CSI:Miami Road Trip #11: We Ain't Comin' Home

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Thanks oodles for the awesome reviews. :)



Miami Lab, interview room

Lori: *covers forehead*

Man: *walks in, shuts door* Mrs. Finch?

Lori: *lifts head*

Man: I'm Dewey Hildebrant, I'm with the Public Defender's Office.

Lori: Congratulations.

Dewey: *sits, pulls out pen* Okay...*opens folder* has anyone questioned you yet?

Lori: *rolls eyes, sips water*

Horatio: *walks in*

Dewey: Oh you don't want to do that. Put the glass down.

Lori: *lifts brow* Why?

Dewey: The lab will be able to get DNA from the lip and fingerprints.

Lori: So?

Dewey: You don't want to incriminate yourself.

Lori: *frowns* I'm not guilty of anything.

Dewey: That's the spirit! Make sure you maintain that.

Lori: *leans back in chair*

Horatio: How are you feeling, Lori?


Horatio: *looks at Dewey*

Lori: We're not in a court room, Dingus.

Dewey: It's Dewey.

Lori: Whatever.

Horatio: Detective Carter is searching your home as we speak.

Dewey: I hope you went through all the proper channels, Lieutenant.

Horatio: We have.

Dewey: I want a copy of that warrant.

Horatio: I'll have my people fax you a copy.

Dewey: I want the original.

Horatio: ...Alright. You'll have it. *looks at Lori* When did Stephanie become ill?

Dewey: If you're fishing for a confession, my client has nothing more to say.

Lori: She became ill this morning.

Horatio: Where had she been prior to that?

Lori: She went to school, I picked her up, we got home and later that night, she was complaining of a fever. I gave her some children's advil, a-

Dewey: I'd advise my client not to say anything further.

Lori: *frowns*

Horatio: How much advil did you give her?

Lori: The exact amount it said on the package. I can read. It wasn't a mistake...at least...I think it wasn't. *looks down at table* It...it was just a stomach ache.

Horatio: Were you alone when you administered the medication?

Lori: Dad was there. You can ask him, he saw the dose.

Dewey: I OBJECT! He's not a doctor, he can't attest to the dosage!

Horatio: *looks at Dewey* Mister Hildebrant, you're a defense lawyer. Not a prosecutor.

Dewey: ...I knew that.

Man: *walks in* Excuse me. I'm Troy Martinez, I've been hired by Mister Finch to represent the defendant.

Lori: *looks at Troy*

Dewey: HEY! THAT'S NOT FAIR! *stands* I'm her lawyer!

Troy: Not anymore, Hildebrant.

Dewey: I needed this one Martinez. Don't you have a child rapist to represent?

Troy: *laughs* Come on, you think someone like you would have any chance at winning this case?

Lori: GET OUT!

Troy/Dewey: *look at Lori*


Horatio: Gentleman...

Troy: Look what you did, Dew. *walks away*

Dewey: *places card on table* If you ever change your mind. *walks away*

Lori: *rubs eyes*

Horatio: You okay?

Lori: No. I'm not. I didn't try to kill her. Why am I being treated like a murderer?

Horatio: Lori, I know this is difficult but I want you to try and stay calm.

Lori: I'm cuffed to this table and you want me to stay calm.

Horatio: I understand but we have one injured child, I would rather there not be another one.

Lori: *stares at Horatio*

Horatio: Okay?

Lori: *nods* Yeah.

Horatio: Now, we're going to find out what happened and I'm not going to let anyone throw away the key until I have all the facts.

Lori: *staring down at table*

Horatio: Sit tight. *walks away*

Gables Estates, house, bedroom, 2 hours later

Tom: *shines flashlight*

Horatio: Detective.

Tom: *looks over*

Horatio: Find anything?

Tom: I went through the medicine cabinet. *lifts bag* Diazepam, Carbamazepine, Aspirin, Tylenol and rubbing alcohol. Everything's child sealed.

Horatio: Does the medicine cabinet have a child lock?

Tom: ...No. Is it against the law not to have one?

