CSI: Miami Picture Thread ~Possible S6 Spoilers~

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Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

Eric in a suit...Ryan in a tshirt...I am a very happy lady right now! ;)

Thanks Shane! :D
Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

hehe, me too...Eric and a suit, Ryan in T-shirt :D
all that's missing is Speed in a suit...
now i need to go and watch Wannabe

thanks for the pics Shane!!!
Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

okay I'm gunna rant about the pictures so if you dont want to be spoiled, read away dude.

The pictures must be before the wedding, they aren't wearing rings.... but then again not all married couples wear rings.

Also i hear that Eric isnt to happy about it, as he wasnt informed, but Horatio and marisol do it anyway - that doesn't sound like something horatio would do. I mean didn't he ask Eric if it was alright to have a relationship with her - but he doesn't think he needs to ask him about marriage, or indeed tell him?

And if you look at the last picture of them, you can tell by the body language that they have no chemisty, i mean Marisol is leaning towards Horatio, and all he seems to move - is his head. :confused:
Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

oh crap. i just asked if eric was happy about it in the other spolier thread, the one noot about pictures. damnit! should have checked here!!

so is eric only unhappy cause H didn't approach him? or his he unhappy about the marraige altogether...i hope it's the latter so H can get some sense knocked into him and realise he is meant to be with ME. and not Aerosol.

gawd. H is losing his mind!!
Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

People do crazy things for love...... Still I hope he gets back to his old self in season 5. but i have a feeling he'll be depressed, or turn purple or something, i think the Horatio we once knew, is lost.
Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

certainly we can't lose old H completely?!!
that would be disastrous

lmao to the turning purple thing though, be a mad contrast with his hair.

and it is NOT love between him andher!! its simly that he was there at the right time for her...

see that pic witht he cameras n stuff...is that in the episode:s
Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

abc said:
Ducky, there is a member at this forum who hates me posting photos. If I post my source, she will go after me, and so on. And I don't want a photo war.:D

^well if you use these spoiling pics somewhere not spoiler thread and without spoiler warning, I'd be after your ass too :lol: But then again I'm not familiar with the situation.

But you understand my thoughts, because all the photoediting skills people have and things I mentioned earlier.

But I cannot wait to see H in that suit... Man! :D Perhaps I can cover Aerosol with my hand so I can only see Saint H <3
Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

Lost2MuchSpeed said:
it is NOT love between him and her!! its simply that he was there at the right time for her...
Yeah, that's exactly my feeling too. Their marriage is more like if she feels happy, he's happy. I would never say that's not the old H we have known for almost 4 years. On the contrary, I would say it's completely H, who will do everything for the ones he cares, even a marriage without passionate love.
Sometimes, marriage is not about lovers living happily ever after, just meeting the right person in the right place. For H, this marriage helps him get a company who he's comfortable to share some time with.

Just my 2 cents.

Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

Leannethemouse said:
And if you look at the last picture of them, you can tell by the body language that they have no chemisty, i mean Marisol is leaning towards Horatio, and all he seems to move - is his head. :confused:

That's exactly what's missing from the pics. Aerosol and Horatio look fantastic individually and you can see that Aerosol's the one who leans over to H but not vice-versa. You know what? H is getting married......but.....to his sunglasses. Do you see how tight he holds it in his hands? He loves his shades more than her. He has to have it wherever he goes. :cool:

Aerosol...she has cancer? I don't believe you!
Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

H didn't tell Eric that he was getting married to Marisol? Now that was a shocker.

Calleigh is looking fffine!
Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

awww thank you shane ;) I love those :) she looks soooo cute ;) really great can't thank you enough ;)
Re: CSI: Miami Pictures!!!!!

Leannethemouse said:
Still I hope he (H) gets back to his old self in season 5... I think the Horatio we once knew, is lost.
I agree Leanne. I am keeping everything crossed hoping that Season 4 has just been a very bad dream, and Season 5 will return with the 'real' Horatio that we all (well, some of us!) know and love. You know, the one from Seasons 1-3, when this show really was very good indeed? Ah, those were the days! Thank goodness for dvds and reruns.
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