CSI:Miami Road Trip #11: We Ain't Comin' Home

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Finch, Dec 14, 2008.

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  1. CSISDFlash

    CSISDFlash Pathologist

    Sep 16, 2008
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    OOOOh ! There goes the S.S. Katie again firing another bad memory at Lori through Steph! Katie really needs to be stopped! What is it gonna take to shut this woman up! its like a live version of who sank my Battleship with her, she takes turns lobbing shots at Speed and Lori simotaniously hitting them at the most inopertune momnets and bringing them down in a firey blaze!

    Well I think speed and Lori are somehow gonna have to get together and sink Katies battleship before she destroys them,, they're lives, & family! Does she really even relise what she is doing when she tell Steph these things! I think she has it in her brain that if Lori can't screw her own life up she will see to it that she ultamatly does it for her by subconsiously inbedding bad memories in her brain so she will feel guilty !

    and Lori you need to distance yourself from your mother and keep Steph away from her! You also need to let Tom have his own life and stay away from him before you ruin yours and Scotts! Jeez does anybody even under stand how to get rid of the drama anymore! Its plain whats causing most of it!

    Great update Geni!
  2. texmex327

    texmex327 Pathologist

    Oct 2, 2008
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    Great update Geni!

    You know that Katie is going to tell anyone that'll listen. I really do hope that Lori tells her to go to Hell or something along those lines.

    Steph is too cute. Keep her away from her crazy grandmother....
  3. Anni Grey

    Anni Grey Coroner

    Jun 22, 2005
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    *sigh* Let's try this again... LORI -_- This man, the one who swore to protect you, to love you....TO SUPPORT you, is trying ...no pleading...for you to choose. I can only hope she listens. I'd hate to see them go by the wayside, but if she chooses Tom, then so be it. THERE...I said it :guffaw:

    Katie, for all intended purposes, has a point...She did try and tell ...well, everyone tried to tell him, but love makes us blind to faults. ALTHOUGH...she could've tried some tact... Really, did I just bump my head, Katie? Tact? psha.....for sure...

    Awesome update!

    PS...Talk CSI lives! *Rocks out* I was so estatic that it came back from 'Sorry, Windows Internet Explorer Cannot display page'...for a second there, I tried to imagine life without Talk CSI...what a dreary, dreary life...LOL...
  4. Finch

    Finch Funnier in Enochian Super Moderator

    Jul 30, 2005
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    Thanks for the awesome reviews. :D


    Miami Lab, 12pm

    Horatio: He's qualified.

    Speed: He's a drug addict.

    Horatio: If I recall correctly, you were an alcoholic addicted to morphine.

    Speed: ...So when does he start?

    Horatio: Today. His training isn't supposed to start until next Friday but I want to get him familiar with protocol and the staff as soon as possible. If his proficiencies go well, he'll be a Level 1 within the next couple of months.

    Speed: Who's training him?

    Horatio: You are.

    Speed: ...Why.

    Horatio: You've had to train CSIs before and you've been trained by the best.

    Speed: You think Megan's still alive?

    Horatio: Speed...

    Speed: Alright but if I have any problems with him, I-

    Horatio: You'll deal with them.

    Speed: *frowns*

    Horatio: *walks away*

    Speed: *angry sigh*

    Trace Lab, 12:45pm

    Speed: *looks at watch*

    Tom: *walks in*

    Speed: You're late.

    Tom: It's lunch.

    Speed: First thing you need to know when working here. It doesn't matter what time it is, if someone tells you to be here for something, you be here. It could mean the difference between life and death.

    Tom: You guys sit in a lab all day and process bitty pieces of nonsense from already dead people.

    Speed: This lab works missing persons cases, robberies, sex crimes, appeals and murders. Anything hot.

    Tom: What about cold cases?

    Speed: If it pertains to a current investigation, cold cases are sometimes reopened. And it's not nonsense, it's evidence.

    Tom: *crosses arms* Great, what's next?

    Speed: *drops large binder onto table*

    Tom: *looks at binder*

    Speed: Read that.

    Tom: What the hell is it?

    Speed: Protocols. Everything from safety to security.

    Tom: Shouldn't take too long to get through it.

    Speed: *slams large box onto table*

    Tom: *looks at box*

    Speed: That's just volume 1. This is the rest of it.

