CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Wow great suspense Geni!! I really sort bad Katie was back to treat Speed like crap :)
And Horatio saw nothing wow is he sick or something?? Oh maybe it's because he didn't have his shade of justice :p

Anyway great update and update soon please :)

PS: I can't wait to see my story... And of course the other one too :)
I Should Have Known It Could Have Been So Much Better

Dock, Miami Beach

Katie: *walks up* He's in the wind.

Speed: You lost him?

Katie: I didn't lose him the FBI did.

Speed: So where is he?

Katie: We think New York.

Speed: I hate New York.

Katie: I know that.

Speed: I also hate Mexico.

Katie: I know.

Speed: And Germany.

Katie: That's understandable.

Speed: Not to mention France.

Katie: *lifts brow*

Speed: Australia and Canada too.

Katie: ...What about Africa?

Speed: *walks away*

Katie: *turns around* Where are you going?

Speed: I'm going to the lab.

Katie: Why?

Speed: To let Horatio know.

Katie: *runs over* Uh I don't think so.

Speed: Horatio's not going to lose him.

Katie: *frowns* I didn't lose him.

Speed: You're in charge of the crime unit.

Katie: I'm in charge of A crime unit, not THE crime unit.

Speed: So who is he?

Katie: ...Colton.

Speed: Colton? The same Colton that tried to kill me in Australia?

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: What information does he have?

Katie: He knows where Trevor is.

Speed: Trevor's in jail.

Katie: Not anymore.

Speed: Why the hell not?

Katie: He got out.

Speed: How?

Katie: They sprung him because he's suing the police department for assault on a federal agent.

Speed: He broke the law.

Katie: Well the charge is going to stick unless we can find him. Colton was in the same prison, and told us he knows where he'll be in New York. We just didn't know he'd flee without us.

Speed: Don't you love our old friends?

Katie: This is serious Tim.

Speed: So he was the one killing the New Yorkers?

Katie: No. Trevor was.

Speed: Okay I'm confused.

Katie: He was in New York last month, and went on a killing spree. We spoke to a couple of doctors and psychiatrists who think that he has a mental condition.

Speed: A mental condition?

Katie: He's basically AWOL.

Speed: So he came back here to kill New Yorkers in Miami.

Katie: Yeah and we released Colton to help us catch him but he fled with Trevor and now we're screwed.

Speed: So Trevor has a mental condition and Colton's just stupid. This is great.

Katie: We have to go to New York.

Speed: No. We're not going anywhere. I joined you people because Sandra asked me, not because I wanted to go galavanting around the entire country.

Katie: She's not fired?

Speed: No. The investigation cleared her.

Katie: Oh so you'll do what she says but you won't do what I say.

Speed: She asked.

Katie: I'm asking you to go to New York.

Speed: I'm not going back there.

Katie: Why not?

Speed: Because we don't need to. The FBI can track them down.

Katie: We have a job to do.

Speed: You might have a job to do. *hands badge to Katie* I have a different job.

Katie: What's wrong with New York?

Speed: Nothing.

Katie: Did something happen the last time you were up there?

Speed: No. *walks away*

Katie: Where are you going!

Speed: Lab!

Katie: *runs* Oh no you're not.

Speed: They need to know.

Katie: No they don't.

Speed: Yes they do.

Katie: If they find out, our entire division could be brought down.

Speed: Why? Because they'll realize they were being sued by an AWOL federal agent? I'm pretty sure they can handle it.

Katie: I know you hate politics but they can't know.

Speed: I don't hate politics. I hate jackasses who think they control the world.

Katie: We're going to New York.

Speed: No, we're not.

Katie: Look, I know you don't want to go back because of your father and everything b-

Speed: That's not what this is about.

Katie: Then what is it about?

Speed: ...I promised I wouldn't go back.

Katie: Promised who?

Speed: That's not important.

Katie: What's her name?

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: Is it that nineteen year old girl in that mental facility?

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Katie: You slept with her didn't you?

Speed: No.

Katie: ...You know it's weird.

Speed: What?

Katie: I actually believe you.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: So you two have some kind of relationship?

Speed: You could say that.

Katie: What kind of relationship?

Speed: She's...Like a sister.

Katie: *smirks*

Speed: What?

Katie: It's sweet.

Speed: Yeah well I'm not going back there. I promised her I wouldn't.

Katie: Okay. You don't have to go back.

Speed: *nods*

Katie: But I'm going.

Speed: Why?

Katie: It's my job.

