CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Nothing as relaxing as making icons :)


Feel free to use them :)
Thanks UnspokenHope, of course you may use one.

Or if you would like something specific on it, or anything different let me know. :)
kit4na I hope I knew to make icons myself but..I have no clue! :lol: ;)...Nice icons!..

And Elsie I love the first one!>..In that photoshoot Emily was really beautiful![as always! :D]
LOVE teh spee icons! especially the 'naughty thoughts' one thats hilarious!
and Elsie those are fantastic i love the coloring on the last one
My bro's new comp is working so great, love coming to this site using his computer. Everything works like a million times faster.

So I snatched up all your totally cool icons Kit . Thanks a bunch :) They're awesome!
Elsie said:
Thanks UnspokenHope, of course you may use one.

Or if you would like something specific on it, or anything different let me know. :)

Thank you sooo much!! And no, there's nothing to change. They are beautiful!
Thanks everyone :), Emily makes it easy to make beautiful icons... ;)

Cute Speed icons Dragonfly, I like 'naughty thoughts' the best :)
Hi again
Its been a long time since iv asked this so im gona ask again.Does any1 have a pic of Ryan motioning with his hand "come toward me" kinda thing. If any1 has one i just want the pic so i can do my own photo shopping.
Id really apriciate it if some1 could help me thanks all :D
oh crap! sorry Raging4Ryan~ i was supposed to pm you what i could find i completely forgot i'm so sorry :( i'll look now and see waht i can find for you.
and awesome icons ilh214 that 'too good looking' one had me singing morrissey ha
Very nice icons everyone! I love all the H ones you guys have been making and...
DragonflyDreamer said:
Here's a few I made based on the Ultimate Speedisms in the Speed/Rory thread because I got bored.
:lol: "Speedisms" :lol: Thats so hilarious! Nice Speed icons by the way. :)
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