?

Katie: *stands* Anni give the Cheez-its back before I open fire. *grabs Speed's gun*

Speed: Whoa, hey! *grabs gun, pushes Katie*

Katie: AH! *falls over*

Speed: The last time you had a gun, a cop got shot.

Katie: Oh pfft, I was drunk. It's not like I'll accidentally open fire in here.

Anni: You threatened you'd open fire.

Katie: Yes but see I wasn't actually going to.

Anni: HA!

Katie: NO! *runs*

Anni: *runs*

Katie: GET OVER HERE! *grabs Anni's hair*

Colton: Should I get out of the damage path?

Lora: I think it's a good idea.

Anni: *falls backward*

Katie: AH! *falls over*

Colton: *screams*

Two minutes later

Katie: *munching on Cheez-its* Hee.

Anni: *holds head* You're brutal.

Colton: Can you both get off of me?

Katie: Nah, you're comfy.

Colton: I'm not a chair.

Carly: Can I have a Cheez-it?

Katie: *glares*

Carly: ...You're mean.

Lora: I have Oreos.

Carly: Oh sweet deal.

Delko: OH CRAP I left my teddy in the Hummerhome.

Lilly: Please don't tell me you brought another one.

Delko: Would I be saying "OH CRAP" if I brought another one? Ugh this is terrible. I can't go into a haunted castle without a teddy to protect me.

Lilly: *opens suitcase* ...Eric, you have a teddy in here.

Delko: *GASP* BIBBLES! I thought I left him at the store! Hm, apparently I bought him.

Carly: You're pathetic.

Delko: Hey when the ghosts are chasing us, you won't have a teddy to cry on.

Carly: I don't need a teddy. I'm fearless.

Delko: BOO!

Carly: *screams*

Delko: Yeah, fearless.

Carly: Shut up. You scare me more than ghosts.

Delko: *wide-eyed* I am offended.

Miami, PD

Yelina: *walks over* Hey.

Lori: *looks over*

Yelina: Got a couple of results. *hands over paper* This him?

Lori: *looks at paper* Sam McGrath. That's him.

Yelina: He's a Detective Specialist in Aviation.

Lori: What the hell is that?

Yelina: Well all Detectives are the same rank as police officers, but he has a specialty in aviation. Meaning the overhead searches by helicopter, dealing with the coast guard or NTSB. That sort of thing.

Lori: Says here he worked in Canada for a while until he became a...Sergent d'état-major. Staff Seargent. Then moved to New York. I guess he wanted to change his field. He's been decorated in Canada and in the US for both bravery and leadership.

Yelina: Sounds like a good man.

Lori: He's on vacation in Miami. Is there a way I can find out where he's staying?

Yelina: Unfortunately, that would mean running his credit card through the system and we don't have that kind of permission without due cause.

Lori: *sigh* Great, now I have to check out every hotel in Miami. I don't even know how long he's stayin'.

Yelina: Where did you meet him?

Lori: A bar on Collins.

Yelina: You could check with the hotels there first. Most tourists don't travel far from their hotels.

Lori: Good idea. Thanks. *leaves*

Yelina: No problem.

Three hours later, hotel

Woman: *smiles* May I help you?

Lori: Yeah. *sigh* This is the fourth hotel I've been to. Man there are a lot of hotels on Collins. Alright, I'm lookin' for a guy.

Woman: Our guest list is confidential, I'm afraid.

Lori: I know, I've heard that from four other hotels.

Woman: I'm sorry.

Lori: I just need to know if the guy is here. A yes or no would suffice.

Woman: I can't do that, ma'am.

Lori: Great, this is about how far I got with the other hotels. *looks around*

Liz: *gasp* THE GIRL FROM THE BAR! *runs over*

Lori: *frowns* Lucky me.


Lori: I'm fine.

