CSI:Miami Road Trip #11: We Ain't Comin' Home

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Thanks for the reviews. :D *hugs* Muchly appreciated.

Mwaha. :devil:


Hummerhome, road

Delko: *pushing thumb tacks into mattress*

Speed: *walks in*

Delko: *looks over*

Speed: What are you doing?

Delko: Seeing if these pierce your mattress.

Speed: *frowns*

Ryan: Hey Speed! I-I mean, Mister Speed. I made you a soap carving. *lifts globby piece of soap*

Speed: *stares at Ryan*

Ryan: ...If you want it. I mean, you don't have to have it.

Speed: My advice? Pick Horatio. It doesn't take much to please him.

Ryan: Right.

Speed: *sits on bed*

Delko: So? How are you liking the trip so far?

Speed: Why aren't we allowed in the girls' bedrooms?

Delko: Oh. Horatio put in the rule so there wouldn't be any affairs or baby making.

Speed: *lifts brow* We're adults.

Delko: And apparently we don't act like it.

Speed: So the only time we're allowed to hang out with our friends is when we're in the dining area.

Delko: Yeah.

Speed: Eric, this isn't summer camp.

Delko: What can I say? I didn't make the rules.

Speed: There shouldn't be rules. We aren't 13.

Delko: Take it up with the camp counselor.

Ryan: *snickers*

Dining area, 4pm

Horatio: *stirring chili* You each have a small folder with the rules. If any of those rules are disobeyed, you'll spend one hour on the top of the Hummerhome.

Delko: Naked?

Horatio: We'll take a vote on that.

Speed: H, this is ludicrous

Horatio: If you don't like it, you can go back to Miami.

Speed: Drop me off in Miami.

Horatio: No, we're too far out.

Speed: *angry sigh*

Anni: Oh come on, Timmy. Play the game.

Speed: This isn't a game. You people are insane.

Colton: Shut up. Only half of us are insane.

Katie: Yeah. We got stamps. *lifts hand*

Speed: What happened to doing this to be 'free'?

Horatio: There's no such thing as freedom. Only delusions.

Speed: *sigh* I give up.

Anni: That didn't take long. *kisses Speed's cheek*

Delko: Aww look at pouty mcpouterson.

Speed: *frowning*

Delko: Maybe a certain lady will cheer you up.


Anni: He was talking about me, asswipe. *throws hotdog at Katie*

Katie: *rubs eye* You got hotdog juice in my eye.

Colton: *hugs Katie*


Colton: Fine, be a bitch. *throws relish*

Katie: SERIOUSLY! THE EYES! *holds other eye*

Speed: I'm suddenly cheered up.

Anni: *laughs*

Gables Estates, house, 5pm

Lori: *places baby on table* Okay. Stay.

Baby falls over

Lori: AGH! *grabs baby*

Scott: *walks over* What are you doing?

Lori: Trying to get the diapers out of the bag.

Scott: Where's your little helper?

Lori: Probably being a kid which means not around.

Scott: *opens bag, hands over diaper*

Lori: *puts diaper onto table* Now what.

Scott: You've changed diapers before.

Lori: Yeah, on Stephanie.

Scott: Same thing, different baby.

Lori: *looks at baby* I'm a terrible big sister.

Scott: *smirks*

Lori: *opens diaper*

Scott: You're doing great.

Lori: Shut up, Finch. I can do this without encouragement.

Scott: Alright.

Lori: *lifts baby* There. *smiles* Isn't that better?

Baby smiles

Lori: *gasp* She smiled! At me!

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: Oh we're going to have so much fun. *hugs baby*

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *looks at Scott* What.

Scott: *closes diaper bag* Nothing.

Lori: *looks at baby, strokes her cheek* Scotty's being weird again. Whenever he gives you that 'soul' stare, just puke on him. It'll get rid of it right away.

Scott: *laughs*

Lori: *smiles*

Scott: I'm going to get Steph ready to go to the park, you going to bring our guest?

Lori: Sure.


