CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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Haha member last time that Stetler shoved his nose in my and H's bussiness... he got coconuts on the head lol. Great update... after i logged off had a bath and watched part of 2 fast 2 furious i decided to come on and see if our genious little friend here updated which she did. I still can't laugh cause if i wake up my dad ... i am sure he would fall off the couch in fright and seeing as there is a table there i don't want to do that *sigh* can't wait to go to moms where they are use to the checking for bumps scraps bruises broken bones ... or hearing me sqeal scream or teehee for hours.

Point in case Great update and don't worry missy I won't kill you ... you give me coffee lol.

Update soon Geni !!!!! LOL
what a great thing how to start my day!
my daily newspaper..RT with cup of coffee! :D
Carly was scared from Speed..teheee cute! ^_^ uuu girls are hitting the clubs again! reminds my Road Trip with classmates.. :rolleyes: i wanna get drunk again! :lol:
and H is complete...Jesus?! :p *boom* 'is everything ok here?' *zoom* and he flys away again .. :rolleyes:

ok, i will go start to do my homeworks..it's only 10:23am here, but i am already doing my homeworks..yeah, because it's going to take my whole day :mad: *sigh* :(

oh, sorry..amm.. Great jobby-job(i don't know what the hell that means) :lol: update soon!
Awww poor Lori *huggles*

Lori: *eating muffin*
Teehee, Muffins, cheez its, heck yes....this kids going to be awesome! lol.

Lori: *sigh* I miss mommy.

Speed: *stares at Lori*

Lori: Do you miss mommy?

Speed: *sigh* How long have you been in here?
I love it when Lori bring me up Speed ever so quickly changes the subject. Maybe Speed needs to talk about me with Lori. Or maybe its still to hard for him. But the guy can't keep it all inside of him forever that's not good, believe me.

Horatio: She looked pretty sad.

Speed: She misses Katie.

Horatio: Do you?

Speed: I'd be lying if I said I didn't.
Awwww *huggles* And somewhere in that galaxy far far away I miss you to. Teehee.

Horatio: I don't want to receive any phone calls, messages, post-its, or e-mails about this.
Teehee, ok that made me laugh. I think it was the whole 'post its' part.

Great update Geni. Can't wait for more!
Stop This Pretending


Carly: BOO!

Lori: *giggles*

Jess: I want one.

Carly: I...Um....BOO!

Lori: *giggling*

Jess: So I heard you and Speed spent some time together last night.

Carly: Do you really think we should be talking about this when his daughter is right here?

Lori: *swinging feet* Yup.

Carly: Nice try.

Jess: Did you t-

Carly: *covers Lori's ears* Uh Jess wrong time to bring this up.

Jess: But it's true right?

Carly: Stop. Asking.

Jess: Fine.

Carly: *lets go of Lori* Hey you want some Cheez-its?


Carly: *walks over to counter*

Jess: *follows* You like him, right?

Carly: *sigh* Why is everyone asking?

Jess: Uh because Speed tends to browse.

Carly: I don't think he's doing that.

Jess: No, he's doing you.

Carly: *frowns* Drop it.

Jess: No. Don't you see it? He'll just go off with Anni or Calleigh or random lab tech number one. I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Carly: My hopes aren't up.

Jess: Do you really think he wants a relationship with you?

Carly: I don't know.

Lori: *runs over* Hurry up!

Carly: Sorry. *hands over bag*

Lori: *runs back to couch*

Jess: Maybe you should talk to him about it.

Carly: And say what?

Jess: Ask him if it's serious.

Carly: And if he says no?

Jess: Slap him or throw something at him.

Carly: *rolls eyes*

Speed: *walks in* ...What's she doing?

Jess: She's eating Cheez-its.

Speed: Okay well Calleigh's going to take her to the park for lunch.

Lori: YAY!

Calleigh: *walks in* Come on Lori.

Lori: *runs over*

Calleigh/Lori leave

Carly: Tim we need to talk.

Speed: Yeah that's why I'm here.

Carly: Good.

Jess: ...OH! Okay I'll leave you two alone. *runs away*

Speed: *walks over* People have been bugging me about us all day.