Speed: At least bring someone with you.

Katie: I'll bring Carly.

Speed: Okay.

Katie: I'll see you in a few weeks.

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: *walks away*

Speed: *sigh*

Speed: Australia and Canada too.
Hey! What did we do?!...oh yeah, Colton and Emy tried to kill Speed with morphine...but if they hadn't, then y'all (haha, I said y'all, no-one in Australia says that...now what was I saying?) wouldn't have met me, so I say HOORAY for Speed almost getting killed again!

BUt OHHHHHH, Colton and Trevor are on the loose! I hope Katie and I can catch them! Go us!

please update soon
A FEW WEEKS! lol. I kid. But heck yes me and Carly uniting to bring down the bad guys. And Colton was helping us but now he ran off with trevor who has a mental condition. Well this is all very interesting. lol. But awwwww Speed did promise he wouldn't go back and and and and and awwwwwww he kept his promise. Thats like I said sweet. lol. Anyways update soon please!
Katie: What's her name?

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: Is it that nineteen year old girl in that mental facility?

speed's busy.. hhaa... dude i've missed LOADS when I was gone.. who's she?
great updates as always. ;)

update soon please Geni :D

ImissSpeed said
dude i've missed LOADS when I was gone.. who's she?

Her name, (like Katie and Speed's child) is Lori. - She was there before the two CSIs had a kid. She's a young girl at a mental facility (which was pretty modern, it's not like there was psycho killers everywhere) where Speed was staying for a few months. He was emotionally unstable, and that was Horatio's way of helping him.

They soon developped a relationship in a way that was essentially brother/sister. Now, this particular bit of info that I'm going to explain, wasn't stated at all, but she was almost a subsitute for Speed's dead sister - She was mentioned I believe either right before they went to New York, or after Speed returned from the facility. That storyline spanned over a period of two to three months.

Lori is Speed's foil or if you prefer, opposite. She's very innocent and regards the world simply as she perceives it. She, like the other patients has a medical condition in which she sees things, and hears things (like angels for example), but whether anyone there wants to believe it, there seems to be a bit of truth in what she says regarding her 'angels'. She was brought there by her brother, who had assaulted her. She never told anyone, and the brother died in a fire. She hopes someday that he'll return for her, despite what he did. She is intelligent, and beautiful with a child-like demeanor. She's a very sweet person, who doesn't judge at first glance, and her innocence in a way, keeps her from knowing the truth about herself (that she'll never leave the facility) and that her brother was the one who landed her there - Emotionally. In a way, Speed is also the brother that she never had.

Now, Speed had to return there once not as a patient but as a CSI, because of a murder that happened in the facility, and it turns out the psychiatrist was the murderer. - Lori of course was happy to help put him away. (The guy was, in so many words, a jerk.) But there was a time when Horatio, and the psychiatrist thought that maybe Lori murdered her friend so they locked her in a room to test her anxiety and anger. (seeing as they thought she was nuts, and she said she saw the murder.)

From there, she proceeded to call out for Tim, and she became hysterical after about a half hour. The end result, was supposed to show that Lori was unstable, and capable of the murder. Instead, behind the glass wall, Speed was more upset than her and pleaded that she be released. - Which she was. This showcased their relationship further.

The murderer (the psychiatrist) was caught, and put behind bars. Horatio and Speed were to return to Miami, but Speed stayed to say goodbye to Lori, in which Lori told him not to come back. (She could see how hard it was for him to say goodbye, and it was probably harder for her.) So Speed promised he'd never go back, and here we are! :D

I hope that explains things. ;)

I should have more chapters very soon!
Wow Geni, that was an amazing description of Lori, I forgot that Speed's friend and Speed's daughter had the same name........ It definaly explained things lol Can't wait to see more!
Well I'm glad it explained everything. :D

Channeled All Your Pain

New York, 9 am


Carly: Alright where are we going?

Katie: *looking down at cell phone* We're going to find Colton and Trevor.

Carly: Yeah you said that on the plane. I want to know where we're going right NOW.

Katie: We're walking down the street.

Carly: I know that.

Katie: *looks around* Is this 42nd street?

Carly: I don't know. Look, we can't just wander around the city all day.

Katie: I'm not wandering I'm trying to find an address.

Carly: Address for what?

Katie: A mental facility.

Carly: Checking in?

Katie: Funny. Tim told me about it.

Carly: What did he tell you?

Katie: That there's a young girl there.