Steph: *climbs up to slide* Daddy! Watch me!

Scott: *looks over*

Steph: *slides down*

Scott: That's very good.

Steph: *runs over to ladder*

Lori: *reaches into stroller* She's asleep.

Scott: Yeah.

Lori: *leans back on bench*

Steph: *slides down* Didja see me, Daddy!

Scott: *smiles* I sure did.

Steph: *giggles, runs over to swings*

Lori: Were you ever taken to the playground as a kid?

Scott: Lots of times.

Lori: Your parents actually took you?

Scott: The maid.

Lori: *looks at Scott*

Scott: She was the babysitter too.

Lori: Where were your parents?

Scott: My mom would go out shopping all day and my dad would be at work with the DA's office. So the maid, y'know, she'd get us out of the house. Take us all over Manhattan.

Lori: Who's 'us'?

Scott: *clears throat* Um...my sister and I.

Lori: *lifts brows* I didn't know you have a sister.

Scott: She wasn't um...she wasn't really all there. She died when I was 16.

Lori: ...I'm sorry.

Scott: *shakes head* It's okay.

Lori: ...No wonder you and Krista were close.

Scott: *stands* Steph! Be careful. *walks away*

Lori: *looks at Scott*

Steph: *grabs onto swing*

Scott: *kneels, straightens out swing*

Steph: I wanted to twirl.

Scott: *smirks* Well now you're all tangled.

Steph: Daddy, push me on the swing.

Scott: *smiles* No problem. *stands* Grab on tight, okay?

Steph: Yup.

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YES! The RT I know and love is in full swing! LOL Horatio as a camp counselor???? How friggin awesome! I can see this is going to be hilarious. Hi-l-ar-ious! Especially now that Anni and Katie are officially insane together again! Now to get Speed to get in on the fun!

Oh aww...Lori and Brooklyn...SO CUTE! It's so great that she's taking to taking care of her little sister. But the shocker...Scott had a sister? WHOO HOO! What a delve into his past! I do love how you've brought Scott and Stephanie together, they are just adorable together!

Awesome work!
That was all kinds of awesome Geni!

Ryan tripping all over himself...ha ha that was great

Delko Naked on top of the hummerhome, a great visual for me, thanks!

Can't wait to read more!
Lol! poor speed has to follow the rules! ha ! i'm sure he will be sneeking into the bedroom with Anni at some point because hes a man and hes not going with out for long ! lol!

he may get a ride Naked again on the Hummerhome.

Lol ! Lori gets more like Katie everyday with her dingy ways! Sometimes i think Scott married Katie not Lori ! lol!

great update geni!
Thanks so much for the reviews. :D


Gables Estates, house, 9am next day

Scott: *holding baby, grabs bottle from fridge*

Lori: *places bowl on table*

Steph: *grabs spoon*

Lori: Do you have to warm up that milk?

Scott: No. *closes fridge*

Steph: Momma, how long's the baby stayin'?

Lori: Just for a little while.

Steph: She cries too much.

Lori: Babies do that.

Steph: How come?

Lori: Well they can't talk like you and I yet. So whenever she's hungry, poopy or cranky, she lets us know by crying.

Steph: Oh. *looks down at bowl, shovels oatmeal*

Scott: *walks over, sits*

Lori: Let's rename her.

Scott: *laughs* We're not renaming your sister.

Lori: Brooklyn is a stupid name. My dad probably did it to impress you.

Scott: Maybe he just liked the name.

Lori: She's going to grow up with people thinking she's a borough.

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: Scott, don't laugh at me.

Scott: You're adorable.

Lori: I'm going to throw my tea at you.

Scott: I think Lori needs to hold baby for a while.

Lori: No.

Scott: *hands over baby*

Lori: *frowns, grabs baby*

Scott: *smiling*

Steph: *giggles* Daddy's silly.

Lori: Yes he is.

Scott: At least she isn't saying I'm crazy, that's a start.

Steph: Grama's crazy.