Liz: I was so worried about you. I almost lit a candle for you...Okay well it was a cloth and it was at the edge of the tub and that was because I shorted out the blow dryer but LOOK AT YOU! All pretty and not dead. OOh I own a salon up state, I would be happy to work on your hair for free.

Lori: What's wrong with my hair?

Liz: Nothing, it's absolutely beautifu. Long, whispy, shiney...It just needs a little something. Maybe some highlights. It would go great with your eyes.

Lori: Thanks, look is your brother around?

Liz: Oooooh he caught your eye, did he? *winks*

Lori: No, I just wanted to apologize to him for being a bitch.

Liz: *gasp* You ARE nice! See, I told him that under all of that rude-ness, you're really a nice girl.

Lori: Do you know where he is?

Liz: I think he's in a conference room upstairs. A couple of his police friends came down to get his help on a case thing. Gosh he can never get ten minutes to himself, even in Miami.

Lori: Can you take me there?

Liz: Oh sure. *grabs Lori* Let's go!

Conference room

Lori: *stands in front of door*

Liz: Knock on it, already.

Lori: He got pretty mad at me yesterday. I don't know if it would be a good idea.

Liz: Well you came all the way down here, didn't you?

Lori: Yeah.

Liz: *knocks on door*

Lori: *sigh*

Guy: *opens door*

Liz: Is Sam in ther?

Guy: We're working, Liz.

Liz: Um, it's Sam's vacation.

Guy: Crime doesn't take vacations.

Liz: My brother does. Let us in.

Guy: Ugh. *opens door wider*

Lori: *walks in*

Sam: *writing on map*

Guy: Your sis and some chick are here.

Sam: *lifts head*

Liz: *grinning* Hee!

Sam: *places hand on hip* What can I do for you?

Lori: *looks around* Could we have a minute alone?

Sam: No.

Lori: *nods* Okay. I just came here to apologize for how I was acting yesterday. Well, that's pretty much it, so see you around. *turns around*

Liz: *grabs Lori* You came all the way down here for one sentence? Come on girl.

Lori: I think your brother is a bit busy.

Liz: Just wait here. *walks over to Sam*

Sam: *places pen on table*

Liz: *whispers* She's a nice girl.

Sam: She finished what she came here to do.

Liz: Yeah.

Sam: So what do you want me to do?

Liz: Ask her out.

Sam: *lifts brow* Are you insane? That girl is a female Hitler.

Liz: *slaps Sam*

Sam: Ow.

Liz: *turns around* Lori?

Lori: Yeah.

Liz: Sam wants to go to dinner with you.

Sam: *pushes Liz* No I don't.

Liz: Yes you do. You told me last night that you never met a girl like her.

Sam: Yes because she is a demonic spawn.

Lori: Hey.

Liz: You saved her life, the least she could do for you is go to dinner with you.

Lori: No.

Sam: Good, we agree on something.

Liz: *frowns* Sam, you haven't had a girlfriend in years.

Guys: *snicker*

Sam: *places hands on hips*

Liz: It's true.

Lori: I came here to apologize and now that I've done that, I'll leave you two alone. Forever. *leaves*

Liz: You're terrible.

Sam: Liz, I know you want to set me up with everyone we meet in Miami but I'm a little busy.

Liz: Fine.

Hotel lobby

Lori: *sits by fountain*

Woman: May I help you again, miss?

Lori: You didn't help me in the first place.

Woman: *smile fades*


Delko: *balancing pennies on nose*

Colton: *holding timer* Two minutes and counting. He's pretty good at this.

Heather: *walks out of bathroom* Oh man...I am so air sick.

Lora: I was wondering where you went.

Heather: *holds stomach* So where are we headed?

Lilly: Haunted castle.

Heather: Oh, of course.

Colton: Two minutes, fourty five seconds.

Delko: I have to sneeze.

Colton: Don't sneeze, you're doing great.

Delko: It's coming!


Delko: *closes eyes*

Colton: If you sneeze, I'll rip your lungs out.

