CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

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I'm glad to make you laugh Geni :)
Go speed I'm proud of you even if you don't feel better *hugs him*

And Carly... the Wubba drug??? It was too easy :p
Update soooooon pleeaseeeeeeeeee :)
Katie, I can just see you sitting there just saying 'awww' for ten minutes
I was! And then I read the update again and said "Aw" for another 10 minutes lol!

But oh man *wipes forehead* You had me there for a second. But heck yes! Go Timmy! He killed that son..of..a..popstickle stick! About time, that guy deserved it! But yay now Timmy got his revenge!

Carly: You feel any better?

Speed: *looks down at Ramirez* ...No.
But he doesn't feel any better! Aww poor guy. Great, here I go with the 'Awww' again! Oh who cares *hugs speed*

Speed: *sigh* I hate Mexico.
Hahaha, well thats an understatement. lol.

Great update Geni! We caught the killer and had a little road trip, you work fast. I like that. lol. Udpate soon please!
*talking in sleep* i am fine Jess ..i am ok..i feel..*zzzzz* heared some noise,opening one eye* what? did i heared a gun? ...naaah..*zzzzz* just 10 more minutes... :p
WHOA I saw that one update and I thought that there weren't any more and I was going to flip out but then I saw the next one and Speed shot him and now all is good and now I can sleep at night although it's only 1:21 in the afternoon here and there will probably be a few more updates between now and then and *sucks in deep breath* wow I just rambled.

But oh man, now we have two countries that aren't on our good list, Mexico and Africa. Whew, you sure know how to keep us on our toes Geni! Update soon please!
Well, the second time in Africa seemed a little better than the first time in Africa. - Oh who am I kidding, the first time in Africa was terrible. :lol:

Didn't they not like Germany too? ...Because of the whole Clavo thing? Okay, I keep calling him Clabo. I have to stop that.

And I love how Anni still got her Speed lovin', it was just in the form of a very twisted dream. And Lauren, NO, it was not my actual dream. :lol:

*hugs for everyone*

You know what's not fair? I was reading that article about how they want CSI:Miami to keep going international because of the great publicity for Brazil and so on, so a bunch of countries paid the producers of Miami to send the team wherever they wanted to film, and...Well that's not fair. I had the idea first. *stomps foot* They can't be going on a bloody road trip every season. :p
Hahaha, Africa! Gotta love it...or miss it...which ever way you prefer to think. lol. And yes Clabo..its ok Geni I call him that to sometimes. So I just stopped and now I call him "dawg" lol.

Yeah and you know whats really said there getting all this money to go to other countries but yet....they can't do a new theme song? Whats up with that I must email Corey Miller! lol.

But all that stuff aside, Geni I can't believe your on your six thread. It seriously feel like just the other day Speed was chasing Eric in his underwear and Speed had said "Hey! I was drunk and that was a toy dinasour" But of course things do go by quickly when your having fun. And I have had nothing but fun in this thread! Keep up the good work Geni.

And yes Anni certainly did get her Speed lovin didn't she....teehee Timtron. hahahaha.
Nice job with Juarez. I can picture the Hummerhome attempting to go though the International Bridge. Oh my. If its as big as you describe (Bigger than tour bus) they would have to go though the semi lanes. LMAO. Its always revision (Inspect) for semi lane. No Pase there. I remember when we cross the bridge we would chant "Pase Pase Pase" and when the light would show green pase we would hoot and hollar. I am surprised they did not pull us over for that. I also learned from Macro (Lupe's Cousion) that if we did get revision they would of probably confinscated Lupe's laptop. They will take all technology that is not declaired. Crappy for all that stuff in the Hummerhome. That would of sucked because it was her work laptop not a personal one. Also you can get thrown in jail if they find firearms. Its illegal to bring firearms into Mexico. Hummerhome full of weapons too. OH NO! Getting out of Juarez is harder than getting in. The shortest wait I had on the bridge was 45 min. That is without traffic. Over the hollidays I have waited on the bridge for over 2 hours. Yuck. Oh and the Mexicans sell some pretty bazarre stuff while waiting to cross. In the past we have had to be inspected. Expecially cuz the SUV was loaded to the ceiling with 'stuff' I bought in Mexico. They just wanna make sure its only 'stuff' and not Mexicans or drugs. They alway challange Lupe's citizionship. Her accent get pretty thick after speaking nothing but Spanish for a few days.

Good luck getting the Hummerhome out of Juarez. They can be pretty strict.

As always. Good job Geni. Really enjoying the story.


Your saying they gonna take the cast internationally? That is gonna cost some big bucks for filming. HAA HAAA. and they bitch about how much an eppy costs and stuff. Oh my..
:lol: Geni, are you sure that wasn't a dream you had? Because it sure seemed like it. -- But how did we get back on that topic again o_O?

*is sitting with pop, cookies and brownies, nibbling on a cookie* I feel like I've been thrown a 'welcome home' party.. Merci!! *glomps Jess and Katie*

Now, back on topic.. The chapter before last had me fidgeting! I'm so glad there was an update to read on to, I wanted to know what happened! For a second there, I really thought you killed H. :p

Dammit, with all this sugary stuff I'm going to be hyper for a week.. I'm supposed to have a cold! :lol:
Well actually the countries paid the producers to bring the filming to their locations, so they won't have to spend any money.