Scott: *looks at Lori*

Lori: I'm not going to lie to her.

Scott: Could I ask you a big favour?

Lori: *frowns* You're not going to work.

Scott: Lori, it's just for a few minutes. I'll take Steph with me.

Steph: YAY!

Lori: I can't take care of a baby by myself.

Scott: You've taken care of Stephanie plenty times on your own.

Lori: Stephanie's mine. This one actually counts if I drop it on its head.

Scott: Her head and you won't. *stands* I'll be back in an hour.

Lori: Gee, I can't wait 'til you mean it.

Scott: Funny. *extends hand* Steph, let's go get your shoes on.

Steph: *jumps out of chair, grabs Scott's hand*

Lori: You owe me big time.

Scott: *winks, walks away*

Lori: *lifts brows* I hope that means what I think it means!

APL Manhattan, Miami, 48th floor office

Steph: *places hands on window, looks down*

Scott: *writing*

Donna: *walks in* Oh...Mister Finch. I didn't realize you were here.

Scott: *lifts head*

Donna: I just needed to use the fax machine.

Scott: Go ahead.

Donna: *walks over to fax machine*

Steph: Daddy, all the people look like bugs down there!

Scott: Mhm. *flips page*

Steph: *pushes forehead against window*

Donna: *looks at Scott, adjusts blouse*

Scott: *writing*

Donna: How come you're back early?

Scott: I'm not, I'm just catching up on a few things and then heading back home.

Donna: That's a very nice tie, sir.

Scott: *lifts eyes*

Donna: *smiling*

Scott: Thank you.

Donna: *looks down at floor, turns to fax machine*

Scott: Stephanie, come back over here please.

Steph: But I'm watchin' the world.

Scott: Now.

Steph: *frowns, stomps over*

Scott: Sit.

Steph: *hops into chair, crosses arms*

Scott: *opens laptop*

Steph: Daddy, I'm bored.

Scott: I'm only going to be a few more minutes.

Steph: You always say that.

Scott: Uh huh. *typing*

Donna: *walks away*

Steph: I wanna go play.

Scott: Not now.

Steph: *looks around, sighs*

Scott: *clicks mouse*

Steph: *starts kicking desk*

Scott: *lifts eyes*

Steph: *frowning*

Scott: *looks back at laptop*

Steph: *starts kicking desk*

Scott: You have 3 seconds to stop otherwise you won't like what's coming.

Steph: *stares at Scott, drops legs*

Scott: Thank you. *closes laptop* I'm going to give this report to someone and then we'll be heading back.

Steph: Can we go to the playground?

Scott: *rubs eyes, leans back in chair* Sure honey, we can go to the playground.

Steph: YAY! *jumps off chair, runs over, grabs Scott's arm* HURRY, DADDY!

Scott: *stands, grabs folder*

Gables Estates, house, 1pm

Scott: *walks in*

Steph: *runs in* MOMMA! MOMMA!

Lori: *runs over* What? What's wrong?


Lori: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *sits on couch*

Lori: *smiles* That's great. Why don't you go take off your shoes and eat that in the kitchen where you can make all sorts of messes.

Steph: But I wanna play with my dolls.

Lori: Not as long as your room as carpet. Kitchen.

Steph: *sigh* Okay, Momma. *walks away*

Lori: *sits on couch* I take it your morning was just as hectic as mine. I finally got the baby to sleep.

Scott: *wraps arm around Lori* Good.

Lori: *sighs, wraps arm across Scott* Compared to years ago, mornings like this are a godsend.

Scott: *kisses Lori's forehead*

Lori: *lies head against Scott*

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LOL...Yeah, you can totally tell Lori's on the mend- she's more a worry wort than her father. And LOL on her wanting to change Brooklyn's name...I happen to like it! Lori's just going to have to deal.

It's very apparent that Donna's honining in on Scotty. Might want to watch his step. But on another note, Stephanie and Scott were cute together, I can imagine Scott threatening and then letting her skate by- that's just the father thing to do!