    Tom: ...You're telling me you read all this.

    Speed: Every word.

    Tom: What, in the 1800s? Isn't there a palm pilot edition?

    Speed: Start reading.

    Tom: *grabs chair, sits*

    Speed: Over the next 6 months, you'll be attending various criminology conferences and lectures. The schedule's in this folder. *throws folder onto table*

    Tom: Isn't there a faster way to do this?

    Speed: The only advantage you have is that you've already taken 2 years worth of schooling in this field and you've been on the job longer which is impressive because you don't seem that smart to me.

    Tom: You mean you people weren't born king shits of the lab?

    Speed: Cute. I'll be back in 2 hours. You should be halfway through that book by then. *walks away*

    Tom: ...I'd rather be unemployed.

    Gables Estates, house, kitchen, 1pm

    Lori: *washing plate*

    Katie: *looks into living room* Why do you do those horrible things to that poor man?

    Lori: *throws plate into sink*

    Katie: They don't come any better than Scott Finch.

    Lori: Yeah, he's a saint.

    Katie: Compared to everyone else you've been associated with, yes.

    Lori: Look, Mom, I don't really want to talk about it.

    Katie: What the hell is wrong with you?

    Lori: I said I don't want to talk about it.

    Katie: Tell me the truth. Do you like hurting people?

    Lori: *frowning*

    Katie: Well?

    Lori: No.

    Katie: Then why do you do it to the people that love you?

    Lori: I don't know.

    Katie: It's not like Scott isn't willing to give you what you want out of a man.

    Lori: What the hell do you think I want out of a man? Since you seem to be the expert on relationships all of a sudden.

    Katie: You want attention. You always have. If it's not from men, it's from doctors. You like feeling as if you're the center of the world.

    Lori: *frowns*

    Katie: Face it, you're all kinds of whore.

    Lori: I don't dispute that Scott's given me everything and then some when it comes to a relationship.

    Katie: Then why do you feel the need to step out on him?

    Lori: There's no excuse so I'm not going to give you one.

    Katie: Ugh, you're just like your father. You think because he did it that it's okay for you to do it?

    Lori: *frowns* No.

    Katie: Think about this. If Scott divorces you and you get together with Tom, how long do you think that relationship will last before either you get bored or he gets bored? And then what? You run back to Scott? Find some other man you can sleep with until you throw him away too?

    Lori: Just stop, okay?

    Katie: No. I've been at the receiving end of infidelity and it pisses me off that my own daughter is doing the same thing to her husband.

    Lori: Oh come off it. You've been chasing Dad since he got married to Anni. You have no room to talk either.

    Katie: *wipes hands on towel* You need to do the right thing. *walks away*

    Lori: *looks down at sink*

    Miami Lab, 9pm

    Tom: *turns page*

    Lori: *walks in, stops*

    Tom: *lifts head*

    Lori: Um...I'm looking for my father. Have you seen him?

    Tom: *looks around* I think it's just us chickens.

    Lori: Great. *turns around*

    Tom: If you wait, I'm sure he'll be back. I think he went to fax something upstairs.

    Lori: *sigh* Fine. *walks over, sits* What are you reading?

    Tom: Lab protocols. I hope there isn't some kind of pop quiz because I forgot half of what I just read.

    Lori: *grabs book cover* ...This is from 1993.

    Tom: So?

    Lori: So lab protocols change. I think you were given an old version.

    Tom: *frowns*

    Lori: *smirks*

    Tom: Your father's an ass. *slams book shut*

    Lori: Well hey, that stuff's good to know, right? I'm sure there's some useful information in there.

    Tom: Yeah right.

    Lori: *looks around*

    Tom: *looks at Lori* Something on your mind?

    Lori: *shakes head*

    Tom: *leans on table, tilts head* Really.

    Lori: *looks at Tom*

    Tom: *staring at Lori*

    Lori: What.

    Tom: You're beautiful when you're oblivious.

    Lori: *lifts brow* Oblivious about what?

    Tom: *leans over, kisses Lori*

    Lori: *closes eyes*

    Tom: *slides closer, places hand on Lori's cheek*

    Lori: *frowns, grabs Tom's shirt*

    Tom: *pushes Lori against table, grabs at her blouse*

    Lori: *turns head away* Stop.

    Tom: *unzips Lori's jeans* You don't want me to.

