CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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wow speed has gone physco ... mindya I think i would too.... *curls into little ball, whispers to self* I think I need to go see the people in the white coats again...
:lol: Psycho? I wouldn't go that far. :p

Should Have Never Come Around

Calleigh's house, 10 pm

Delko: So we just work the case tomorrow?

Calleigh: Yeah.

Anni: *flipping channels* Damn Cal, you have no porn.

Calleigh: I didn't think that was a big issue.

Anni: Oh it is.

Carly: *sigh* Guys we should be figuring out a way to help Speed.

Delko: He's screwed himself up. We can't help.

Carly: We could if we tried.

Delko: He doesn't listen to us.

Jess: Well he might if we got naked or something.

Anni: That's my girl!

Lori: *runs over, crying*

Calleigh: Hey whats the matter?

Lori: I fell down.

Calleigh: Aw, here come sit on the couch.

Lori: *sits on couch*

Calleigh: Where does it hurt?

Lori: *points to knee*

Calleigh: Ooh that's a mighty big scratch huh?

Lori: *nods, wipes eyes*

Calleigh: Alright I'll get you a bandaid. *stands, walks to kitchen*

Lori: *grabs Jess* Jessie I want Cheez-its.

Jess: Doesn't Calleigh have some here?

Lori: *shakes head*

Carly: Well maybe she has cookies instead.

Lori: *nods* I like cookies.

Carly: Good.

Calleigh: *walks over* Okay, here put this cloth on it, and I'll get the bandaid open for you.

Lori: *grabs napkin*

Carly: Where did you fall?

Lori: Outside. I was playing on the swings.

Carly: That had to have hurt.

Lori: *nods* Where's daddy?

Carly: He's...Staying overnight somewhere else.

Lori: Why?

Carly: It's not important.

Lori: *frowns*

Carly: I'm sure he'll call or something.

Lori: *nods*

Anni: *gasp* LORI!

Lori: Huh?

Anni: That is such a cute top. Man I wish I was as rich as you when I was small.

Lori: *giggles*

Calleigh: *puts bandaid on*

Lori: Thankie.

Calleigh: No problem sweetheart.

Lori: *smirks*

Carly: I'm so bored I could pass out.

Lori: Wanna come play outside?

Carly: I don't really want to play.

Lori: *grabs Carly's hand* You play, you'll be happy.

Carly: I will?

Lori: Mhm. *jumps off couch, drags Carly* Too slow! Go faster!

Carly: I am, I am.

Lori: Jessie hurry up!

Jess: I'm a comin'. *runs*


Carly: Okay what do you want to do?

Lori: I wanna play hide and seek.

Carly: I'm not really good at hiding.

Lori: So don't hide.

Carly: You baffle me.

Lori: Huh?

Carly: Nothing.

Jess: *grabs Carly* Come hide, and she'll find us.

Carly: I don't want to play.

Jess: Yes you do.

Inside house

Delko: So apparently we're working the same case now.

Missy: Yeah that Paul guy was involved in both cases right?

Delko: Yeah.

Calleigh: Interesting. Well we can grab him tomorrow and search his house.

Delko: He actually lives at the apartment.

Calleigh: Really.

JC: Yeah the toilet seat was left up.

Calleigh: So why didn't the roommates say anything?

Delko: Because they're probably just as guilty.


Never Forgiven

Next day, Lab

Layout room

Calleigh: Okay here are the security tapes from the bank. I got the photo stills from Tyler.

Delko: So we can see Paul walk in, he's not wearing a mask.

JC: Stupid criminals.

Anni: He walks in, points the gun at the teller, shoots and drops the duffle bag behind the counter.

JC: Then we see the security guard go behind the counter, and grab the gun. He stands, gets shot and tries to shoot the gun.

Calleigh: Gun cleaning oil jammed the gun, ironically enough.

Delko: He didn't know how to clean it?

Calleigh: It dried up and locked the firing pin.

JC: So he's down, the second shooter is dead because one of the other security guards shoots him.

Missy: And then Paul gets away, with no money.

Delko: Why would he go into a bank, and forget to rob the bank?

Calleigh: I don't think it was money he was after.

Delko: Okay, fill us in Cal.

