CSI: Miami Icons #6 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Kat as always, beautiful Ryan icons! I really love that first one!

Here is one I did of Ryan for the flashlights challenge:

Love the Ryan Icons Kat and GNRF I love your Ryan one as well

Here is two one of frank and an Eden one from the Challenge:

Great icons everyone :thumbsup:

Here's mine for the flashlights challenge:

And here's another one I made just for fun:
future_cop, i like Ryan icon! CSI Stokes Girl, i love his thinking pose too!:adore:
H_Miami_fan, love coloring.:thumbsup:
future_cop - great icons love the colouring, are you using GIMP now?

Great job everyone else! :)

I should be back later with christmasy icons, since I'm doing a few for the challenge GAH!
Wonderful work everyone!

H_Miami_Fan, just a quick reminder that in the fan art forum, we ask that you please don't quote the images. If you want to quote the post, you can just remove the img tags from the links :)
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