Carly: Me too.

Speed: So what are we going to do about it?

Carly: Well since this'll be the controversy of the lab for a few months, I think we should just...Take things slow.

Speed: What do you mean?

Carly: As in...We should just put things on hold for a while.

Speed: *frowns*

Carly: I know, it sounds stupid but I think the other night was a mistake.

Speed: Okay.

Carly: I don't think we should see each other anymore.

Speed: Alright.

Carly: You're okay with it?

Speed: Yeah I'm fine with it. I have no feelings at all so everything should be fine. *leaves*

Carly: Tim! I-..*sigh* Great.

Trace Lab

Delko: What took you so long man? I've been here ten minutes.

Speed: *grabs lab coat* What happened to your case?

Delko: The security guard confessed to setting up the bank robbery, and we still haven't found the second shooter.

Speed: *hands over folder* I found him for you.

Delko: ...What's this?

Speed: Spit.

Delko: You send it off to DNA?

Speed: Yeah but it got kicked back to me.

Delko: Why?

Speed: There was Trace in the spit.

Delko: What kind of Trace?

Speed: Tobacco.

Delko: So someone who smokes, or chews tobacco. *reads paper* So the DNA belongs to Paul Morris.

Speed: *looks up* Really.

Delko: ...You didn't look at the results?

Speed: *grab folder* He's the boyfriend of our dead beach girl.

Delko: Looks like we're working on the same case.

Speed: I guess that rules him out for the murder of his girlfriend.

Delko: But not for the murders at the bank.

Speed: *nods*

Delko: So where were you?

Speed: I was talking to Carly.

Delko: Why?

Speed: Do I need an excuse to talk to my colleague?

Delko: More like girlfriend.

Speed: Not anymore.

Delko: Ouch. She break up with you?

Speed: It's not important.

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: *frowns* We only did this because everyone at the lab thinks there's this big conspiracy going on.

Delko: Well you did sleep with her.

Speed: You know, that's not anyone's business.

Delko: Come on man, it's not like you're Mister Dependable. You're a player.

Speed: Actually that's your department.

Delko: *laughs* No way man, you've been around the block a few times.

Speed: It's the same thing as dating.

Delko: Yeah but you never date them first. I didn't think a broom closet looked like a fancy restaurant.

Speed: Give me a little more credit than that.

Delko: Katie, Anni, Carly, Calleigh, random lab tech, Calleigh again...

Speed: Okay first of all, I didn't do anything with Anni.

Delko: Stop finding excuses. You know, Katie was right about you. You just can't stay with one person long enough.

Speed: I'm not perfect.

Delko: No you're far from it.

Speed: Well when I die, you can say that at my funeral.

Delko: Do you love Carly or not?

Speed: We're not having this conversation.

Delko: Why can't you just admit you love her?

Speed: Because I don't.

Delko: Yeah I can see where the issue is then. You're thinking with the wrong part of your brain. Use the one in your head for a while instead of the one in your pants. That way, no one gets hurt. *leaves*

Speed: *shakes head*

Ohhhhhh! Go delko! Heck yes! *sighs* I've been wanting to say that forever and Delko finally did. Yay. Anyways...

Carly and Speed broke up thats kinda sad...but kinda not at the same time. I mean nothing was "offical" and everyone kept bothering them about it, I thnk if I was in Carly's place I would have done the same thing. But poor Speed he's a widower and he gets dumped after...poor guy.

Lori: *runs over* Hurry up!

Carly: Sorry. *hands over bag*
Teehee, so damanding.*gasp* She's like a mini me. Ok, not really. But still that made me giggle. lol. Update soon please!
Well you're right, so I thought I'd just write another chapter, as opposed to rambling about the same thing you just said. ;)

My point? I didn't have anything constructive to add. :p

Over The Same Damn Thing


Delko: So, you like to spit?

Paul: Huh?

Speed: Wow he's intelligent.

Paul: Most cops don't ask me if I like to spit.

Delko: Well we found your saliva inside the bank that was robbed the other day. Care to explain?

Paul: I was at the bank, and I sneezed.