Horatio: *shakes head* No.

Tom: The only thing I found downstairs was cough medicine, Children's Advil and Benadryl. Again, all child locked. I bagged it.

Horatio: What about detergents and cleaning supplies.

Tom: I collected samples of everything. Are Scott and Lori sick at all?

Horatio: No. Why?

Tom: It means it's probably nothing biological or food-related. At least not in the house.

Horatio: Good thinking. Let's get those samples back to the lab and have a nurse get some blood from Stephanie as well.

Tom: They didn't get a match on the knowns?

Horatio: No. So we have some work ahead of us.

Hospital, ICU

Nurse: *opens kit*

Tom: *crosses arms*

Scott: *kisses Steph's hand*

Tom: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *staring at Steph*

Tom: ...*looks around* ...*places hand on Scott's shoulder*

Scott: *lifts eyes*

What a chapter! What a true Dingleberry Dewey was... it's so sad to see Lori go through that, and hopefully, they can find evidence to exonnerate her. Poor Finchs though. It seems like Lori just can't catch a break. Here's to hoping she can beat this!

Awesome update!
Poor Lori! Horatio's gonna get to the bottom of this Don't worry! H. is lucky that Lori didn't breal bad on those two lawyers they need to step away from the pregnant girl in handcuffs!

Poor Scott he is so worried about Steph! But hey hasn't Scott been kinda sick lately! i hopeKnow one has lost it and are trying to poison them!

I hope Tom gets what he needs to solve this mystry!

Great update Geni!
Awww...sniff, sniff....poor Stephie...

I just had a horrible thought about her....oh no! Get out of my head, bad thought

The idiot lawyers made me laugh

Great update Geni!
Holy crap, Tom's being nice to Scott! Color me surprised...

And, I'm sorry, I had to 'aww' at the end part of Horatio and Lori's scene... it was so cute. *snuggles Horatio* ... *shifty eyes*

*cough* Anyway...

I have to admit that I almost wanted to kick Dewey's behind... glad he's not there anymore! :lol:

Great update! :D
Thanks for the reviews! :D *twirls around*


Miami Lab, trace lab

Tom: *walks over* What have you got?

Monica: I ran another tox screen out of the samples you gave me. None of them are your mystery toxin.

Tom: *grabs paper* You sure?

Monica: It's not even similar to anything you provided me.

Tom: This doesn't make any sense. I went through that house top to bottom.

Monica: Maybe it was something outside?

Tom: *lifts head* Outside.

Monica: Yeah. Pool water, soil, vegetation, there are any number of things that can get into a child's system.

Tom: *blinks* The warrant didn't cover the perimeter, just the inside.

Monica: Maybe you need to have the warrant amended. Until then, sorry, it's a bust.

Tom: *nods*


Tom: *walking* We're at a dead end unless we can get a warrant for the entire property.

Horatio: Maybe we're looking at the wrong property.

Tom: What do you mean?

Horatio: Lori said Stephanie had been to school that afternoon.

Tom: *lifts brows* You think she may have been poisoned at the school?

Horatio: It's possible.

Tom: There haven't been any other cases of sick children reported.

Horatio: That doesn't mean she wasn't targeted. *walks away*

Tom: *stares ahead*

Hospital room, 2pm

Scott: *strokes Steph's cheek*

Speed: *sits* How's she doing?

Scott: She's not awake, is she.

Speed: How are you doing?

Scott: Let's see...my daughter's in a poison-induced coma, my pregnant wife was arrested for attempted infanticide and my home is being raided. I've never been better.

Speed: *nods*

Scott: Lori wouldn't do something like that. That's not who she is.

Speed: ...It's who she used to be.

Scott: She's not a murderer.

Speed: Maybe she just hasn't been caught yet.

Scott: *looks at Speed* ...Get out.

Speed: Scott, you need to face the possibility th-

Scott: No I don't. I know my wife. Now get out.

Speed: *nods* Okay. *stands, walks away*

Elementary school, 2:35pm

Horatio: *places hands on hips, looks around*

Tom: When I spoke to Scott this morning, I asked him if he had any enemies. He said he wouldn't know if he did.