Awesome update, and ps...More sex for Scotty and Lori! ;)
Awww ! That was sweet! maybe Lori will get used to taking care of the baby and want to have another one!

Great update Geni!
Thanks for the awesome reviews! :cool: I very much enjoy reading them. :)


Outside Hummerhome, side of the road, midnight

Anni: *walks out*

Speed: *steps down* What's up?

Anni: I couldn't stand it in there with Katie and Carly. All they want to do is gossip about people and talk about celebrities. And Lora snores like a chainsaw. *shuts door*

Speed: I thought you wanted to hang out with them.

Anni: I do. But they're best to be taken in small doses. You know Katie, right?

Speed: *nods*

Anni: *sits on ground, leans against Hummerhome*

Speed: *sits*

Anni: You miss Brooklyn?

Speed: Yeah.

Anni: Maybe we're getting a little old for this.

Speed: *looks at Anni*

Anni: *looks down at ground* I mean...I was watching Eric stuff marshmellows up his nose and all I could think about was our baby.

Speed: *smirks*

Anni: *throws stick*

Speed: There's nothing wrong with having a little fun. You deserve it. *grabs Anni's hand*

Anni: *lifts eyes* You think?

Speed: She's fine. She's with Scott.

Anni: ...And Lori.

Speed: Like I said. She's with Scott.

Anni: You need to be nicer to her. She's a great mother.

Speed: *nods* I know.

Anni: Anyway...it's nice to have an adult conversation once in a while.

Speed: You can have lots of adult conversations with our friends. Katie gets very political when she's drunk.

Anni: *laughs*

Speed: *smiles*

Anni: Hey! A smile.

Speed: I guess you just bring that out in me.

Anni: *smiling*

Speed: *leans over, kisses Anni* ...I love you.

Anni: *places hand on Speed's cheek* Love you too.

Speed: *kisses Anni*

Anni: *closes eyes*

Katie: *slams open door* WHAT'S WITH SOCIAL HOUR OUT IN THE WOODS?

Speed: *frowns*

Anni: *lifts head*

Katie: Hey guys, they're out here!

Delko: *runs out*

Ryan: *steps down*

Carly: *jumps out*

Anni: *sigh* Guys, we were really hoping to have some private t-

Katie: No such thing, not with us. *sits in grass* So, what's the coombaya about?

Speed: Nothing you'd be interested in.

Katie: Try me.

Speed: I miss my daughter.

Katie: Lori? She's fine.

Speed: My other one.

Katie: You miss Riley? You barely know her.


Katie: Temper temper. *eats grass* I know what that's like. Tim gives away all my children without consulting me.

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Anni: Can you guys go back inside please?

Carly: No way. Horatio has the heat turned all the way up. Cooler out here.

Delko: I hope I never get old.

Katie: So were you guys about to dooooo it?

Speed: Yeah. Out on the side of the highway like animals.

Anni: *tilts head*

Speed: *looks at Anni*

Anni: *bites nails*

Katie: Oh just like that time you and I found that tree near the creek in C-

Speed: WELL LOOK AT THE TIME! *looks at watch* It's near the witching hour, better get back inside before Wubba escapes his Fortress of Doom.

Delko: *wide-eyed* Wubba has a fortress now?

Speed: Yes. Yes and it just so happens to be right underneath this Hummerhome here so run back in before he gets your feet!

Delko: *screams, runs into Hummerhome*

Katie: So if a male Wubba is a Wubba, what's a female Wubba? ...Wubbalee?

Carly: Not it's Wubbanielle.

Katie: That's a stupid thing to call a female Wubba.

Ryan: Isn't Wubba a species? It's not like they call a girl elephant an elephanta.

Katie: No, they call a lady elephant an elephant. They call a male elephant a bull.

Ryan: Yeah but they still call them both elephants.

Katie: It's Wubbalee and that's final.

Carly: What's wrong with Wubbanielle?

Katie: Too long.

Carly: Who decides what's too long?

Katie: Whoever discovers the new species.