Carly: ...There's probably a lot of young girls there.

Katie: I know.

Carly: Whoa, wait. You're not going to go find her are you?

Katie: Yeah.

Carly: I don't think he wants you to do that.

Katie: I'm his wife. I can do whatever I want.

Carly: No you can't.

Katie: He said he wouldn't come back here.

Carly: So that doesn't give you the right to go in there.

Katie: Sure it does.

Carly: Why?

Katie: I'm his wife.

Carly: Stop. *grabs Katie* Do you know what you're doing?

Katie: Yeah.

Carly: What?

Katie: I just want to talk to her.

Carly: Why?

Katie: I don't know.

Carly: ...You want to find out if she's better than you.

Katie: I am shocked. Shocked and appauled that you would even think that.

Carly: Then why are you going in there?

Katie: I'm just curious.

Carly: Why?

Katie: Because I'm like that. Come on. *grabs Carly* Go in there.

Carly: What? No one said I had to go in.

Katie: I did. *pushes Carly*

Carly: You're freakishly strong.

Katie: I know.

Mental facility

Katie: *whispers* Go to the front desk.

Carly: You go to the front desk.

Katie: I can't go.

Carly: Why not?

Katie: ...I don't know.

Carly: Move it.

Katie: Agh! Don't push me.

Carly: You pushed me.

Katie: So?

Carly: So it's my turn.

Woman: Can I help you ladies?

Katie: Huh? OH. Yeah. *walks to front desk* She's looking for someone?

Carly: *narrows eyes*

Woman: Alright, who would that be?

Carly: It's a young woman, probably around 23 years old by now.

Woman: *smiles* You mean Lori.

Kaite: WHAT!

Carly: *kicks Katie*

Katie: I mean, what?

Woman: Do you know her?

Katie: No. Excuse us for a minute. *grabs Carly*

Carly: Ah! Ah! Stop pulling.

Corner of room

Carly: *rubs arm* What is your problem?

Katie: Lori. Her name is LORI.

Carly: So?


Carly: I'm pretty sure there are more people in the world with that name.

Katie: Oh my God I named my daughter after Tim's girlfriend.

Carly: *rolls eyes* He never said she was his girlfriend.

Katie: Well gee what a HUGE coincidence that my child is named the same thing.

Carly: Stop freaking out.

Katie: Fine. *runs over to front desk* Is she pretty?

Woman: *lifts brow*

Carly: What she means to say is, we're her cousins.

Woman: Cousins? She never mentioned any cousins.

Katie: What are you going to believe a crazy person over her cousins?

Woman: *frowns*

Carly: We're from Illinois.

Katie: We are?

Carly: *kicks Katie*

Katie: Great place to live. Lots of roads.

Carly: Can we visit Lori?

Woman: Visiting hours are tonight at six. You'll have to wait until then.

Katie: Well she doesn't have any other family, and we're flying back out at six.

Woman: Then you should come back another time.

Katie: Look here miss Priss I'm going to get back there whether y-

Carly: We'll be back at six.

Woman: *nods*


Carly: What did you have to talk to her like that for?

Katie: I want to see her.

Carly: We're not going back.

Katie: What? You said we were going back at six.

Carly: No we're not. We're going to find Colton and Trevor and then we're going back to Miami.

Katie: Man I KNEW I should have brought Jess instead.

Carly: Come on.

Katie: I am going...She's probably prettier than me.

Carly: Let it go.

Katie: No. We're going back in at six.

Carly: *sigh* Fine but if you harrass her we're leaving.

Katie: Deal.


Horatio's office

Carole: *knocks on door*

Horatio: *looks up* Come on in.

Carole: *walks in* Hey.

Horatio: *stands* Hey, what's up?

Carole: I want to be a CSI.

Horatio: ..You do.

Carole: *nods* I want to help.

Horatio: *smirks* Well...Is there any particular field you're interested in?

Carole: No. Anything's fine.

Horatio: I think we could arrange something...Soon.

Carole: Is it a bad thing that I want to do this?

Horatio: No. No, not bad at all. I just wasn't expecting you to come see me about it.

Carole: Why?

Horatio: Well you don't really seem like the CSI type.

Carole: *lifts brow* I don't?

Horatio: You're going to have to work on your shyness.

Carole: I can do that.

Horatio: Good. You do realize that once you're a CSI, you'll have to do training and proficiencies right?

Carole: Yes.

Horatio: Alright, well...Welcome aboard I guess.