Delko: Someone pinch my nose, quick.

Lilly: That'll knock over the pennies.

Delko: Colton told me not to sneeze!

Lilly: What difference will it make when the pennies are gone?

Lora: *slaps Eric's face*

Delko: OW! NO! THE PENNIES! *sneezes*

Colton: Okay who's next?

Lora: I'm next! *piles pennies on face*

Calleigh: Can we try with quarters?

Lora: Would it make a difference?

Calleigh: They're bigger.

Delko: Can I try again?

Colton: No, you're out.

Katie: Can we balance Cheez-its?

Delko: Why am I out?

Lora: Does anyone have any quarters?

Colton: One question at a time!

Calleigh: How come you're in charge?

Colton: I have the timer.

Hotel, 9pm

Sam: *walks to front desk*

Lori: *walks over*

Sam: Were you here all day?

Lori: How'd you know it was me?

Sam: Your perfume.

Lori: Yeah, I was here all day.

Sam: *smiles* You don't have better things to do? People to yell at?

Lori: *smirks* Nah, I do that on weekends.

Sam: *writing in book* So the million dollar question becomes why are you still here.

Lori: I wouldn't feel right if I just left here without a proper apology.

Sam: No need. *closes book* I don't dwell on unimportant things.

Lori: Look, I'm sorry. I should never have been so rude. You were obviously just trying to help. I just...Have issues with cops. Mainly in that I hate them.

Sam: That's fine.

Lori: It's really a long story that I don't want to get into.

Sam: Hey, you don't have to.

Lori: *nods*

Sam: We obviously got off on the wrong foot. *extends hand* Sam McGrath.

Lori: *extends hand* Lori Speedle.

Sam: And let me guess, you're not looking for a relationship.

Lori: *smiles* That about sums it up.

Sam: Good. Neither am I.

Lori: Excellent.

Sam: It was good to have met you.

Lori: Your vacation over?

Sam: Tomorrow.

Lori: Short vacation.

Sam: I'll take what I can get. I suppose I'll have plenty of time soon to continue my vacation.

Lori: Why's that?

Sam: I'm resigning.

Lori: What for?

Sam: It's just something I don't wish to further persue. I'd rather help people in a different way...That doesn't get me shot.

Lori: *laughs*

Sam: I should probably head back upstairs.

Lori: Yeah.

Sam: Next time you feel iffy, don't go to a bar. Go to a hospital.

Lori: *salutes* Will do.

Sam: *walks away*

Aww, Lori is...sort of sweet. And Sam is..sort of curious ;) Nah, he's...odd. He's like a male Lori. How many affairs did Speed have, exactly? :lol: How interesting. She went to all those hotels and then did nothing...doesn't she have a job or something? Yeesh. I wish I had the time to sit at hotels and do nothing all day. Wait, I kinda do...cool.

Colton: Well they always have crazy names like that in England. And words like "Cherrio mate!"

Carly: *frowns*

Colton: Oh. Also Australian thing, sorry.

Carly: Apology accepted.

Colton: Look how many British people we have in here. The Canadians and the Aussie.

Carly/JC/Missy: *frown*

Colton: What did I say?


Colton: There's a Canadian province called British Columbia and there's a state called Victoria.

Everyone: ....

Colton: I will take this moment to say a collective 'touche' on your parts. Besides, you both have the Queen on your money.

Carly: You know what bub? You can take your crap and stick it. I'm not British.
*narrows eyes* Damn, I should've told you we were independant. We aint british. Though that did remind me of a bit in House...

House: Is that your stiff upper lip British way of saying "no chance in hell"?
Chase: I'm Australian
House: You put the Queen on your money, you're British.

Although in the interview, Jesse Spencer did say that comparing Australians with Brits is like comparing Americans with Canadians or something. I spose that means that many people take offense to one or the other *slaps Colton* Learn to quit while you're behind.