    Lori: *pushing Tom* UGH!

    Tom: *twists Lori's wrist*

    Lori: AH!

    Speed: HEY!

    Tom: *lifts head*

    Speed: *walks over, grabs Tom by the collar*

    Tom: Let go!

    Speed: *shoves Tom into GCMS* GET OUT!

    Tom: *straightens out shirt, walks away*

    Speed: *turns around, places thumb on Lori's cheek* You okay?

    Lori: *staring at door* Yeah.

    Speed: Did he hurt you?

    Lori: *looks at Speed* Huh? Oh. No.

    Speed: What are you doing here?

    Lori: ...I needed to talk to you about something...but I think I figured out what I need to know.

    Speed: *nods* Why don't I get you a glass of water or something. Come on. *places hand on Lori's back*

    Lori: Okay.

    Break room

    Lori: *crosses arms*

    Speed: You're sure you're okay.

    Lori: I wasn't crying for you in Colombia, what makes you think I need a hug and a bottle now?

    Speed: *stares at Lori*

    Lori: *looks out window* How come you're not at home?

    Speed: *hands over glass* We need some extra cash so I'm working an extra shift.

    Lori: How noble of you. *grabs glass*

    Speed: *wraps arm around Lori*

    Lori: *lies head on Speed's chest*

    Speed: Go home and be with your husband and daughter. Don't make the same mistakes I did.

    Lori: *nods*

    Speed: Stop this nonsense. You're smarter than that.

    Lori: Okay.

    Speed: *takes glass from Lori*

    Lori: *steps back* Night. Thanks. *walks away*

    Speed: *places glass on counter, rolls up sleeves* Time to put that boy to work. *walks away*

  5. Anni Grey

    Anni Grey Coroner

    Jun 22, 2005
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    Okay...that was all kinds of awesome. Finally, Katie can have a sit down and sound like she knows what she 's talking about...well, she does, but that's besides the point. FOr once, Katie's an adult. Although I did see where when the table was turned, she quickly deflected...

    Tom shows his true bastard colors and YES...SPEED was there to circumvent. I sure hope that this wasn't it for the A$$ beat down, but thank god it brought Lori to her senses. ANd a big YAY for that!

    Awesome update!
  6. Finch

    Finch Funnier in Enochian Super Moderator

    Jul 30, 2005
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    Thanks for the review! :)

    Short chapter. :p


    Gables Estates, house, bedroom, 12am

    Lori: *rolls over* Scott....Scott. *pushes Scott*

    Scott: *opens eyes*

    Lori: I didn't wake you, did I?

    Scott: *looks at watch, squints*

    Lori: I want to apologize to you. For everything.

    Scott: I have work in the morning, Lori. Can we do this tomorrow?

    Lori: *lifts brow* You're acting like I don't mean it.

    Scott: *rolls over* I can't wait until you do.

    Lori: *pulls Scott* Hey. You're supposed to be understanding.

    Scott: I'm not supposed to be anything.

    Lori: Okay, look, I hate it when you're mad at me. It's uncomfortable.

    Scott: Good. I think that's exactly what you should be feeling right now.

    Lori: You know what? Fuck you. *jumps out of bed* Get a new wife. *leaves, slams door*

    Scott: *looks at door*


    Lori: *opens door*

    Scott: *walks over* Lori.

    Lori: *turns around* WHAT!

    Scott: You're about to walk outside in your underwear.

    Lori: *looks down*

    Scott: Shut the door.

    Lori: *pushes door*

    Scott: I wish I could be supportive and understanding in this situation but it won't do our marriage a whole lot of good. I can't comfort you when I'm the one who was hurt in the first place. I think I'm entitled to feel a little angry.

    Lori: *looks down at floor*

    Scott: You may be sorry...but now I can't trust you.

    Lori: *lifts eyes*

    Scott: *stares at Lori*

    Lori: You...don't trust me.

    Scott: I'm sorry, I don't.

    Lori: *laughs* No, don't apologize. I do this to everyone! NO ONE TRUSTS ME! AND WHY SHOULD THEY! I'M A FUCKING WHORE!

    Scott: *steps closer, lifts hands* Lori, why don't you calm d-

    Lori: *sits on table, puts head into hands*

    Scott: ...I didn't mean to upset you. *sits* But you do understand why I'm less inclined to trust you.