Carole: *smiles*

Horatio: I'll get you some paperwork.

Carole: Thank you.

Horatio: *leaves*

Carole: *sigh*

Six pm, New York Mental Facility

Katie: *grabs Carly* GO! GO!

Carly: Let go of me.

Katie: Sorry.

Front desk

Katie: We're BACK. HA! In your face.

Woman: *looks up from paperwork*

Carly: Can we see her now?

Woman: Sure, I'll buzz you in.

Katie: Is she pretty?

Carly: Stop asking that.

Katie: Sorry.

Woman: She's upstairs, past the atrium, down the hall and up the steps, the fourth door on your left.

Carly: Thanks.

Few minutes later

Katie: *knocks on door* Oh man Oh man oh man.

Carly: Will you calm down? You're acting like you're on crack.

Katie: You're not acting ENOUGH like you're on crack.

Carly: *rolls eyes*

Lori: *opens door*

Katie: Ah crap she's pretty.

Carly: *steps up* Are you Lori?

Lori: *smiles* Yes. Who are you?

Carly: I'm Carly, and this is Katie.

Katie: I can't believe she's prettier than me.

Carly: Katie's a little weird.

Lori: *smiling* She seems pleasant.

Katie: Oh I like her.

Carly: You mind if we come in?

Lori: Not at all.

Lori's room

Katie: Wow nice room. It's so...Pink.

Lori: *smiles* The angels like it.

Carly: Angels.

Lori: Mhm.

Carly: Ah. Well, tell them we said hello.

Lori: They heard you.

Katie: Hey you have an empty fish tank. Where's all your fish?

Lori: It was time for them to live with the angels.

Katie: So they died.

Lori: That's a negative word.

Katie: *lifts brow* Everyone dies.

Lori: *tilts head* You're pregnant.

Katie: *wide-eyed*

Carly: *looks at Katie*

Katie: Huh?

Lori: Don't worry, everything will be fine with her.

Katie: ...HER?

Carly: *mouth hanging open*

Lori: *smiling*

Katie: Um...Okay how did you know that?

Lori: Do you have any names?

Katie: No.

Carly: *shakes head* Uh...Okay so how long have you been here?

Lori: It's my home. I shouldn't have to count the days like it's a prison.

Carly: Good point.

Lori: Why have you come to visit me?

Carly: We heard about you and had to meet you. We're from Miami.

Lori: It must be very bright in Miami.

Carly: It is.

Lori: *looks down* ...Is that a badge?

Carly: Yeah. We're police officers.

Katie: And proud of it damnit.

Carly: *rolls eyes*

Lori: You protect people?

Carly: That's right.

Lori: *smiles*

Katie: So are you ever going to get rid of that fish tank? It must be filthy.

Lori: I clean it every day.

Katie: Why? You don't even have fish.

Lori: They won't let me buy more fish.

Katie: Why not?

Lori: I killed them.

Carly: ...You killed your fish?

Katie: Okay she's a fish killer. Let's go.

Carly: Get back here. *grabs Katie*

Katie: Ah nuts.

Carly: Why did you kill your fish?

Lori: *frowns* I was angry at them.

Carly: Why?

Lori: I don't want to talk about it.

Carly: Alright, I'm sorry.

Lori: *smiles* It's okay. Would you like something to eat?

Carly: No, we're fine.

Lori: I made fish.

Katie: *screams*

Lori: ...I didn't cook my dead fish.

Katie: Oh...Sorry.

Lori: *giggles* You're funny.

Katie: I KNOW! See? She knows I'm funny.

Carly: Yeah you're very funny Katie, we get it.

Katie: *frowns*

Lori: Are you two staying here?

Katie: *laughs* No way, I wouldn't stay here if my life depended on....*clears throat* No, we just came here to see you.

Lori: Why?

Katie: I wanted to know who you were.

Lori: Why?

Katie: ...I'm not sure.

Lori: I haven't heard anything about you, so how do you know me?

Katie: It's a long story.

Lori: *smiles* I'd love to hear it.

Carly: Maybe another time. Let's go.

Katie: But I wasn't finished.

Carly: You think Speed would be happy if he found out you were here? Move it.

Lori: *looks at Carly*

Carly: I mean...I lied, that's not his name.

Lori: Tim Speedle?

Carly: No.

Katie: Face it Carly, you blew it.

Carly: Damnit.

Lori: I haven't seen him in four years.

Katie: Well hey we all have regrets. Let's go Carly.

Carly: I'm with you.