Horatio: What about Lori?

Tom: I didn't get in to see her. But we all know her past well enough to figure she might have some enemies left over.

Horatio: Mhm.

Principal: *walks over* I'm Principal Baker, what can I do for Miami-Dade's finest?

Horatio: We're looking into the poisoning of a young girl who attends school here. Her name's Stephanie Finch.

Principal: Ah yes, she's one of the kindergarten students. I hope you don't think she was poisoned here.

Horatio: *stares at Principal*

Principal: We run a clean place, Lieutenant. Nothing dangerous is left anywhere near the children and we don't let strangers in.

Horatio: *looks around playground* You have fences all around the area?

Principal: Of course.

Horatio: *stares at retaining wall, tilts head* You have a Hedera plant.

Principal: ...Yes, we've been trying to get rid of them. Damn things grow into everything.

Horatio: *takes off shades* May I take a look at it?

Principal: Sure, if it helps.

Horatio: *walks away*

Near retaining wall

Horatio: *looks up at plant*

Tom: Okay, fill me in.

Horatio: This is a Hedera plant. Or in other words, Ivy.

Tom: Like Poison Ivy?

Horatio: Similar, but the leaves are less toxic.

Tom: So it's not our suspect.

Horatio: On the contrary, it's the most likely suspect.

Tom: I thought you said it was less toxic than Poison Ivy. And that stuff will only give you a bigass rash.

Horatio: The black berries on this plant are a good source of food for small birds but are toxic to human beings. If ingested, it can cause nausea, abdominal pain, labored breathing and comas.

Tom: *looks at Horatio* You have a Boy Scout's manual in your kit or something?

Horatio: *smirks*

Tom: ...The school actually lets children play around this stuff.

Horatio: It would seem so.

Tom: And they want to throw Lori away for calling 9-1-1. That's messed up.

Horatio: Let's get a sample of this to the lab.

YES! HURRY...NOW! LOL Exonnerate Lori quickly. There's no reason for her to be in jail, not when her baby girl needs her! I hope Steph wakes up soon. Her father definetly needs her. Although, I do like the different Scott that is emerging though...Emotional and everything...lol

Awesome update!
Speed WTF ! Alright I am defanantly pissed at him for even comming into that room and sagesting that Lori could have done this! Ugh! I'm glad Scott threw his ass out! What happened to inasent until proven guilty Speed! and thats you kid by the way! Yeah she may have done stuffin the past, but she would never do that to Steph! She loves heer way to much!

Great update Geni !
YAY!!!! I made it to the story :D
I am so smart...in the story...not so much in RL, I wouldn't know any of that
Can I still be Eric's new girlfriend...LOL just kidding

Speed....can't he just give Lori the benefit of the doubt...

Great update Geni!
Horatio and Tom to the rescue
*smacks Speed* She was cleaning up after your drunk behind when Steph was sick... you jerk.

I love Tom's line about the Boy Scout manual... :lol:

Great update! :D
Thanks for the reviews! :D :)


Miami Lab, hallway

Allison: *staring down at paper*

Tom: The toxin came from the school's playground. Lori's innocent.

Allison: *lifts head* In your opinion.

Tom: That's what the evidence says.

Allison: How do you know she didn't take the berries from the school and give them to her daughter on the way home? She did pick her up.

Tom: That doesn't make any sense.

Allison: It does if she wants to keep suspicion away from herself, sue the school and get big bucks in return.

Tom: Her husband has enough money, she has no monetary motive.

Allison: I just read her file from a treatment facility she entered a few years ago. The psychiatrist said she had psychopathic tendancies and severe emotional damage that required medications and intensive therapies. Not to mention I have her medical records. 6 abortions in a 2 year span? Oh and let's not forget that she's a crack head prostitute.

Tom: I happen to know she's clean, taking her medication properly and she's visiting a therapist every week. She also hasn't been involved in criminal activity since entering the facility.