    Lori: *nods*

    Scott: You need to stop reacting this way everytime somebody tells you something you're not happy with. This is behaviour I expect out of Stephanie.

    Lori: *wipes eyes*

    Scott: Stop the screaming, stop the theatrics and act like an adult.

    Lori: ...I don't want you to leave me.

    Scott: Let's get back upstairs.

    Lori: *nods*

  7. Anni Grey

    Anni Grey Coroner

    Jun 22, 2005
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    FINALLY! Scott grows a pair and sits her ass down and tells her it's not okay to go off the handle and expected to be comforted. FINALLY, he's got her attention...and FINALLY, maybe...just maybe, she'll listen this time. I hope she does, anyway...lol

    Awesome update!
  8. CSISDFlash

    CSISDFlash Pathologist

    Sep 16, 2008
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    Well I think that Speed is about to whip somebodys ass into shape! I'm surprized he didn't lay Tom out right there, if not for touching Lori for just trying to assault he in his lab!

    And when did katie grow the brain for half a Min. jeez this story gets crazier by the min.

    Poor Scott hes finaly come out and said whats hes really thinking. I don't know if lori will take it to Heart though! Somehow i feel that she will listen for a little while and then it will all go to hell again !

    I guess we'll have to wait and see!
  9. racefh853629

    racefh853629 Pathologist

    May 1, 2008
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    I had a feeling that Horatio would be hiring Tom... but I also get the feeling that Tom won't be alive much longer, and that the next crime scene the team will have to investigate will be in their own lab. :lol:

    I hope Scott and Lori can work things out to where they're both happy. *hugs them*

    Great updates! :D
  10. texmex327

    texmex327 Pathologist

    Oct 2, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Great update Geni!

    I was really hoping that Speed was going to kick Tom's ass, but there is still hope

    Scott finally grew a pair. I hope that Lori realizes what a good man she has.

    Can't wait to read more!
  11. Finch

    Finch Funnier in Enochian Super Moderator

    Jul 30, 2005
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    Thanks so much for the lovely reviews! :) Y'all are awesome. :D


    Miami Lab, one month later

    Horatio: Okay team, pack up.

    Calleigh: We're leaving already?

    Horatio: Yep. Speed, is Anni almost ready to get underway?

    Speed: She's dropping the baby off with Scott.

    Delko: How come we can't take a baby with us?

    Speed: *looks at Eric* There's one too many as it is.

    Delko: *frowns*

    Horatio: Katie...what in the world is that?

    Katie: These are my suitcases.

    Speed: We're going in the Hummerhome, not the space shuttle.

    Katie: Whenever I pack light, I end up forgetting something and then it bothers me the entire time I'm gone. So unless you want to stop at every Wal-Mart along the highway, I'm bringing everything.

    Speed: Who's going to load it all?

    Katie: *smiles*

    Speed: Eric, start loading.

    Delko: Hey! She was looking at you.

    Calleigh: Isn't there a size limit? Where am I going to put my shoes if she takes up all the cargo space?

    Ryan: And where am I going to put my quarter collection?

    Speed: You have a quarter collection?

    Ryan: OH MY GOD! TIM SPEEDLE JUST SPOKE TO ME! SUCCESS! *twirls around in circles*

    Speed: *lifts brow*

    Ryan: *stops* I am not a fan.

    Heather: *latches onto Ryan* I'll protect your quarters.

    Ryan: But...your hands are greasy and human.

    Heather: As opposed to yours?

    Ryan: I handle the quarters with latex gloves.

    Horatio: *looks around* Where did Eric go?

    Lora: I've been asking myself that all summer.

    Delko: *lifts hand* I'm down here!

    Everyone: *looks at Eric*

    Delko: The mountain of luggage fell on me. Can I get a little help? I can't feel my legs.

    Calleigh: *walks over, pushes luggage* ...Are those ankle weights?

    Delko: I'm trying to stay in shape.

    Ryan: You used to get beat up a lot on school, didn't you.

    Delko: *frowns*

    Inside Hummerhome

    Horatio: *opens doors* These are the bedrooms. I've decided to economize the space and put you all up in bunk beds. This way we can fit 4 people in a room at a time.

    Katie: I CALL TOP BUNK!

    Anni: *runs in* NO! IT'S MINE!