Lori: You're his wife?

Katie: I guess you could say that.

Lori: *smiles* He loves you.

Katie: HA. I knew it.

Carly: *rolls eyes*

Katie: Well um, it was nice meeting you but we really have to take off. You know, catching criminals and such.

Lori: *nods* I understand.

Katie: Okay, come on Carly.

Carly: Keep your panties on, geez.

Lori: Wait.

Katie: *turns around*

Lori: *grabs paper, and pen*

Katie: *lifts brow*

Carly: *angry sigh*

Lori: *writing things down* Can you, give...This to him? *hands paper to Katie*

Katie: Yeah sure.

Lori: Promise not to read it.

Katie: I promise.

Lori: ...*grabs paper* I'll give it to her. *gives paper to Carly*

Katie: *narrows eyes*

Carly: *laughs*

Lori: Please give it to him.

Carly: I will.

Lori: *smiles* Thank you.


Katie: Okay give me the note.

Carly: No way, you're not supposed to read it.

Katie: I can't help it. I'm curious.

Carly: Stop being curious.

Katie: Give me the note.

Carly: No.

Katie: Give it.

Carly: No.

Katie: Give it to me.

Carly: No.

Katie: Give it to me!

Carly: No!


People on the street stop walking, look at Katie

Katie: Um....I'm....It...It was a movie quote.

People walk away

Katie: Give me the paper.

Carly: She didn't want anyone else reading it. I think we should respect her wishes.

Katie: Pfft yeah this coming from the person who didn't even want to see her in the first place.

Carly: If it's important to her, we should just give Speed the paper without reading it.

Katie: What if it says something like "I'm going to kill your wife"? Then we have to read it.

Carly: It doesn't say that.

Katie: How do you know?

Carly: Because she's not a killer.

Katie: She killed her fish.

Carly: She probably didn't kill them. They probably died of old age.

Katie: She said she was angry at them.

Carly: Are you going to believe EVERYTHING she says?

Katie: Yeah.

Carly: Are you actually pregnant?

Katie: *narrows eyes* It's none of your business.

Carly: Well if she's right all the time, than maybe I should believe everything she says too. But if she's wrong about the fish like I said, then you're not pregnant.

Katie: That's some twisted logic.

Carly: Thank you.

Katie: That's not a good thing.

Carly: Was she right or not?

Katie: She was right.

Carly: Okay.

Katie: Great, now I have to tell Tim.

Carly: How long have you been putting it off?

Katie: ...Five months.

Carly: *frowns*

Katie: Well I didn't want to get him all worried.

Carly: You should tell him.

Katie: I don't want to tell him.

Carly: You should tell him before he finds out himself. You can't stay hidden behind baggy clothes forever.

Katie: Yeah I know.

Carly: So are you happy now? You saw her.

Katie: Yeah and she's prettier than me.

Carly: She's younger too.

Katie: *punches Carly*

Carly: Ow.

*GASP* KATIE'S PREGNANT AGAIN! I see a baby shower coming on! That's wierd how Lori knew that she was pregnant, and apparently it's a girl too? Hmm Lori sure does have some intresting powers lol. And she's prettier than Katie, haha. I love Lori, she's the best. I really want to know what that note says though. hmmmmm *scratches head*