Ryan: But it's not a new species.


Katie: Hey what do you think Wubba and Wubbalee's offspring would be called?

Speed: A pre-requisite for entering the next mental institution down the road.

Katie: That's also too long.


Speed: *looks at Anni*

Anni: ...I wanna play too.

Katie: Why would the Wubba offspring be called Sparkles?

Anni: They're very mystical.

Katie: You've never seen one.

Anni: Have you?

Katie: Sure, lots of times.

Speed: I think you may need your medication adjusted.

Katie: *sticks out tongue*

Speed: That's mature.

Katie: I can get more mature than that. *lifts blouse*

Speed: NOT that kind of mature.

Katie: You used to like it when I took off my clothes.

Speed: I don't know what I was thinking. It must have been the massive amounts of alcohol.

Katie: I hope you're brain damaged.

Anni: Hey, hey why don't we stop before this gets any further.

Katie: You say that to him a lot, don't you.

Anni: *frowns*

Speed: What the hell is your problem?

Katie: *stands, walks away*

Ryan: So Carly...

Carly: *stands, walks into Hummerhome*

Ryan: Damn. Alone again.

Speed: *stares at Ryan*

Ryan: *sigh* I'll go make sure all the stoves and lights are turned off. *stands, gets into Hummerhome*

Anni: I think she does it for attention.

Speed: Who cares. Let's get inside.

Anni: *stands*

Speed: *stands, grabs door*

Anni: *walks in*

Speed: *looks at forest*

Katie is seen sitting on a log

Speed: You know what, I should go apologize to her. I'll catch up with you.

Anni: Alright.

Speed: *closes door*

Near forest

Speed: *walks over, sits* I'm sorry.

Katie: Me too.

Speed: *lifts brow* You are?

Katie: Yeah I'm sorry you're such a dick.

Speed: *angry sigh* Of course.

Katie: You just wait, I'll find somebody that does appreciate my nakedness.

Speed: There's a hooters down the street if y-

Katie: *punches Speed's arm*

Speed: Or not.

Katie: *kicks rock* I know I give you a lot of flack. But believe it or not, I'm trying to curb it a little more.

Speed: *nods*

Katie: Night. *stands, walks away*

Speed: *stares ahead*


(Thanks for sparkles, Anni :D :p)
You're so welcome;)

Just when Anni and Speed get time alone, the circus bust out on them. Of course, being led by the ring leader herself. It would actually be really awesome if she really did curb it. But I guess I can understand non stop berating, tempting, disrespecting- you know, I can't understand it. Katie does need to grow up. There, I said it!

Awesome update, Geni...although I should sweat hellfire for leaving you up...awesome work indeed.
I'm with Anni ! Wouldn't have been surprised to see Juglers, a Lion tammer, and Barnum & Balley exit the Hummerhome and start the show at that moment! lol! Maybe you should send them to the Circus that could be kinda funny! Or maybe they could be like road rules and have to work for the circus for the day that would be even funnier to see what each of them would have to do in the show! Just a funny thought I had!

Poor Anni she misses the Baby and so does Speed ! Katie is not helping with all of her "its all about Katie Shit" evertime they have a moment alone!

Great update Geni!
Thanks so much for the fab reviews. :)


Gables Estates, house, bedroom, 2am

Lori: *runs in, buttons up shirt*

Baby is seen crying

Lori: *picks up baby* I fed you 2 hours ago. You'd better be poopy or something.

Scott: *steps in*

Lori: I guess she just wanted to be held.

Scott: Nothing says birth control like a crying baby in the next room.

Lori: *smirks* I take it round 2's out of the question.

Scott: *walks over* Maybe next time.

Lori: When my parents get back, we need a vacation. *squints* Let's go somewhere exotic. You ever been to Brazil?

Scott: Yes.

Lori: *looks at Scott* When the hell were you in Brazil?

Scott: Uh...it was a highschool graduation thing. I stayed at the resort and read.

Lori: *nods slowly*

Scott: It wasn't really my thing.