Calleigh: Well did you know that both roommates work there?

Carly: ....We didn't check into it.

Calleigh: I'm thinking the roommates were the target.

Carly: Why would he want to kill them?

Calleigh: The bigger question is, why would he want to kill his girlfriend shortly after?

Carly: Well the roommates got away. Maybe his plan was to keep the cops in Miami busy while they all murdered the girl, which gave them more time to hide her body and get rid of the evidence.

Calleigh: *sigh* Okay theories aren't going to help us.

Delko: I'll grab Paul and you guys wrangle up the roommates.

Calleigh: Good idea.

Interview room A

Carly: *sits down* So girls...What's the story?

Kathryn: What do you mean?

Carly: Well you both work at the same bank that was robbed, and your friend mysteriously ends up murdered after. Time of death makes it two hours after the bank murders.

Suzanne: I thought time of death could never be precise.

Carly: ...No.

Suzanne: ..Oh.

Carly: So, what happened?

Interview room B

Delko: Your partners are giving you up anyway, so you might as well tell me what happened.

Paul: *frowns*

Delko: Did you and Trish have a disagreement? Baby going to take up too much room so you and your girls decided to take her out?

Paul: It didn't happen like that. It was an accident.

Delko: So she accidentally drowned in her toilet.

Paul: She was sick.

Delko: So you killed her?

Paul: No, she passed out and when I got to the bathroom, she wasn't breathing.

Delko: So she died before you got home.

Paul: That's what happened.

Tripp: So genious, how do you explain the gun in the toilet bowl?

Paul: That's where I keep it. For protection.

Tripp: Against what? Bacteria and scum?

Paul: Look it's not like I can hide it under my mattress. It's a tech 9.

Delko: Pretty big gun for protection.

Paul: I know, that's why I bought it.

Delko: So why drag Trish's body out to the beach?

Paul: I didn't want it to look bad.

Delko: Well it already looks bad. We have images of you in the bank with your gun before Trish's death.

Paul: ...*sigh* I was planning on getting married to Trish.

Tripp: So you robbed a bank?

Paul: I didn't get a chance. I mean, I was friends with the security guard who said that he and a buddy could get me the cash, but things got a little too real.

Tripp: The security guard pulled a gun on you.

Paul: Yeah so I freaked.

Delko: Where was Kathryn and Suzanne?

Paul: Outside in a van waiting for me.

Delko: So they knew about the bank robbery.

Paul: Yeah.

Tripp: You didn't have to rob a bank to buy a ring. You could have just gotten a full-time job and waited a couple of years.

Paul: It was kind of an impulse.

Delko: Well you thought out the bank robbery, so that implies forethought. You have no excuse.

Paul: What happens to them?

Delko: The same thing that's going to happen to you.

Paul: *sigh*

Delko: *stands*

Tripp: *crosses arms*

Teehee, Frank is my hero!

Tripp: Against what? Bacteria and scum?

And awww Lori is soooo gosh darn cute!

Lori: *grabs Jess* Jessie I want Cheez-its.
Hahaha oh man. I can sooo see her doing that. Grabbing her by both hands and getting into her face. *sighs* See what Cheeze its do to people. lol.

And awww poor Carly didn't want to play Hide and Seek and Lori hurt her knee.

Lori: *nods* Where's daddy?

Carly: He's...Staying overnight somewhere else.

Lori: Why?

Carly: It's not important.

Lori: *frowns*

Carly: I'm sure he'll call or something.
Somehow I don't see that happening....but who knows I could be wrong. Update soon please.
Gee, that Paul guy certainly is a keeper :rolleyes:...I know I say this alot, but what a moron! but then again, most of the criminals on any crime show are idiots...

and YAY! I GOT MY KNEES! :D TEEHEE!...but then we broke up :(...and Speed kinda went a bit postal...ok, a lot postal..."Here's SPEEDY!" :lol:

and AWWWWWWW Lori, is so darn cute! I want one! awwwwwwwwww, she's so darn adorable :D
Well who knows, but if I was Speed, and I was in his condition, I wouldn't be picking up a phone. Things could go very wrong.

You Have Restored

One week later


Lori: CARLY!

Carly: What?