    Speed: *looks at Anni*

    Katie: *crawls up onto bunk*

    Anni: *grabs Katie's leg*

    Katie: GAH!

    Anni: *shoves Katie off bunk*

    Katie: *falls over*

    Speed: *grabs Katie's arm*

    Katie: *looks up, smiles* Howdy.

    Speed: *frowns, lets go*

    Katie: Anni, I called it.

    Anni: Yeah but I go by whoever wins. Didn't you ever play 'King of the Mountain' when you were little?

    Katie: I played 'Find That Smell'. Dad liked to hide moldy food every Easter because we couldn't afford eggs.

    Anni: Yeah well it ain't Easter.

    Speed: Um...Anni?

    Anni: *leans over bed* Yes? Oooh, you have shiny hair. *ruffles Speed's hair*

    Speed: The adults get a bedroom with one bed.

    Anni: Great. *lies back on bed*

    Katie: *whispers* Shot down.

    Speed: *frowns* Anni.

    Anni: *leans over* Yeah?

    Speed: I was assuming as a married couple, we'd take one of the rooms with a single bed.

    Anni: Oh. Why? It's not like we'll be doing anything.

    Speed: ...That's not really the point.

    Anni: But Katie's my best friend.

    Speed: Katie shot you.

    Anni: I'm not one to hold a grudge. Well, at least not for very long.

    Speed: Okay. Just wanted to make sure we're clear on what we want.

    Anni: *smiles* Great. *kisses Speed*

    Speed: *walks away*

    Katie: *climbs up onto bed* This is gonna be so much fun. I feel like I'm in highschool again.

    Anni: You mean you stop feeling like you're in highschool sometimes?

    Katie: Ha. Ha.

    Bedroom Two

    Speed: *walks in, throws sleeping bag onto bunk*

    Delko: Hey, I thought you'd be taking the room with the single bed.

    Speed: Apparently not.

    Delko: That's cool. You can share with Colton and I.

    Speed: I feel like I'm at summer camp.

    Delko: Yeah, it's awesome. *laughs* Horatio's our camp counselor.

    Colton: *stands* And the boys are separated from the girls.

    Speed: We're not boys. We're men.

    Delko: Potato, potato.

    Colton: RYAN!

    Ryan: *runs in*

    Colton: You get bottom bunk.

    Ryan: What the hell for?

    Colton: Because I've been here longer. *grabs suitcase, throws it into bottom bunk*

    Ryan: That's not fair. I'm a CSI.

    Colton: Wow. So am I. Not that I've done a lot of work lately but the seniority stands.

    Delko: Oh OH! I get t-

    Speed: *frowns*

    Delko: -...bottom bunk. *sits on bed*

    Bedroom One

    Katie: *leans out* We're recruiting bunk-mates! C'mon girls! Only two for a limited time!

    Carly: ME! *runs in*

    Katie: I didn't know you were back from Australia.

    Carly: Flew in yesterday.

    Katie: Welcome back. *peeks head out* Anymore takers!

    Lora: Well this trip is nothing without me so why not? *walks in*

    Bedroom Three

    Heather: *pushes pillow into bunk*

    Calleigh: It's going to be great just the two of us.

    Heather: I don't know...kind of makes me feel a bit forgotten.

    Calleigh: Well Lilly had to go back to California for school and Jess moved back out there too...and I haven't seen Missy and JC forever.

    Heather: Why don't we invite Josh?

    Calleigh: And his kids? I think he'd much rather keep an eye on them.

    Heather: Damn. Oh well, more room for us.

    Master Bedroom

    Horatio: *straightening out sunglasses*

    Speed: You sure I should be leaving Carter alone at the lab?

    Horatio: Josh and Natalia are there. I didn't realize you cared.

    Speed: Not about him. I'm afraid for the lab's reputation.

    Horatio: He'll do fine.

    Speed: He's not really the greatest at relating to the victims.

    Horatio: Reminds me of someone I used to know.

    Speed: *frowns* I hope you're talking about Megan.

    Horatio: *lifts head*

    Speed: He's nothing like me.

    Horatio: You two share a few smiliar qualities.

    Speed: Yeah, the kid doesn't shave and he couldn't crack a smile to save his life. That's it. Other that that, trust me, we are nothing alike.

    Horatio: Alright.