WOOO Carole is going to be a CSI! That should be cool. I wonder how that fits into her storyline. That was one loooooong update Geni, and I can't wait to see where it goes. GET TREVOR *hushes* sorry haha. Can't wait for more Geni, update soon please! :D
WHAT! Girl, you really don't have the best luck, do you?
Danny: You wanna take bets?
Speed: No way, I'm smarter than that.
Danny: Ah yeah you're a New Yorker.
Speed: Actually we all are.
The entire Back To Me chapter was hilarious, but that made my day...them just figuring out that they're all New Yorkers! Oh! and your long winded rant, Geni, that was amazing! Ah, the good old days...
Speed: Do you get incompetant when it's dark out? I know you're the dayshift supervisor but for christ s-
Horatio: Speed.
Poor Horatio, but he's being a little thick, isn;t he...Leave it to Speed to attract the killer and get everyone on high alert! Save the children!!!
Speed: You didn't quit the FBI.
Ack! You're so confusing Katie! Are you working for the FBI or not? Sheesh! Make up you're mind! No, that was an interesting twist, I love the way this story goes, you NEVER know what's gonna happen next!
Katie: *laughs* Why? You actually thought I wanted to sleep with you? Yeah well I'd rather sleep with Horatio than you thank you very much.
Horatio: Excuse me?
Katie: Oh come on I was kidding. I was just making a comparison. Too visual for you?
Horatio: A little.
Ouch, that was harsh. Poor Horatio, but he has JC, so all is good! Katie, you're so weird! Pick a side already!
Katie: Well the plan went perfectly so don't worry about it. We have to find him before Horatio does.
What? No! I'm so confused...What is going on here? You know how I said you never know what's going to happen next, well now you never know what's going to happen or who's side people are on? WHAT IS GOING ON???
Katie: I'm in charge of A crime unit, not THE crime unit.
Speed: So who is he?
Katie: ...Colton.
AH! GASP!! COLTON!!! I'm done now.
Katie: Yeah and we released Colton to help us catch him but he fled with Trevor and now we're screwed.
I would definately agree with that. Trevor and Colton on a crime spree...together? This can't be good.
Katie: A mental facility.
Carly: Checking in?
Some times I think that would be a good idea...for all of us! I jest! Seriously folks (that sounded better in my head) we're all a little crazy!
Lori: *tilts head* You're pregnant.
Katie: *wide-eyed*
WHAT? I mean...Congradulations?? How does she know this? YAY! Lori is so cute!
People on the street stop walking, look at Katie
Katie: Um....I'm....It...It was a movie quote.
Katie! Calm down! people are staring... That was very good.
WOOO Carole is going to be a CSI!
Congradulations Carole! Oh Oh Oh! Geni! I want to be a CSI! Please? I'm so needy...sorry. I'll be back tomorrow!! Bye!

Tell Me Where To Find

Hotel room, 10 pm

Katie: HA!

Carly: *walks in* What?

Katie: I finally got this laptop thingy working.

Carly: Wow what an accomplishment. Next time you're up for a promotion you can mention that.

Katie: *narrows eyes* Thank you Tim Speedle.

Carly: *laughs* You want a bee...Nevermind.

Katie: I hate you.

Carly: Water?

Katie: Yeah.

Carly: *throws bottle of water*

Katie: So where were you?

Carly: Calling Josh at a payphone downstairs.

Katie: Use your cell.

Carly: Yeah long distance Katie, I'm not made of money.

Katie: *tilts head* No kiddin'. How's he doing?

Carly: He misses me.

Katie: Aw how sweet. I wish Tim missed me.

Carly: I'm sure he does.

Katie: Yeah right, he's probably at the closest strip club banging some hooker.

Carly: ...In the strip club?

Katie: *rolls eyes*

Carly: *sits on bed* So what are you doing on the computer?

Katie: I'm trying to find the internet.

Carly: Katie...It's the internet icon.

Katie: Which one?

Carly: The blue one that says 'Internet Explorer'.

Katie: ...My bad.

Carly: Why are you on the internet anyway?

Katie: I'm going to find out everything I know about this 'mental' facility.

Carly: Aren't we supposed to be learning about Colton and Trevor?

Katie: *waves hands* We'll get 'em.

Carly: *stares at Katie*

Katie: What? I'm curious about this at the moment.

Carly: So what did you find out?

Katie: Geez give me a break, I'm only in google.

Carly: *rolls eyes*

Katie: *typing*

Carly: What are you doing?

Katie: Finding information.

Carly: You're doing it wrong.

Katie: Don't tell me how to 'do it'.

Carly: I wasn't. I said you were 'doing it' all wrong.

Katie: Hey I just had a crazy thought.

Carly: What.

Katie: You think this room gets porn?

Carly: Keep typing.

Katie: *types*

Carly: *grabs tv guide*

Katie: Man I hate google.

Carly: So when was the last time you and Speed rocked the kazbah?

Katie: Um innapropriate.

Carly: I was curious.

Katie: *frowns* Five months ago. You want me to paint you a picture?

Carly: Wasn't that before you 'died'?

Katie: Yeah.

Carly: ...But you got drunk and Josh's house.

Katie: I didn't actually drink the beer. It was ginger ale, and I was hyper.

Carly: Wow...Five months is a long time.

Katie: What's that supposed to mean?

Carly: I don't know. Maybe you guys lost the spark.

Katie: What spark?

Carly: That passion for each other.

Katie: We've had like a million kids, I'm pretty sure the 'spark' is still there.

Carly: I'm just saying.

Katie: Okay this might sound extremely cliché but it's not him, it's me.

Carly: That does sound very cliché.