Lori: *places baby into crib* Well that's gonna change. *turns around, smiles* We need to get you out of that business suit mentality. I happen to know you're not as boring as you let on.

Scott: Really.

Lori: *wraps arms around Scott's neck* Yes.

Scott: And what gives you that impression?

Lori: Mm...just something in your eyes.

Scott: Ah. Definitely a fool-proof science.

Lori: *smiles*

Hummerhome, dining area, 3am

Speed: *opens pantry* Eric, go to bed. Wubba's gone.

Delko: I can hear it breathing.

Speed: You can hear Horatio snoring. I thought we went over this.

Delko: Will you protect me?

Speed: *frowns* Get out.

Delko: *steps out*

Speed: *shuts door* Didn't your parents ever tell you there was no such thing as monsters?


Speed: *looks at Anni*

Anni: ...I watch too much television. *walks away*

Delko: No, you know what? I'm going to hunt this thing down once and for all. *grabs pot, places it on head*

Anni: I WANNA HELP! *runs over*

Speed: You were real big on adulthood a couple hours ago.

Anni: *picks up spatula* You going to come with or complain?

Speed: I suppose I could do both.


Anni: *trips* OW! That was my foot.

Delko: Sorry, can't see.

Anni: That's because you have a steel pot on your head.

Delko: It's protecting my brain waves from mind manipulation.

Speed: Great, this thing has super powers now.

Delko: You got your wooden spoon ready?

Speed: We're cops. What happened to guns?

Delko: Bullets won't kill it.

Anni: How do you know?

Delko: Because that would be way too easy.

Speed: Yeah, especially since you'll be firing at air.

Katie: BOOGA!

Speed: AH! *leans against tree*

Katie: *smiles* Hiya.

Speed: Can't you be a normal human being for once?

Katie: What are we huntin'?

Anni: Wubba.

Katie: Again? Man, this thing must be super smart.

Speed: The only thing we're going to find out here is cougars and I'm pretty sure they're a lot more dangerous than a made-up mystical monster with mind powers.

Delko: Nu uh. Cougars can be killed my man-made weapons. Wubba can't. *taps steel pot*

Speed: *frowns* Spatulas aren't man-made?

Delko: Wubba doesn't know that.

Speed: You people need to keep your stories straight.

Katie: Stop thinking like a cop and start thinking like the road trip crew.

Speed: You mean drop my IQ points to zero?

Anni: Hey.

Speed: *looks at Anni*

Anni: *frowning*

Speed: *clears throat* I'll shut up.

Katie: LOOK! Wubba's lair! *points to cave*

Delko: *gasps*

Anni: What should we do?

Katie: Throw pinecones?

Speed: Pinecones.

Katie: Yeah. Wubba's allergic.

Speed: *rolls eyes*



LOL...oh AWWWWWWWWww,...poor Lori! She was getting some nookie and Brooklyn just blocked ALL of that up! I say they escape when the coast is clear, and disappear for a while and not turn up until very bronzed and Lori's very pregnant..lol It would be such a great vacay!

:guffaw: So, Speed's gonna drop some IQ to get intot he swing of things with the RT...This is going to be hilarious. Already, I can see him shaking his head in disbelief...

Awesome update!
Speed: *opens pantry* Eric, go to bed. Wubba's gone.

Delko: I can hear it breathing.

Speed: You can hear Horatio snoring. I thought we went over this.

Delko: Will you protect me?

Speed: *frowns* Get out.

:guffaw:I'll protect him :guffaw:

that was awesome!
LMAO! Delko runnin around ithe woods with a pot on his head! OMG ! i'm surprised that speed didn't have one on his head and a few tired to his body! They remind me of a grown up version of the little rascles! lol! Spankie and alphalfa ! lol! that would be so damn funny !

Poor Lori shes has to get up from mindblowing sex to take care of her crying baby sister! They all should have went on the road trip this time ! I would like to see Scott and Lori with the RT gang! Now theres a road Trip !

great update geni!
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