CSI: Miami Picture Thread ~Possible S6 Spoilers~

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Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

do you think horatio is gonna be reeealllyy gutted when aerosol dies? i mean if that body language isn't just bad timing witht he camera then i say he won't be....sadly he's gonna have to act sad. DAMNIT. this is gona be an eeevil episode. i can tell.

Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

I think he's gonna be sad. Really sad coz it's Horatio. And then in S5...or maybe in the next episode, it'll all be gone like a bad bad dream.
Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

Gorgeous pics abc!!! :)
But they're not wearing rings,does it mean that H is gonna be a sad groom instead of a sad widower?
Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

Qiong said:
Lost2MuchSpeed said:
it is NOT love between him and her!! its simply that he was there at the right time for her...
Yeah, that's exactly my feeling too. Their marriage is more like if she feels happy, he's happy. I would never say that's not the old H we have known for almost 4 years. On the contrary, I would say it's completely H, who will do everything for the ones he cares, even a marriage without passionate love.
Sometimes, marriage is not about lovers living happily ever after, just meeting the right person in the right place. For H, this marriage helps him get a company who he's comfortable to share some time with.

Just my 2 cents.


I agree with this. I think Horatio cares for her, I wish they would have shown a little more interaction between them. Nobody ever knows how long they are going to live, so if you have a chance to be happy then you better go for it.
Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

I love the Dress M is wearing its very pretty, as for the one who mentioned they are not wearing rings, it could be these were taken before the wedding, since its not a typical wedding I don't think they are much worried about bad luck, etc.
Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

Come to think of it.. For the picture with H and Marisol in them.. Shouldn't Marisol be wearing an engagement ring atleast? :p Just a random thought.
Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

Well from what I understand the wedding is going to be sudden so I am guessing that the rings will come after maybe. Course alot of times people don't really use engagement rings, I know my sister-in-law didn't before they got married. They kind of went backwards lol, they decided to get the engagement ring for the first anniversary. *Shrug* beats be why.
Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

Thanks for posting the pics Shane!
You know, I dont like Marisol and I really dont like the whole Horatio/Marisol thing, but if H is happy, then whatever. He desrves some lovin'! :p
Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

Great pics! Thanks for sharing! I think they look good together and H deserves some happiness, even if it will be short lived.
Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

OK, I always find new Pics on the Marghelgenberger.com. Does anyone know what happen to the CSI Miami pics section??? :confused:

I keep checking and now i can't find any.... :(

I need my spoiler pics....HELP! :devil:
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