CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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cinegirl said:
Cova, sorry but I had to remove the link you posted, because of copyright infringement.

Though it's not a whole episode it's still CBS copyrighted material, which is not allowed to post here.

If you have further questions about this subject, don't hesitate to pm either Wyoming or myself. :)

No problem, I don't want any trouble. Sorry if I caused any.

He just looks awesome. No need for words. ;)

hey katpin, i can't see your animated icons. :( But i'm sure they're great. :D
nice H icons katpin31791! and I like yours too Hunter. DragonflyDreamer, I dig your Ryan and Valera icons. :) Valera is cute as a button!

I'm pretty sure I should find better things to do with my time...

Yay Valera icons! :D Valera can always use some representing! Love the third one Dragonfly. And I totally agree Lora; Horatio just looks awesome no matter what he's doing. And I agree with everyone ilh214; that three-way "no way" icon is priceless. :lol:
amazing icons i love the ryan and valera ones DragonflyDreamer!
Lora awesome icons too. i like the 1st one of h walking away its rad ass.
ilh214 the animated one is hilarious :lol: great job
Great icons hunter ,that oh my god expression is nice and dragon I love the Ryan ones!!!

ilh214 your icons are pretty good!...They already told you about that first one!...
BG ,you keep doing Emily icons!they are great!

Wyoming said:
katpin just a friendly reminder to only post three images per icon post. Great job as well, same goes for everyone here :D

Sorry!!! :(

Hunter here's the animated one. if you stil can't see it let me know.

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