Speed: You sneeze tobacco too? That's talent.

Paul: *frowns*

Delko: We found your gun.

Paul: What gun?

Delko: The one you used to rob the bank. It was in the toilet bowl at your dead girlfriend's apartment.

Paul: That's not mine.

Speed: Yeah the two roommates ran into a bank with a tech 9 and started shooting for no reason, drowned their pregnant friend in the toilet, stashed the gun, and dragged her out to the beach.

Paul: Good, take them to jail.

Speed: Great, he doesn't understand the concept of sarcasm. What do you say to someone that stupid?

Delko: You're under arrest?

Speed: I was thinking the very same.

Paul: Wait! Wait no. I'll talk.

Delko: It doesn't matter. We have your gun and your DNA at the crime scene. So what happened back at the apartment?

Paul: I want a lawyer.

Speed: We're fresh out.

Paul: I'm pretty sure there's at least one lawyer left in this country.

Speed: Yeah but that would involve looking, and signing paperwork, and we don't like paperwork.

Paul: So learn to like it.

Speed: *slams folder on table* You know what I hate about you people? You think you're smarter than the cops.

Paul: Maybe I am.

Speed: If you were smarter than us, you wouldn't have left your prints all over the gun and the toilet, not to mention the DNA in the bank.

Paul: Your tests must be wrong.

Delko: *laughs* I like him. He's optimistic.

Speed: It's too bad optimisim isn't going to help him at trial.

Paul: I didn't kill anyone!

Delko: No, no of course not. The gun killed all those innocent people right?

Paul: Stop patronizing me.

Speed: Stop lying.

Paul: *frowns*

Speed: I have all day.

Paul: Great. *grabs cigarette* Have a seat boys.

Speed: *takes cigarette* No.

Paul: That was my last one.

Speed: *sticks cigarette in mouth, lights it*

Delko: *looks at Speed*

Paul: You always take smokes from suspects?

Speed: You're a suspect? What happened to all that optimism? *blows smoke in guy's face*

Paul: Funny. You've made your point. Can I go now?

Delko: No. Sit tight.

Speed: *throws out cigarette*

Outside interrogation

Delko: What the hell was that?

Speed: Nothing.

Delko: You went a little far.

Speed: Sometimes that's what it takes.

Delko: No, it's not. What the hell is wrong with you? *shakes head, walks away*

Speed: *frowns*

Whoa Speedy went a little....weird I guess you can say. lol. You know everyone and there cousin knows Rory smokes but I never pegged Speed to be a smoker and I guess he just proved me wrong. *shrugs* oh well.

Speed: Great, he doesn't understand the concept of sarcasm. What do you say to someone that stupid?

Delko: You're under arrest?

Speed: I was thinking the very same.
*covers mouth and giggles* I can soooo see that happening on the show its not even funny. Geni, you always capture the characters so well. Update soon please
WOW speed with a cigarette it's weired

Delko: *laughs* I like him. He's optimistic.

Speed: It's too bad optimisim isn't going to help him at trial.
this one was funny :)

Paul: I want a lawyer.

Speed: We're fresh out.

Paul: I'm pretty sure there's at least one lawyer left in this country.

Speed: Yeah but that would involve looking, and signing paperwork, and we don't like paperwork.

Paul: So learn to like it.

This one too :)

And the last but not least:
Speed: Great, he doesn't understand the concept of sarcasm. What do you say to someone that stupid?

Delko: You're under arrest?

Speed: I was thinking the very same.

Anyway great update Geni and update soon please
You know everyone and there cousin knows Rory smokes but I never pegged Speed to be a smoker and I guess he just proved me wrong.
.......I didn't know Rory smoked........*cries* I'M A BAD FANGIRL!

Anyway *ahem* awwwww Carly and Speed broke up! How sad, they were cute together. And Lori is about the CUTEST THING ON EARTH! I WANT ONE! lol I like her demanding...ness, and her love for cheez its and saying HECK YES! *cries* I MISS YOU RT KATIE! ........I'm hyper again today *strips* TEEHEE

Great job Geni! Update soon please darlin!

Oh, and I forgot to add:
Paul: I want a lawyer.