Bibbles? Oh man, Eric thats as funny as Sniffles and Snuffles. OH! he should've brought Teddington. Teddington was the British sounding bear. Hey, as long as this one doesn't start rotting in its shrine, then I think it'll be fine. I mean other than the endless ridicule.

Carly: I don't need a teddy. I'm fearless.

Delko: BOO!

Carly: *screams*

Delko: Yeah, fearless.

Carly: Shut up. You scare me more than ghosts.

Delko: *wide-eyed* I am offended.
Hey! I am fearless...except when it comes to cockroaches and such. Man those things are creepy...but that reminds me of something. The party I went to last night, there was this guy and I snuck up behind him and he turned around and screamed because I was just standing over him. The I kept going up to him and going "BOO" and he kept recoiling in fear. Geez, I'm not that scary...

anyways, please update soon!
Aw man. 2 updates. How can i reply to TWO updates with a bandaged up left ring finger and my right thumb. This is going to be intresting....

Lora: Hey Lil, come and check this out, there's teenagers in the giant wind mill doing the nasty.
:lol: Haha Geni, do you watch The Simpsons often by any chance?

Lora: Cool, so what are we going to destroy next?
Lilly: It probably wasn't the best idea to stick a bunch of matches inside the balloons that were on the 18th hole.
Haha, TOTALLY something i would say. And oh Lilly, thanks for the idea. :devil:

Katie: So um, why was I taken out of the holding cell?
Horatio: We went over the evidence and determined that the cause of death wasn't from the gunshot. It was from an aneurism.
Katie: WHAT?
Horatio: Yep. It's unfortunate that he died the exact time you presumable shot him.
*laughs manicly* Oh the things you come up with so a character doesn't hsve to go to jail. :lol: It'a just that having an ANEURISM while getting shot is like, impossible. But hey, it's RT. ;)

Horatio: What if the ghost doesn't like my red hair?
Missy: Dye it something else.
Horatio: She has a point.
:lol: :lol: Ah Geni i love you.

Lora: What did Speed do in Africa?
Delko: Haha, what DIDN'T he do in Africa?
:lol: Ah the images are streaming through my mind right now.... *smiles*

Horatio: I'm sorry but if I can't see the culprit, it makes things a lot scarier. Plus you can't shoot something invisible.
I know these 2 guys. Dean and Sam. Maybe they can help us. *picks up phone* :D

Sam: *lifts brow* Are you insane? That girl is a female Hitler.
:lol: :lol: Actually i think Lori prefers the name Stalin. :lol:

Awesome updates Gen! Just fantasticlastical. :D
Thanks for the reviews. :)


UK, castle, 10pm

Missy: *hands out backpacks and cameras* Okay team, let's start the investigation.

Horatio: Wait, how does a backpack help?

Missy: It has the camera in it.

Horatio: But you're giving them a camera.

Missy: Some people don't get backpacks.

Horatio: Do we get night vision?

Missy: You can have a mini mag-lite.

Horatio: But what if a ghost is hiding in the shadows and I don't have my flashlight pointed that way?

Lora: GOOD GOD HORATIO! Just walk down the damn hallway.

Horatio: Someone else go first.

Lora: I'll go. *walks*

Horatio: *oggles* She is so brave.

Lora: *looking around* Okay, who's at base camp?

Base camp, adjacent building

Katie: *holds down radio button* KT here, how may I direct your call?


Lora: ..KT?

Base Camp

Colton: *grabs radio* Okay Lora, Missy got us signed up on this Celebrity Paranormal Project show so you have a mission.


Lora: Wait, no one said anything about a mission.

Base camp

Colton: We're going to be on tv so make sure that when the snot comes dripping out of your nose, to make it look extra gooey.


Lora: *rolls eyes* Just get to the mission then.

Base Camp

Katie: Alright Lora-


Lora: Wait, we're not celebrities.

Horatio: Um Donahinkle had cameras in the lab and people saw us all over the world.

Lora: How does that make us famous?