Allison: Really? Then how do you explain her stint in the psychiatric ward of a hospital recently after she stabbed her daughter with a knife?

Tom: *stares at Allison*

Allison: Clearly that woman is disturbed.

Tom: She wasn't convicted.

Allison: Doesn't change the facts.

Tom: I couldn't agree more. The facts say she didn't do this. The child voluntarily ate those berries because guess what, kids do stupid things!

Allison: I'm going to move for jail time. 15 years, minimum.

Tom: Are you deaf or did you just get into this job to ruin lives and break families apart?

Allison: I'm here to protect the interests of the child. I've determined she's not fit to care for the child and that her actions are criminal.

Tom: Based on an old file? She's made her mistakes and she's tried harder than anyone I've ever seen to make up for it. That little girl loves her and Lori would die for Steph!

Allison: You feel very strongly for someone who's supposed to present and interpret the evidence objectively.


Everyone looks at Tom

Tom: This is bullshit! You had her guilty before you even started the investigation! You just can't believe for maybe one minute that you're wrong about someone.

Allison: I see a hundred cases like this a year.

Tom: I'm going to present my evidence to the DA and your bosses. Maybe some of them are intelligent enough to listen to reason. *walks away*

Allison: *frowns*

Holding cell, 7pm

Lori: *bitting nail*

Speed: *walks over*

Lori: *lifts head*

Speed: *stares at Lori*

Lori: What.

Speed: The evidence says you didn't do it.

Lori: Good. So when do I get sprung from here?

Speed: The CPS agent isn't listening to the lab's findings. She wants criminal charges to be laid.

Lori: I don't think she gets to decide that.

Speed: Until Horatio has everything cleared up, you'll have to remain here.

Lori: *stands* And how long will that take? A day? A week? 6 months?

Speed: Hopefully a couple days.

Lori: This is ridiculous. *leans forehead against bars* ...I do the wrong thing, I'm a criminal. I do the right thing...I'm a criminal. I can't win. *staring at floor* I just want all of this to be over.

Speed: What's that supposed to mean?

Lori: *lifts eyes* Nothing. *lets go of bars, sits on bench*

Speed: *pulls chair over, sits*

Cop: *lifts head* Detective, visiting hours are over.

Speed: I'm not leaving.

Cop: But-

Speed: *looks back* I said I'm not leaving. You have a problem with that, you can talk to Lieutenant Caine.

Cop: *nods*

Speed: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *leaning against wall* Go home.

Speed: No.

Lori: Are you going to watch me take a piss, too?

Speed: *staring at Lori*

Lori: *rolls eyes* Great. Make yourself at home then. I'd offer you something to drink but well...you know.

Speed: You'll get through this, Lori.

Lori: *lies down* Sure I will.

Well you know I agree the lady from CPS is a stupid no nothing bitch! At least Tom is pulling for Lori!

Mr. Speedle you need to get your shit together and figure out where you loyalties are! WTF Speed ! One Min you say something against your own flesh and blood to her her husband and piss him off and get thrown out of your Grandaughters hospital room by the man you have an intence Bromance with by the way, And the next min you feel bad about it and you go to hug up with lori at the jail and act like you have been with her all along !

Lori is right! she can't win for loosing especialy with her own father who is always there to help fuel the fire and stack the card against her when he feels its convenant to do so! I think if I was Lori i'd kick your drunk ass to the curb and tell you to have a nice life if you didn't want to stand by me! But hey, you should be proud of yourself shes just like you and comes by all her problems and mistrust honestly!

Think about it their Home blood! Either screw your head on straight and be a real father to your kids, or go lay in the damn gutter with your old nappy drunk ass self!

Great update Geni!
Yes, the CPS lady should get a swift crack on her head. Swift. Lori's innocent, let her go, and none of this let's keep tabs on Lori, because she's been an awesome mother- well, except for the stabbing incident. She needs to be released, and she needs her Steph...

Awesome update!
Silly CPS woman. We'll remember this when your kid eats the berries too. :lol:

*hugs Lori* Daddy's right. You'll get through this. :)

Great update! :D
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