Speed: We're fresh out.
Why thank you kindly. :)

Couldn't Care, Don't Have To Listen

Trace Lab, 2 hours later

Calleigh: *walks in* Lori's in the lounge.

Delko: *walks in*

Speed: Good.

Calleigh: Eric told me what happened.

Delko: *nods*

Speed: Nothing happened.

Delko: You were smoking.

Speed: Wow sue me.

Calleigh: Are you alright?

Speed: *stands* I'm fine.

Calleigh: You don't seem fine.

Speed: *walks over* I have had just about enough of people craming their feelings and their concern down my throat. Why can't you people just leave me alone?

Delko: We want to help.

Speed: With what?

Delko: Whatever's going on with you.

Speed: You don't get it. Nothing's going on.

Calleigh: Do you want to talk about it?

Speed: NO!

People look up from work stations

Calleigh: Okay, just...Calm down.

Speed: I'm tired of people telling me to calm down.

Jess, Carly, Carole, Anni, Missy and JC stop in the hallway

Delko: Why don't you just go home.

Speed: Yeah? Where's that? The apartment with rotting blood all over it? Oh it's such a hallmark moment setting foot in there.

Delko: Okay, we'll find you a hote-

Speed: Don't bother.

Delko: We can't help you if you don't let us.

Speed: I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN HELP! *throws microscope*

Window breaks

Calleigh: *looks down at floor*

Delko: *frowning*

Speed: Get out.

Delko: No.

Speed: No?

Delko: No.

Speed: *walks over to Eric* I suggest you leave.

Delko: What are you going to do? Hit me?

Speed: *looks at Calleigh*

Delko: *steps in front of Calleigh* I don't think so.

Speed: Get out.

Delko: No. Not until you tell me what's going on.

Speed: GET OUT! *pulls out gun*

Delko: *lifts hands* Whoa, whoa Tim chill. We're just talking. No one needs to get hurt.

Speed: I am real sick of you boy scouts you know that?

Delko: You're not going to shoot me.

Speed: No. I was thinking about puttin' the gun to my head. Less paperwork for me to do after.

Delko: You don't want to do that man.

Speed: You don't know what I want.

Delko: I know you want to be happy.

Speed: And I suppose you're going to fix me now.

Delko: Put the gun down and we'll talk.

Speed: *shakes head* No. I am tired of taking orders from people.

Delko: Alright fine. Blow yourself away, and leave your little girl without a father.

Speed: She's better off without me.

Delko: No, she's not.

Speed: You know...It's just...One more tug on your shirt and you completely lose it. *laughs* I can't take anymore. Wh-what, what do you do?

Delko: Well for starters you put down the gun.

Speed: *shakes head*

Horatio: *walks in* Speed.

Speed: *pulls trigger*

Glass shatters, people scream

Horatio: *lifts hands* Take it easy.

Speed: *frowning*

Horatio: We can talk this out, you don't need a gun.

Speed: So you're going to tell me what I need, and don't need now? Are you my father now?

Horatio: No, but I'm asking you to put down the gun. Can you do that?

Speed: *throws gun*

Calleigh: *jumps*

Delko: *kicks gun into hallway*

Speed: Oh gee, saint Horatio saved the day. Ring the church bells guys.

Horatio: Let's go talk somewh-

Speed: No. You're not goin' anywhere.

Horatio: Excuse me?

Speed: You want to talk, go ahead.

Horatio: I realize that her death was hard on you, but you can't take it out on the lab and it's staff.

Speed: Wow great negotiating skills. Excuse me while I go out in a field and play with bunnies and unicorns.

Horatio: We can get you help.

Speed: I don't need help. I need you to LEAVE ME ALONE!

Horatio: I can't do that.

Speed: Why the hell not.

Horatio: Because right now you're a danger to everyone here and yourself. I want you to take a few days off.

Speed: You think a few days is going to fix me?

Horatio: No, but I can't have you destroying city property because you're frustrated and depressed.

Speed: Aw are you afraid I'll hurt your pretty lab?

Horatio: I'm going to have a radio car escort you to a hotel. You're going to stay there.