Horatio: We touched a lot of lives.

Lora: I'm sure we did.

Base Camp

Katie: Your mission is to talk down the long dark hallway and see if you can find the ghost of the headless lady in white.


Lora: No problem. *walks ahead*

Horatio: So do I just...Stay here?

Base camp

Colton: Horatio, you are to pick up EVP.


Horatio: What the hell is EVP?

Base camp

Colton: Nevermind, just turn on the device and get the ghost's voice.


Horatio: I thought the ghost was supposed to be down the dark scary hallway.

Missy: *slaps Horatio* Would you just play along?

Horatio: Fine. *clicks on recorder*

Dark scary hallway

Lora: *looks around* I am walking, walking, walking...Walking some more. Damn this is a long hallway. Walking...Walking...*stops* WHAT WAS THAT! *turns around* ...OH MY GOD I HEAR BREATHING!

Base camp

Colton: Is it you who's breathing?


Lora: ...You know what Colton? You're not here.

Base camp

Colton: I know, it's so bright and warm in here.


Lora: I hope your mission is filled with monsters and ghouls.

Snap is heard

Lora: OH MY GOD! *turns around* ...Hellooooo! *walks forward* Anyone there? Ghost lady! Oh ghost lady! Um...Righty-oh, mate, rather lovely day for a brisk walk eh?

Base camp

Colton: What are you doing?


Lora: Appealing to the ghost.

Beginning of hallway

Horatio: This is ridiculous. There's no such thing as ghosts.

Missy: How do you know?

Horatio: I don't have any evidence.

Missy: Pfft, you're all about the evidence.

End of hallway

Lora: *looks around* So am I like...Finished? Because nothing's happening. Wouldn't have been cool to go to an abandoned insane asylum or something? I want to raid their drug cabinets.

Base camp

Katie: *grabs radio* Okay team, come on back.

Ten minutes later

Lora: *walks in* I heard a snap. Although it might have been my underwear because my butt was really sweaty.

Horatio: *walks in* That's something I didn't need to hear.

Calleigh: Okay let's hear that recording!

Horatio: There's nothing on it.

Calleigh: Oh come now, don't be a sour puss.

Horatio: Fine. *turns on recorder*

Voice: This is ridiculous. There's no such thing as ghosts.


Horatio: ...That was me speaking.

Lilly: Oh *clutches chest* That was the scariest thing in my life. I think I peed a little.

2 am, Law office

Lori: *writing things down*

Thunder is heard in distance

Lori: *looks out window*

Rain starts to pour

Lori: *stands, walks over to window, opens it, walks back to desk, sits*

Knock on door is heard

Lori: *jumps* Jesus. Come in!


Lori: ...*grabs gun from drawer* Hello!

Door opens

Lori: HEY.

Man: *walks in slowly*

Lori: It's 2am, we're closed.

Man: I know. I apologize, however I was told I could get help from you.

Lori: From who.

Man: An...Agency in Colombia.

Lori: What's your name?

Man: Julien Hernandez.

Lori: And what do you need my help with?

Julien: May I sit?

Lori: If you empty your pockets.

Julien: *nods, empties pockets*

Lori: *grabs passport*

Julien: *sits*

Lori: *lifts eyes* Colombian citizen.

Julien: Yes.

Lori: There are plenty of lawyers there.

Julien: You protected the interests of children there.

Lori: That's right.

Julien: I need you to fight for my family.

Lori: I'm not a defense lawyer.

Julien: Yes I know. But the man who hurt my brothers and sisters needs to be stopped.

Lori: *leans back in chair* You realize whoever this person is, they'll have to be in Miami. Otherwise I can't do anything.

Julien: His name is Santeria.

Lori: *sits up*

Julien: You know of him?

Lori: As a matter of fact, I do. Was he caught?

Julien: Yes. He is to be in Miami for his trial. I have heard of no one else who will take the case.