Lori: Your bum is in my way. *grabs remote*

Carly: Oh sorry. What are you watching?

Lori: Blue's Clues.

Carly: I should have known.

Lori: *swings side to side* Blue's Clues Blue's Clues!

Jess: Okay everything she does is cute. That's not fair.

Lori: *swings feet* FIND BLUE!

Carly: I think he's got it covered.

Speed: *knocks on door frame*

Carly/Jess: *look up*

Lori: *looks up* DADDY! *runs over*

Speed: *kneels* Hey baby.

Lori: *hugs Speed*

Speed: *smiles*

Carly: *stands* So I take it you're back.

Speed: H has me on lab duty.

Lori: *lets go, runs to couch* Need Cheez-its.

Jess: Here you go.

Lori: Thankie.

Speed: *stands*

Carly: *crosses arms* You okay?

Speed: Well I don't want to kill myself if that's what you mean.

Carly: *smiles* Welcome back. *hugs Speed*

Speed: *smirks*

Jess: Hey you guys shut up I'm trying to figure out where Blue went.

Carly: *lets go*

Speed: *stares at Carly*

Carly: I'm glad you're back.

Speed: *nods*

Carly: So where are you headed now?

Speed: Trace Lab. I hear I have loads of paperwork to do.

Carly: I thought you hate paperwork.

Speed: It doesn't mean I won't do it.

Carly: Hmm, new shirt, haircut, some stubble...You sure know how to make an entrance Speedle.

Speed: *smirks* Somehow I knew you'd say that.

Jess: Good lord just kiss her already.

Carly: *turns to Jess* Find Blue and shut up.

Jess: *eating Cheez-its* Whatever you say.

Lori: *slaps Jess* Mine. *grabs bag*

Jess: Hey.

Carly: *turns to Speed* So how was the week by yourself in a hotel room?

Speed: Good tv, excellent meals, anti-depressant medication...All in all pretty good.

Carly: Ah Horatio got to you then.

Speed: Eventually.

Carly: I am...*sigh* So glad to see you.

Speed: Me too.

Carly: *smiles*

Speed: *winks*


Speed: *clears throat* I'll see you later.

Carly: *grinning* Yeah.

Speed: *leaves*

Jess: You suck, Carly.

Carly: Shut up.

Jess: He looks good.

Carly: *sigh* I want him.

Jess: *looks at Carly* Wow blunt.

Carly: Sorry.


Carly: *sigh* I want him.
Don't we all Carly! Don't. We. All. *Clears throat* Anyways!

YAY! Timmy's back in the land of the...not so violent people. lol.

Blues Clues! I love that show! I mean uh....oh heck yes I love that show. Teehee.

Lori: *slaps Jess* Mine. *grabs bag*
*snickers* God, that kid can't get any cuter. Update soon please!
Oh my god, so much has happened... First off, Speed is running without a couple of cylinders there. What he needs is some good ol fashion Anni insanity( and no I wasn't thinking about that... :lol:). Maybe it will bring him out of his depressional abyss. Poor dude though, sliting his wrists and drinking himself into a stupor isnt the way to go either. Question, would they just leave him unattended like that if he was suicidal? Just a thought.

I do , however, love the interogation scene with the suspect( Paul). hahaha, their banter and Speed's sarcasm... classic! I found myself chuckling at it all.

Again randomness reigns supreme....

Anni: *gasp* LORI!

Lori: Huh?

Anni: That is such a cute top. Man I wish I was as rich as you when I was small.

Lori: *giggles*

Loved the updates, really on edge about what's going on with Speed though.... Can't wait to read more!
Well in answer to your question, I'm assuming the patrol cops would be doing fifteen minute checks on him. They obviously can't control what he finds to hurt himself with, because the hotel placement was last minute. But they probably did figure out what he did, seeing as he's on anti-depressants now.

- That is if you read the last update. (Sometimes I post before people see it, and I apologize for that. I've been trying to slow down the amount of chapters that I submit, which has been helping. It's just that this is a new page, so some readers might miss the last chapter on the previous page.)

However, I'll have more chapters soon. :)

...This counts as soon...