Katie: I just don't really think about him the same way I used to.

Carly: I thought you just said there was plenty of 'spark' left in you guys.

Katie: Maybe after like a billion kids, one starts to lose interest.

Carly: It wasn't a billion.

Katie: I was never very good at math. OH! I have something.

Carly: Great, what?

Katie: The place opened in '73.

Carly: Okay that was 30 some years ago....That's all you have?

Katie: *flailing* Shhh I'm reading.

Carly: Geez.

Katie: Uh huh, uh huh lots of crazy people...*clicks mouse* Oooh pretty pictures. I really like that tree.

Carly: Pay attention.

Katie: Sorry. Okay let's see here....The place burned down in 95, and we rebuilt bla bla bla....

Carly: You're not going to find anything interesting. This isn't even our kind of problem. We have two murderers to catch.

Katie: *frowns*

Carly: What?

Katie: Not you, this.

Carly: What? What is it?

Katie: *clicks mouse* Check it out.

Carly: Whoa.

Katie: Five murders in the past two years, all of which happened on the top floor, and all involved the same suspect.

Carly: Lori.

Katie: You still think this isn't our kind of problem?

Carly: Well we can't call the New York team because they're in Miami.

Katie: Um only two of them are.

Carly: Yeah but I don't like the other ones.

Katie: That's low.

Carly: You sure you don't want to call Speed?

Katie: He said he wouldn't come back.

Carly: I think he needs to know about this. He has a history with Lori.

Katie: Well this doesn't necessarily mean Lori killed those patients.

Carly: ....Wait. Okay you told me Tim said that the psychiatrist killed that one patient right?

Katie: Yeah.

Carly: What if Lori framed him?

Katie: She doesn't seem smart enough for that. Plus the physical evidence put the murder weapon in his hand. And besides, I thought he confessed.

Carly: We need to talk to that psychiatrist.

Katie: No we need to talk to Tim Speedle.

Carly: Why?

Katie: He was the CSI on the case.

Carly: Like you said, he's not going to get up here.

Katie: You want more people to be murdered?

Carly: Of course not.

Katie: *grabs phone*

Humma, dining room

Jess: Hey, thanks for coming over.

Delko: *smiles* No problem. Where do you want the champagne?

Jess: *grabs bottle* I'll take care of that. So what about Valera?

Delko: She wants to be 'friends'.

Jess: Ouch. *places down champagne bottle*

Delko: Yeah.

Jess: *wraps arms around Delko's neck* So uh...You know we're just friends right?

Delko: We are, huh?

Jess: *smiles*

Delko: Shall we dance?

Jess: The music's already on.

Delko: I wasn't paying attention to the music.

7 am, New York

Hotel room

Katie: *runs to door*

Carly: *cleaning gun*

Katie: *opens door* You're here.

Speed: *frowning* This better be good. I just spent the last seven hours sitting on a plane with an old lady who had to pee every five minutes.

Katie: It's nice to see you too.

Speed: *walks in* Okay so why am I here?

Katie: You're going to talk to Lori.

Speed: Uh no. I don't think so.

Katie: We think she's killing people.

Speed: She's not killing anyone.

Carly: Actually I believe Katie.

Katie: See? She believes me and she's a CSI.

Speed: She did not kill anyone.

Katie: *blinks* Um...Okay except we think she DID.

Speed: *glaring*

Katie: I think she's playing everyone.

Speed: She's mentally ill. She doesn't know what that means.

Katie: I think she does.

Speed: She did not kill anyone.

Katie: Go talk to her. Please.

Speed: *looks at Carly*

Carly: Hey I actually agree with her. This never happens.

Speed: *angry sigh* Fine.

Mental facility

Speed: I can't believe she talked me into this.

Carly: Be glad she didn't strap you to the hood of the rental car and get you here herself.

Speed: She would do that?

Carly: Have you seen her drive?

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: Enough said huh.

Speed: Yeah.

Woman: May I help you?

Speed: Yeah I'm looking for Lori.

Woman: I'm sorry, visitor hours are at six pm, no earl-

Speed: *lifts badge*

Woman: Or right now's good. Her room's d-

Speed: Don't worry I know the way. *walks away*

Woman: *lifts brow*

Carly: *shrugs*

Lori's room

Speed: *knocks on door*

Carly: Wow you sure know your way around here.

Speed: *looks at Carly*

Carly: What?

Lori: *opens door* ...TIMMY!

Carly: ..Timmy?