Lori: That's because any lawyer with a brain would be out of his mind. Do you understand the politics involved?

Julien: I don't care.

Lori: Look, I'm sorry for your family and all that you had to go through but even if I do manage to get some face time in on this case, there's a slim chance he'll ever be put away.

Julien: I understand.

Lori: I'll see what I can do but I can't make any promises.

Julien: Gracias.

Lori: Was there anything else?

Julien: *stands, walks to window*

Lori: *stands*

Julien: *looks out window* You like the rain?

Lori: ...Yeah, I guess.

Julien: It reminds me of home.

Lori: *nods*

Julien: This city...It is beautiful but there is no passion. My home, it was a passionate place.

Lori: I don't exactly remember it that way.

Julien: Perhaps not.

Lori: You should probably get goin'.

Julien: *nods* Of course. *looks at Lori, smiles* Boa noite.

Lori: Good night.

Julien: *leaves*

Lori: ...I really need a lock for that door.


Horatio: ...That was me speaking.

Lilly: Oh *clutches chest* That was the scariest thing in my life. I think I peed a little.

:lol: Rofl.

Aw, crap. Gavin's gone now *sniffle* and this new guy Sam seems to be moving for the kill...please tell me Gavin's good and he'll be back and I'm not just a blabbering idiot.

The RT humor has me in stitches, and I'm loving it. Haunted castle... :lol:

Awesome job, Gen!
Lora: I'll go. *walks*
Horatio: *oggles* She is so brave.
:D *smiles* Come on Horatio, i'll protect you.

Voice: This is ridiculous. There's no such thing as ghosts.
Horatio: ...That was me speaking.
Lilly: Oh *clutches chest* That was the scariest thing in my life. I think I peed a little.
:lol: :lol: rotflmao
I think i did too just now....

Ah man awesome update Geni, just awesome. I'm still laughing my ass off.
OH MY GOD! I've missed so much!!! First, the mini golf...that was pure gold! I can't believe RT Anni's place in the loony bin has been taken over...I mean, she even had the eye twitching down pat! Hiliarious, I tell you!

And can Eric get any funnier? I just had to ask that question. He's the greatest!

I think this trip to the UK is going to be so awesome! It would be so cool for Anni and Katie to do a mission. I loved Horatio's mission with Lora- I laughed so hard, I almost cried. And, I happen to like Celebrity Paranormal project!! Truly rib bustin' material, Geni!

Sam and Liz are great ( Liz reminding me of Katie when she talked really fast and incoherently ;) jk). I loved that Sam was a cop, who helped Lori. Of course, Lori hates cops, with good reason though. I'm still blistering over Gavin's betrayal. At least Sam was helpful in getting Lori to the hospital. And what is this about a seizure? Is Lori in trouble medically? Lori... Ah, Lori...what's an update without Lori Speedle's insightfullness? At the very least, she did try to find him to give him an apology, and was rather sweet about it too. I think Sam was cool though,but just like Gavin, he could come with a whole lot of smoke and mirrors. Gah...men...COPS! :lol:

Awesome work,Geni! And I can't wait to get back to the UK...I know, I just know they are up to their old antics!:D
:lol: Celebrity Paranormal Project is a terrific show. :D

Anni and Katie definitely need a mission!

And as for if Lori is in trouble medically--Yes. ;)


Base camp, UK

Colton: *clicks mouse* Okay who's going next?

Lora: *lifts hand* ME!

Colton: You already went. For this mission we need two girls.

Lora: I'M A GIRL!

Colton: Again, you already went.

Lora: But I can still go, right?

Colton: Okay I'll just pick two people. Katie and Anni, you're up.

Anni: Whoa, wait. What? No one said I had to participate in this.

Horatio: You came to the Uk.

Anni: Well it's not like I can fly a plane!

Speed: What happened to the woman I fell in love with?

Katie: Oh ick. Excuse me while I vomit.

Anni: I'm still the same crazy girl you love but...I don't do ghosts.

