CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Hey Athena! If nobody comes up with one till tonight, I'd be glad to make it. Sadly I can't start with it right now, have to go, but tonight is the night! :lol:
OK.!thanks :)..And I know that everyone can do a great job!..For you,I know from experience!!*points at my banner!* :lol: :D
ha i did change my 'junk in the trunk'one i had no idea it was appreciated :lol: any of you are free to use it if you want.
I like the junk in the truck one! But if that's who i think it is... *snicker* Wearing a sweatervest? Priceless.
its ron livingston, hes a sexy man ;)
awesome icons too i love the run speedle run one ha its great.
and Geni those are awesome i love the rock it and the speedster one great job!
those are great UnspokenHope! i love the 3rd and 4th ones.
and heres my go at yours Athens, i hope its ok.
Sweet. I'll look into that.


The font is supposed to be fingerprints, but it might be to small to see clearly. You know, fingerprints, body, CSI, you get it. Duh. :lol:
UnspokenHope I think your emily ones are great.. I really love the espacialy the last to. You did a good job.. congrats from me..

I love the animated one of calleigh and stella its great good job on that. My animated shop didnt work :( so i cant make moving ones so i have to snag some from you or put in a reguest one day.. hihi
unspokenhope.......... they are so purdy.... :devil:

I have an animated one of Emily on my own computer... (I'm on my moms at the moment) I'll upload it tomorrow :p
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