Lori: *hugs Speed*

Speed: *frowning*

Lori: *lets go* What's wrong?

Speed: We need to talk.

Lori: *lifts brow* I don't understand.

Speed: *walks in*

Carly: *walks in*

Lori: *closes door* What's this about?

Speed: You.

Lori: You're not happy to see me?

Speed: I need some information.

Lori: *smiles* Okay.

Speed: You know that psychiatrist that murdered Molly?

Lori: That was a bad man.

Speed: Yeah well we think he wasn't so bad.

Lori: I don't understand.

Carly: Have you ever hurt anyone?

Lori: What do you mean?

Carly: Have you killed anyone?

Lori: No.

Carly: You killed your fish.

Lori: *giggles* Fish aren't people.

Carly: And yet they're still dead.

Lori: Yes, they are.

Carly: So maybe you killed the other five people, including Molly.

Lori: *lifts brow* Timmy?

Speed: *looks at Carly*

Lori: Timmy tell her I didn't kill them.

Carly: *crosses arms*

Speed: *staring at Lori* ...She didn't hurt anyone.

Carly: *lifts brow*

Lori: *smiles* See Timmy? *strokes Speed's stubble* I knew you believed me.

Speed: *smirks*

Carly: *wide-eyed* Uh...Come on TIMMY we have to go. *grabs Speed*


Carly: What the hell was that?

Speed: *staring at Lori's door*

Carly: Tim?

Speed: *sigh*

Carly: Tim!

Speed: *blinks* What?

Carly: What the hell!

Speed: I didn't do anything.

Carly: EXACTLY! What the hell!

Speed: What do you want me to do? We have no evidence to suggest she killed anyone.

Carly: Um how about stop making lovey dovey eyes at her and help us with the case.

Speed: I don't love her.

Carly: Well you sure love SOMETHING about her.

Speed: She's hot and I'm a guy. Sue me.


Speed: Will you stop yelling that?

Carly: Tim she's playing you.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Carly: I'm serious. She is REALLY sick in the head.

Speed: *frowns*

Carly: ...You think she's hot?

Speed: *shakes head* Man if I wasn't married...

Carly: Uh WOW okay thanks for sharing. *grabs Speed* Let's go back to the hotel so you can take a cold shower and then maybe we can beat the crap out of you.

Carly: *laughs* You want a bee...Nevermind.
Awwwwwwwwwww no more drunk Katie......*pouts* but we still get hyper Katie so that's good too!
Carly: You're doing it wrong.

Katie: Don't tell me how to 'do it'.

Carly: I wasn't. I said you were 'doing it' all wrong.
Did anyone else get dirty thoughts? Or am I the only one that has a perverted mind. I can't help it, my friend Kylie is like that. I BLAME HER! lol

Katie: Hey I just had a crazy thought.

Carly: What.

Katie: You think this room gets porn?
I IMMIDIATLY thought of Anni lol, for a minute, I was like "wait, Anni was there?" lol

Carly: So when was the last time you and Speed rocked the kazbah?

Katie: Um innapropriate.

Carly: I was curious.

Katie: *frowns* Five months ago. You want me to paint you a picture?

Carly: Wasn't that before you 'died'?
HAHA So random! at first, I skipped over that, I had to read that part again lol.

Delko: I wasn't paying attention to the music.
:D :D :D :D *is containing excitement* haha Geni, I knew you were going to do something with Delko and I, but I didn't think it would be like that! lol

Lori: *smiles* See Timmy? *strokes Speed's stubble* I knew you believed me.

Speed: *smirks*
GASP! TIMOTHY SPEEDLE! I am appalled! Poor Katie, she has so much competition, but she always ends up with him in the end, how sweet lol

Geni, you've been doing some loooooong updates! I love it! Keep up the good work, I'm loving this Lori storyline, it's got me wondering if she really is toying him, or if she didn't do anything. Can't wait for more! Update soon please!
Carole: *walks in* Hey.

Horatio: *stands* Hey, what's up?

Carole: I want to be a CSI.
YAY I'm gonna be a CSI!!*hugs Horatio* THANK YOU! :D

Horatio: Well you don't really seem like the CSI type.

Carole: *lifts brow* I don't?

Horatio: You're going to have to work on your shyness.
This is just me! All shy :p

Speed: She's hot and I'm a guy. Sue me.
Speed: *shakes head* Man if I wasn't married...

What's the hell with Speed!! I don't understand!

Anyway great update Geni and update soon please I can't wait to see more :)
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