Delko: Isn't that a little hard?

Anni: Okay, Eric? Mind on planet Earth please.

Delko: Sorry.

Katie: *throws backpack* Strap on and let's kick it. OLD SCHOOL.

Anni: *sigh* If I get scared, don't laugh when I cry.

Katie: Done and done.

Colton: *clicks mouse* You two are to investigate the underground grotto.

Anni: Nope, sorry. Not going.

Katie: Shut up and let him finish.

Colton: It is said that small children were executed for witchcraft and you can still hear their cries pulsing through the walls.

Katie: ...We don't actually have to...Go, right?

Anni: Ha.

Ten minutes later, grotto

Katie: *walking* So what's with Speed?

Anni: I don't know what you mean.

Katie: He's all...Tamed and...Calm.

Anni: As opposed to the recklessly insane way he usually is?

Katie: You know what I mean.

Anni: We're not really here to talk about my husband.

Katie: UGH can you not call him that? It weirds me out.

Anni: Why?

Katie: Because we're best friends. And I was married to him. Ugh I'm still kickin' myself about that.

Base camp

Colton: Um, you ladies finished?


Anni: Yeah, why?

Base camp

Colton: Because we can hear everything up here.


Katie: *sigh* Here children children children children. *points thermal camera*

Anni: OH MY GOD!

Katie: What? What?

Anni: ...Nevermind.

Katie: What was it?

Anni: My nose whistled when I breathed. I thought it was a child crying.

Katie: In your nose?

Anni: *punches Katie*

Katie: *steps in puddle* AH! Ugh, these shoes are designer.

Anni: Wait, wait, stop.

Katie: What?

Anni: Something on the thermal cam, right behind us.

Katie: *turns around* Oooohh. Hey Colton, are you gettin' this?

Base camp

Colton: Yeah it looks like some kind of mist.


Katie: *gasp* Is it the children?

Anni: It's fading, it's fading.

Katie: *GASP* It's gone!

Anni: *leans closer* ...Katie.

Katie: What?

Anni: That 'mist' came from your butt.


Clacking is heard

Anni: *hugs Katie* WHAT WAS THAT!

Katie: *hugging Anni* Oh my God we've angered the spirits.

Anni: What do we do?

Katie: There's only one thing to do.

Anni: Which is...

Katie: RUN FOR OUR LIVES! *runs*

Anni: *runs!



Katie: *falls down hole* AHHH!

Anni: *slips* AH!

Katie: *from inside hole* ...Anni?

Anni: *sitting on Katie* Yeah?

Katie: ...Where are we?

Anni: Um...Underground?

Katie: *hitting radio* It's not working! ANNI THE RADIO ISN'T WORKING!

Anni: No problem. I brought something to help us pass the time. *reaches into backpack*

Katie: *clicks on flashlight* ...Porn. You brought porn on a ghost hunt?

Anni: Hey it's very useful when getting away from a male spirit.

Katie: So what do you want to do now? Just wait here forever?

Anni: Well I was thinking we could burn the pages and send kind of like a smoke signal so that when someone comes looking, they'll find us.

Katie: Oh good idea.

Anni: *flicks match, burns pages*

Pages explode in ball of fire

Anni: Holy nuggets.

Katie: *coughs* Um, the smoke is filling the hole.

Anni: *flaps hands* Let it rise.

Katie: *flaps hands*

Base camp

Calleigh: It's been pretty silent for a while, are you sure they're okay?

Colton: They're probably just messing around out there.

Horatio: I think we should try to establish contact with them again.

Lilly: What if a ghost ate them?

Lora: Ghosts don't eat people. They eat major organs.

Lilly: How do you know?

Lora: Um HELLO, I watch monster movies all the time.

Heather: What if they were stabbed or something?

Carly: Maybe someone should go find out.

Colton: It's a waste of time.

Delko: Who made you king of the mission?

Colton: The computer did.