Speed: You going to have cops outside my door too?

Horatio: Mhm.

Speed: What about Lori?

Horatio: Right now my concern is you.

Speed: *frowns*

Horatio: Come on.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! *hugs Speed* God I really need to stop listening to songs while I read the RT. Damn you Hinder *raises fist* *sniff* Poor Speedy I just wanna...Idunno. lol. But teehee oh man he's awesome when he blows up! Hee.

Delko: Why don't you just go home.

Speed: Yeah? Where's that? The apartment with rotting blood all over it? Oh it's such a hallmark moment setting foot in there.
Is it wrong that that made me laugh as well as say Awww really loud?

And well hey Speedy shot his gun so we know its clean....and I did NOT just bring that up again. lol.

Atleast H man cares enough to make sure he's safe. But I did like how Speed confrontated Horatio about his saving people skills. Very nice. Update soon please!
Aw poor Speed. He's such a troubled soul isn't he? ;)

Tear My Heart Open Just To Feel

Hotel, 9 pm

Carly: Um can I get by?

Cop: No ma'am.

Carly: I need to see him.

Cop: Lieutenant Caine's orders are to keep everyone out.

Carly: Alright. I took a look into your file. Apparently some money went missing from a Crime Scene in Coconut Grove, and you were the responding officer. I also know you have a gambling problem.

Cop: ...You have ten minutes.

Carly: Thank you.

Cop: *opens door*

Carly: *walks in* Tim?

Speed: *throws alcohol bottle*

Carly: Whoa...They let you have alcohol?

Speed: I smuggled it in.

Carly: *sits in chair* I saw what happened today.

Speed: Congratulations.

Carly: You think alcohol is going to make your problems go away?

Speed: No. It'll make the pain go away.

Carly: What pain?

Speed: *lifts wrist*

Carly: ...Oh...You did that?

Speed: Bathroom hangers can be handy.

Carly: Yeah...They're just...Not sharp enough huh.

Speed: In so many words.

Carly: Well if you want to kill yourself, go ahead. I can't stop you.

Speed: Thanks, I appreciate it.

Carly: What about Lori?

Speed: Who cares.

Carly: You don't care about your own daughter?

Speed: Look, I'm not really caring about myself right now let alone a little useless child.

Carly: *frowns* She's your flesh and blood.

Speed: Wow sucks to be her.

Carly: She looks up to you.

Speed: She picked a hell of a role model.

Carly: Fine, be a drunk and a loser. Lay there and throw your life away because frankly we're all tired of you. *stands*

Speed: *stands* Good. *leans on wall* You going to put a bullet in my head now?

Carly: You're alredy doing that to yourself.

Speed: *grabs Carly*

Carly: *looks down at arm* ...If you go any further, that's the last bad decision you'll ever make.

Speed: *lets go*

Carly: Thank you.

Speed: *sits on bed*

Carly: I'll see you around.

Speed: *lays on bed*

Carly: *leaves*


Delko: How is it in there?

Carly: A disaster.

Delko: Well we can't do anything about it now.

Carly: *sigh* I know.

Awwwwwwww poor Speedy, I knew he was going to react, but frankly, I didn't see this coming. Poor Carly couldn't even get him to snap out of it. Hahahaha but good job with the reasearch there. Thta's a pretty good way to get what you want. And WOO DELKO! Way to stand your ground brotha! hahaha. hmmmmmmm I'm really intrested to see how this all plays out because it's really not looking too good for Timmy boy right now! Great update Geni, I like the way you had him deal with his emotins, makes for a good story!
*sniff* awwwww! And dang it I can't stop listening to this song! *raises fist* damn you evansense *sighs* Its making the chapter worse lol. Poor Speed *huggles* He slit his wrist and he's drinking. Poor guy is not in good shape. He doesn't care about Lori either....well I guess I can understand that. You don't care about yourself you won't care about a little girl either. But thats no reason to go and call her "useless". Speed just needs a...ok I really don't know what he needs. But he needs some kind of help. Ughers Geni how is it possible that you make Speed so cute in the worst of situations? lol. Update soon please!
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