More Than Enough For All Of Me

Trace Lab, 2 hours later

Carly: *walks in*

Speed: *doing paperwork* Don't you have a case to get to?

Carly: I just came over to visit.

Speed: I get the keen feeling that you're stalking me.

Carly: *rolls eyes* I wouldn't call it stalking.

Speed: What would you call it?

Carly: A keen interest in your work.

Speed: Ouch, just my work?

Carly: Okay, and you.

Speed: Nice save.

Carly: *walks over* So what are you doing after work?

Speed: I was thinking of visiting my daughter and spending time with her.

Carly: And tomorow night?

Speed: Same thing.

Carly: Night after?

Speed: I've got a whole schedule.

Carly: Mmm, sure you do.

Speed: I do.

Carly: *leans over Speed's shoulder* Really.

Speed: Yeah, really.

Carly: Aw so you have no time for me?

Speed: *smirks* I think something can be arranged.

Carly: *grabs paper*

Speed: *looks up* I need to finish that.

Carly: Do you now.

Speed: *stands* Yes.

Carly: *backs up* Then you had better come and get it.

Speed: *walks closer* I don't have time to play your games.

Carly: *smiles* Who says this is a game?

Delko: *walks in* Hey I needed to get the paperwork on the h-...What are you doing?

Speed: Carly was just giving me back my paperwork.

Carly: *hands over paper*

Speed: *winks*

Carly: *grinning*

Delko: Well uh...Can I have the case file work now?

Speed: Sure. *hands over folders*

Delko: You got all of this finished?

Speed: They don't call me Speed for nothing.

Delko: Funny. You seem chipper today.

Speed: Probably the medication.

Delko: Yeah probably. Well it's great to have you back man.

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: *leaves*

Speed: *turns around* You sneaky litt-

Carly: *grabs folder* Come get 'em Speedle.

Speed: *narrows eyes* Oh you've crossed the line miss CSI. *grabs Carly*

Carly: *giggles* TIM!

Speed: *grabs folders* Mine.

Carly: What me or the folders?

Speed: Pick one.

Carly: Oh I don't think you want me to pick.

Speed: *walks away*

Carly: Where are you going?

Speed: To give these to Horatio.

Carly: *places hands on hips* You had better be back.

Speed: I can't guarantee anything.

Carly: *sticks tongue out*

Teehee. Awww look at the flirty..nessnessness. Its so cute. And seriously what is it with Delko and ruining the moment he does that with who ever Speed's with. Geez man knock! lol. Teehee and Speed's all...chipper. hehe. Thats a new side of him, i'm kidding. lol.

Carly: What me or the folders?

Speed: Pick one.
I don't want to know. lol. Update soon please!
great updates! Glad to see that Speed is feeling better, and Carly...wow.. love the flirting... She is really spreading her wings. Nothing like almost losing someone to let you know how you feel about them...

Great job, Geni!
Well said Anni. :)

She sure is spreading her wings isn't she? Her confidence must be much higher. Wahoo. :p

Anni, you know what you are? You're like the mother hen of all the girls in the story. I'm not sure why, but that's how you seem to me. (even if you're the more slightly perverted mother hen, but a mother hen nonetheless) And you will take care of your girls. ;)
Carly and Speed... i don't know.. i like them together! ^_^
and Lori is so cute! :D i thought i don't like kids.. :rolleyes: njeaa i love them! :D
when Speed was standing in Lab with gun and yelling, that was pretty shocky to me! :p crazy man.. :rolleyes:

Giant updates Geni ! :D
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW thanks, Geni! Well, I do care enough to give them advice, and I would kill to keep them safe( I would like to think). And to boot, they can have fun along with me! I can deal with being a preverted motherhen! Thanks! ;) :D
Oh you would kill to keep them safe, that's for sure. (In fact, I sense a future storyline in this. ;))

I'll have more chapters tomorrow, but for now Miss Author needs her sleep. :D
Great update Geni!!!
I'm so happy that Speed is back like before :)
I hope you'll update soon :p

PS: I thought oh you guys today :). I was waiting my bus when I discovered that every day the bus arrived in aisle five then I just can't stop to laugh. I think everybody throught I was crazy. Like you say the crazy aren't crazy :p
It just makes my day so beautiful :)
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