    Delko: *walks over* Um, H, we have a visitor.

    Horatio: *looks outside* Mister Finch.

    Speed: What's he doing here?

    Horatio: Better find out.

    Speed: *walks away*

    Horatio: *straightens out sunglasses* Ah. Perfect. All 1085 in black.


    Speed: *walks over* Hey. Something wrong?

    Scott: Oh no, nothing wrong. Brooklyn should be fine. I was just wondering if she had any sort of special requirements. Anni seemed a little excited to get on the road.

    Speed: *nods* She's on a special formula because she was having trouble breastfeeding. I don't know if Anni gave you the bottles.

    Scott: She did.

    Speed: Well that's what those are. Other than that, she's not much of a sleeper at the moment.

    Scott: Thanks.

    Speed: You're sure this isn't a problem?

    Scott: *smiles* I have the next few weeks off so it shouldn't be a problem at all.

    Speed: If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call.

    Scott: Of course.

    Speed: Good luck.

    Scott: Thanks.

    Speed: *turns around* Oh and...nevermind. This you I'm talking to. You'll be fine. *walks away*

    Inside car, road

    Lori: *looks back* Steph, is she dirty yet?

    Steph: She's asleep, Momma.

    Lori: Check her.

    Steph: *lifts Brooklyn's leg* She's not wet.

    Lori: Check her again.

    Scott: She's fine, Lori.

    Lori: *leans back on seat* Drive slower.

    Scott: Why?

    Lori: I don't want to break her.

    Scott: She's in a babyseat. She's not going anywhere.

    Lori: *looks back* Steph, is she breathing?

    Steph: Momma, the baby's okie dokie.

    Lori: *sigh*

    Scott: See? Nothing to worry about. *looks in rearview mirror* Stephanie's looking out for her. Right?

    Steph: *smiles, nods*

    Lori: *whispers* Scott, a 4-year old can't help take care of a baby.

    Scott: Why not? She seems to want to. It'll be good for her.

    Lori: How?

    Scott: She's at the helping stage. Enjoy it while it lasts.

    Lori: You mean she'll stop being helpul?

    Scott: *smiles, looks out window*

    Lori: *frowns*

  12. Anni Grey

    Anni Grey Coroner

    Jun 22, 2005
    Likes Received:
    YES! RT is back!...not that I didn't love the drama, but there's nothing like laughing while holding your belly...and I'm SO ready for this. Oddly though, I'd think that Anni would've wanted to bunk with Speed...but I guess once the pixie dust hit her ( in this case, seeing the hummerhome) she forgot that she was a grown up. I love that it's seperated, boys from girls , now we'll really see how these guys were in summer camp. I can just see it now....lol Girls sneaking in boys bunks, shaving cream...lol . The fun is limitless. Seriously.

    I also like how Lori's all attentive to Brooklyn. That says that she really wants to do a good job, and that she's well...a worry wart like her father. LOL at Anni being estatic enough to forget info...I see her being like that.

    PS...Katie and Anni made up...Let's just keep the insanity and lunacy out of the relationship!

    Awesome update!
  13. CSISDFlash

    CSISDFlash Pathologist

    Sep 16, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Oh Lord this should be good! Lori had enough problems getting use to Steph and now shes baby sitting for Speed! i just hope that te poor thing suvives while they are gone!

    Looks like the RT gang are getting ready to have a crazy yime as usual I hope Speed cane survive Katie and Anni's goofy ness!

    Lol! Ryan twirling when Speed spoke to him was funny ! I'm not a fan! What a slap to poor Speed! and Horatio compairing him to Carter! lol! i know that really chapped his ass good ! i hope the lab doesn't burn down while they are gone!

    great update Geni!
  14. texmex327

    texmex327 Pathologist

    Oct 2, 2008
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    :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:This was so freakin hilarious, I so needed that! Thanks Geni!

    Great update, I can't wait to see the rest of the misadventures in the hummerhome...
  15. racefh853629

    racefh853629 Pathologist

    May 1, 2008
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    Ahh, there's the OCD that the writers have forgotten! :lol:

    Horatio's right, Speedle... You and Tom have quite a bit in common... :p

    I love that Steph wants to be helpful... I'm thinking maybe after this she might be asking for a little sibling... :lol:

    Great update! Can't wait to see what happens on this trip! :D
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