Delko: Step away from the computer.

Colton: Bite me.

Delko: *grabs Colton*


Delko: *yanks Colton from chair* Get away from it.

Colton: *hanging onto computer screen* NEVER!

Horatio: *covers eyes*

Dade County Jail, 8 am

Lori: *sits, turns on tape recorder* State your name please.

Santeria: A pretty girl like you shouldn't be in a prison.

Lori: Okay. Let's get right to this then. You're being charged with murder, 50 counts of kidnapping and 50 counts of child trafficking. Would you like to say anything for the record.

Santeria: You the prosecutor?

Lori: I'm a consultant for the prosecutor.

Santeria: Okay. Not guilty.

Lori: I understand you're representing yourself in this case.

Santeria: You can't trust attorneys.

Lori: *writing things down* Here are your two options. You can plead guilty and recieve 25 to life. Or you can continue to plead not guilty and there won't be a deal for you. You get the death penalty.

Santeria: *eats cafeteria food* Mhm.

Lori: *tilts head* Mhm, what.

Santeria: I think I'll stick to my plea. You never know, I could win.

Lori: Doubtful.

Santeria: Where's the evidence against me?

Lori: The evidence is being taken back to their parents.

Santeria: Those kids don't know anything.

Lori: It doesn't matter. They picked your picture out.

Santeria: Coersion.

Lori: You think that'll work on a jury?

Santeria: Hey, OJ keeps gettin' away with it.

Lori: OJ had a lawyer. *closes file* You have stupidity.

Santeria: *stands, grabs Lori's neck*

Lori: UGH!

Inmates circle, others run around

Santeria: No one calls me stupid. *squeezes*

Lori: *grabs at Santeria's arms*

Santeria: Especially a little woman.

Guards try pushing past inmates

Santeria: *laughing*

Gavin: *runs over, punches Santeria*

Santeria: AH! *falls backward*

Lori: *falls*

Santeria: *punches Gavin*

Gavin: *kicks Santeria*

Inmates cheer

Santeria: *throws table*

Gavin: *ducks*

Guard: *grabs Santeria*

Guard2: *grabs Gavin* Break it up, break it up.

Inmates walk away

Lori: *coughing*

Santeria: *spits, walks away*

Guard2: Pick up this table and get back to your spot.

Gavin: Yes sir.

Guard2: *walks away*

Lori: *glaring*

Gavin: *kneels* You alright?

Lori: *pushes Gavin, stands*

Gavin: *stands*

Lori: *grabs briefcase* Don't even think about it.

Gavin: You know, it probably wasn't best to insult someone twice your size.

Lori: He's an idiot. I don't care whether he was 10 feet tall and 350 pounds.

Gavin: *grabs file from floor* Workin' a new case.

Lori: *snatches file away* It's none of your business.

Gavin: Then you'd better get goin'.

Lori: I am.

Gavin: *crosses arms*

Lori: *rubs neck*

Gavin: So are you leaving?

Lori: *places hands on hips* You know what's strange about your 'confession'?

Gavin: I suppose you're going to tell me.

Lori: Those women were killed in Key West. You joined your little gang while you were in Texas.

Gavin: It's not that strange. Afterall, we had transportation.

Lori: Yes I'm aware of that. It's funny your badge number was only recently terminated.

Gavin: They're a little slow.

Lori: Yes so slow that you're still listed as 'undercover' with the Vice team. I made a phone call and made it sound convincing.

Gavin: Don't believe everything you hear. *winks, walks away*

Lori: *frowns*

Oh...My....GOD! It is 4 AM and I am laughing like a maniac. I love you Geni! LOL This has got to be the most laughing I've done in the history of ever.

And Geni, please stop stalking me :D I really am always picked last and the touche thing is something I have totally said in the past. Plus I'm a computer whiz, so naturally that's what role I'd play. :D

I command you to update in 2.2 seconds.........no? Fine! :( Just update soon! :)
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