And yes, I was aware that it's illegal to bring knives, guns, ammunition, and/or any dangerous or illegal substances. Also some fruits and vegetables, potatoes, poultry, pork, all birds, and exotic animals. And if you're under 18, you can't transport any cigarettes or perscription drugs unless you have a valid US Doctor's perscription. ;)

*sigh* But we won't dwelve too far into it. I'll have another chapter shortly. :D

Lauren, I can assure you, it was not my dream. :lol: And you thought I killed H? :eek: He's friggin' Jesus. Simple bullets won't kill him in this story.
I just lost everything that I wanted to say, so,.... I shall try to recap. Good luck with that, Anni...( apparently, I talk to my self now)


Here's the gist of what I wanted to say...

of course, the updates were awesome! How cool was it that I had that crazy dream... But it was Speed , it was lovin, I'm going to take it. Despite the fact that I was left.

I love the relationship( or something or other ) that Carly is having with Speed. I think to a point, Carly understands what Tim is going through. Nice job on that!

YAY! that bastard is dead..We can go back home now!

Hahahahahahahahah, Horatio was in my dream, and just when I thought it was just me and Speed:lol:

I said something else about how great the road trip was, and how I think about it when I'm taking my daughter to school ( Speed: It's not like I'm going to take a picture of every blade of gr... COW!) I laugh hysterically for a minute and my daughter looks to me in confusion and fear. It was funnier the first time I wrote it. *sigh*

Okay, now that I'm done pouting, * raises glass* Here's to more of the insanity!!! Great job, Geni!
wow anni is a mom .... shows how much i kno ....from the anni in the rt i thought she was like sixteen or so..... teehee aw well its still a hoot being with everyone and i alsmot screamed when i read the part and thought H had been shot i was like so close to tears. *sigh* haha whats happening with carly and speen hmmmmm? LOL can't wait for more nice to come on to like four or so updates lol. update soon. Teehee.
*lifts head,* did i miss something? :eek: *shakes head* ..hey were are everybody, Geni ,where are updates! :confused:
well ok then..*goes back to sleep* *raises hand* be careful everybody, i am here on floor ... *zzz* *in sleep* just 5 more minutes mommy.. :p

Geni hurry up! i will show you how to give me sleeping pills young lady!*shakes finger* :devil:
:lol: Anni have I ever mentioned you crack me up? Gosh, you should have your own blog or something because everything you say is a riot to read. :D

And your poor daughter. :lol: She must think you've gone insane. :p Ah, she's lucky to have ya. ;)

Now let's see...I was going to have more in Juarez, so I guess the team can stay there for a bit more, until they get to the border because apparently it's going to take a while to get back into the US. ;)

One Reason Alone


JC: Where's Speed and Carly?

Horatio: They had to go back and pick up his bike. They're going to ride it back to Miami.

Calleigh: ...Alone?

Horatio: That's what they told me.

Delko: Speed just wants to ride his new bike.

Anni: So why is Carly going?

Delko: Maybe they're dating.

Anni: *slaps Eric* Have some respect for the dead.

Delko: Ow.

Anni: I'm sure it's just because Carly doesn't want to hear about my weird dreams.

Delko: She doesn't even know about the dream.

Anni: *taps forehead* Oh she will.

Gas Station, Mexico

Carly: You do know how to get to Miami right?

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: Oh good.

Speed: Oh great, the kickstand is busted.

Carly: Must have been a rock.

Speed: I am not paying money to get it fixed. I'll fix it myself.

Carly: You know how to fix bikes?

Speed: Darling I can fix anything with a motor. *kneels down*

Carly: *laughs*

Speed: I have a screwdriver in the back of the Ducati, you mind getting it?

Carly: Sure. *opens hatch* This it?

Speed: Yeah.

Carly: *hands over screwdriver*

Speed: Thanks.

Carly: Oh great, the guy from the first gas station, 2 o'clock.

Speed: *looks up*

Carly: *rolls eyes* He's coming this way.

Guy: Hey it's you.

Carly: You found me.

Guy: I didn't know you were gonna be down in the great state of Mezico.

Carly: First of all chubbs, it's a country and it's Mexico.

Guy: Oooh I just want to take you home and eat you up for dinner.

Carly: Yeah if you wanted Hanzle and Grettle, they're in the gas station following the M&Ms.

Guy: *laughs* Where's your boyfriend?

Carly: What?

Guy: That guy you were with. I want to fix his little red wagon.

Carly: I don't have a boyfriend.

Speed: Yeah she has a husband.

Carly: I do?

Guy: She does?

Speed: *stands* Yeah. You want to see the ring too?

Guy: She doesn't have a ring.

Speed: We had a fight.

Guy: ...

Carly: *lifts brow*

Guy: ...Fine, the hell with you. *walks away*

Carly: ...You didn't have to do that.

Speed: He won't bother you anymore.

Carly: Do you really think you should be using your wedding ring as a weapon against creepers?

Speed: Come on, the bike's fixed.

Carly: ...Alright.


Anni: Oh man I have to tell you guys about my daydream.

Everyone: NO.

Anni: ...It didn't involve Greeks.

Awwwww Speedy saved Carly! YAY! He's such a...such..a...Hero! Ok i'm sorry everytime I say that I picture Speed in his little toga and and and oh man that was one hilarious dream. Teehee.

Delko: Maybe they're dating.

Anni: *slaps Eric* Have some respect for the dead.

Delko: Ow
Ha! Take that Delko! There not dating there just....two people who have happend to spend a lot of time together the past couple of days. lol.

Carly: Do you really think you should be using your wedding ring as a weapon against creepers?

Speed: Come on, the bike's fixed.
Ok, ummmm...way to like NOT answer the question there Speedy boy.

lol. The whole part with the "Mezico" cracked me up. Update soon please!
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